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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 17 minutes ago, Pele said:

    They don't 'represent' GNR - in the extent that GNR could distance themselves from this individual should anything go wrong.

    They (or Beta) seem fine with this guy removing the unauthorized videos and it's seen as a win/win in their eyes.  A rogue fan doing their dirty work.

    Beta supplies this guy info.  Del keeps him at arms length.  Neither will ever discuss him publicly.

    Interesting. Unfortunately, it is one more proof of how 'amateur' TB are.... :facepalm:

    You said he was a penpal of Beta? Wow... that's so childish, immature for a woman her age and she trusted this person just like that?? Have they ever MET in real life? :question:

    The other thing that brings my attention is how cheap TB are.... I don't know if it's them or Axl but it feels like they are always going for the cheap options for certain things. They owe money to the musicians, they don't want to share the loot or pay cents to people like Izzy and Steven.

    I mean, their whole approach to management is unprofessional and seems to be done under the lowest possible budget. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Tom2112 said:

    Well I agree with most of this, but I disagree that they should be following the path made by other bands in how they adapt to the new way of music production.

    I'm sorry but the path other artists are following is giving them millions of views and streams.

    The digital platforms are the new radio and selling millions of albums is something from the past.

    1 hour ago, Tom2112 said:

    Right now more people than at any point in the last 15yrs want a gnr record. How many bands can say that?

    Bands I don't know . Rock is basically dead. But I can speak about other genres that have millions of fans and there are tons of new and not so new artists out there releasing VERY SUCCESFUL music.

    Outside this forum, I am completely sure there aren't millions of people waiting for a Guns N' Roses album because this band is completely irrelevant in today's music.

    1 hour ago, Tom2112 said:

    Quality over quantity, so yeah some bands release a song a month but I almost guarantee tee the quality is all over the place.

    Bullshit. CD took more than a decade to be released and it is pretty mediocre. Just because the artists are using this method of promotion it doesn't mean the music was made in a week.

    I know the case of many new artists who have worked for a year or two in their albums but instead of releasing it all at once, they drop a song a month, maybe 3 songs and then the whole album.

  3. 1 hour ago, Old_school_gnr_fan said:

    If you don't think the sales of Chinese Democracy were affected by the leaked material a year in advance, you're fucking incredibly dumb. What incentive does the band have recording an album NOW if someone's going to find a way to get it online well in advance, so when the album does drop, nobody buys it because they've already got it in a file on their computer?

    Lol, have you stopped to think that those leaks where leaked by employees of GN'R and not the fans? :lol:

    How would any fan have such material if there wasn't a link within the organization providing material to the "outside"?

    They should be more careful with what kind of people they hire and how to take care of their own material. That is not an excuse to not release an album though. 

    Besides, nowadays, most new artists are releasing single songs, not albums. Some artists drop a song every month, until they finally release a whole album. This is the way to fight the leaks, to leak your own album yourself befofe other people do it.

    The problem with GN'R (or maybe Axl and his managers) is that they are dinosaurs who don't understand the dynamics of the current music business. They are stuck in 1992.

    No other artist in the world have those problems becuase most of them have adapted to the new forms, new rules and they take advantage of the digital platforms instead of fighting them and fighting the fans.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Freightrain said:

    in a way they are protecting themselves from bad ...i mean awful presentations like that bridge thing disaster.

    How is that Bridge School disaster the audience fault? :lol:

    That's Axl being awful Axl and if it was about that protecting themselves then he should remove everything after 1993, NITL shows included!

    Besides, I have the slight recollection that Bridge School was something professionally shot?

    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, RussTCB said:

    I have a very good sense of humor actually, or at least I like to think so. Having said that if what you said was meant as a joke, then great, we can get past that. As a reminder, anyone who doesn't desire to be a part of this forum always has every right to just not post. 

    Aright :)

    I know you and me agree on many things, like.... the OP subject! :P

    2 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    As for the last part of your post, I'm not sure why that's even getting attention. There's no new "version" of Sorry. All someone did was post the isolated vocals from the Rock Band 2 files. It's the same vocals that are on the album, you can just hear Baz better without the instruments. The usual click bait music website posted it claiming it was some new version, which is isn't in any way. 

    Oooh. I was confused about that because even Baz replied on Twitter that he had never heard that "version", looool!

    But if its the Rock Band thing, then yah, I have heard it and I actually have it somewhere in a disc. It is really old stuff, though....

  6. Just now, RussTCB said:

    Saying that you're "stuck in hell" due to your own desire to not use a very easy resolution is insulting the forum. You even implied that there might be legalities involved, which is silly because of course, there are none. 

    So anyway, if you're done seeking attention by continuing to derail the thread, please let others get back on topic. 

    "Stuck in hell" is TOTALLY a joke! :lol:
    How could anyone be stuck in hell on a forum? Come on.... I know you have some sense of humor!
    Of course it is not illegal at the moment, and I said that in one of my replies to Jan.

    I am not seeking attention, I'm replying to you because not replying to someone who's talking to you is bad manners ;)

    Let's get back on topic!
    What happened to that version of 'Sorry' with Sebastian Bach? I didn't even get to hear it... :shrugs:

  7. 1 minute ago, RussTCB said:

    Jan and I are replying to your posts because you're trying to get away with insulting our forum. As you might imagine, we feel the need to defend our forum. 

    We're all more than happy to keep on topic. It was you who derailed the thread by seeking attention with your "woe is me, I'm not allowed to delete my account" bit. 

    You were given a resolution to that issue, yet you feel to need to seek attention by continuing to whine while further insulting the forum. 

    For the record, this thread is not a "rant against GNR and Team Brazil". This thread is about some very real issues facing fans who have done a lot of behalf of other fans. 

    Feel free to stick to that topic if you'd like to keep posting in the thread. 

    Insulting your forum? How is talking about one policy of your forum an insult?
    Makes no sense to me :question:

    I replied to the guy who suggested that next step would be to delete forum accounts if the fans are not happy with the band. How is that off topic?
    It is not derailment when it is totally connected to the frustration described by @fernomenoyde in his post, to which I agree 100%.

    Yes it is a rant about Guns N' Roses, the way they treat their fans and about Team Brazil, with how involved or 'uninvolved' they are in the removal of those YouTube accounts and other files online.

    I'm not a newbie or uninformed about the issue. I have talked to Fernomenoyde via PM several times, when he lost his channel, He is a fellow countryman.


  8. 1 minute ago, RussTCB said:

    To those of you accusing the OP of attention seeking, take a look at the post above.

    That's what actual attention seeking looks like, not the post made by the OP. 

    LOL, please.

    Not only you and Jan are replying to my posts (which puts you and her on the attention seeking wagon as well) but are you trying to bring the forum against me, now?
    Great moderation skills! :lol:

    @janrichmond I think I explained it on a PM some time ago. If you dont remember I can refresh it to you via PM, again.

    Let's go back to rant about GN'R and Team Brazil, it is more entertaining, right? :lol:

  9. 18 minutes ago, janrichmond said:

    Then why the need to delete it if you still want to post? 

    That's not the logic, mi amor :awesomeface:

    I want to delete account. If I'm not allowed then I have to stay and I can exercise right to post.
    I know I can stop posting too, but don't try to equate it to account deletion because it is not.

  10. Just now, janrichmond said:

    You can delete your own posts if you really want to leave the forum :shrugs:

    Oh yiss, Im going to be deleting this massive amounts of posts? :rofl-lol:

    Besides, if I cannot delete my account Im still in my right to use it.
    The excuse of "you can leave anytime" without allowing people to delete their accounts is really..... flawed.

    I've made a search though, and even though it is not illegal yet, it seems it will be at some point, when the Internet catches up with the law, the rights to privacy and the right to be forgotten.
    It is all under discussion, at the moment ;)

  11. 7 minutes ago, Legendador said:

    (Starts stupid dumb voice) "Oh, I'm gonna rant on the MYGNR forum, maybe Dexter will read it and answer me! Maybe he will read this and think, 'well fernomebaby is right! Come to my house and have full access to the vault!'. Maybe the Lebeis will read it and say: 'sorry, dude! we will let Dexter go!".

    I bet my ass when they open that sorry ass 'vault', all that will come out is some digital Axl fart :lol:

    And the fans like you thinking he's got the next 'Estranged' trapped in that box.

    Oh-lololololol :facepalm:

  12. 2 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    Users are of course welcome to stop using the site at any pont that they want, so no one is "stuck" here.

    I think it is a right for a user to delete their account without the forum keeping their data.

    Stop using it is not the same as deleting an account. I don't know why the forum has this policy. It is ridiculous and I have not made a research, but probably is violating some kind of user rights.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Padme said:

    I'm not a dude :lol:

    Dudette :ph34r:

    2 hours ago, Padme said:

    If he doesn't give shit about the official website. Then he should get rid of it. I don't even remeber when was the last time something important was posted in that site.

    Never :lol:

    2 hours ago, Padme said:

    Most of the fans who follow him on twitter are already familiar with the Erin, Stephanie and the Yoda bullshit cult drama Axl was involved in. I don't think they are going to mess around the internet. It won't go futher away than Alternative Nation

    We know but he has not talked about it since the last time he talked about it :lol:

    If he was going to explain the meaning and shit about TIL, I think it would be something, haha.... so just leave it like that ;)

  14. 53 minutes ago, Padme said:

     But he could've given a better explanation on his twitter account. Somebody should tell him that twitter is not for politics only. Besides GN'R has an official website. He could post about the meaning of songs. And give updates directly to fans about anything he wants there.

    I got news for him. He got his "soul" back the day he called Slash

    Lol dude you ask too much for the Axl!!! Are you serious or are you kidding me? :lol:

    Writing posts on the website? Yeah, right :lol:

    and Twitter? That would break the Internet, not to mention that if he decided to humiliate himself for Stephanie once more, now in the digital era, everybody would tag Stephanie, her children (especially Dylan), her husband, the ex wife of the husband and even Erin Everly and her kids!! :rofl-lol:

    Gee..... no, no, no, no..... Let him do it on stage and that way he lets it go without getting attached to it.

    It only remains in the fans recordings of the shows but it is safe over there. Much safer than being eternally posted on a blog online.

  15. 5 hours ago, Padme said:

    I find it odd that Axl decided to give some random explanation about getting his soul back.

    I think that is his way to tell the world some update about his love life or about himself.

    Since he doesn't talk to anyone and doesn't give interviews, the stage is the only place where he can communicate something to his fans without filters and misinterpretations.

    Even though what he says sometimes is rather confusing even for his fans. He's been this weird for a long time now.

  16. 7 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    „To get one’s soul back“.... :rofl-lol:

    How everybody here accepts this as normal language and meaning. As if you could loose it like a purse or something? You all read too many fairy tales, you Axlites!!! :facepalm:

    In Spanish we have an expression involving the soul in that way.... something like "my soul just returned to my body" and you use it after being scared by someone or something :lol: or after you've regained confidence or strength of some sort... :shrugs:

    • Like 1
  17. 9 hours ago, Lillie said:

    Maybe sarcasm...But i recall the "Making fkn videos" clip and they were all lovey-doveys...Even if she has so, must be something like:"Ok, ok sleep now" thing...

    Yes, they were, but I think any woman would quickly fall out of love if their partner suddenly becomes intensely jealous and insecure (like Axl was when he was with her) and physically violent.

    I don't think it is a contradiction in her..... Like she said in 2014, the thrill of the rock n' roll lifestyle wore off when she was physically abused by him and I applaud her for having the strength to leave that relationship as soon as the shit started.

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