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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. May 11, 2000 - Rolling Stone magazine


    (...) After he and Seymour broke up, in 1992, the model began dating Peter Brant. Axl, according to one friend, ordered subordinates to obtain a photograph of Brant's wife, Sandra. Axl intended to take it to Yoda for a specific purpose, according to a former Geffen employee: "Axl wanted to cast a spell around Sandra to protect her from Peter, because he felt that she, too, had been cuckolded as he had been, and he had a great deal of sympathy for her." Seymour, then 26, and Brant, 48, married in Paris in 1995. 

    :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

    I've been told that when you get involved with that kind of shit (spells, black magic, bullshit) then you get all the bad you did back at you.

    It looks to me that Axl suffered the consequences of all that shit he did to other people through Yoda. 




    Star magazine reports Axl Rose’s ex-girlfriend Stephanie Seymour has no interest in seeing him on the Guns N’ Roses comeback tour. “Would I ever have a conversation with him again? God no,” Seymour snarled. “I can’t believe I lived through that.”



    February 9th, 2014 - Harper's Bazaar magazine


    In the middle of the Bazaar shoot, "November Rain"—the 1992 song whose video famously stars Seymour as Rose's rebel bride—comes on the radio, and she rolls her eyes. "Is this a practical joke?" she asks, recalling that she styled herself in those videos and wouldn't mind getting that dress back. "Getting involved with Axl Rose? Clearly a mistake," she says. "It taught me a lot, though. He was a violent person, and I realized I never wanted to be around that again. The thrill of the whole rock 'n' roll thing wore off. I saw the worst of that world and it soured me."



    I'd say Stephanie has a much more realistic memory of what her relationship with Axl was than what Axl has been able to make out of it. He still romanticizes her and neglects what really happened.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Lies They Tell said:

    "The person I wrote that song for said "thank you for the gift of your soul". Well, it took a while but I got that fucker back." [Copenhagen, Denmark, June 27, 2017]

    He said it after performing TIL. What do you think Axl meant by getting Stephanie back? Surely they're not back together, but they're on good terms again I guess?


    2 hours ago, Lies They Tell said:

    Am I the only one who doesn't think Axl's talking about getting his own soul back? I mean if Stephanie Seymour thanked Axl for making that song, doesn't it sound like they've kinda patched up and isn't it more likely that Axl's talking about that? They're in good terms again and that's what Axl meant when he said he got her back. I don't know, it just sounds weird and far fetched to me that he'd be talking about getting his own soul back, but I could be wrong.


    Seriously.... If Axl was referring to Stephanie as a 'fucker', then he deserves loneliness for eternity! :facepalm:

    I don't think Axl and Stephanie have ever talked since 1993. She despises him and has a really bad opinion and memories of him.

    There is no reason for her to talk to Axl or have any kind of contact with him. She doesn't have anything in common with Axl, not even a child.

    So when he says what he said about that song, I don't think he means that she thanked him for the song. He's saying that the person whom he wrote the song for thanked him for giving (her?) his soul...... Knowing the situation, I think the only time these words could have been said by Stephanie, is in the beginning of their relationship.

    However, it is hard for me to picture Stephanie saying that kind of shit. Like, I'm having a hard time picturing her as an spiritual person, lol :lol:

    Probably, Axl is exaggerating or making it up..... :rolleyes:.... Either way, I think it is lame that he keeps talking about her and singing that horrible song with those cringe lyrics.

    Women in general and women like Stephanie are not attracted to desperate guys 😷

  3. 8 hours ago, Sydney Fan said:

    If axl wanted to focus on stephanie lyrics he should have just recorded those sort of songs under an AXL solo record rather than under the GNR name.

    After 1993, it would have been healthier to just let it go and accept her decision to break up.

    Songs, lyrics and other laments only made him look like an immature man unable to get over a breakup.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Anastazya said:

    @killuridols :devilshades: what's zo fuNNy, huh? and www.o0.t about CH(ANG,i,NG) ur name into k(i,LL,u(r),ID,o0,L,SS) lest say, or maybe just @killurdemoNs cuz while i was viSIT(i,NG) LA, i've noticed that entire cunt(try) is f(O.K.,us,E,: D) on MK Delta. Delta AI(r,line,SSS) lets say. im just goNNA www.ai.t dat some clever fukktard takes over Delta n rename it into Gamma, lets say. demoNs have to0' much f(u,N) u see. confused0010.gif hhh.u.mm/AN hhh.OS.t/SS are so easily use : D :facepalm:


    alt.A. F@loPA, e' amiG@ :devilshades:

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  5. 20 hours ago, Padme said:

    For how long has this guy worked on CD? Let's keep in mind we heard a couple of songs in RIR 2001. CD came out in 2008, a lot of water under the bridge. In the early 90s Axl was listening Nine Inch Nails a lot. That was one of reasons Robin Finck was hired. He wanted to go in that direction. We don't know what kind of music he was listening in 2004 or 2006.

    I dont know. I have not listened to the podcast but from what he says, I assume it is the late 90's or early 2000's..... :shrugs:

    Even if CD was out in 2008, most of those songs were written in the mid-late 90's...... impossible to tell if the original versions remained but some of them do sound like NIN.

    20 hours ago, Padme said:

    The whole Stephanie breakdown, kinds sounds TIL was recorded in the mid or late 90s. However he wrote and recorded the song in Paris 92. How many times the song was recorded? There were different band members, producers, engineers. Most likely every single song in the album was recorded several times. It is normal for any artist to record a song. Then listen to it and then get rid of it because the artist in question doesn't find the recording good enough. I seem to remember Axl said in an interview he didn't want TIL in the album. But Robin Finck presuaded him to add it. But I'm not 100% sure I'm geting this right.

    Yes, he said Robin Finck convinced him to add TIL to the album.....

    I would like to know how the original TIL sounded and what were the lyrics but now it makes sense to me when Slash talked about the "Stephanie Seymour ballads" and that he wasn't into that anymore.

    He was probably right and Axl got mad..... just to have it erased and not want it, a few years later :rolleyes:

    It turned out to be a horrible song, no matter what....

  6. Some interesting shit out of this recent 'AFD Podcast' interviewee Dave Dominguez, former engineer of album 'Chinese Democracy'... :monkey:




    What was it like working with Axl?

    "I'm sure you've heard the famous stories of Axl just being out of control, and being rude, yelling. I never really got any of that personally. He always treated me great and treated my family great, and he was always awesome.

    "The only time he ever did really get upset with me was during one session - at the end of the song 'This I Love' he had said he was repeating the Stephanie scene one, like 'I love you, Stephanie,' or, 'This I love Stephanie.'

    "And he heard it and goes, 'Just erase all that.' I was like, 'Do you want me to back it up?'. He was, 'No, erase it!'. He yelled and walked out of the room.
    The assistant comes in, and I said, 'We're going to erase something GN'R fans are never ever going to hear. This is crazy, this is a GN'R song that no one's ever heard, and no one is ever going to hear this again.'
    I looked at him and said, 'Are you ready?'. And I put the tracks in and erased it."

    W00t? :question:

    I don't understand what he means by "he had said he was repeating the Stephanie scene one (...)"......... is he talking about a recorded song or a music video?
    That line makes no sense to me!

    Also.... why to erase a whole song when they could have just removed that sort of ad lib and just leave the rest of the song?

    After all, the cringy lyrics are still there and I don't know if they are the original lyrics and music, but they still are a lament about past love.... so why get mad about it? lol :jerkoff:




    During those sessions, did Axl have a really good idea of what he wanted the album to sound like? Or was it just people throw out ideas and then they share the CDs?

    "He was listening to a lot of Nine Inch Nails at the time, a lot of industrial stuff, so I remember that vibe, that was what he was going for."


    Does anyone know what year they are talking about? Because I remember long discussions here arguing about Axl's musical direction and vision for CD and when many of us said that some songs reminded us of NIN, some people got their panties in a bunch, like it was a sin to compare his music to NIN.


    Source: Ultimate-Guitar.com


  7. 5 minutes ago, Sydney Fan said:

    Maybe fernando made them the same position incase del doesnt like working for a female. Why is the gnr entourage like this just so shit?.

    That would be so childish!!! But I don't think it works like that.

    The girl is the boss, she's the one who deals with the big ones. You know, every city they go to have their own promoters and crews and shit. Someone has to coordinate all of it, like a big brother or big sister in this case, who puts the weight of the tour in their shoulders.

    From what she explained in that article posted by her University, it seems that she's the one with the ultimate word. I mean, there can't be three bosses.

    Probably that Brazilian guy and Del follow her orders and do shit according to their capabilities or abilities. I think Del is more into the band duties, like in charge of schedules, of making sure they have all papers when arriving to airports, hotel rooms, restaurants, going to sound check, anything the band wants and need while on tour they probably ask Del and Del derives request to Angie.

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  8. 3 hours ago, MaskingApathy said:

    If it weren't for his famous brother no one would know or care who he is. I think he's just resentful and jealous that Slash has international success and money and all that while he doesn't.

    I wouldn't give a fuck about this guy talking shit or leeching his brother but it happens that he is a big mouth and he exploits women for his poor ass photo shoots.

    A long time ago I checked his Facebook or IG (don't remember exactly) but he was contacting and being contacted by VERY young girls, like... very very young :facepalm:


    • Like 1
  9. 44 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

    He's been trying to sell his Slash signed prints for $1000, and someone tweeted something about getting one, and Raj (who runs the Slash Army UK page) asked how much is it. I think he deleted it but Ash said some mean stuff in response.

    Another leech trying to make money out of his famous brother :facepalm:

    • Like 1
  10. 45 minutes ago, Padme said:

    What I don't know about Fernando's idiotic rant is if someone asked him something. Or if he just ranted only because he resented the fact that only Angie was nominated.

    It seems that his initial comment was to "add up" that it's not only one tour manager but 3 of them, and that it sounded strange to him that only one of them got nominated :lol:

    Then it seems someone replied something that pissed him off and that's when he spitted all the venom he had been keeping inside.

    Why doesn't he fucking learn from the best and just shut the fuck up?

    That's definitely the reason why he's not achieving any success, because he's so unprofessional, he goes ranting in public, letting everybody know what a temper he has and that he can't act like a professional.

    Surely lots of celebrities and musicians read his words and laughed their asses off.

    He will never be hired by anyone important in music. Ever again.

    • Like 3
  11. 44 minutes ago, Padme said:

    The important thing is now TB have been expossed as fraud. When Axl wants a Big Mac. He sends Fernando to get it for him. That's the kind of job TB is doing


    When you read all the people this girl Angie has worked with, you realize what a fucken ridiculous joke TB are :lol:
    They can't list any of those names in their lousy resumé.

    But it is even more ridiculous and embarassing that he is out there spitting his venom in public, trying to take away from Angie's work, belittling her efforts, trying to ride on her success throwing the names of this other Brazilian guy and Del :lol:

    When you look up for jealousy on the dictionary, Fermanager name should be up there at the top of the synonyms!

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  12. 3 hours ago, MaskingApathy said:

    They didn't put out so much live material for the AFD box though. I think if they include more live stuff in the UYI one (if they make that), blurays and such, then those will sell better.

    If they didn't do that for the AFD box, nothing makes me believe they will do better for the UYI era...... it will still be the same people in charge, clueless about music, only interested in turning GN'R into 'pop icons' for the next generations to wear in their t-shirts, without knowing jack shit about the band :shrugs:

    Also, the concept of making 'millions' out of albums is pretty outdated and no longer applies, not even to the best selling acts of this century. I don't know why some GN'R fans still live in this 1992 bubble where Axl & co. are still at the top of the world. They are not and will not be. And it doesn't look to me that they will sell 'millions' with dinosaur music from 30 years ago, no matter if it's live or unreleased. Those times are pretty much gone.

    3 hours ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Niven has no idea what really happened between Izzy and the others regarding NITL (as evidenced by his bullshit story about Izzy coming to soundcheck) and he hasn't even seen Steven in years.

    Why are you telling me this? :question:

    Anyway, I think that if it was the case of Niven not knowing one single detail of the case of Izzy & Steven, he still knows the band (and their beggars & hangers on) much better than some blinded fans in forums.

    It is obvious to me (and anyone with a bit of common sense) that nothing cool or good happened between Izzy, Steven and the Big Three, otherwise you would never have heard of a man who's been hiding for decades in his cave come out to the Interwebz and create a Twitter account just to be able to speak up his mind.

    You don't need Niven or anyone else to tell you that some fucking shit happened over there. Call it greed or misunderstanding; call it hubris or disagreements, it is clear there was not a deal that would work for the five of them.

    I still think they will eventually reunite some time in the future, as the AFD5, either for a tour or for a single show.... who knows.... but I hope they are all still alive and healthy to be able to do it.


  13. 20 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    True. Axl could make so much money out of the UYI live footage.

    If they are going to release it in the same way they did with AFD 30 years, I really doubt he'll make so much money, much less millions.

    The overpriced big box ended up being on a discount by Xmas :lol: and I dont know how much the other formats sold, but I'm really doubting the whole thing has sold "millions" so far.

    Now, if Axl or Slash pass away, and TB (or their familes) decide to release it or make a movie, then maybe only maybe, those things will increase their value.... but at the moment, I don't think there's a massive market waiting for that material.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    Why the did not think it wise to have Izzy (Steven is a bit a different case) I don’t know. 

    Because he wanted to force CD to the audience and his band members.

    Izzy wouldn't have made the effort for learning CD songs.


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  15. 3 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    Alright :lol: I rest my case about Axl the Greedy then. :axl:


    He's totally greedy and so are Duff and Slash.

    Otherwise, explain giving up to the project 'NuGN'R' and having to mend fences with the 'devil' Slash and 'spineless' Duff otherwise the ship was going to sink like the Titanic and there were so many debts to be paid and so many babies to be fed :lol:


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