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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 2 minutes ago, dgnr said:

    Hmmm. I think that 'nut in me' doesn't actually mean the nut is inside (i mean, wut? :question:). For my understanding is to ejaculate inside someone. No? I'm really confused :confused: :lol:

    It's probably the ejaculation but the definition provided by Urban Dictionary is kind of weird, lol.

    Plus, when I was in junior high there was this girl older than us, saying that intercourse consisted of "the nut inside" too :rofl-lol: 

    Seems to be a new expression? I have never heard it before.

  2. Rape is the most extreme case of sexual assault but being groped, molested, sexually harassed at work, at school, on the train/subway/bus, on a elevator, or just when you go walking the streets also makes of you an insecure person, it makes you wary and alert all the time, it makes you doubt your outfits, your behavior, the way you conduct yourself around men, you have to be constantly making decisions on the simplest things...

    Obviously, it is nowhere near the pain and trauma that a rape would leave, but having to live like that also takes a toll in your personal development in the long run. :shrugs:

  3. Just now, SoulMonster said:

    Nowhere have I argued that what Bush did was a trivial thing -- which seems to be the foundation for your posts. You are either not reading what I write, or, like @soon, not understanding it. 

    How come two or more people do not understand or misinterpret the things you say? Have you thought that maybe YOU are the problem?

    If you think that Bush did assault those women in a sexual way, why are you so concerned that we all understand the exact "grade" of his sexual assault? Unless you are his lawyer, it is pretty odd that you care so much for his image.

    The guy is a creep, not a rapist, of course we all understand that, but what he did is bad, really bad, even more for who he was...

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  4. 2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Really? You think most people consider groping someone's ass as bad as, say, violently raping someone? You really are an odd one :lol:

    I made the effort to explain to you how women feel when this happens to them. But you are clearly too invested in your hypocrisy and your selfish point of view.

    You don't give a damn how little girls feel when this happens to them. You don't give a damn how a woman who has to take the train or the subway everyday for work becomes terrified of doing that simple thing, because she knows there's always some perv who's going to grab her ass or rub himself on her while on the train.

    Your technicalities dont mean a thing for the victims. They only matter to the pervs, their fans and the lawyers who decide to defend those pervs.

    Call me all the names you want, desperation is a stinky cologne.

    • Haha 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Why are you talking to me about this? I would never trivialise any unwanted sexual contact, blame it on the victims, or side with the perpetrators. 

    Did you read the line from your post that I quoted?

    There lies the answer to your question.

  6. 6 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

    but also in how it can be understood by readers (because most people will think of far worse acts when they read 'sexual assault' than "just" a grope). 

    For us women who have to go through this shit through a big portion of our lives, especially when we are very very young, what you AS A MAN consider an "innocent thing", "just a grope", it is a terrible thing for us.

    Do you have any idea what is like to be a 12 years old girl and having someone touching your bottom just out of nowhere? You become terrified. You have no idea how to react. You can remain with that fear for days, weeks or months.

    An adult woman might take it different but it always depends on the context and who does it. Having the President of the USA doing this to you must be something no woman would ever expect, hence the shock and disgust. Also the impotence of not being able to tell him anything for fear of being acussed, as we are always blamed for the misconduct of these perverted men.

    Hopefully no woman in your life who you truly love have to go through this and if they do, I just hope that you have the decency to believe them, not minimize it, not blame it on them and do not side with the perverts.

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  7. Maybe we all should share our nostalgic memories of this tour in this thread... What do you think? :smiley-confused2:

    BTW, how are you getting ready for Xmas?? :ph34r:

    I put my tree today. Got a smaller one because I didn't want to work a lot. Tomorrow I'll start wrapping the presents.

    • GNFNR 1
  8. 2 hours ago, money honey said:

    It looks to me like permanent eyeliner... you know, you get it tattooed on. I can't imagine Axl applying eyeliner every day.

    Maybe Vanessa does it for him every time he goes out :confused:

    I can't also imagine Axl getting a tattoed eyeliner... dont know why....

  9. Believing that sexual abuse is about sex is very ignorant. Healthy sexual people (most of us) do not need to force themselves onto others to obtain sexual gratification.

    Sexual abuse is really about power and control. Sexual abusers enjoy putting their victims under their control to show them who's got the power.

    In the case of this dinosaur Bush, he wanted to display his power by doing this to innocent women, whom knowing who this guy was, were already limited in their reaction. How do you tell a President, or even ex-President, that you are not comfortable with how they are touching you?

    It takes an amount of courage that most men cannot ever imagine because they are hardly ever submitted to such pressure!

    Touching a woman's rear is one of the most common forms of sexual abuse because most of time abusers can get away with it. It is a quick thing, sometimes not even the woman sees it coming, other people hardly ever notice and if the woman reacts offended, the abuser immediately says it did not happen or they turn it into "unintentional" touch.

    It is so hard to prove that most victims opt to let it go. Plus, most people tend to not believe the women. How would a President touch you in an inappropriate way? He is the President, an honorable person, and you are just a woman (unstable, too sensitive, unreliable).

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