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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 2 minutes ago, Georgina Arriaga said:

    Look, I don't care if people think bad of Axl (that is pretty popular here) but it's my opinion and I have the right to say it, assuming that he is somehow mentally impaired, because he is medicated and we all know that (how???) and because of that Izzy (the perfect) is not in the band and of course we all know that (how??) Was horrible thing to say with love and respect.

    I think it is pretty clear from her post that she's giving OPINION on what the picture evokes in her. She's not stating a fact. She's simply saying that a picture is worth a thousand words and from her POV, she sees an insecure man in that photo. That's her interpretation and it's totally debatable. You can have a different opinion and that's fine too.

    You oftenly knock TB down with the harshest words, does anyone here get mad at you because of that? As far as I'm concerned, you go freely around here saying such things about Beta.... so why do yo get so upset just because someone said something different in their post?

    The part about Izzy is not related to Axl directly. I think she meant Izzy knows the band, the whole band, are creatively stuck and that's why he does not want to join them.

    Personally, I think Izzy does not care about being in a big band anymore, even if GN'R were productive, I can't see Izzy being part of that again. Maybe an AFD5 show or tour, but chances are low.

    I think at this point is pretty obvious that most of us don't know anything about this band or its member from a first hand experience. Does it need to be clarified every single time? :shrugs:


    • Like 2
  2. Just now, brig said:

    Forget the website, how accurate is the interview? We'll never know unless one submits the original version in Portuguese for refutal.

    It's hard to tell how accurate it is but I can perceive the translation mistakes, as I am fluent in Portuguese.

    A very old interview, from 2001. It came up just like that, one day on the interwebz it popped up and everybody believed it to be true, although it was published by some random fan in a random fan made website.

    If I recall correctly, some people said it was done in Brazil, when they went there for Rock in Rio III.

    I had also read that it was from some Brazilian newspaper but I have never seen proof of that.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, brig said:

    I get my information from her very enlightening interview where lots of things become apparent, predominantly how in love she is with her employer. More to the point re Dylan:

    "Q: So after the breakup you stayed with Axl?

    B: He asked me to stay with him when they broke up. But I was the child's babysitter so I was worried about him. He was only two years old and Stephanie was always traveling, she was never at home."


    That website is FULL of mistakes, errors and omissions. One of the WORST GN'R websites that I've ever come across.

    That's not how I recall that interview of hers, which I didn't have to read from this terrible site. I did when it came out, back in 2001.


  4. 3 hours ago, soon said:

    Im not speaking from my perception. People call her his Mom or Nanny sometimes. iirc Cinderella is a rags to riches romance story - so if she was his age or younger and considered a super model, like you said above, would people be more comfortable with the 'she was Seymors nanny' narrative of their relationship? Plus if their relationship were romantic. Would make people more comfortable maybe.


    Yes, like you said before, a relationship out of the norm is what makes noise in people's head. This is that kind of relationship..... they both go around saying she is his 'mother', even though she's not old enough to be his mother and even though we all know he did have a mother before.

    Would people feel more comfortable if they confessed they have a romantic relationship? Ahhh.... haha... knowing GN'R fans, they wouldn't be happy either! Even if she was his age or younger, they'd accuse her of something, for sure :P

    To answer your questions, I think it is a mix of people not understanding this whole 'mother' thing and the fact that he seems VERY dependent from them. People are always suspicious of men and women who are not married and do not have children.

    2 hours ago, brig said:

    The fact that she was a nanny and abandoned her principal (Stephanie's son) to work for Axl is a strong indication of lack of maternal instinct for which he treasures her.

    Where do you get your information from? :lol:

    She didn't 'abandon' Dylan (that was not her son to be abandoned, hey!). Stephanie let go of her services and thus, she was jobless. Axl learned of this and hired her.

    Also, lack of maternal instinct? The woman has three children and several grandchildren by now!

    Plus the big manchild that Axl is.

    • Like 3
  5. 23 minutes ago, soon said:

    Yeah, maybe a dog. I dont see it on their merch page. Maybe its show specific.

    Could be custom made for the crew only. Fernando also has some jackets that never got commercialized.

    53 minutes ago, soon said:

    I'm not sure I understand the ins and outs of Axl and Betas relationship? What are peoples concerns?

    People's fantasy was that Axl would marry a good looking type of woman and have children and be like.... Duff, for example.
    Duff achieved what Axl wanted in the past. Fans wanted that for Axl.

    Seeing Beta so close to him makes people suspicious that she's either his 'secret' wife or that she's manipulated him to the point of him not wanting to be in serious relationships anymore.

    I think this is all so hard to tell..... because it's not like Axl was a normal guy before and then he turned into this weird guy he is now.

    Truth is he ruined his own relationships way before Beta came into the picture. He pushed away all of his women, he mistreated them and turned them away.

    That's why it is difficult to judge what is going on in his life. Even though I am suspicious of TB's intentions, I cannot be blind either to the reality of who Axl is.

    53 minutes ago, soon said:

    If Beta was Axls age would some be talking about a Cinderella story?

    What do you mean by this?

    Beta is only 8 years older than Axl. Not enough to be his mother.


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    • Confused 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Spirit said:

    All the people in the forums who've talked about meeting Beta at the shows had nothing bad to say about her, the consensus seems to be that she's really nice.

    Yeah, because meeting someone outside a hotel for 2 minutes is the best and most appropiate way to figure out everything about them! :lol:

    Like, why would Beta be rude and display a not nice behavior with some stranger fans :question:

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Georgina Arriaga said:

    He has his sister, his brother. Angus....go to Angus place Axl!!!

    I dont think those people could take care of him or handle anything related to his life (I mean his siblings...)

    1 hour ago, Georgina Arriaga said:

    Sorry, I'm piss off because Duff will have a solo album...and GNR cannot do that....I don't care for the solo stuff of any of those guys....even Axl.

    Yeah, me too.... I dont care for Duff's solo shit.... sooo boring :sleeper:

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