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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 4 hours ago, Lio said:

    I don't know if I'm just getting used to it, but I thought it looked better in last night's show than in LA. Plus I admire him for having the courage. I would have a hard time saying goodbye to my long hair :cry:

    Are there any really good pictures of his head? I've not been around and been too lazy to look for pics.

    So far I only saw the videos and they are all so blurry....

  2. 1 hour ago, solstar said:

    I mean, he spends tons of money on ridiculous clothes that look like a costume and he cannot spend a few bucks on a cool haircut? :max:

    I dont think that's the problem. He just has bad hair like many people.

    Bad hair that is too thin, receeding and his head has bad shape. 

    Duff's face is way different. He has a long face, long neck and he's got a lot more hair than Axl.

    1 hour ago, dgnr said:

    There's a SCOM video where it looks really good.

    No fucking way. If it's the same SCOM video that I just watched, omg, some parts look like he's completely bald on the sides :o but I'm hoping it is just me and my horrible phone.

    I'll try to watch it on a bigger screen tomorrow :facepalm:

  3. 37 minutes ago, solstar said:

    I appreciate the thought and all, and it's definitely an improvement from what he had before, but then again nothing could have been worse than that, so the bar was VERY low. :facepalm:

    What bothers me about the current hair situation is that it doesn't even look like an actual haircut :wacko: I mean, is it supposed to have layers or what? And I'm not even gonna comment on that weird "frindge" thing he's got going on. Was this even done by a professional?  Maybe Beta cut it herself?  :question:

    I really hope he didn't pay for this. :unsure:

    I also thought it was Beta who did it because it looks really amateur, even though I've seen that one pic posted here and some videos.

    Are there any other good pictures to appreciate the "murder" better? :lol:

    It also reminds me of some fake photo once posted in this thread, it was like a meme but looks exactly like this haircut now... I guess it was @dgnr who posted it or made it :ph34r:

    All in all the whole thing is terrible so I don't know what to think anymore. I guess his hair doesn't have fixing, no matter how hard he tries :shrugs:


    Btw, he looks terrible in shape as well, but that ain't news since 2014...

  4. 1 hour ago, Gackt said:

    It's suspicious why Hard School would be appearing in a GNR alt setlist a mere month after the full version leaked after several years of it only being a legend known as Checkmate.  :P

    Some days ago I said here the whole leak bollocks looked like something orchestrated by management and several zombies laughed at me.

    Guess who's laughing now.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Amaya said:

    That is just strange and questions her accuracy , truthfulness, or her mental from it all if it is true. Who would want to "reconnect?" It is all really, very sad, true or not, and  sad for all of the girls back then.

    Believe it or not, some victims of abuse and violence are still fond of their abuser and oppressor when they have not healed in the proper way.

    I think she expects that they would admit the incident and apologize to her but in all honesty, that is insane to me. That's not the kind of closure that she should seek.

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Amaya said:

    Fact also is ,even though cases of decades ago can come to life,  ex the Catholic Church and those priest, I doubt anything will come of LM in my opinion.   GnR are teflon.


    Now that I see that headline "Axl has his own #metoo" or something like that... I think it's bollocks.... Axl had his #metoo in 1994, when he was at the top of his career and People Magazine published the story of Erin on the cover. Plus, the testimony of Stephanie Seymour. I guess that was his downfall and he got his wifebeater gold badge back then. But since it seems he's not wronged any other woman in all this time, nothing new coming up now will affect him.

    Also, I believe there has to be a setup for this kind of thing and right now, there isn't anything going on regarding the world of rock. The #Metoo thing was promoted by a bunch of high profile Hollywood actresses and that's how other people followed. But with LM, it all comes too late. If she had joined Erin & Steph, she could have made something out of it, maybe. These days, she doesn't even have the capacity to push a hashtag on Twitter, because you need money for that and a whole setup behind you, supporting your cause.

    • Like 1
  7. 20 hours ago, Padme said:

    I believe what Slash says in his book.

    But AXL himself said that Slash lied in his book :ph34r:

    Also Slash didn't speak so nicely about Meeghan and years later, he's back to dating her :shrugs:

    20 hours ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Right so maybe they were chased by the police several different times for the same accusation by different girls? I'm sure it happened there regularly. Idk, I guess we won't know for sure what's true and what isn't unless one of the band members who were present say something that can corroborate her story. Is she still posting online and stuff? I think she disappeared from the forum.

    Yes. It seems there was a similar incident happening in Chicago, rape charges and all....

    The band members will NEVER admit to any of that, so we can sit down while we wait.

    LM has not posted in this forum again, for all I know. Last time she was here she was blatantly bullied so I don't think she will be coming back.
    She does post on Twitter sometimes.

    1 hour ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I don’t understand this at all. Saying it would be amazing to connect with Axl, Slash and Duff again and meet up is just crazy. 

    And what kind of setting is a GNR show for this kind of thing? 


    The whole thing baffles me. It looks to me she's not received good advice on how to handle this.


  8. 1 hour ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Yeah the fact that she doesn't have any pics or anything of herself with any of the band members is a little suspicious. Even Barbi and Pamela have stuff from back then.

    Yeah, well, there aren't any photos of Jesus yet so many people believe in him :question:

    lol, sorry :smiley-confused2:

    1 hour ago, MaskingApathy said:

    I thought in the other thread someone said that this may have been another incident, different girl.

    I said I was confused by the way the bandmembers described her, some called her "psycho chick", others "hippie chick" and other times they talked about some "DIO boots girl" :facepalm: but there is one constant in all the stories and that is that Axl and Slash were chased by the police because they were accussed of rape by a minor.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Scream of the Butterfly said:

    I've read Raz before but for some reason, his word doesn't have too much value to me. Didn't this happen when Vicky Hamilton was the manager?

    In my view, Michelle Young would pay attention to a particular girl much more than a guy would do.

    11 minutes ago, Scream of the Butterfly said:

    I thought the funniest parts were:

    "Though only 23 then, basically a Teen himself, Axl never sought people in her age range." and

    "Everybody watched her rape Axl with her hands stuck down in his pants fondling his privates,THE WHOLE WAY HOME."

    :lol:Why didn't anybody help the poor guy?! 

    Yes yes!! Those are the cringiest parts!! :rofl-lol:

    After reading that crap, this image came to my mind:



    • Haha 1
  10. 14 hours ago, Amaya said:

    Izzy, who won't be there at this short concert at home, is no longer Thin Izzy. He has that mid age man spread and he dresses in his real life so old.        Lol. Like man, you can   wear a tee shirt and nice jacket. Some Abercrombie looks, and not his Sears -JCPennys older men's dept style.  

    This is not true.

    Izzy is still thin and yeah, he looks old because he is a man in his late 50's but he doesn't look older than that neither he is oftenly mistaken by a woman.

    And the few times we've seen Izzy on stage, he was wearing nice stage clothes.

    • Like 4
  11. 15 hours ago, Amaya said:

    Yes, Duff and his wife are very  touring close and friends with Axl and his family of TB, but ,lol, you bet like husbands and wives talk, we can bet they had laughs about that.  Epic fail by B.

    I'm not sure Susan is very close to Axl or TB. They are cordial to each other but I can't see B hanging out with Susan. They are very different. B seems jealous of Susan's world and still jealous of Stephanie. 

    I like that Susan doesn't refrain herself from doing things that in the eyes of others would hurt his husband's relationship with co-workers. That shows she's an independent woman and she does whatever she wants with her life and with her relationships. B has not reached that level of maturity.

    • Like 4
  12. 12 hours ago, Scream of the Butterfly said:

    The conversation is two years old but you can see it on Little Michelle's twitter page.


    :o Whoah! So Michelle Young seems to remember her? I guess this is the first and only "real" person that we all know too, who could shed a bit of light on the whole thing. Or at least on the part of LM and Axl's relationship :shrugs:

    5 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    She says she went to work at the Cathouse after this and Slash would cry in her arms about it when she saw him. 

    She also replied to me here that she saw Axl quite a few times too and he would practically cry every time he saw her and was heartbroken about what he had done. 

    Sometimes I don't know how to take this kind of stories.... It all seems out of character to me but at the same time, what the hell I know? 

    None of the GN'R members talked good about her, not then, and Slash in his book written many years later, neither. However, if I had to guide myself by that and I didn't have the visual proof that we have today, I could not believe that Meeghan is dating Slash again. After the way Slash talked about her in his book. So..... who are these people and what's the truth? 😔

    My conclusion is that human being are plastic, not rigid. They change all the time, according to circumstances. Even though patterns are always at the base of behavior, a person will not always act according to their personal pattern.

    5 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    She says she wants to reconnect with them all, meet up and find a happy solution. She’s on Slash’s ig post about the show on Saturday asking to be invited to the show. 

    This is another part that I can't fit in my mind :no:

    If something like that had happened to me, I would never want to meet or see those dudes ever in my life.


    She says Duff is a hypocrite for writing that song about the #metoo movement. She says that song is about her and Axl :shrugs:..... Duff has already blocked her on Twitter, yet she still wants to see him and be buddies again?

    4 hours ago, Scream of the Butterfly said:

    If you want yet another version of what really happened, or just want to cringe, read the comments on the first part of the interview. :facepalm:


    OMG :facepalm:

    That one read the quotes and the books, then mixed it with her blunt misogyny and spewed it in those comments.

    The funniest part is where she says ALL (yiss, all) of Axl's relationships ar well documented by the press :rofl-lol:

    • Like 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, YourMother'sDruthers said:

    If anyone thinks people (myself included) wouldn’t pay 1000 bucks for all the unreleased cd material, think again. Just remember how many people bought a 30 year old album (AFD) with a couple of well circulated unreleased tracks, a key chain, and some pretend backstage passes.

    Not many people payed 1000 bucks for that crap.

    Soon enough they had to reduce that ridiculous price to half of it or even less than half, and not even then they sold too many boxes.

  14. 1 minute ago, Amaya said:

    I am the desenter.  @Fourteenbeers @killuridols.  You both have points. I am amazed by TB . Maybe in a sarcastic way, but still amazed. Yes many people work for rich people , but B s lucky, life changing break was working for SS as a nanny. Bs whole family has benfitted from that one turning point 30 years ago. Talk about an American success story. 

    Argh. I don't believe in those "american dream" stories. No one is 100% happy and successful without giving up some important things in life.

    From a materialist point of view, yeah, she did great because her kids didn't starve and they are all set up now.... but who knows if they are really happy with that life, it seems none of them could choose to work outside the GN'R camp.... and they get a lot of shit from the fans, lol..... "B" seems to hold a lot of resentment in her heart. Always so rude and childish. Yikes, that ain't success IMO.

    • Like 2
  15. 5 minutes ago, PatrickS77 said:

    Have you spoken that out loudly before you posted it?? Just to hear how it sounds?

    No. This whole leak bullshit is rich people drama. No one outside the forum gives a crap about them :sleeper:

    5 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    I cannot believe that. They (Rose and his posse) utterly loath the very notion of bootlegging, leaking and anything out of their control. It has been a constant throughout, stretching back to the days of Rio 3 and Rose's jealously guarded ''vault'', and going right up to Del James's utter meltdown on this issue when people were being threatened. 

    This is another way of taking control of their own stuff.


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