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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 2 minutes ago, soon said:

    Well his Mother did shag some Rolling Stones and his Dad was a sex symbol too. If you had to listen to him and watch his silly social media stunts on the daily, that butt would deflate instantly! :lol:

    we dont caaaaaaaaaaaaaare  about any of that :drool:


    4 minutes ago, soon said:

    This website said that "Portena" was a Buenos Aries resident and that "histericos" was someone who is excited about an attraction. Is that not true?

    lol, yeah, Porteños are the residents of CABA only, which is the capital of Buenos Aires.

    That website says:
    What is “histérico”? In English, hysterical means, among other things, “feeling or showing extreme and unrestrained emotion.” A histérico is insanely seductive and passionate until you start reciprocating, then he or she disappears, and then begins the endless-hot-cold behavior. :lol:

    I don't like that word but yeah, I guess it's true.
    It's an awful label to carry around. :ph34r:

  2. 7 minutes ago, soon said:

    With French I sometimes just say English words in an accent and add on a French suffix. :facepalm::lol:

    I have this problem of replacing French words with English ones because that language is more evolved in my head, loooool. But I can read French in a 80% I'd say.... problem comes when listening to it, I don't grasp one thing :facepalm:

    Can I say your Justin Trudeau was a :wub: "sensation" :wub: among women and gay men, when he came to visit us for G-20?? :rofl-lol:

    What a fine man, everybody talking about him, HAH!


    9 minutes ago, soon said:

    That movie looks funny!

    Ah, I see. I took from your wording about having 'them assimilated' that is was expected.

    Movie is fantastic! I loved it so much, made me cry too and the Chinese actor is amazing!

    Yeah, I meant that they are pretty much integrated and there's no conflict with them, but they do keep their traditions & culture.

    12 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    The Chinese are so integrated in Argentine society that they have developed into raging Boca and River Plate fans, tearing chunks out of each other in tribal hatred?

    W0000T? :o:lol:

    We are so bad! Now we are on our way to destroy beautiful Madrid :facepalm::no:


  3. 4 hours ago, Azifwekare said:

    Not being allowed to enter is very different to not being allowed to leave.

    I don't see how it is any different when they are not allowed to see their father, except if he travels here to see them. :shrugs:

    For the case, it's the same, the family is torn apart by politic bollocks.

  4. 4 hours ago, soon said:

    I wish it had started earlier here too so I could've learned in childhood. I still barely know any French or Koine Greek and I need to learn Cree. I suck at learning languages.

    Learning French was very difficult for me, as it started to get confused with English inside my head :lol:

    I love languages but I guess learning English when I was a child was an advantage and now my brain is not as plastic as it was before. I suppose learning Mandarin will be hard as F for me.

    4 hours ago, soon said:

    You know, Im happy that Chinese immigrants don't have to assimilate if they dont want too, here. For the restaurants and grocers most of all. And for the social and cultural contributions of the general population, the Buddhist Centres and the Churches. China Town has Nuite Blanche and fun stuff. I love the murals and the grand arch ways.

    No one here is forced to anything either. Although the community is not huge like in other countries, we can already talk about a second generation of children born in Argentina, from Chinese parents. There are bilingual schools for those kids to learn both Mandarin and Spanish, culture and history of China and integrate with other non-Chinese children, since Argentines are allowed to enroll in those schools too.

    Their traditions are fully respected, so much there are three Buddhist temples in Buenos Aires and a pintoresque Chinese neighborhood, which is a major tourist attraction, especially when they celebrate their New Years lots of people from the whole country go see them. But in the last decades, they've become more interested in merging themselves with us, probably because of their main activities being commerce, the interaction with different people is a must and thus, relationships are developed.

    In 2011, an Argentine movie portrayed the funny relationship between Argentinians and Chinese people. It's a comedy and it won several prizes abroad, aside from featuring a major Argentine movie star, the counterpart is a Chinese actor who inmigrated here when he was a kid and later studied drama & arts in Buenos Aires.



    • GNFNR 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, wasted said:

    Okay but why single China out for criticism. That’s all. I mean sure statism was the biggest evil of the 20th century but that’s what we are doing, so why can’t China do it?

    Because they are a major competitor and it must be defeated in order to keep the hegemony of the Empire.

    It's a power struggle.

    China and any country in the world have all the right to rise up, develop, advance but they won't be able to do it without consequences or without upsetting the rest of superpowers that are playing the game as well.

  6. 2 minutes ago, wasted said:

    I think that’s my whole point. Just context. Obama built the biggest spying network in the history of the world, yet Huawei is a threat because they are Chinese company. It’s a joke. 

    Huawei is huge in Chile. I saw it last year when I was there, most people had a Huawei phone.

    Apple is just jealous, lol :P

  7. 1 minute ago, wasted said:

    But there are also a lot of Chinese that study abroad that comeback to China and bring back a lot of talent and new ideas. I think to demonize China as some sort of evil superpower and the people isn’t the best way forward. 

    The Empire losing power and that reflects on their agenda with their media synchronized to echo their bullshit.

    It's an old mechanism, though. We've seen this shit for centuries.

  8. 2 minutes ago, wasted said:

    I seriously doubt China care about spying on US citizens with Huawei phones man. Really none of us are that interesting. The corporate interests outweigh these personal invasions of privacy However immoral. I mean possibly but you have to take it globally not just China. Just because they came up building your iphones and making shit for you, now suddenly they are the enemy again? 

    Haha what about what was found on the iPhone's a while ago? :lol:

    Accussing China of spying is so ridiculous because almost every country in the world now spies on their citizens, not with phones, with their digitalized life and omg Google, Apple, Facebook are the biggest spies on earth!! 

  9. 35 minutes ago, soon said:

    And he had to wait until he was a full citizen of Canada to go see them. Was very sad. Last I spoke with him he still wasn't a citizen. He got married and his parents couldn't be there.

    That's funny.  Same happened to some acquaintances of mine.  They have their father living in the USA for 16 years and they can't go visit him since the USA government will not grant them the visa. Actually, if you say you have family or friends in the USA, they won't give you the visa here. Grandmas crying at the U.S. ambassy because they are not allowed to go see their grandchildren....

    39 minutes ago, soon said:

    Many of the kids in my life are learning Mandarin. I think that's pretty common now for those with the ability and resources? And I think the shift towards kids learning Chinese kinda started around the time Axl was making CD.

    Yes, same here. Actually it started way before CD release time for us. There are many Mandarin courses in my city, each year there is more opportunity to learn and I've been thinking about it for quite some time now. 

    The Chinese presence in Argentina has got more prominent in the last decade and after the agreements signed during G20 it will only rise up.

    We have a second generation of Chinese immigrants with their children assimilated to our culture and customs. They are hard workers and mostly respectful. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, wasted said:

    That’s sort of it. I’m like a chinese person living in NYC. Although there’s no Englandtown, but there is a expat bar street that I never go to. I live in Japanese area of the Hai. So I’m a Immigrant. Nobody talks to me. I just got this bottle of Suntory and a copy of CD and mygnrforum.com. Death could be forgiveness. 

    Why nobody talks to you? Do you have family of your own there?

  11. 6 minutes ago, UsedYourIllusion said:

    Criticizing government's for their actions, even if we are also guitly is what's responsible; as long as you're willing to do the same for your own government. A murder can still be correct in telling you murder is wrong. Although in context to Axl, I think Axl is well intentioned but a product of the cold war and his time.


    Axl never got critical with his own government before going after China and he had plenty of things to talk about.

    I do agree with you that he seems to have good intentions in what he expresses, but he falls into the westercentric narrative way too often, so in my view, that makes the whole essay something I can't take much too seriously.

    8 minutes ago, wasted said:

    It’s been 18 years of pain. I’m integrated to a certain degree but I’m not chinese or making my living selling vinegar in the countryside. I’m part of the financial capital of china. I experience some of the realities of life here. You can argue about the principles or morality of certain aspects. 

    I think Axl was making ideological points mostly. Just like in Russia, as much as we paint them as the enemy, there’s Russian people who just want a loaf of bread and to feel safe.  

    Wow, that's a long time, haha. Awesome! 

    Yeah, that happens everywhere I think. Like, people living in New York do not experience the same kind of life of someone in Idaho.

  12. 52 minutes ago, wasted said:

    I’m watching Man in the high Castle. If they beat me to death with sticks I’m happy how my life turn out. Such as it is.

    Your opinion is important, I think and your experience pretty interesting. 

    If you don't mind, I might ask how do you feel living there ? For how long have you lived there? Is your life similar to the rest of Chinese people, have you assimilated their culture or do you stay within your own?

  13. 1 hour ago, Lio said:


    Are you for real?

    I don't think you know many things about China, the history of China, or have met many Chinese people

    What about you, are you well versed in everything China? 

    I dont brag of knowing about China, the history of China or having met many Chinese people, even though they are an important community in my country, Chinese supermarkets are a thing here, and the Chinese government just signed more than 30 agreements of collaboration with the Argentina government.

    But maybe you can tell me more about all of that, since you must be the China expert of the board. :rolleyes:

  14. 9 minutes ago, UsedYourIllusion said:

    No one is saying that the west is perfect or doesn't have it's oppressive past or isn't oppressing people currently. youre straw Manning people. I didn't even have to bring up the tiananmen square incident.. low wages, child labor, factories that have suicide nets to catch workers who can't make a fair wage.. 

    I'm not denying China has its wrongdoings like any other country in the planet.

    My point is that I'm bothered by the hypocrisy of the Western man and Axl's essay is full of that western-centric crap.

    Creating an enemy out of China is what these governments and media want. It is necessary for some people's agendas that China, a major competitor, is perceived in the worst light possible and I think Axl's essay contribute to that.

    I believe that before pointing fingers at others, one must have their own house pretty clean and that's something the USA and many other superpowers can't do.

    Bloody hands, dictatorships, regimes, massive killings, citizen survilleance, death penalty, rapes, child abuse, child labor, etc.... there's plenty of that on this side of the world so it is my duty to stay focused on that and remind everyone that we are not in position of accussing China of anything, much less now.

    19 minutes ago, UsedYourIllusion said:

    Don't just assume everyone is an ostrich or a nitwit mouthbreather who only listens to the BBC or Western news

    Not everyone but a vast majority of people don't have a clue about China and they consume what media feeds them.

    If you have interesting links to papers or serious work, post them here and share them with everyone. You will be doing a community service.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Azifwekare said:

    :question: It's well-known how Chinese citizens are oppressed by their government

    How is it well known? By the reports of biased media like the BBC?

    Most of what we get from China is a narrative built up in the Western media. Why should I take all those reports as the holy word?

    If people in China cant do anything or talk to anyone, how do these western journalists know what's going on over there for real? I wouldn't be talking to foreign media if I knew my life is under risk.

    9 minutes ago, Azifwekare said:

    Of course no country is perfect, but do you really think someone in China can criticise their government the way that Americans criticise Trump and expect to stick around much longer? That's pretty oppressive if you ask me.

    If the country is such a mess then why there's no revolution against the government? If the country is so bad and people are so sad, how come China is becoming a rising power?

    Because there are many oppressed countries in the Western side and none of them has developed in the way China has. So I wonder how it is possible for defeated people living in fear to be at the same time the ones carrying the future? That narrative makes no fucking sense to me.

    14 minutes ago, Azifwekare said:

    Axl even said that he didn't claim to know what was right for China politically, and was just writing about what he witnessed in regard to the effects the current regime had on it's people,

    I think Axl has failed to read the culture of Chinese people. Maybe what he perceives as fear is nothing but humble, discretion, a different way of being. Unlike him, who is loud and outspoken.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Powerage5 said:

    Well, when your frontman doesn't rehearse, you've gotta have someone keeping the band on the same page. Besides, they don't sing everything, just bits and pieces here and there. More a placeholder than actually doing vocals. Besides, Ron has a great voice. Check out when he had to finish singing YCBM at Download 2006 when Axl stormed offstage. 

    I know . It was more of way of saying I'm not downloading any of this.

    Sorry :ph34r:

    • GNFNR 1
  17. Being arrested at any time without cause happens in Latin America too :rolleyes:

    2 minutes ago, Sydney Fan said:

    I would have more respect for axl if he was part of those that help injured bears in china that use barbaric acts to take out certain fluids because the chinese believe in its medicines.

    What about helping people in his own country?

    Human rights violations in the USA occur daily but he has to put his eyes miles and miles away, as if staying in a fabulous hotel in Honk Kong would give him any deep insight of what is really like to live in China.

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