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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 4 hours ago, stella said:

    Eh, I wouldn't call them stupid. Naive, perhaps. I certainly wouldn't spend the money on it, but there's a huge market for letters from historical figures, and signed first edition books, and so forth, for the same reason...someone's hair (can't remember if it was Thomas Jefferson or George Washington) recently fetched thousands of dollars at auction. People want something personal from their favorite rock star, author, whatever, even if they can't meet the person. It's a different sort of memory.

    The issue is that there's really no way for the average fan to authenticate what they're buying, and even the top auction houses have been fooled, so most of the time it's a risky proposition at best.

    Nah, you're not naive when you're buying an autograph from Ebay!

    The letters, books and other stuff you mention, especially from people who are dead, it's a totally different thing. Auctions are different than some guy selling an autographed Use Your Illusion vinyl.

    Axl is alive, you can get an autograph if you move your ass and want to make it happen. There's plenty of examples of people making amazing memories for themselves. The same amount of money you spend buying an autograph from Ebay could be used for a trip or a ticket to a show.

    I think there's no excuse for this and the ones falling for it and feeding this shady market are indeed stupid people.

  2. 1 hour ago, cheesecake said:

    As much as TB is as unprofessional as ever, on the personal side, in my opinion, I don't think we would even see Axl now, and enjoy this magnificent 2016 Axl Rose, without Beta by his side in all those dark years. We would probably be typing "RIP Axl Rose" when commenting on old GN'R videos on Youtube. 

    They are useless managers, and I believe they have no influence over Axl anyway, being yes-people all the way. But they were the family Axl clung to during the time he was emotionally wrecked back then, and to that we have to give them some credit. 

    Whatever it is, I still cannot make myself to like Fernando. He comes as an arrogant prick. Just my take on him. 

    Beta....aside from the two incidents (ultimatum thing and the rant she had when she came here about the tshirt thing) I've never read anything negative about her from everyone who has met her. Everyone's been saying how nice she is in person. I guess....everyone has their bad days, right? But still...she shouldn't be managing Axl.

    What did she say in the rant?

    I think we dislike this group not only because we see them being rude to fans and people in general but because under their management nothing significantly good for GN'R happened.

    Axl release only one album in 20 years, kept touring it endlessly and it feels like the reunion thing took too long to happen.

    It is the fans perception that TB never pushed Axl to the limits of his career. Up until 2014 he was getting fatter and fatter, he was losing his voice, being VERY unprofessional, still going onstage 3 hours late.

    I don't know what happened now that he changed so much and went back to being the Axl Rose fans loves, kicking ass onstage, singing wonderfully and reuniting with the old members. I have no clue who we should thank this for. Doesnt look like its TB or else this would have happened before? Perhaps its Axl himself, some kind of therapy and medication combined? Slash, Duff back in the picture?

    We can be fair too and try to see it objectively, without entering the personal area, what are TB achievements with GN'R or Axl Rose? That's how we should judge their jobs and STILL the results are very poor, so :shrugs:

  3. 5 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    THIS. All this entire board does is over-analyze things, in every damn thread. This thread just has a more female spin going on than the average thread. Christ :facepalm: I could say a lot on this topic, but everything important has already been said, so I'm not going to derail this thread further with unnecessary drama. I'd rather have fun discussing and "over-analyzing" things :rolleyes:

    I'm the same way. I'm interested in a wide variety of things and enjoy talking about them to other people and I also enjoy when I can tell the other person I'm talking to is clearly passionate about something. I can talk endlessly with the right people and the right topics lol. So I'm not blaming Axl for that, I understand the urge :P

    I had forgotten Baz is a regular victim of Axl's ranting/chattiness as well :lol: I'm usually not the biggest fan of Baz, but I have to admit he is hilarious in this video. I love the way he describes himself listening to Axl. "Mhmmm.... yeah, I know.... yeah, that sucks, Axl...."  I can see that entire scenario so clearly in my head :rofl-lol:

    I love you. Marry me. :wub:

    lol talk too much......

    Baz. Hah. I'm addicted to Baz but I dont like when he comes off as an asshole. This man has made me laugh like no other. Everytime I'm depressed or going down the drain, I just have to put some Baz story on and I'm fixed. :lol:

    I became a fan of him because of his friendship with Axl and I follow that one closely. Im a fan of that relationship. All of his Axl stories are fascinating. I expect he will reveal something more in his book (which should be out in the next days, right?)

    4 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I don't think many of us have that much against TB, i certainly think Axl loves them and them not being there would do more harm than good. Nobody can deny that. Whether they should be running GNR is a different matter,that's what a lot of people do not like because they have no clue,  but yeah, whatever. When they push fans away and make stupid comments on social media, well that's fair game to be picked apart isn't it? Seeing as they put that out there in the public domain? 

    As for an ultimatum for becoming the manager of GNR, well that is questionable also. 

    Nobody says these thing about slash and duff because we basically don't know. Those two seem to be much more in control of what goes on and they don't have minders and hangers on every time they walk down the road.

    We can only comment on what these people decide to show us. 

    This. Pretty much this ^

    We're not talking out of our asses here. We know our shit. We talk based on what we've witnessed, experienced or seen online. Just because someone else is not following something closely it doesn't mean others don't do it or that they read too much into it or whatever.

    1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

    I wanted to slap that guy multiple times. So rude and obnoxious and full of himself. Axl by contrast was a real gentleman and very charming. Have to hand it to him, he did very well in that interview.


    - I was annoyed by Sasha making that sky diving comment and therefore steering the conversation in that direction. I want to know what Axl would have said about his personal life bucket list items if that sky diving thing hadn't come up. (I did enjoy the funny Izzy story though).

    - Who was the female assistant with the boyfriend that Axl mentioned while talking about Dave's throne? It can't be Vanessa or Beta. Sasha... maybe, but calling her an assistant would also be kinda weird. Just how many fucking assistants does he have? And what does he need all of them for?

    - The girl who asked him about writing a book is my hero. For one, because I also really want that book, and also because it made him talk a bit about that first time getting back together with Slash again. I'm really curious about it and want to hear more about it.

    - All of Axl's "Hah!"s :lol::heart:


    That guy is a fucking jerk. Old Axl would have slapped him in the face :bitchfight: LOL but I love how Axl handled everything so cool, with his wonderful cool funny faces! I couldn't stop laughing at him rolling eyes sometimes... This shit has made me love him EVEN MORE. Is that possible? I never thought it'd be possible that I can love this guy more and more everyday and it just happened! :dance:

    I want to watch this over and over, I need animated gifs of his funny faces, omg! I need to download this interview and keep it safe forever! I want to bite his white little arms!!! they look soooo smooth and youthful :drool:


    Hey, Lumikki! I don't know what the F but I didn't hear Sasha at all!!! :wow: Was I so mesmerized by Axl that I never heard the comment she made, I also never heard that question or the Izzy stuff. Can you point me to it? What minute does it happen? Because I swear I've watched this two times already and I never heard her or seen her. I feel blessed by it but I want to HATE so, yeah, fill me in :P


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  4. 1 minute ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Is anyone else starting to think we aren't going to see this China exchange interview? i wonder what the problem is? 

    I just read in another thread that someone emailed them asking about the video and they said it would take some time, but we would see it by the end of the week.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    Btw. If Axl wants to talk, he can call me. I could listen to him for hours :smiley-confused2:

    You could be his Baz, when Baz goes on tour :lol:


    9 minutes ago, Frey said:

    I would rather read the "over-analysing" discussion posts (they're interesting and I've learned a lot of shit I didn't know from this thread) than look at all these ass and crotch pictures, but hey, I realize this is the women's thread, so I don't complain. 

    That's literally how this thread came into being: as a place for the ladies here to talk about whatever they wanted. Which is a cool idea and I enjoy reading this thread even though I'm a guy.

    What's not cool however is people who have never even posted in this thread coming here to whine and complain. If you don't like something, don't read it. It's that simple.

    Spot on!

    The good thing with this thread is that most of us (not all though) have the capability to go back and forth through a variety of topics, serious and non serious, about the band or each band member. And there's the female element added to it, which provides another perspective.

    The photos of ass and crotch :lol: are just a "break" from the serious matters, not much different than guys talking about tits and vagina :lol: but we've demonstrated we can navigate any water and don't subject ourselves to just one topic or perpetuate a single dumb point of view. 

    Over-analysis can't be avoided when you're discussing a topic. This whole forum then should be labeled as over-analysis of Guns N' Roses and that'd be stupid to say. It's a discussion board with opinions as diverse as the amount of people who post here.

    Same with this thread and any other thread. 

  6. 1 hour ago, john lennon said:

    This thread is so cringeworthy it's making me sick, yet so strangely addictive.

    Well, I am just a woman after all 

    You don't have to join this conversation if you don't like it or find it cringeworthy. We've said this before: if you don't like a topic or subject skip it, but don't offend the people who are having fun or discussing it.

    There's no obligation to join this thread JUST BECAUSE you are female.

    38 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    I've wondered before why he seems to have a habit of talking very openly to strangers. Maybe it's the alcohol, maybe the childlike naivety again, who knows. But one thing that definitely seems to be true is that he likes to talk a lot. Especially about his feelings and his thoughts on things. He's so long-winded, even in written posts, and we know in real life too (Slash and Duff used to joke that they called Axl telling a story a "Twain wreck" because he is as long winded as Mark Twain lol).

    I remember Slash saying he and Axl used to spend entire nights just talking with each other. Or rather it was Axl talking about his feelings and what was going on in his mind and Slash just listening to him (Slash said he himself can go for years without ever talking about his feelings, but Axl is the complete opposite). Maybe Axl missed having someone to talk to like that after Slash, Duff, Izzy etc were all gone and that's why strangers got to hear all about his feelings lol. And since some people in his entourage seem pretty dumb or asshole-ish  and Sasha apparently only speaks broken English, talking to them might not be very satisfying to Axl or something :shrugs:

    And yes, very much agreed on the last two paragraphs. Axl hanging with the "kids" because he can't really relate to people his own age is already pretty awkward and it's only going to become more cringeworthy the older he gets. One more reason why it's good for him to have Slash and Duff back. At least these guys are people his own age that he has something in common with. And unlike the freak show, they won't drop him like a hot potato again sooner or later (unless he does something phenomenally stupid).

    I am like that as well and when I'm passionate about a subject or object I get obsessed and I can't stop for as long as Im hooked on it :smiley-confused2:

    Sucks because I make people around me tired. Lol. The good thing is that I can talk almost about everything because I have a wide general culture and been very fortunate to reach high levels of education. So, when people want to talk about their shit, I'm up for it too :P

    I think Axl has Del and Baz as friends closer to his age, who are not idiots like the freak show. Don't know who else is close to him. Would be cool if he made amends with Marc Canter too. 

    26 minutes ago, john lennon said:

    About the being so open thing... have you people never been drunk? Man, I tell my entire fucking life story whenever I get some booze in me. Nothing weird with that. I think you guys are reading into shit too much. 

    Also I doubt Axl is who you think he is. I think there's a possibility he's just a normal man with loads of money and a weird fashion sense. 

    Not everybody react to alcohol in the same way. And yes, we said that could be one of the reasons why he opens up to strangers. Not reading into it much more than you're reading into it or us.

    What is a normal man? What is normal?

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  7. 36 minutes ago, john lennon said:

    What doesn't exist anymore? Drugs? Sex? Partying? Cos as far as I'm concerned that's pretty much what it is about.

    I said the scene. I'm talking about that 80s Hollywood scene. Of course those things do exist nowadays too but they don't happen in the same context and environments they did in the 80s.

    Theres also the sexism in the lyrics that I don't know if it would pass ignored today.

    What I don't understand from the initial question, or it is not clear to me, is if they are asking about AFD being released today with the lineup we have now? Do you mean an AFD released by 50 years old guys talking about "turn around bitch I've got a use for you"? Or do you mean if GNR were 20 years old kids in 2016? Because that'd add another element to the question...

  8. 5 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    I agree that he seems quite happy a lot of the time nowadays, but I remember in 2006 he came across as very happy and confident as well, and yet :shrugs:Slash and Duff are definitely a really good thing to happen to him though.

    This is the story from the guy who Axl supposedly told he was lonely. It was a forum user called HisRoyalSweetness (I remember that guy got Axl to hold a "Silkworms" sign :P) and it was posted in the "Has anyone here ever met Axl??" - thread:

    "i got to hang out and talk to him at a party once. he seemed pretty bitter and angry to me. he talked about being so depressed he didn't feel like he could leave the house for years. complained about being alone. complained about fans forsaking and turning on him. complained about the label expectations and his fear that they'd want to make changes in chinese democracy. never mentioned the old band. at the time, he was more hung up on CD. he cracked jokes, though. and was totally aware of the eat my silkworms site, and had a good laugh about it.. del james was with him, and kinda kept him buffered from others. he tried to interrupt axl when he was talking to me several times, until finally axl snapped at him and told him to give him some space and that they'd leave whenever he was ready. all in all, we talked for 20 minutes or so.

    my impression overall was that he was sad, angry and lonely. when he complained about fans turning on him, i tried to explain the fan's side... about how deeply artists can speak to fans, and how beyond making music, they're speaking for people who don't know how to or can't for themselves. it may seem silly, but it's a special relationship. so when they feel axl sorta gave up on them, they gave up on him too. but that their 'hate' or 'indifference' was just the flip side of their love and adulation. that one couldn't exist without the other. that haters only exist because they love the guy and deep down inside want to have him back and kicking ass again. he seemed to think about that a little, and told me it was a perspective he hadn't considered before, which seemed weird to me. but then, it's probably not something beta, fernando or del would tell him. after that exchange was when he got a little more laid back and happy. he introduced me to his date and took a picture with an 'eat my silkworms' page.

    this was still a year or two before chinese democracy came out, which no doubt was an especially shitty time in his life. hopefully vegas has got him in a much happier place. he was very, very ready to get CD out, and claimed he was extremely proud of it. he was having a good time dancing at the party. it was cool, but overall, i don't think i want to meet my favorite celebrities anymore."

    And that guy also made a second post in that thread talking some more about Axl:

    "yeah, he was drunk. but no more than anyone else. certainly no more than quincy jones. i think del was trying to keep axl safe, just because his attitude can be so unpredictable, and little things can set him off. i could see how a fan with good intentions could unintentionally create a shitstorm for del and team brazil to have to manage later. baz was there, and i talked to him for a few minutes, mainly about how i wanted to say hi to axl. he warned against it, and for a while i didn't... but after a while i thought, fuck it, i may never get the chance to say hi to that guy again, and for better or worse, i want to know what he's like.

    i remember he did strike me as very boyish. almost childlike. and i don't mean that in an insulting way. just kinda sweet. he was having a good time at the party, and had a good laugh about eat my silkworms, which he knew about and thought was funny. but he also talked a lot about being depressed and stuff, which i mentioned earlier. he made a couple of racist cracks about latino help at the party, which i figured was probably par for the course. it wasn't anything especially malicious. just what you'd expect from a small town white boy who grew up in the midwest in the 80's. i would have been disappointed to hear a friend say it, but actually found it kinda amusing considering it was coming from axl rose."

    That's probably one of the most interesting "When I met Axl" stories I've come across. It rings very true to me. Especially about him being depressed, and upset about the fans and the label and everything. Those are things Axl later talked about himself.

    I also thought the childlike/boyish comment was interesting, because Axl has always struck me that way as well. He does have something strangely sweet/innocent and vulnerable around him in many instances.

    Thank you for sharing this. I never read it before and it sounds quite interesting. Most of it sounds legit and I wonder why he goes telling those things to total strangers?

    Like that other girl who told a similar story.... Looks like him being drunk is what helps to open up and I see why Del or someone else would want to keep him away from people, because he opens his mouth and says things that could hurt him later. 

    Does anyone know why Baz warned the guy about not talking to Axl? :shrugs:

    I agree with the rest of you about the childish trait. I notice it too. I think it's cute but it makes him too vulnerable. 

    Axl may start feeling alone again soon. The fact that Vanessa and Fernando now have families is not good news for him, lol. That's why he hangs out with the freak show now. Axl being childish is what leads him to hang out with those kind of people, he wants to be young forever and probably it's really hard for him to identify himself or find points of contact with people his age. 

    See, most people in their 50s are married or divorced, most have kids, even grandchildren by now. Axl doesn't know what is like to be a father or a grandpa. Plus, most people that age are settling down, while Axl is partying until 8am. He can relate much more to the freak show than anyone else his age. The problem is that the freak show doesn't give a fuck about his feelings, doesn't have the experience he has and may become bored around him pretty soon.

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  9. 8 hours ago, stella said:

    From what I've seen, they're usually older men who look slightly disheveled and carry bags or carts with a lot of memorabilia. They tend to be aggressive, don't want their stuff personalized and get angry when the celebrity only signs one thing for them.

    I think part of the objection is that it cuts down on the time that real fans can have access - if he's got 10 minutes and he spends 8 of those minutes signing for eBayers who have pushed their way to the front, the real fans lose out. And the other thing is that the autograph secondary market is really shady and there are a lot of counterfeits out there, and real fans once again lose because they get ripped off. A celebrity might not want to contribute to that.

    And also, as mentioned, the professional autograph dealers can often be real assholes at these things; they push the actual fans out of the way, etc.

    Well, it looks like he has identified the common traits of these people so he could avoid signing their stuff. Also security and management could help by pushing them away.

    Any market exists because there's offer and demand. Shame on those "fans" who buy an autograph from Ebayers. They are really stupid if they do that and deserve to be ripped off.

    Real fans know the value of getting an autograph directly from your hero so if you want one you will do what's right to do. Buying it will not make a special memory out of it.

  10. 6 hours ago, NorwegianGirl said:

    haha yes perhaps! But, the great thing is that if you meet him with his team around, they do photos for you. That's what happened on our first meeting after the concert. My friend wasn't there that day, but Fernando just took my camera/phone to take a picture of me and Axl :lol:

    Ah, yeah, but I liked that you also have pics of the moment when he was signing your tummy and you were shaking his hand. It's like a different memory! Like a document of what happened. Really cool!

    omg I just saw a video of you!! In like television show or something! :wow:

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  11. 29 minutes ago, rock4eva said:

    Yes I can't see there being a next wife, he really needs a woman his own age who doesn't mind being at home, loves his music, loves him, loves horror movies and tv shows, loves animals. Oh hang on........... that's ME!! :dance:

    Im afraid that's not the type of woman he's attracted to, though :tongue2:

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  12. 12 minutes ago, rock4eva said:

    Now we'll get to my ex or next wife. I think it's ex but I've blasted my eardrum trying to listen but he certainly says "now we'll get to my" first. Damm you Axl come on here & tell us. Or someone at the concert. Or Erin. SOMEBODY:wow:

    Had to listen again, pretty sure it's ex. I've put the question on youtube for the uploader too. Waking up & finding some of these gifs has sent my brain into meltdown & I probably haven't seen them all. I blame you all for this, I'll be blushing all day.

    It's been already figured out in previous pages that he says "ex-wife".

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  13. 10 minutes ago, Kittiara said:

    Yeah, it would be a very difficult position to find yourself in. I don't think I would be able to cope. I may not have a lot of money, and I may not have any fame at all, but at least I know that the people in my life like me for who I am. They're not after anything - they just want to spend time with me. That's a nice feeling, and something that everyone should be able to experience and enjoy.

    I had a tiny taster of what being in the spotlight can be like when I published some articles. I received horrible threats from completely random people. If I magnify that by the amount of attention someone like Axl receives... I wouldn't like that at all. The bit I received made me close my social media accounts. Being in the spotlight sure comes at a terrible cost! Not knowing who to trust. Not knowing who really cares, and who is loyal for the right reasons...

    That's why I think it would have been very important for him to keep the friendships and relationships he formed in the years when he wasn't this famous and millionaire. Everybody who came after 1992 are suspicious, unfortunately.


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  14. 15 minutes ago, Kittiara said:

    I had no idea about all these people surrounding Axl, until I began to read this forum. I still feel very clueless.

    I remember a few months ago, when Fernando stopped by. He answered one of my questions - I asked if Axl was doing well - and he seemed friendly. But other people thought he was being sarcastic during that conversation? I don't know. I always have a difficult time spotting when someone is being sarcastic or not.

    Beta really put Axl on the spot like that? That would be emotional blackmail. Does this mean that she and her family receive a management cut out of everything Axl earns? The band will be making at least $100,000,000 this tour. If Axl makes, say, $10,000,000 out of that and they receive 20 - 40 percent... that's a lot of money to be earning in unfair ways, if it's true.

    I don't know, though. Axl is an intelligent man, and quite business-minded. Would he really be unable to spot people who don't have his best interests at heart? Who just use him for money and status? It all seems so strange.

    It will be healthier for you if you remain clueless. Trust me ;)

    The thing is no other manager has been able to put up with Axl. Beta and her family, out of necessity or genuine love (I couldnt say for sure), are the only ones who have stuck around so I guess that's where all this comes from.

    I don't know what Axl is capable of, in terms of realizing who's there for money and who's not, it must be pretty hard I think. Because at some point you will become so paranoid you will end up completely alone. Sometimes I think about how hard it would be... or he has to have only rich millionaire friends by his side.

    Axl values loyalty a lot, that's why I think he's stuck with the ones who've shown him this loyalty. But it must be hard to judge loyalty from people who were basically inmigrants when they met him. I mean, they were in a situation where they had to work hard to stay in the USA, they couldn't betray or make wrong moves. They had to eat!

    It's a very complicated situation to judge from one's spot.

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  15. 12 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    So these are basically some of the reason why most of the people on this forum dislike them (not just the people in this thread). And because of this, and also the reasons @killuridols and @Andy14 mentioned, I really don't feel guilty about being critical about them.

    EDIT: @killuridols we posted at the same time, saying very similar things :lol: These two posts cover now most of the reasons why the entourage is so disliked. Could be used as a guide for newbies :P

    That's because great minds think alike :hug:

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  16. 2 minutes ago, ACP said:

    Thanks Demi-God.  I am not hear to slag anyone off, that's not me.  When the world last really saw Axl all those years ago, and to a lesser extent in recent years, we saw Axl with and without GnR the band, along with other famous people he performed with etc.  Now he is back in the spotlight but is surrounded by all these 'new' faces and most people aren't going to know who they are.  I didn't and that's why I asked who the volcano was. I thought the moustache (sorry not sure of his name Fernando?) was just part of his security team until I came to this board. Then more people have become identified (I'm still not sure who they are). In any case, what I'm trying to say is for me they are all new.  I am usually good at judging first impressions, and my first impressions are that they seem like they've hit a bit of a jackpot and are controlling at lot of things. I also think one of them probably writes Axl's posts on Twitter.  Now I could be wrong and I'm more than happy to admit it if I am, but that's just my first impressions, which by what I have been reading around the web, sound like I might be spot on.  

    Fact is these people are not "new" (some of them are a bit newer) but TB has been around him since 1993. The volcano and the rest appeared around 2006 (when Axl returned looking very fit, cornrows and had a pretty busy year). Die-hards who move around Internet forums like this (and the others), Facebook pages, Facebook groups, Twitter, Instagram, etc. know who some of these people are. Most fans, the ones who fill the stadiums, are fortunate enough to not know who they are, so it really depends on how long you've been online and where you have hung out, for how long and to what extent, to whether know more about this people or not.

    Things may look cool now but it wasn't always like that. In all those years Axl was trying to promote his version of Guns N' Roses and promote CD, management didn't have a good relationship with the fans. The lack of news, communication, a good website, etc. all those things enraged fans. No one was telling anything. We didnt know what would be the plans for this band. Every once in a while we knew something, then came the endless touring of Chinese Democracy, the AFDemocracy DVD, the Vegas shows. But people wasnt happy, people wanted reunion and/or new music. Those were the toughest times to be a fan of this band, well, there been a lot of gaps in between but the more the years went by without plans, we were getting hopeless and hopeless.

    About control, yes, they control everything. They are Axl's management. Don't expect Axl to be in charge of logistics and stuff. I know Fernando usually goes the asshole route, becomes aggressive and that makes the fans hate him much more. I don't know why he gets like that. I think he has unsolved anger issues and that its not helping the case, but there's no way out of it. I think if you act polite, dont get too desperate and give Axl space, they won't be much of a jerk to you. And it can also happen that they feel powerful and decide when and how Axl has to sign stuff or spend time with his fans.

    Some fans will tell you they are amazing, great and the best thing to happen to Axl's lives. Others will say they are the worst, that they should be deleted away and bring back, I dont know, Doug Goldstein. :P

    It all depend on whether you got the picture or not, the autograph, etc. And I also think, to play devil's advocate, that they couldn't be all smiley faces either because people then would take advantage and abuse Axl.



    ps. I don't think Axl has a person writting his tweets. He's too much of a creative mind to let that happen and I think thats definitely his style, the way he tweets.


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  17. 29 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    lol that girl is funny at the end. To be honest though, it's better he just take off when he feels his blood boiling. 

    yeah she's screaming, crying, saying like "omg i waited 20 years for this!"

  18. 2 minutes ago, ACP said:

    Can I make quite clear, I didn't call them the freak show, someone else started that and I have only referred to it so people in this forum know which group of people I mean. I think I said the gang anyway, but apologies if I also used the word freak show.  I don't feel I have teared anyone down, in fact I've tried to be as polite as I can and just report accurately what I saw. So I don't what disparaging things I am supposed to have said about his friends and family are - I think you mean other people's posts, not mine. 

    It sucks this over-sensitive person is kind of hindering you with those things they said, because you're new and you're trying to be cool and now you're probably censor yourself or something.

    People here tear everyone off. It's a discussion board, after all. Axl and all the band members have unlimited threads dedicated to criticism of all kinds. And I dont see a lot of people jumping in defense of the poor band members (the real ones who keep this boat on float) being tore down by the fans. :shrugs:

    Like I said before, you dont see people giving shit to Axl's sister or Axl's brother. No one comments anything bad about Slash or Duff's children. And most of it have to do with the fact that those people don't ride on Axl or the Guns N' Roses name. They dont keep the fans away from their heroes and they dont interfere with their unwanted presence.

    Entourage gets what they encourage. They are playing the game just like us.

    Just now, dgnr said:

    #teamerin #axrin :heart:

    haha yeah! FTW! :headbang:

  19. 26 minutes ago, ACP said:

    :)). Oh I hope I don't sound like I'm dragging someone through the mud, not meant that way.  Although I was a bit disappointed she was there, regardless of her relationship with Axl after waiting more than 20yrs to see him with my own eyes. 

    I personally didn't think Erin was that beautiful, Stephanie yes, but she was a supermodel after all.  The volcano no, as I said you could tell she could be a model, ie she had nice skin, shiny hair, was slim, but beautiful?  Not in my opinion.  She didn't act like a girlfriend in the normal sense, I didn't see any physical contact at all.  They didn't walk in or leave as a couple.  He kept smiling in her direction but as beta was sat next to her, I couldn't tell if it was beta he was smiling at.  When she briefly talked it was very broken English.  She was wearing black and white flat lace up brogue type shoes, with pyjamas - very odd.  I have no sense of smell so can't comment on how she smelt.  Ha ha, not saying I'm all that either btw LOL X

    Nah, you're doing great!! I like having you here. You sound like one of us (except one) LOL and I love that you had the chance to see Axl in that place. Like I said before, and at least for me, that opportunity matches the Troubadour's secret show! No one here knew Axl was going to be in that China thing, I dont know how you got a ticket!

    So interesting what you saying that she speaks broken English, haha. He must make fun of her all the time :tongue2:

    18 minutes ago, ACP said:

    You guys are sooooo funny...I can hardly type.  I'm a newbie but really getting a laugh out of reading the threads, great fun.  

    Ok, the horrible photo is the tongue extended clad in sheet one with the gang. 

    Someone in the audience asked Axl if there was anything he hadn't achieved/would like to do - and the volcano started flapping her arms for a microphone and said skydiving....I think Axl then said something like Slash or Izzy want to do that.  I'm sorry, I really want the video to come out too so I can refresh my memory.  I'm sure you would be as seive-headed under the circumstances....

    Re dragged through mud, someone mentioned it in another post and I hope I'm not coming across as dragging the volcano through it

    I am funny, yes yes I am funny!! :rofl-lol:

    Ok, now I got it. Gosh, I had forgotten about that terrifying pic :facepalm: LOL, one of them blondes is Kat Benzova, the photographer, but I havent seen an official picture of this event taken by her yet. Was she working over there?

    OMG so the volcano actually interrupted the Q&A to slide her stupid comment? How was it? Like she screamed "skydiving"?? :shocked: Did she get the microphone after all? I hope she didnt :max:

    11 minutes ago, ACP said:

    :lol: Re the freaks - I've said previously and even a few days after the event would like to reiterate - that d**k with the moustache - I still don't like him.  Axl said he was happy to have photos and autographs with fans and we all started queuing, but in no time we were told by the moustache no more photos as it would take too long (only a few people had theirs taken with Axl) so I resigned myself to just an autograph and that chance was snatched away too because the Tash deemed we were out of time. This was only 5 mins.  This wasn't Axl saying no, and I was gutted 

    Oh, I guess you're talking about Fernando. That's his manager and he's done quite some damage to the fans to earn so much love from them, haha.

    If it serves for any consolation, I tell you it's always been like that. Axl wants to stay, do some signing, talking, picture stuff but they always are hurrying him up and pulling him away.

    Maybe its some sort of security tactic. You know, the more you have the celebrity hanging out in the street or something, the more people will try to get a hold of them and things may turn ugly.

    After finding out what that girl from The Voice had to go through, some crazy person shot her to death in a similar autograph signing situation, I became concerned about Axl. You never know who's a fan, who's an ebayer and who's a crazy criminal :shrugs:

    6 minutes ago, sanity_lost said:

    It's the "Freak Show" stuff. Judging people's personalities by pictures or snips that are seen only briefly. The tearing someone you don't know down is abundant all over the internet and isn't really all that bad here, but just dabbling of toes in it makes me uncomfortable. I don't like it when people do it to celebrities though I understand they put themselves out in the public and will draw ire, but the derisive comment about people who just happen to be around the celebrities will always make me uncomfortable.

    Feel free to ignore me :)! I am just overly sensitive to other people's feelings. Not how they feel, but how they might feel. It is a side effect of my lack of caring of what others (with a exception of a very small select few) think about me. At some point in my childhood I realized that not everyone was as cold and dispassionate as I was and I should be careful of that. My lack of ability to judge how much others really care about stuff (and people, I have found, are all over the place with this) have made me default to being overly sensitive. 

    I understand your point of view but I don't agree or to put it better, I can't put myself in the shoes of the entourage and feel too bad for them because they have subjected themselves to a lot of this crap. I'll try to explain.

    Some people who orbit around celebrities (whether because they are family, friends or relatives) take a lot of advantage from their famous "friend" (or relative). I believe this is the case of this group of people we call "the freak show". All of them are high profile people who know who they hang out with. They are there for the pictures next to Axl, they are there for the party, for the champagne and the trips. Their Instagram accounts are open to everyone and they like to show they are part of the entourage.

    Volcano and the others willingly ACCEPT Guns N' Roses fans to follow her. Why? Is she a member of the band? Nope, yet she receives a lot of praising from a faction of fans who think she's Axl's girlfriend and want to know more about him. GNR fans follow her in hopes she will snap pictures of Axl Rose. And she does. And she gets thousand likes on her pictures everytime she does that. And she knows this. And she takes advantage of it. Every picture of her has comments from GNR fans, some are really stupid, some are desperate teenagers, she has fun with all of them.

    If she wanted to be anonymous, she could be. If she wanted to be private, she could be. If she didnt want to appear in ANY pic related to Axl, she could do it. But no. She's up for it all the time.

    So copy that huge wall of text that I just typed above and repeat it for every single person on his entourage. They all like playing the game, they all love jumping on the boat and they all know what comes with Axl Rose.

    I don't feel sorry for any of them because I know no one them will ever feel sorry for me or help me with anything, specially reaching out to my hero.


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  20. 4 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    The bloke turns around to thank Axl and Axl has already gone - you can see the bloke saying to himself, ''where the fuck has he gone?'' haha.

    And the guy in the flowery shirt gets nearly pushed over by a sycophant in a baseball cap.

    I really don't understand why people put themselves through this? I find it rather servile and a bit embarrassing really - fair enough, when you are a kid trying to get a cricketer's autograph but now that you're an adult, what is the purpose? Especially when you have to demean yourself to being manhandled by people like Fernando!

    hahaha yeah, he does that when he gets suddenly upset :rofl-lol:

    The guy in the flowery shirt looks a bit dumb. I dont know what's up with him.

    Here's another occassion (in Argentina) when Axl flips out and just disappears. He's trying to sign stuff and arms but fans get so desperate Axl just cant take it and runs away to his van, then girls start crying and screaming and insulting everyone for making him leave :rofl-lol:


    • Like 1
  21. 8 minutes ago, ACP said:

    I also wanted to say the following - when we arrived, everyone was sat before Axl was due, and there were 3-5 chairs on the front row with "reserved" cards on them.  First a man in a suit & on his own sat on one, then two women arrived just before Axl and sat in 2 of them (blondish ladies looking like the ones in that horrible photo), then after Axl came in, beta and the volcano appeared and sat down (I didn't know who they were before but now I do). One thing I wasn't keen on was that when the discussion opened to the floor, everyone was desperate to ask Axl a question, but at one point, the volcano motioned for the microphone and mentioned something about sky diving. I didn't mind it per se, but if she is spending all that time with Axl, I felt she could have let other people take advantage of the very RARE opportunity (once in a lifetime I'd say) to ask Axl a question during that hour. Just saying x

    1- What horrible photo you talking about? :suspicious:

    2- Wait... what? You saying SHE ASKED A QUESTION?? please explain this to me... What did Axl answer?? :shocked:

    omfg i need that video NOW!!! rsd90sjrtwnfsefjqpwoeqpmw :wow:

    5 minutes ago, sanity_lost said:

    This thread is an interesting, if somewhat uncomfortable at times, thread to read.

    You are all having so much fun that it makes it easier for me to resist the urge to jump in and defend the people who are being dragged through the mud.

    (by the way: I hear "next wife" :lol: )

    who's being dragged through the mud?

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