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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 3 hours ago, stella said:

    Redhead solidarity perhaps? :) He does look like he's having fun there.

    How am I gonna turn into a redhead? (>_<)

    3 hours ago, Andy14 said:

    I'm pretty sure he would do a facial expression after you were trying to take his pants off :ph34r:

    I hope it's not one of his mad faces! :lol:

  2. 22 minutes ago, metalms said:

    OK I am logging in a complaint all these great posts and I am only allowed 10 likes a day?  Where can a girl get some likes?  In the times of AXL/DC you should be allowed at minimum 20 or more likes a day :lol:

    You have to become a "Club Member" to get infinite likes, I think.

    19 minutes ago, night prowler said:

    let there be rock ..

    slash should be able to do that ...?   :)

    But that's not a GNR song. I don't think the fans will like that song. I don't like it that much.

  3. 16 minutes ago, night prowler said:

    But ... to do all this in nine shows .. stadium gigantic shows on the stage production perhaps the biggest out there ... getting into the band and the boys and all that .. is incredible...nothing else..because you would think when you take on a new band member .. singer!!  ... you perhaps go and do some smaller shows just to get the feel for it all ...  get the band together..He had to do it on the biggest stages there are ...and ifront of a world were many were just waiting and waiting ...and waiting  for him to fuck up ... well he didnt.

    And they did .. they did it in nine shoes.... make it great

    lol ok, at least one AC/DC convert we've got :tongue2:

    They didn't do that because there was no time for that and mainly because Axl is a PRO. And that's his difference and value against the other LOL COVER BAND SINGERS the idiots wanted Angus to try on.

    Axl has played stadiums with his own band. Hell, GNR played the Maracana Stadium in 1991 for 200K sweating brazilians :wow:. He knows what it's like to play big league. Axl has gone on tour 100 times already. He knows everything an artist needs to know about a show, about playing live, about stages, stadiums, audiences, traveling. That is important. That's a relief for Angus, that he wouldn't have to be explaining to the new singer how to face a crowd of 60k people.

    As for how the band worked together, I assume Angus knew if this was going to work or not from the minute Axl showed up to rehearsal. Angus wife said Axl knew all the material, did everything right to impress Angus, was humble and respectful. 

    When I first learned about this, I was immediately up for it. I never had doubts about Axl being able to do it. He's sang with Elton John and Queen in Wembley, sang with Mick Jagger and The Stones (and that time he didn't have as much experience as now), Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, Alice Cooper.... I mean, I don't know if this is obvious for other people, but for me, being a fan of GNR and Axl fan for the most part of my life, it was something I knew he could do, zero doubts or hesitation:)

    • Like 3
  4. 2 minutes ago, rock4eva said:

    Isn't there video of the same show or close to it? Ellen Jabour is translating for him while he tells the audience about not throwing things, yeah a bit weighty but so what. More to hug I say.

    I don't know. Never occurred to me to look for a video of it :shrugs:

  5. 1 hour ago, NorwegianGirl said:

    Back from the concert!! I was in the que all day long and got to the front! I was actually in the corner so I had the main stage infront of me, and the catwalk on my side! So I could just rotate wherever Axl was :lol:It was the best concert I have EVER been to!!!!! AXL WAS ON FIRE!!!! Rocking the GnR style, and dancing like a maniac at times! A lot of classic GnR moves in there as well, so I was in heaven!!! He came over to me a couple of times during the concert and I was pointing at my Axl Rose shirt, and he just kept staring at it haha:lol:His vocals were INSANE. And let me tell you, the photos don't do him any favours! He was really fit!

    So. After the concert I met up with this lovely girl, Hanne, which I met at the concert. We had planned on going to a hotel we thought he might be staying at. About an hour after we went there, his crew came and told us to line up, and "he" would take photos with us!!! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!! I was gonna meet AXL ROSE!!! I was shaking and almost crying at a moment there, haha. He came, we talked and laughed. I told him it was the best concert I've ever been to. He replied "was it the only one you've been to?" LOL. We just laughed. We talked a bit about coachella and he signed both my t-shirt AND my GnR tattoo! I need to find a tattoo shop in the morning... Before he left, I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek! I couldn't help it. He was in good spirits! And took his time with everyone. Now, I'm back in my hotel room, listening to GnR on my headphones, writing this, posting photos, and I'm just praying I wont wake up and it was all a dream.


    2016-06-13 03.42.12.jpg

    2016-06-13 03.40.10.jpg

    2016-06-13 03.41.21.jpg


    The signature looks so smooth!!!  I guess it helps you've got zero fat over there :PYou need to find a tattoo artist ASAP.

    Amazing experience!!

    Cant believe so many people are meeting him and having a blast. I hope he keeps this good mood and will to meet fans for the entire tour :nervous:

    • Like 1
  6. Let's talk about this picture...


    Axl looks like a fairy :rofl-lol:

    Never saw him so happy in a fan photo. I wonder what makes him go like that with very few people. I need the recipe, you know? I need the formula for when my moment comes :ph34r:

    Besides he allowed that guy grabbed him like a girlfriend kind of thing.

    Omg, now my head is about to explode. Help meeeee :nervous:

  7. 5 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    Lol, good point! I had never thought of it like that. :lol: But yeah, Axl did say it happened "all the time", so he was around in such situations a lot.

    You crack me up. I love how straight-forward you are :rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol:  No beating around the bush with you, is there? :P

    @killuridols This is the picture without the other girl in it that I was talking about. I think it's the most interesting one, because unlike the other pictures, there is actually... stuff going on in that one, and Axl is definitely involved and not passed out or anything ;)

    Ahhhh haaah :P

    I tell it like it is. That's why my face is full of punches :smiley-confused2:


    Yes, that's the picture. They were all over each other and we know it :max:

    4 hours ago, nn18 said:

    Just bumped into something on tumblr 


    LOL :lol:

    ahahhahhaahaahahaaaaaaa :rofl-lol:

    Omg he HAS to get bangs and straighten his hair again. Please, can you or someone else send him this over Twitter? Please please pleaaaaase :lol:

    51 minutes ago, Axl_Fetish said:

     these pics are much more hot than that picture the other day of Axl and the #FreakShow  :jerkoff:   


    37 minutes ago, cheesecake said:

    Who do you guys think Axl was referencing as his future ex-wife? :ph34r::lol:

    Or it was just a rhetoric? :takethat:

    Hopefully he meant SASHA, but leeches are hard to get off of you without some bleeding  :rolleyes:

  8. The only chaotic situation is that I'm not there to pull down his pants. The rest you solve with a bit of water and a hose. :devilshades:

    6 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    It hasn't finished yet, so there's still hope....:ph34r:

    The show definitely needs you to cause the wardrobe malfunction :smiley-confused2:


  9. 2 hours ago, nonok said:

    As for the Erin part, I don't find it that surprising that Axl would say something like that, but that doesn't mean Erin didn't know how to have sex. :lol: It probably just means that she didn't know how to have the kinky, wild animal sex her boyfriend's (in)famous for.

    As for the threesomes, I'm pretty sure they were a regular thing. They've all seen each other have sex, it's a mind-boggling concept. :wow: And that story in Slash's book about that week in New York with Adriana and Axl and their constant fucking is a bit fabricated imo. He definitely joined in a lot (and Axl seems to like having him there judging by Adriana's story :P) so he shouldn't try to save face.

    Well, what's that shit they say? A whore in bed and a lady.... (I don't know where) lol :P

    Fuck, men are so fucking complicated :max:

    The story in Slash book is the same Adriana told here or is it YET ANOTHER threesome with Axl and her?

    lol Slash, we all know he and Axl where into that. There's too many stories about it to not be true. Like what Axl told those guys about Slash pissing on the bed and scaring out a girl. So usual for Axl to be around when Slash was having sex, huh :rolleyes:

    I don't know if they fucked each other asses but they've definitely shared more than one bed, more than one woman, they've seen each other completely naked, with full erection on and have probably gotten aroused because of that. In the middle of such orgy, it wouldn't be surprising they've exchanged some saliva and hands have gone underneath pants more than once.

    2 hours ago, starlight said:

    Totally agreed. She's got the face and body of a model but she acts normal without posing, that's why I like her.

    However I found this pic of London...damn the boy's getting big, he's taller than Slash


    That kid looks just like his mother. Creepy. And Meegan, with hat on, lol :rolleyes: Does she wear hats so Slash finds her more attractive?

    You know what I'm saying?? ;););) 



    Picture? I have at least 4 different pictures of Axl and Slash with Adriana and some other girl. I don't think it's the same situation, because there's a second girl in most of the pictures and Adriana didn't mention there being another girl in the article. I also have a picture that is just Slash, Axl and one girl (probably Adriana too, looks like it was taken during that same "event").

    Are we allowed to post pictures like that here? Because they are kinda sexual and there's naked boobs in them. But then again if naked butt is allowed, so should boobs...

    So you guys are basically saying Slash didn't want the whole world to know about all the gay (or at least not 100% heterosexual) shit he got up to :lol:

    Haha, I don't like Duff with that hairdo, but it's so cool he's in the gym. We will never see a picture of Axl in the gym, though :(

    I think it'd be better not to post the picture because it is indeed a sexual situation. The girl you mention, she looks like a Madonna from the 80's, right? :rofl-lol:

    And Axl is kissing Slash head or cuddling with him, I don't remember correctly.

    1 hour ago, Carlycosmos said:

    @killuridols 's idea :P


    HAHAAHAAA :rofl-lol:

    Thank you, Carly! Her evil eyes throwing laser is too funny. I hope there's more to come! :P

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Andy14 said:

    Omg, I can't believe I missed this photo yesterday :max:

    Axl looks f*cking gorgeous :drool::drool::wub::wub:. I could stare at this picture all day, it melts my heart :wub:.

    What a huge difference from the freak show, he looks so happy here and 20 years younger. That's the Axl I want to see - all smiles, relaxed, he's in a good place, with people he really cares about and who inspire him and bring out the best in him, not like those idiots who feed on his fame and money. 

    I think they spend more time together than we think, they just don't have the need to show it publicly...seriously I can't imagine anyone of these guys saying "hey, let's take a selfie and post it all over social media".

    @killuridols I can only imagine your reaction when you saw this picture :lol:

    Axl looks like a little kid in a candy store. His face is so...aww :wub:

    Haha, my reaction was as you can imagine. Not the appropriate smilies here to inform you, lol. I still have to see it on a big screen, but I can't get enough of Axl's smile and eyes. I wish I could also see Duff's and Slash's faces.

    OMG @killuridols, nice find! I've never liked Adriana Smith and this made me like her even less, but still, that interview is a gold mine :rofl-lol: And worth it for the picture alone!

    So... Threesomes with Slash. That kind of thing apparently happened more than once then? Remember, there were also these pictures of Axl and Slash having sex with Adriana and another girl.

    Seems like as long as there is at least one female person involved, Axl is okay with being in bed with Slash or even likes it :wow:

    Axl being jealous of Steven? Not buying it. Axl never seemed to think all that highly of him.

    That picture! Is definitely new. Adriana should show us some more of her pictures. And I think he is naked. That little black thing might just be a shadow. Or he's wearing briefs. Here we go again with that topic :lol:

    That story about Erin. If that is true, then there are not enough facepalms in the world to express my feeling about that. What the hell. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

    I don't think Meegan would be overly bothered by knowing that. Or she probably knows anyway. I mean Slash doesn't exactly keep his exploits a secret either (remember that story in Slash's book about Izzy coming on his leg? :P And I would be willing to bet Slash has also ended up in bed with Duff and Steven and some random girls a couple of times. Technically, Slash's probably been in bed with the whole band :rofl-lol:)

    I'm a jewel to this forum, aren't I? :rofl-lol:

    Yes, I think the value is in her stories. She may be a bitch but I wouldn't doubt she's far from the truth. Haha, the picture, comes in handy with the whole wardrobe malfunction thing. Looks like he's wearing one of those male-thongs he's so fond of. Is that an after sex photo? :ph34r:

    Threesome... yes, I know which picture you mean and when I was reading this I wondered if that was the same situation or a different one. And this is basically why I always thought the fight with Slash came from a deeper place than most people can imagine.

    These guys were so close, so tight, they'd even have sex together. I don't know how many people can say they've been in sexual situations with their closest friends and even though I think such thing always end up in a bad place, I can also understand the strength of the bond forming in that moment.

    This band know each other even more than their own brothers and sisters. No one can take it away from them. Not TB, not the freak show, or the fans.

    About Erin, hmm, I think this may be true. Erin was very young back then, an innocent girl, her little voice was the sweetest thing. I can only imagine what it must have been for her to deal with Axl's sexual demands. It all points for this being true. We know he cheated on her all the time, as part of an arrangement they had (which was probably relunctantly accepted by Erin), and that he liked wild rough sex. 

    12 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    @nn18 Yeah, Perla totally looks like London in that picture. Incredible resemblance. But London and Slash resemble each other as well in lots of pictures. Like in this one, where even Slash helpfully pointed that out :lol:

    Anyway, speaking of family resemblances, Duff posted this on his Twitter a couple of months ago:



    omg Grace looks so much like her dad that I'm always scared when I check her Instagram. Had she been a boy, we would have Duff 2 by now.

  11. 4 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Every single time her story is a bit different and this time there's more bits added to it. Therefore, I think she is full of shit! Remember when she went round all the forums saying how much she loved axl and how slash had treated him so unjustly all whilst plugging her own band. I think she got run out of here...banned

    Oh :mellow:

  12. So, who's seen this? Adriana Smith is back... with new info, lol :ph34r:


    Guns N' Roses recorded my sex moans onto Rocket Queen and I wasn't fakingimage.jpeg

    Guns N’ Roses groupie Adriana Smith has lifted the lid on her steamy role on the infamous track "Rocket Queen" and admitted Yes, Yes, Yes!... her orgasmic moans are for real.

    Adriana explained how she and legendary rocker Axl Rose came to romp in a New York studio for two hours as sound engineers recorded her every sigh. 

    The 49-year-old kept quiet about her “contribution” for years.

    But as a reformed GN’R prepare to take America by storm again, Adriana revealed new details of the romp – and a bizarre threesome involving guitarist Slash – in an exclusive chat with the Sunday Mirror.

    Before spilling the beans on her Big Apple grapple with Axl, Adriana told how she first hooked up with him in Los Angeles, while working as a stripper at the Seventh Veil club.

    At the time she was dating the band’s drummer Steven Adler . 

    But when he took another girl out Adriana exacted swift revenge by bedding Rose – only for Adler to return and catch them at it, with an unwitting Slash also in the bed.

    Adriana said: “I lived around the corner from Canter’s Deli, where the band would hang out. Axl showed up and it was just one of those things. We were just fascinated with each other. Steven was out with another girl."

    “We were all getting really wasted, so I felt I was going to try and get revenge on Steven. Axl was all in for it and we started having sex"

    Slash was all passed out and we dragged him into the bed. It was one of those things. A bit naughty. Slash wasn’t really there. He was passed out on the bed next to us.


    “Steven walked in and caught us in bed together. He freaked out and was holding my hand. Axl was talking and saying things like, ‘You wanna join in, buddy?’ Steven wasn’t happy and stormed out.”

    Adriana threw Steven out of her ­apartment, but they later patched up their differences.

    In late 1986 she flew to New York to spend time with the band as they finished mixing their debut album Appetite For Destruction, which would go on to sell 30 million copies and featured Rocket Queen and other classics like Sweet Child O’ Mine.

    Adriana said Slash urged her not to flirt with Axl again as it would upset Steve.

    Adriana – then aged 19 – recalled: “Slash had warned me, ‘don’t antagonise Steven’. But Axl was naughty, even though he had this girlfriend and I was seeing Steven.”

    She told how she and Axl left a bar together and headed for Media Sound Studios after the singer convinced her to help on Rocket Queen.

    Adriana said: “It was all craziness. He said something to me about art and making this song and I was drunk."

    “We cleared everyone out of the studio. Dimly lit, there were cushions in the booth, so no one could really see in. There were two guys in one booth and we were in another and I think they got a couple hours of recording of us having sex.

    “It wasn’t really romantic, passionate or hot. It was kinda contrived, but they got some good stuff out of it. I don’t know where those recordings have gone and I don’t have a copy of them.”

    Adriana said that at the time she feared the tapes would spell the end of her aspiring acting career. To this day she hasn’t made a penny from the track.

    She added: “I was super embarrassed at the time. What if my Mom hears this? What if my Dad hears this? I am not a porn star. I was a stripper, who wanted to be an actress.

    “I was sure that was not going to be good for the cause. It was sort of in my head that I had made this large mistake.”

    Adriana came clean to Steven after Axl insisted her credit appeared on the album as Adriana “Sex Machine” Smith.

    It inevitably led to tensions between the bandmates. Adriana said: “Steven is the opposite of Axl."

    “Axl is like the moody artist, while Steven is the meet-and-greet person, very sociable. I think both were incredibly jealous of each other.”


    (I've never seen this pic before :wow: Is he naked down there? I can't figure out...)

    Adriana – now a divorced mum and with a career as a fashion stylist – continued her affair with Axl.

    “It was a kinda on-and-off thing. Not dating, but we hung out,” she said.

    Astonishingly, Adriana said Axl wanted her to go and live with him and his girlfriend Erin Everly, who he married in 1990, to show her how to satisfy him in bed.

    DA FUCK?! :shocked:

    “He actually wanted me to move in with him, so that I could teach Erin how to have sex,” Adriana boasted. “Obviously, I turned him down, and I can’t imagine she would’ve let that happen.”



    Her revelations come as Axl, 54, has been performing as AC/DC’s frontman and is preparing for the upcoming GN’R tour of the US, starting in a fortnight.

    The singer this week revealed he has been playing new material to bandmates Slash – real name Saul Hudson, 50 – and guitarist Michael “Duff” McKagan, 52.

    Adler, 51, was fired from the band for his heroin addiction in 1990 and a string of other stars have come and gone.

    But Axl and Slash have put their long-running feud behind them to headline the Not In This Lifetime tour, with hopes of a Wembley date in the late summer.

    Adriana claims their return is fuelled by money rather than a desire to celebrate 30 years since the band’s formation.

    She still harks back to the days when she fraternised with the band and their co-writer Aaron West Arkeen, who died from a drugs overdose aged just 36.

    She reminisced: “Rocket Queen was what I was most famous for, but I see myself as a friend to them after all those crazy times. I am still friends with Slash. Even though everything got messed up with the band we stayed in touch.

    “But that was a different time and I could never see myself with any of the band now – it was a moment in time when the stars aligned like that. I have tried to reach out to Axl through people, but have never had a response. <-- Freak Show blocking people from the past?

    “I still care about him. I valued our friendship, still do.”

    She would like to see more of the band’s old faces involved in the tour, adding: “From a fan’s perspective a true reunion would be great.

    “It would be best for everybody if they could put aside old hurts, old pains and go on stage together because this could be their last time. They could do with a therapist – to exorcise their demons.”

    While GN’R fans lap up the band’s latest reincarnation, Adriana revealed her other hit with the band.

    She recalled: “I remember a party in LA. Slash kept daring me to punch a girl he, Steven and Axl had slept with. So I went up and punched her square in the face. This giant fight broke out. It was crazy. The cops came, Slash got arrested and his top hat got lost.”

    But the rocker was not without his trademark titfer for long. Adriana added: “All the stripper girls paid his bail and got him out of jail... and bought him another hat"


    • Like 3
  13. 3 hours ago, cheesecake said:

    OMG OMG!! I've never seen Slash's little self before! He. Is. Super. Adorable. in all those pictures....... OMG. 

    He was brought up in a privileged background, right? Unlike Axl...

    I don't know if privileged but looks like it was a nice family for a while. Until parents broke up.

    At least, he wasn't abused or beaten up and was surrounded by art.

  14. 7 hours ago, Deniz said:

    Bill Maher made fun of Axl over this on yesterdays Real Time. He gave the best two performances of his last 20 years this week and this is what makes news.

    Axl should get rid of team brazil and get real PR who are up to date with how media works thesedays.  

    They never done anything remotely good for Axl or the band in terms of his career. The ACDC thing is something he set up himself, not them.

    His entourage is all about partying, drinking, hanging out with models and idiots.

    Work? Leave it to Axl, he's the only one who works his ass off to bring the millions home.

  15. 57 minutes ago, stella said:

    It's very sweet, yes. At one of the Vegas shows there was a photo of her with Sebastian Bach, so they're still out there supporting their brother - so awesome. :)

    How are you girls sure that is his sister? It doesn't look nothing like her. :shrugs:

    56 minutes ago, Frey said:

    If these other kids in the picture are supposed to be roughly Axl's age, then Axl really was TINY. 

    Reminds me of when I was still in school. We also had one kid in gym class who looked like he hadn't gone through puberty yet, while everyone else already looked pretty grown up.

    But unlike these guys in the picture, we were nice enough not to tape the little guy's mouth shut or stuff him in a locker.

    lol he's still tiny :heart:

    Such a tiny little body for such a huge immense voice... :drool:

    • Like 1
  16. 24 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    As for the story about Axls relatives not caring to attend to the shows, well that's incredibly heart-breaking as well. Especially if there were maybe shows where the other guys' family were there, but no one from Axl's family cared enough (except his siblings). Awful. I don't remember that story being in Slash's book, I should read it again (it's been a long time since I read it).

    Axl's relatives hated him when he revealed the abuse going on in the house to the whole world, in that interview with Rolling Stone.

    Instead of being happy for his success, they rejected him and told him to fuck off. That's why he was so enraged, hated his mother, stepfather, uncles, etc. and by 1993 the Lebeis became his new family.

    This rant from 1992 explains a big portion of the problem. It is one of the best Axl rants ever. 


    • Like 4
  17. Girls: that is Axl beaten up by his stepdad. He said so. As much as we want to believe something else, it is what it is.

    He was abused and we know it. I always knew, at least. So there's no alternative option like toddler being clumsy.

    It sucks, it's horrible and I can only hope for all those adults who hurt him to be rotting in hell right now.


    I LOVE YOU AXL.:cry:

    • Like 3
  18. 17 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Hah, you're right, he does look like in that baby pic. Same smile and everything. Amazing :heart:

    And I like that picture as well, but I have to tell myself that he just walked into a table or something and that's where he got the black eye from. Toddlers do stuff like that sometimes, right? At least my sister did all the time :P

    Because the alternative explanation makes me so incredibly angry like you wouldn't believe :anger: ... I just can't fathom how someone could look at an adorable little baby like that and ever lay a hand on them. And yeah, it makes me wanna grab him and run away with that baby to a nice, safe place where I can protect him.

    1 minute ago, marlingrl03 said:

    I am a toddler teacher and one of my students just broke his nose and has a bruised eye....so absolutely some certain children at that age can get hurt accidentally! It happens.

    Um, I'm a bit confused...

    I'm not making it up, the picture of Axl with a black eye it is indeed a black eye he got from his father and he wanted to use that picture in the video, along with that old footage of him too.

    Axl talked about this before. I just don't remember exactly where I read it or saw it. But I thought you guys knew the same story. 

    14 minutes ago, BOSSY78 said:

    Let's be realistic though can you imagine being with a guy and he tells you he wrote a song about his ex and wants you to play in it?

    If all is as we have assumed or been told about the songs being about Erin I say she got the last laugh there in regards to Stephanie.

    Yeah, he was playing with both of them at the same time, according to Erin. And I think that's what pushed her to join Stephanie in the domestic violence claim.

    "Don't Cry" isn't about Erin, as far as I know. It is about Barbie and Axl. Barbie leaving Axl, telling him to don't cry. So the subject of the song is not a woman but a man, Axl himself. Everybody thinks it's lyrics for a woman.

    The Don't Cry video, as explained by Axl, has some scenes that represent real life situations between Axl and Erin (like when he grabs the gun to kill himself). "November Rain" lyrics I don't know who they are about, but the video is based off Del James short story "Without You" (which was inspired by Axl & Erin relationship). "Estranged" lyrics are all about Axl-Erin end of relationship/marriage and the video is a mix of emotions related to his break up with Erin, Stephanie and he said even Steven Adler.

    I think Stephanie didn't care at the time. Not even sure Axl explained to her what the video was about. She knew she had to be there to be popular, she would be the girl in one of the hottest music videos of the year. 

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