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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

    So they were hanging out together in London after all! So happy to see that! And yes, he looks much happier with them than with the freak show! :wub::wub:


    Look at that smile on Axl's face! He's beaming! :D


    OMG that new pic of them is amazing! :wow:

    Axl's face and smile is so beautiful!!!! I want a huge poster of that picture covering my walls!!!


    Its funny but he looks just like in this baby pic, which happens to be my favorite. Despite the terrible black eye :anger:.... I love that he's still smiling. And it takes me to a place of deep pain, feeling like I want to protect this child who's just been abused by a piece of shit adult.

    Sit there, count your fingers, ah count your little fingers, my unhappy, oh little boy, oh little boy blue... :cry:

    1 hour ago, Frey said:

    Lol, these pictures are not helping at all :lol: I don't know, there's just something about her face that's really off-putting to me. I actually think her face is kind of ugly (sorry). Guess I just prefer women with softer faces. 

    Even Axl looked like a hotter woman than Stephanie when he was young. :rofl-lol:


    A street bum to the left and a lady that looks high on coke with an unfortunate face to the right.

    (Steph and Axl fans please don't take it seriously, I'm only fooling around)

    Stephanie was really beautiful, I don't know what the hell you're talking about but ok. Taste is taste :shrugs:

    "street bum" <_<

    Why do people have this huge need to put down others with such horrible words all the time, then try to disguise it or make it pass as "humor"? I don't get it. I don't know what's wrong with the world. We're getting worse every day. :thumbsdown:

    • Like 4
  2. 28 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    But there is definitely something wrong with his 2000-2002 face. It's really odd, because whilst it doesn't seem to be major surgery, it looks like a really bad chemical peel or something. I think his face looks better now compared to then. 

    I think the wrong from that era is that his facial hair got really light and also the braids don't help at all.

    Yes, it's either that or Botox.

    23 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Right?! I've noticed that as well. Must be because children have rounder faces and more fat underneath their skin and Axl nowadays... has more fat on him again as well :lol: Or something. I don't mean to be mean by the way, I think it's cute.

    This is a Benjamin Button case :P


  3. 8 hours ago, Andy14 said:

    Since I'll be away all day today, here's something you can discuss:

    Axl notices his pants "accident" at 2:00, I think that you can see he's wearing black underwear...mystery solved....or not? :smiley-confused2:


    The pants split open for first time in "Shoot To Thrill" and I think he realized about it sooner than later, didn't do anything to fix it. :rolleyes:

    He's definitely looking for problems.

    Problems with my crotch.

    4 hours ago, Italian girl said:

    Cindy, Linda, Naomi, Stephanie, Christy, Claudia.. Were so beautiful, no estreme plastic surgery, no botox, no photoshop.. They were so natural...

    I miss them

    And Kate Moss :wub:

    1 hour ago, Whiskey Rose said:

    I don't get on here every day, comment even less, but dayam, I love your emotional posts, I always look forward to reading them. :lol:

    lol thank you!

    Over-emotional I'd say. Haha. I learned it all from Axl :heart:

    1 hour ago, Padme said:

    Well according to Erin, Axl kept chasing her for over a year. Meaning he wanted Erin back despite the fact that he was dating Stephanie. The videos with Steph are about Erin. I think Axl loved Dylan more than anything

    Axl divorced from Erin and not much time passed until he was already in a serious relationship with Stephanie, making her part of the videos, showing her off everywhere.

    I think he did this to make Erin jealous and I guess it worked. I would have hated the guy for that. She had lost his baby a few months before. Then she had to see how he would get on with a new girl and have the nerve to say the videos are about Erin! Then Estranged, same shit again.

    Axl didn't love Stephanie as much as Erin. Erin's presence in his music is massive, even to the extent of Chinese Democracy :facepalm:. I couldn't believe I was reading Erin's name in the booklet of CD. And she's also credited in the Illusions.

    Erin is the woman who took it all from him. And he destroyed her love for being an asshole.

    If you "didn't want it to die" you shouldn't have killed it, Axl :rolleyes:

    • Like 4
  4. 13 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    We can take this even further back:


    Those cheeks, the eyes... that's just what Axl looks like when he smiles. Always has and always will. And it's cute. I wish people would stop with the ridicuous plastic surgery rumours already. :facepalm:

    Yes. People who say he has plastic surgery are plain ignorant. He doesn't have any. The older he gets the more he looks like his childhood self.

  5. 1 hour ago, BOSSY78 said:

    Yea if you went on google search typed in Guns N Roses it would list in a box like their official page band pictures and member names with any social media accounts linked to them, under all that of course is normal search results. I dont know who puts it there and how pictures are chosen  but Axl's pic was always from where he was younger and stayed the same for a very long time. Google updated to add Melissa, and the current lineup removing DJ as member as well then that's when the Axl pic changed. The wikipedia is also listed there as well but wikipedia pic is Axl in 2010, a much better picture though and not the same one.

    Maybe i'm confused but in this picture from 2010 he looks fine to me. Not fat and more fit. So yea major photoshopping imo on the other pic. This pic I believe is same day. Hope it's okay I posted it if not I can remove.



    Ive known for years that picture was touched to make him look fat.

    Mitch Lafon showed me the pictures he took on the same show and he doesn't look at all like in that picture.

    I hope the person who did that gets some really bad disease in return for being such a fucking asshole, destroyer of lives.


  6. 37 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    Btw. Looking at this pic I finally know what Slash's neck reminds me of :smiley-confused2:

    HAHAHAHAAHA! Me too! :rofl-lol:

    36 minutes ago, Carlycosmos said:

    By the way have you seen this?
    We have to find that girl and ask her HOW it felt to the touch.



    Yeah, I saw it at the AXL/DC section.

    That hand should have gone a little more down below :P

    And you know what would have been the best? If he would be wearing the TOUCH ME, FEEL ME tshirt :rofl-lol:


  7. 28 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

    It's Axl's past, he's pissed off a lot of people and left a bad impression that has carried with his name for the last two decades. He's done more for his name in the last 5 months than he did in 20 years since UYI tour ended. 

    Hes not a beloved celebrity, he's suppose to be the villian and people try to push him into that role 

    But... tons of other celebrities have done WORSE things than whatever Axl did.

    Bill Cosby raped women. Woody Allen abused his step-daugther. OJ Simpson killed his wife.

    Yet I can't imagine myself going to the fanpages of those celebrities to leave one single comment, whether positive or negative, about them. I just don't care. :shrugs:

    People who do that to me are all :crazy:

  8. 4 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

    Axl being successful hurts a lot of people. They can't handle it, but like I said in a previous thread if he messes up once on anything there will be a firestorm of hate coming his way...similar to this picture fiasco. 

    I mean how the hell does this become a top story on world news...

    Omg but what kind of sick mind can be so bothered by an artist they don't even know.

    I understand someone getting jealous at their best friend getting all the women or his cousin becoming rich, but A CELEBRITY?? Axl is one of thousands of celebrities successful, filthy rich, pimpin', etc. If someone's gonna get sick because of the existance of this people they should kill themselves! This world is not for you!

    Makes no fuckin' sense to me. Or people are really, seriously, damaged in their brains.

  9. 5 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

    People that don't like Axl call him fat, especially when his performances are really good. He's a music legend, he's super rich, he doesn't put himself out in the public realm often, he still singles and parties with women in their 20's. When there is nothing else to criticize it's easy to point at his weight. 

    It's unfortunate, but he can get himself into shape if he wants to. People don't feel sympathy for him there bc he has all the resources to stay in shape. It's his decision though he can live how he wants, eat what he wants, if he's happy and successful then great! Go Axl

    Yes. And when he is in shape they will find something else to whine about.

    I just read a comment in a website "He should have died in the 90's"




  10. 2 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    No doubt. Axl is the most insecure guy I've ever come across, and not just about the band, but all kinds of areas in his life. I can't imagine this not eating away at him at least a little. And it's probably also why he's so defiant about how he likes the CD songs best etc. And why they're playing CD songs at all and why we have Richard/Frank/Melissa in the band. Everything else would be admitting defeat and he coudln't deal with that.

    Thankfully Slash and Duff seem to realize that and are going along with it, so he can save face.

    This band is such a mess :facepalm:

    Yes he is insecure but I dont think he's done all those things you've mentioned to "keep the balance" (fortus, melissa, frank, love for CD). To me, what clearly says he wasn't going to stay there watching Slash receiving all the praise, is having joined AC/DC.

    And I don't believe he called them to help them or that it happened by chance. I think it has been orchastrated for quite some time and he convinced Angus, don't know how, to make him his new singer. And Angus fabricated the auditions of the tribute bands singers to play the game. Axl has got the job from minute zero. They all knew about this.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    This is very true I think. Despite Axl doing great with AC/DC and GnR recently, he has an absolutely terrible reputation with the general public. People love to hate Axl and think of him as an asshole, many without even knowing why they think that. They just know that that's what he "is", because that's the image of him they've absorbed from the media and popular culture.

    Slash by contrast is everyone and their grandmother's favorite guitar hero. And to his credit, he's worked hard over the years to establish a reputation as a nice, respectable and professional guy. He's a real media darling.

    So yeah, people have no interest in tearing Slash down, because he's well-liked and respected by nearly everyone. But Axl is an easy target and people don't feel to guilty about being nasty to him. He's and insane megalomaniac and an asshole and the guy who ruined the band after all.

    Unfortunately, Axl is also the guy who's the most sensitive about this kind of thing among them. People know it's easy to get a rise out of him which makes it even more fun for them. Slash and Duff most likely would just shrug something like that off, but I'm sure it gets to Axl a lot. I feel bad for him because he's probably pretty hurt by the whole thing.

    Urgh, what a stupid situation and what a sad post. Here's a cute picture of Axl saying hello to a child in the audience to make up for it:


    You're spot on with all of what you said. Every single word.

    Makes me so sad. My Axl, he's not perfect but he's a great artist. :cry:

    What a shame people can't enjoy the music and the voice of this man while he's still alive. All they want to do is to hurt him so when he passes away they will be like "oh damn Axl was really good"




    ps: Beautiful picture Lumikki. Thanks for posting. :hug:


    • Like 1
  12. Ok. Here's what I see :(

    0002 10-Jun-16 19.16.jpg

    Somehow I don't think those pictures have been "picked by hand" to appear there. It looks like the page will suck in whatever pictures of him are trending and display it on the home.

    This is the first time I see that picture there, though. Never happened before so I think its something with the algorythm and the popularity of the photos.


  13. 14 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I know, puts a whole new spin on it doesn't it. I don't think his official pic would've been changed either had he not complained. I can't find anywhere where's he has complained about the memes or jokes. The notice was put in to google specifically, it's obvious why. 


    So where do I see this official picture thing?

    I hope he gets a case then, sues their fucking asses off. Now Im mad :anger:

  14. 10 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Yes, it was used as his official Google picture, whenever I typed in GnR or Axl, that was the pic. Then ACDC listed him as a member on their official websit and that was the pic, they obviously just used google. That's when the shit hit the fan, I reckon. 

    I never saw that and AC/DC???? what the fucking fuck? are they out of their minds??

    • Like 1
  15. The obsession people have with his weight is INSANE. Like seriously out of control.

    I don't know what kind of psychological wire he touches inside the mind of people who comment on Social Media sites.

    Even in FAN PAGES they leave this kind of comment. And the second weirdest thing to me is how many MEN join this fat shaming of him.

    What's going on? I dont get it. Everybody cares so much about his weight like they were going to have sex with him or something.


    • Like 1
  16. 48 minutes ago, BOSSY78 said:

    I have to agree. I think both look good considering but I never did understand how some called Axl fat when Slash may be a tad bigger even.

    I remember a pic a few years back a friend said wow Axl got fat and I wad thinking how his butt looked nice in his jeans lol. Go figure especially since as a redhead I don't tend to be attracted to redhead men (don't ask me it's a thing lol)

    The only GN'R original member who looks really good and non fat is Duff. Although he's got the Sharpei wrinkles @Lumikki described the other day :rofl-lol:

    Slash is fat all over, triple chin and all but I dont know why people never give him shit for it. I guess its because Axl's an easy target. People hate him for his past so anything that shames him and puts him down will be used as "punishment".

    lol society and their punishments :rolleyes:

    37 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    When I saw it I thought why don't they do something about getting rid of that pic, but then look at the furore it's caused now. He can't win. 

    He's been trending for it on my Facebook for two days now :(  initially i thought what a stupid move to pull, but thinking about it, I can understand a bit about why he's done it. I was glad when the picture was changed. 

    The problem is everyone sees it as an ego out of control thing, even his own fans, and you won't convince them otherwise now. 

    I definitely think the offending pic had been stretched a lot. Still he was quite fat at that time, lost a ton of it during that tour, put it all back on. Nothing is ever simple following this guy :lol:

    Wait, I dont understand this picture thing. What you guys mean Google used it as his official profile pic? What.. how?? Never saw it.

    What I think it is indignant is that some news websites use that pic to illustrate any Guns N' Roses or Axl article and they do it on purpose. I know they do. There are loads of pics of him from this new era but they use that one and others that are totally fake. He was never fat like that. I think the fatter he was, it was in 2014.

    Didn't people see him on Jimmy Kimmel? That was 2 years after that stupid picture YET everybody acts like he was still looking like that.

    It's pure hate. I don't get it. Axl is no angel but why do people obsess so much to the point of hurting someone they probably have never met and never will?

    I dont like a lot of artists but I wouldn't waste one second of my life looking for their pictures, doctorize them or make memes. Only teenagers have time for that.

    • Like 3
  17. 1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

    The "Not a bad looking club we've got over here..." refers to the jackets/the people who'll wear these jackets. On Instagram they posted the jackets with that comment underneath. On Twitter they forgot to add the picture of the jackets, unintentionally (or intentionally? but probably not considering how awful this band's management is...) causing rumors to start :facepalm:


    Anyway, these jackets are cringeworthy. I get that it is probably a marketing thing to make the "kids" more interested, but still... Kardashians? Katy Perry? Urgh. Waiting for Justin Bieber's personalized tour jacket now.

    And before anyone starts with the "But they might actually like GnR and be fans!"... No, they don't. People like that Kardashian girl just like wearing GnR jackets and slayer Shirts, but don't actually like the yucky loud music. :rofl-lol::facepalm:



    EDIT: I also just read on Instagram that Fernando spent some nice time at the police station due to assault charges :rofl-lol::rofl-lol::facepalm:


    what a......... :anger:

    I HATE THIS SHIT. I thought it had ended with the Coachella circus act of fakes and phonies but I see it will continue well into the tour. :facepalm:

    • Like 3
  18. 13 minutes ago, nonok said:

    I'm sure they won't mind, they probably think we're constantly organizing Satanic rituals to summon naked band members to our rooms anyway. :lol: They're afraid of us. :ph34r:

    Here's something to keep us going for now:



    In the first pic, Axl looks like Bon Jovi WTF :lol:

    And that animated gif :drool: that face....................... :jerkoff:

    9 minutes ago, Lumikki said:


    Hah, I didn't mean to say I'm only interested in Axl for his looks. I actually care about him a whole lot more than that. I find him lovable and charming, and also incredibly frustrating and infuriating. But always fascinating. Which is probably why I spend too much time here discussing him. :P And also why I really want his autobiography. I wanna know more about him, what goes on inside his head, his view of things...

    I also love all the songs you mentioned, both musically and lyrically. They're among my favorite GnR songs.

    I don't really identify with anyone in the band, but if I had to choose, it would probably be Duff. He and I have similar views on life, similar priorities, values, anxiety issues etc.

    I also agree that he should wear shorts again. Like you said, he looked great in the recent pictures where he wore them.

    And yes, post the porn! I think I know which pictures you speak of and I think they should be fine (except maybe if the rules on this board are overly prudish, but I have no idea :ph34r:)

    lol yeah, sorry, after I finished typing that emotional wall of text I felt I had killed the buzz of the thread and I didn't mean to say you dont care about him in any other way. I just derailed like that because you asked who else in the band we would have sex with and I should have said Axl and only Axl since I don't feel physically attracted to the others, but then I started justifying why and I got lost in my own rollercoaster of emotions.

    I told you, Im an emotional wreck!

    When he said that he will probably write his biography I got happy again because I thought he had ditched the idea. In the 2008 chats he did here, he mentioned that he had started writting it but that it was a hard process involving a lot of pain. That's why I thought he wouldn't keep trying. So it's a good thing he's considering it again. I hope he doesnt care too much what the others think and that they encourage him to say whatever he wants to say without fear of making them look like liars. It will be his version of the story and that's it.

    I like Duff's approach of life too and the change he's done with his life I admire quite a lot. He's my second favorite member if I have to choose. He's got an amazing personality now and how much he cares about Axl brings me to tears.


  19. 28 minutes ago, starlight said:

    Speaking about physical aspect Axl doesn't do for me anymore either.He's too much out of shape and his clothes don't help him at all lol

    Duff and Slash are attractive, Slash is still my favourite :heart:


    I'm sorry but Slash is REALLY FAT nowadays. He's got a huge beer belly too and has 3 chins.

    lol Axl - By tako217.jpg

    (lol Axl's face :lol:)

  20. 10 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    The bike shorts are nice and everything, but I've also always been a huge fan of the leather pants. And I saw this on Tumblr somewhere recently and I'm stealing it for here. This is a "Trio Butt in Leather Pants Appreciation Post" :lol:




    whoa Duff!! :wow:

    lol I've never seen Slash wearing those boots. Cool ones!

    I guess Axl would look good in leather pants now. He should try them.

  21. 21 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Hominahominahomina :drool::drool::drool:  Those fishnet shirts are the sexiest thing he's ever worn, period. And those thighs... :drool: Really, he should wear short shorts, his legs still look amazing (his arms too imo). Or at least those pants that reach his (shananananananana)knees, like in that picture where he's with crutches and a cool hat and looks the best he's had in years.

    @killuridols take pity on us and post something we haven't seen from AXL PORN, pleeeeease? :P

    By the way, judging by the pictures from the Manchester show, Axl seems to be growing his hair out, but gaining weight at the same pace. :facepalm::lol: He's also regained his voice and the fans adore him, but parades around with the freak show and pulls the fat Axl meme stunt. It's like you can never have anything go without a hitch with this man.

    Yeah the fishnet shirts are great. I bought myself one back in the day, haha I'm always imitating him. But of course, I'd wear it with a shirt underneath -_-

    That picture with crutches, the outfit is great. I loved it. He should always wear that. I also loved these shorts he was wearing before leaving to London:

    Axl with fan.jpg

    About growing his hair, yes, looks like his hair grows fast. It doesn't look the same way it did in the reunion shows. I loved that lenght and that it looked tamed. I don't know whats going on now.

    I'll post the porn but you have to stand up for me if mods get mad and try to ban me :P


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