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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 28 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    He might come here and call us all lesbian cunts. Ha! That would be awesome! 

    Send him the link...

    hahahahaa :lol:

    so we should say "well, Axl, you're a butch lesbian now so join the club!" :rofl-lol:

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

    Nah, I don't really fancy him anymore either nowadays. The 'butch lesbian grandma' look (I think it was  @killuridols that came up with that? :P) doesn't do it for me.

    Although sometimes I still think he looks cute and I would have been all over him back in the day. And Izzy. And Duff. And Slash. :lol: What an attractive band lol.

    Confession time: If I had to choose one of them to have sex with, the way they look nowadays (you know, in case of an apocalypse where there's a need to re-populate the world or something :P:facepalm:), I'd probably go for Duff or Slash. Anyone else here that would not choose Axl, girls? Or will the post-apocalyptic world be over-run by temperamental little gingers? :lol:

    lol, yes, it's butch lesbian but not grandma added ;)

    I like everything about him, even if now he's not looking his best, I can still see lots of his old facial traits, expressions, looks. His voice, his pale skin, the way he talks and laughs.

    I know I'm always here drooling over any little thing about him but I'm mostly having fun with that. It's like a role I play to add some spice to my character. I can be serious about him too and criticize him when it's needed.

    My attraction for Axl goes beyond looks. He means so much to me in senses he would never imagine. If I ever meet him I will probably pass out in front of him and he will be like :facepalm: instead of helping me, hahaha, but I will still love him :P

    His lyrics have enormous meaning in my life. Specially Coma, Estranged, Locomotive, Breakdown, Dead Horse, Street Of Dreams, Better, Madagascar, Sorry... I guess that's what I can remember that I'm impacted the most by them. All of them talk about things that happened in my life or express the same emotions I've felt in certain moments. 

    My identification with Axl is much greater than with any other member of the band. I've read Slash and Duff books (still gotta read Steven's) and even though I enjoyed them a lot, I didn't feel their story resembled mine or that I could identify with some of that. 

    I remember Slash said in his book that Axl is indeed that stereotype of the brilliant artist with a tortured soul. Well, I'm a tortured soul just like him, not yet a brilliant artist :P

    Well, I could talk lengths about my adoration of this man and why he is my hero, one of the very few artists who have written my life in their lyrics, so that means a lot to me. I understand what he goes through, his fears and demons are mine too. When Axl dies, I will die with him.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, Padme said:

    We could send him a PM with link to the thread. He has an account here :devilshades:

    I doubt he checks this regularly  :confused:

    No, don't send him the link. Remember this thread is also full of criticism to his entourage of freaks and he won't like that. Will give us shit in the next show :max:

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    Holy shit, this discussion is brilliant :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol:

    Axl would love this thread :headbang:

    Now all we need is the close cam guy that was in Prague :max:

    @killuridolsI'm out of likes but a big like to the naked Axl's pics you posted yesterday 

    Yes, it is!!! We rock this thread!! :headbang: FEMALE POWER :lol:

    Damn yes, the Prague show with the videos of Ollie is my all time AXL/DC :drool:. If he ever pulls those videos out of You Tube I'm gonna commit suicide :confused:

    Thank you!!! They are part of a big collection I have in my computer. It's called AXL PORN :rofl-lol:

  5. 2 minutes ago, Padme said:

    The "wardrobe malfunctions" should happen more often. I love every minute of it :wub: Hopefully they will happen in other more private areas  :devilshades:

    I found out this wardrobe malfunction happened during "Shoot To Thrill" and he sang the whole song without fixing it. So when we get videos from people close to the stage, that's gonna be our fest! :drool:

    I was also thinking how uncomfortable this must have been for the rest of ACDC :lol: Those old guys looking at Axl's firm thigh and going like "wtf cover that!". They are not used to bare naked Axl like Slash and Duff are. 

    Yes, more wardrobe malfunctions would be nice but I love this man so much that I don't want that he has to go through another hell of criticism and media exposure because of that.

    My only wish is that he adds shorts to his wardrobe for the upcoming GNR shows. He looks amazing on them and he should take advantage of the fact that he can still show his firm legs and beautiful skin.

  6. 7 hours ago, Padme said:

    My hand has a life of it own. It's already on the way searching and touching all the areas near by the unzipped leg :wub: There is nothing I can do to stop it. It's not responding to my command to get out of "there" :P

    Hahaahaa Im on the same boat. I want to unzip it all and massage those yummy thighs, holy shit :drool:

    16 minutes ago, nn18 said:

    I just can't stop starring at these thighs.....DAMN.......They look so smooth and prefect.....sooo beautifull....

    It's such a disgrace that we haven't seen them for years....I'm praying for more wardrobe malfunction! Gimme some reggae!!! :P

    This is why Axl is so great like no other man. He's always surprising us with the weirdest things.

    He knew we needed to see more skin (gotta confess the little piece of leg we could see all this time due to his injury turned me on so much that I think I'm crazy :lol:) and he delivered. 

    First, the tight pants that let us dream of his roundy butt and now what we have missed the most since the 90s!!!

  7. 7 hours ago, gooner14 said:

    Why does his jeans have a zip there to begin with lol

    To be able to put in and out of pants easier, because of the boot.

    7 hours ago, stella said:

    OK, that square thing could either be a bit of Tegaderm (a clear, plastic bandage that is put over large areas that need to be kept dry) or it could be a transdermal patch. There are a number of types of medicine delivered that way - pain meds, insulin, all sorts of other meds.

    I thought of that too in the beginning. Only patches I know are the contraception ones. I was in doubt because most patches I know don't look like just regular tape but since Axl always gets the latest technology for everything, I assume these patches now also come aesthetic, lol.

    7 hours ago, nn18 said:

    Well hello them legs! Haven't seen you in a LONG time! :wub:

    That was a shocking return. Never expected! :rofl-lol:

    4 hours ago, stella said:

    For fun, I flipped it to a negative and removed the shadows - there is the distinct shape of a square there and it appears to not be totally flush with his leg. You can see the back edge of it.


    Bravo!!! Great job, Stella!!!rock3

    So it's definitely a patch and congratulations to my sight! I knew there was something different on his skin that looked like plastic.

    Mistery solved :P

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, stella said:

    In the GnR shows he does go offstage often into an air-conditioned (as I've heard) area and changes out of his sweaty clothes several times per show, though, which probably makes dealing with the heat easier - does he do that during the AC/DC shows? I'd love to see the video of this to see the context -

    I know. But the time he spents on stage sweating with those heavy leather jackets on is longer than any little break he takes to go change outfit.

    No, most of the time he stays around during Angus solos or between lyrics. He may take the shirt off or change his hat, put on a bandana, but he does that while being onstage. Doesn't go to that exclusive booth he has in GNR shows. He may not have it on ACDC stage, Im not sure.

    Only time he changes tshirt and jacket is for the encore.

  9. 13 minutes ago, wasted said:

    For me it's Don't Cry. But that's just personal taste. I'm not saying one particular is a problem or that they play too many, just it's a different show to DC which is just make you feel like a badass the whole show.

    Axl in DC crystalized to me that Slash isn't Angus, he hasn't written a raft a badass rockers so the show isn't like that. Guns hits are spread wide from Jungle to Patience to Nov Rain. So AFD fans going to GNR show feeling badasses get This I Love and Don't Cry, might be great but it doesn't have the feelgood factor that DC shows have. Theyve got Jungle, Nightrain, YCBM as sheer rocking songs. Also the fans aren't judging Axl on his songs in GNR, it's just ACDC classic after classic. 

    The way Axl plays and sings November Rain now and of course, the addition of Slash and Duff has made it cool again for me. Before the reunion, I hated it and Axl always sounded weak on it.

    I know what you mean. I feel the same. Its like punch punch all night long, which makes it a good plan to go out at night to see AXL/DC and actually have fun, bang heads, jump, dance, etc.

    GN'R songs are more serious and some have really heavy deep lyrics. You need to put on a certain mood to appreciate them.

  10. 59 minutes ago, sanity_lost said:

    I love the little face staring out above the brace on his leg. I've never noticed how perfectly positioned the tattoo was before.

    hahahaaha yeah, it looks like a little devil who just pulled an evil deed :lol:

  11. 5 minutes ago, stella said:

    There's a zipper on that "tear" in his pants - that seems to have been deliberate for some reason and not a wardrobe malfunction. It must get hot onstage under those lights when one is singing for hours, I'm sure.

    We'll have to wait for the videos to see what really happened but I don't think it was intentional. He's been hiding his body for a long time and performs with lots of clothes on even in summer.

    The zippers break from so much pulling up and down. His movements must have broke it since he's not fat on his legs.

    Don't know. Just speculation for the time being.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    I think briefs are most likely as well (except if he's taken some inspiration from Slash... I know Slash never wears underwear :P). Let's hope they are at least nice ones, though I find it hard to picture briefs looking nice on a a guy over 50... I already find them questionable on cataloge models most of the time ^^

    The thing about the lights was in response to Carly, because she seemed to think it looked a bit unnatural. But I can totally believe that's just what his thighs look like as well. His legs and butt are the things that have aged best on him after all :lol:

    lol well I dont know.

    Yeah, briefs they suck too on any regular guy who's not 50 :ph34r:

    But I swear I've never seen a man with better legs and butt. Even the models, even the ones who are all muscle.

    I think its something natural, the shape of his legs is perfect :drool:


  13. 1 hour ago, GNRmello77 said:

    Now we only need to wait before @killuridols sees that photo lol

    hahahhaaaaaa :lol:

    I KNEW something WAS WRONG when I came back here and had 10 notifications in my profile! :rofl-lol:

    Girls at the Women's Thread mentioned me too so I replied back there first. Thanks for letting me know. HAHAHA

    Now I feel the urge to pull it all down once and for all! :lol:

    • Like 1
  14. 21 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    I think that's just his thigh we see there, and not some nude-colored undergarment or anything. I think his thigh just looks so flawless and smooth because of the lightening or something. At least I hope so.

    But speaking of undergarments and with how far up the split goes, shouldn't we see his underwear if he was wearing boxer briefs or boxers or something? So since we're not seeing anything he's either not wearing underwear at all or wearing briefs or a thong or whatever :scared::lol:

    EDIT: @Carlycosmos we posted at the same time :lol: But your options are even more horrifying than what I was imagining :rofl-lol:

    I think he's wearing briefs, lol, and about the thigh looking flawless I don't think its the lights or anything. He always had amazing thighs with firm muscles, his fat is around his waist and mostly because of booze but remember men are not like women, they dont get cellulite so don't expect that on him :lol: and he's not THAT old.

  15. 23 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    Well...we were calling for more skin and that's Axl's interpretation....if you want skin (you got it) :smiley-confused2:


    I think the duck t-shirt is his uniform, something like Angus and his school boy outfit

    Well, the question then arises - what is he wearing under the pants? :ph34r:


    Where's @killuridols when we need her? :lol:

    omgomgomgomg Im sorry I just saw this. I was away!

    Im rotflmao :rofl-lol:

    Holy Jesus, this is the best! :lol:

    His American white ham thigh is looking :drool::drool::drool: but it sucks it had to happen at the show and now all of the idiots will make articles and put him on a list of celebrities having problems with their wardrobe :facepalm:

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