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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 5 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Gotta agree with @killuridols

    I find Andrei pretty repulsive as well. Looks like a really slimy, sleazy, shady and untrustworthy guy. Gives off bad vibes. The kind of guy where I wouldn't be shocked to learn that he's a serial killer or something :scared:

    To clean my mind of Andrei, I'm gonna join @rustycage11 and post some pics.

    I don't really have many of Steven though, because to be honest... I don't really care about him? I never found him attractive and and I also don't much like him as a person. I can see the appeal of every other guy in the original line up, but Steven just does nothing at all for me :shrugs:

    omg you cracked me up :rofl-lol:

    You can be meaner than me. That's an achievement! :lol:

    There's a new girl around @ACP and she had something to say about Andrei too. She was at the China Exchange conference.


    Yeah, Steven is the one I like the less. Never liked his 80s haircut and lots of hair in his chest :P

  2. 6 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Because it has a happy Axl, a punk stare from Duff, a cute Steven, a helpful Izzy and a hammered Slash - all you could want from Guns N' Roses. :heart:

    hahaha. Actually, I don't like Axl in this picture, I hate the cowboy boots and I love Steven's shoes!! :wow:

    I guess its because it has that 80s vibe, five great musicians living the rock n' roll life, no beggars and hangers on around ;)

  3. 16 minutes ago, ACP said:

    That sounds cool, sorry I'm new to this forum and didn't know we discussed things elsewhere. I just wanted to know because she was there during the discussion with Beta.  The guy with the moustache (to her left in the above picture) was a right grouch - didn't lie him at all!

    That's ok.

    From the homepage you can see there sections and subforums for other topics that are not strictly GN'R the current band and news. This is because then topics get derailed and people who want to read about it get mad when the subject changes abruptly.

    We created a thread for women in The Jungle section (not sure its the correct one but there it is) so we don't derail the Social Media thread and we can gossip freely, talk about different topics and avoid fighting with the guys here (which are majority).

    Feel free to stop by our thread whenever you want :)

    • Like 2
  4. 8 minutes ago, SSHGUNS said:

    Also about Sasha (seriously don't understand why i care this much) i think its probably more of a friendship as she kinda disappears thought out the years , probably  when she is in a relationship as she can't go touring with a ex. Maybe the relationship has rekindled  a spark again in the last year.  

    The picture of the freak show says a lot. She goes around naked and he's there. You do that with an ex you finished your relationship? Pretty strange.

    I think they have an ongoing relationship that is not a conventional or traditional couple one. They fuck, she's around, they benefit from each other's friendship but he must have told her the same thing he told Erin when Erin started suffering for him:

    ".... I didn't mean to hurt you with my actions, but I guess it's a little late for those thoughts now. Many times we had discussed situations of this nature and I was led to believe that such actions were practically expected of me and (though perhaps unwillingly) (obviously now an understatement) and allowed as I would also allow you in our relationship. I didn't lie to you and I didn't cheat on you. Many times you told me you knew I would go out with other women and that you knew you couldn't change me if you wanted to, so it was ok and you knew what you got involved in from the beginning. I believed you."

    And Sasha may have accepted that he doesn't want to commit fully to her, have freedom to be with other women, she can be with other guys and that's it. In return, she gets to be part of his wonderful world, lights, fame and glory. Free trips around the world. Staying in luxurious hotels and all expenses covered. Basically, living la vida loca without any worries.


    (until she gets tired or grow feelings for him and start demanding stuff)

    • Like 1
  5. They say the problem is the picture. I don't think it is. What Axl hates are the derived memes from it. But they can't say it openly.

    Removing the picture will not do anything for the memes. He can have it removed from let's say, 10 websites, but there are millions of copies of those memes and millions of copies of the pic that people have in their computers and will keep posting whenever they please.

    That's the shit you can't stop and why all of this is useless.

    If Axl would lose more weight and style himself a bit better, the picture and the memes would automatically become invalid.

    He may have thought it would be easier and faster to have it removed than to actually take time to lose weight. But it won't happen.

  6. 10 minutes ago, weaponsnflowers said:

    Thanks for the link! Looking at those pictures, those clothes look like they were made with a rockstar like Axl in mind. I don't know if I could ever pull off a garb like that. Not that I could afford any of that stuff. And the guy has everything sold out! No surprise there, those are really cool designs. That leather jacket being the crown jewel. :P

    I love the black one best :) Axl wears it now during November Rain.

    And yes, Mike Amiri inspired himself on Axl's outfits from the 80s and 90s. He has designed most of the outfits Axl has been wearing for the reunion shows and AC/DC shows.

    • Like 1
  7. 45 minutes ago, Apollo said:

    The hyperbole from some of you is funny. 

    I love how much you guys care what I think. 

    Its cool that a GnR video has received so many YouTube plays.  But it's also a format that Katy Perry as a couple in the top ten of all time. 

    Lol. Apparently to be a "true" fan we must worship everything Axl does. Smh. 

    For you, any little love for this band is worship. No one can say anything good about them because in your book, they are inmediately asskissers, Axl worshippers, brainless sheep. I never read anything positive coming from you.

    Nothing wrong with being critical, but 110% of the time over-critical? :shrugs:

    You can't compare November Rain video views to Katy Perry's ones. Do it when Katy Perry's videos reach 400 million views in 2040. Then we will see which other current artists survived the test of time as GN'R did.

    Everybody else explained this to you in every single way they could find but you're being stubborn just for the sake of being stubborn.

    No one cares what you think, as you can see, no one agrees with you. It's just the fact that you will fight everybody to defend something that makes no sense.

    If you think this is not relevant for the fans or the band and you don't consider it important to you, FINE. But don't tell people they should feel different about it or argue something that is a fact.

  8. Just now, Padme said:

    I don't find him hot either. He is one of the people around Axl that wouldn't be around him if Axl was broke. Being around Axl makes them famous and they get public and media attention. That's what they want and they get it 


    And you know what's worse? There are fans, very stupid ones, who follow these assholes on their Instagram and beg them to deliver messages to Axl or tell Sasha that she and Axl make a lovely couple :facepalm: or that she's the best for being next to Axl, etc. Same thing with each one of these idiots.

    Others suck up so much to TB, so much, with hopes of getting some extra help to meet Axl, that I'm sure that's what make them feel so important and act like jerks. Specially Brazilian girls leave messages like "thanks for saving Axl's life" :facepalm: "Axl is so blessed to have you in his life".. aaaaarrrggrhrrhrhhrh :bitchfight:

    Those kind of fans are SHIT. They have no fucking idea about the band, how and when they formed, all the shit they went through. They seem to believe TB is responsible for the success of GNR or that Axl is a great artist because of them :facepalm:

    Anyone who supports this entourage of gold diggers is not a fan of Guns N' Roses and doesn't have a fucking clue about anything GNR.

    • Like 4
  9. 44 minutes ago, dgnr said:

    That Andrei guy is hot as hell, there I said it :ph34r: Swarthy, bearded, long hair men, let's praise the lord for them :wub:


    lol when I dislike the person I find them repulsive, even if they are the hottest shit in town.

    • Like 2
  10. 51 minutes ago, Padme said:

    Maybe it's just me. But I find it odd or some kind of a contradiction. Axl has said things with Slash and Duff are doing well, things with AC/DC great. Yet when we see him (outside the stage) he is always doing things with his entourage only.

    Not much of a contradiction because he's talking in terms of work. Slash and Axl are coworkers right now, they're not buddy buddy like before. Fans dream of new pictures of them hugging, partying and going out together but I guess it won't happen. Each of them have a camp. Axl's one being the most bizarre, obnoxious and air-tight.

    • Like 1
  11. 50 minutes ago, wasted said:

    They could probably put together a ACDC style setlist but all these songs like Nov rain, Don't cry, Patience, Civil War, Estranged, This I Love just aren't as badass as Hell's Bells, Shoot to thrill, Highway to Hell. 

    I hate the ballads with the exception of Estranged, which I don't consider ballad.

    I wish Axl would stop including This I Love in the set list. It's a downer for a rock show.

  12. 14 minutes ago, rock4eva said:

    You can laugh at the comment as it's impossible to shear a cat and use the fur to knit with. 

    But hey they could braid his cats so when he arrives home after touring his cats will look like him in 2006. :lol:

    lol you're mean :P

    10 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    Well, I just said smelling Axl had been discussed, nothing more :ph34r:

    Jesus, this butt discussion is really disctracting me from work :lol:

    Damn it, I have so many Axl butt pics but they're NSFW. Not even sure they are safe for this forum :ph34r:

  13. 8 hours ago, ACP said:

    Do any of you guys know who the woman is in on the right of the photo where Axl is outside China Exchange?  And is she the same woman in the group photo which looks like it was taken in a hotel?  Also, she was sitting next to a short older lady lady with tattoos up her arms who spoke with what sounded like a South American accent.  Would that be the lady called Beta? Cheers guys



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