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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 4 hours ago, weaponsnflowers said:

    That white snakeskin textured leather jacket Axl wore at the China Exchange is a thing of beauty. Must cost a fortune. But anyone found one for sale anywhere on the internets?

    It does. Contact Mike Amiri and ask him where to buy it. Not sure it is available in white color or if it was only made for Axl.

    Here's the black version of it:


    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    Thanks, I didn't know that.

    I have to say, I'm usually more of a dog person, but I love cats too and Axl's cats are absolutely beautiful. And yeah, they have claws :)




    I like dogs better too :) but his cats are gorgeous. Does anyone what's their breed? Not sure if that's the word for race of animals.

    1 hour ago, Andy14 said:

    I've seen just the first 5 minutes of that video but I loved the WTF look Axl gave after the "tenderness question" :shock:, like "have you lost your damn mind?" haha

    :rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol: You gotta love Axl....oh wait....


    Omg, have we really reached the point where smelling Axl is being discussed? :smiley-confused2:

    Haha :lol: yeah he was like "I'm a tough rocker, are you kidding me?"


    Wait. What? Smelling Axl's ass? :blink:

    I said I wanted to pull up his skirt and see SEE hi ass, not smell it! :lol:

    1 hour ago, nonok said:

    Getting into conversations about animal abuse and mistreatment is major hipocricy on our part, especially if we condone people's actions as if we're on some moral high ground as opposed to them. Yes, the government and the food and fashion industries treat animals like shit, but we are the consumers, we are the ones who create a market for those products. It's like soldiers - yes, they "follow orders" and "protect their country", but if there were no soldiers, then there wouldn't be wars - simple as that. Governments are afraid and have no way to control the masses if the masses just refuse to obey. In the case of meat and fur, shaming people who eat and wear it and trying to preach veganism is just as ugly as the way animals are slaughtered from my perspective. It's another way to run from the problem instead of facing it, whilst creating more and more hatred amongst ourselves. The answer is always in the middle - reduce the produce as much as possible, use synthetic materials resembling fur while still using fur at higher prices, incorporate a system of restricted access to meat products per customer, get rid of all the chemicals used for war and the black market drugs and create more anaesthetics to put animals to sleep instead of skinning them alive, etc.

    I agree with all of what you said. I have fought hard with vegans before, lol, but not anymore. I'm carnivore although I've reduced my ingest of red meat a lot. I never liked fur so I don't wear it but in the 80s those fur coats Axl wore were very popular. My mom used to have two fur coats, one got the stolen, the other I don't remember. 

    I love leather, I have a couple jackets that are stunning and a couple shoes. I admit I don't think much of all that because it is a burden I don't need in my life right now and I've learned there are hundreds of other things tested on animals or made of animal material that in order to not use them you'd have to create a world of your own.

    All in all this topic is a bit heavy, just like religion, people get riled up so I'm staying out of it.

    1 hour ago, rock4eva said:

    Axl's cat's fur would make a nice jumper. Lovely colour and looks soft.

    Yes when he was asked about tenderness he seemed to make a face at the audience as they all broke into laughter. We'll have to wait for the video which should be more close up to see his expression.

    I don't know if I should laugh or cry at your first line :laugh:

    Can't wait for the video but yeah, when that stupid question was made Axl didn't know how to approach it and he said "I think by tenderness you mean sensitivity, right?" and talked about the cats but people laughed. I don't like people laughed when he answered the question in a serious way. And I guess the douchebag host commented something like "so the animals talk to you?" :wacko:

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  3. That quote makes me cry happy tears. I'm amazed at how caring Axl can be.

    I had sensed too that he loves Angus very dearly. When people joke about Grandpa Angus, I picture Axl as his grandchild (even if Angus isn't much older than him).


    • Like 4
  4. 5 hours ago, highvoltage said:

    For a tribute singer he's one of the few I've heard where singing like Brian sounds quite natural for him.

    As far as a performance on the big stage, I think you and I both agree that seeing a Brian clone up there would be weirder than it was entertaining. I think he's the best tribute singer I've heard, but no, I don't think he would be a suitable stand-in. 

    Ok. It's just that I have huge issues with imitators. There's nothing that turns me off so much that a cover-tribute band. 

  5. 5 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Still, he wasn't too respectful on that tour was he? Not wanting to do it in the first place, then begrudgingly going, then telling everyone GNR should be the headliners of said tour. 

    Tbh I don't remember much about that but hey, Mama Kin is included in GNR Lies. In 1992, Joe Perry and Steven Tyler were guests in the famous PPV show in Paris. They duet on Mama Kin.

    And in 2007 Axl and Baz covered Back In The Saddle. I don't think he would sing their songs if he didn't respect them.

    I wouldn't take much reference from the things Axl's done 20 years ago. He has changed a lot. Who would have thought in 1992 that Axl would receive help from Dave Grohl twenty four years in the future? ;)

    Steven Tyler wrote a very cool tweet supporting AXL/DC after the first show in Lisbon.

    I don't think there's bad blood there at all.

  6. 5 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    Anyway, since we are talking about pets, what's up with Axl's Twitter profile pic? Does he have a French Bulldog puppy now or something like that (that's what it looks like to me at least)?

    And what's up with all the Chihuahuas? They keep popping up all the time in the Instagrams of Axl's entourage, but I can't figure out if they all live at Axl's place or if one belongs to Sasha, one to Vanessa, one to Beta, etc. Even Axl's animals are mysterious lol.

    Yes, that dog in his avatar is a French bulldog and his name is Mr. Blue. He gave it to Beta as a present. I think it Iives in the mansion as well.

    Its not a puppy anymore so he should update his pic, lol. Vanessa once posted a pic of an egg holder carton destroyed by Mr. Blue.

    I think the chihuahua's are all Vanesa's and probably Beta too.

    4 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I like how, when asked about tenderness, Axl immediately thought of animals and how they know when you're sick. 

    He didn't even really think about it.

     I'm glad he didn't look at the freak show whilst answering that. 


    That last sentence of yours has warmed my heart. Had not think about it. I'm still disturbed by the photo of those freaks and I'm kinda upset at Axl now but I know it will go away soon.

    • Like 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    @killuridolsyeah, all the pictures are a way better than the original. :P Where are the butt pictures when we need them? 

    I have a couple but still hesitant to post them. Not sure this is the right moment :P

    35 minutes ago, stella said:

    I am really disappointed to hear that Axl/TB actually *were* behind the photo war. WHYYYY? Unless...is there any chance this is something that happened a while ago and is only coming up now? I just can't figure out why Axl would be caring about that at this point in time. Even IF they didn't hire a Google doctor to help play with the search results, he's in all these concerts right now, and everyone's taking photos of him, and those would have been bubbling to the top naturally on Google and burying some of the older stuff. Going after this photo does seem like a Streisand Effect thing, and now it's going to live forever. :(

    For the DMCA takedowns, yes, it's a legal document so you have to certify who you are. You have to give all sorts of name/address/etc. that can be verified when you file the takedown and if someone challenges you, you have to be ready to defend your claim and prove you own the image. Every now and then these do go to court and if  you can't prove you own or control the copyright to the image you don't have much of a shot.

    I think it's possible the claim was issued some time ago and it's only now that the news surfaced because of his new acquired popularity. 

    Im not expert but even if news and new pics of the shows are all over I think Google privileges cuantity of views, popularity and longevity of a web results so it would be hard for the new pics to compete with the amount of clicks, views and websites where the pic and derived memes have got since 2010. That's 6 years of a viralized content against a handful of months of pics that most of them are not really popular.

    When I google Axl pics most of results are images from the 90s. Not sure a 2016 photo will rival the popularity of a 25 years old Axl, young and hot picture.

    Unless it was Slash and him hugging and kissing.

  8. 14 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Funny how Axl went from the most responsible one back in the day to this snotty pimp brat that can't see farther than his own nose. You'd never see this kind of thing from Duff anymore, and Slash has sent a few shirtless selfies to Meegan, but not a preparation for an orgy with his own management/entourage. At least throughout the years Axl's been honest, providing intelligent thoughts and admitting his own faults, regardless of whether he considers others the ones to blame. Now it looks like he's high on the fame and adoration again and he's parading with his sense of self-importance. He's riding the wave of his success in the typical rockstar fashion - with pleasure - and with these dumb leechers, too. Instead of taking better care of himself, getting in shape, getting in the studio, quitting the 4-7 am parties, he complains the Internet has his fat pics. It's his own fucking fault, Jesus fuckin Christ.:facepalm:

    You said orgy. I think this whole bunch is into that. With customs and all that jazz. Eyes Wide Shut. :lol:

  9. 1 hour ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    i don't think Axl has that much respect for Aerosmith, he didn't want to tour with them in the 80s, when he was forced to he acted up. Bet he wouldn't have done that to ACDC. 

    Same The Rolling Stones, when he did his duets with Mick he insisted Izzy was involved too, insisted they play a song The Stones never play live, turned up late to rehearse it, infuriating Jagger lol. Not to mention his Mr Brownstone outburst. 

    And poor Iron Maiden, absolutely no respect for them at all :D 


    Yet he sang Mama Kin, Train Kept A Rollin and Back In The Saddle?

  10. 3 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    So... was Sasha wearing her pyjama top when she was out and about with Axl? Same thing, no? :lol:



    And I agree, conversations with Andrei the trust fund pimp or random 20 year old "models" must be absolutely scintillating :rolleyes:


    LMAO! Pajama!!!!! You nailed it!! :rofl-lol: Horrible outfit.

    Yeah, looks like they've worn the same clothes the whole day. They are rich but dirty.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Frey said:

    Wow the hate is strong in here :lol: 

    But I agree, I made a similar comment about Fernando being a douche and a leech in the social media thread earlier and a ton of people liked :rofl-lol:

    It's actually sad though. Why is Axl incapable of surrounding himself with nice, normal non-obnoxious people? Even Doug Goldstein and Craig Duswalt suddenly seem like good, nice choices to hang with compared to this freak show.

    HATE FOR THE WIN! :headbang:

    Someone should have asked that question to him in the conference but it would have unleashed a riot :P


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  12. 7 minutes ago, Padme said:

    I just hope that in due time Slash and Duff can turn things in the right direction

    I don't think that will happen. They are trying to rebuild their relationship and none of them will tell Axl who to hang out with. I wish Axl would join Slash, Duff and their women but he likes these idiots better. I don't know why. What kind of conversation can he have with this high maintenance brats?

  13. I'm sure I've seen that other girls before with this bunch of clowns but I can't remember who she is.

    Found this pic though. Looks like taken in the same place as that other one:



    Btw, that bizarre pic should become a meme. The whole scene reminds me of something but now sure what movie or theater scene. I hope I find something soon so I can laugh my ass off at the comparison :lol:

  14. 6 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I found it scrolling through Facebook, made me spit out my cup of tea! Gross. 

    Its a page called guns n roses news. It's brazillian so I can't tell you what it says. 

    Ok, I'll go inspect Instagram.

    And no, they obviously want this picture to be seen, specially by fans who hate them.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    They are all creepy and/or douchey as fuck. Especially Andrei, Fernando and Nur Khan.

    Where did that picture come from anyway? And what am I even looking at? Naked Sasha draped in a blanket, Kat, Andrei the Creep and... who's the other chick?

    Yeah, does anyone know who posted it?

    All of them make me cringe, one worse than the other and they think they are the big shit when they are just idiots leeching on a guy who doesn't know better but still he's 3 million times better than they'll ever be.

    To think these douchebags eat and sleep thanks to our money is what infuriates me. But I'm glad most fans hate them and casuals don't have an idea of their existence. 

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  16. 22 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:



    So we have Andrei, Sharon Stone? :rofl-lol:, Sasha and Kat?

    I think they've been reading this thread and this is their response to our comments.

    My message to them: :hahafyou: 

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  17. 1 minute ago, night prowler said:

    You think .. aerosmith ... doesnt feel like he would have the same amount of respect for them bunch of (my own oppinion) older-women-lookin-old-guys ..

    Stones ...mmm ..yes... Charlie isnt someone you mess with ...

    I think he does respect them. Mentioned them as one of his influences. GNR opened for them in the 80s and Axl has covered many Aeorsmith songs, even recorded "Back in The Saddle" with Sebastian Bach.

  18. 7 minutes ago, night prowler said:

    i would have to agree that a tribute band singer would have been   :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::wacko::wacko::wacko: .... and i would have felt so sorry for angus for loosin his smoked mind ..

    As it turned out it was the exact opposite that happened .... The genious Angus knew what was what ... and was he right ? ... yes he was ..


    takin that thought a bit further i wonder how many other bands... of the so called huge ones out there that would have done that .. taken Axl in .. and given him a chance?

    i think the majority of them would have gone for the: "hi-is-a-full-blown-pshycho-can-not-ever-be-trusted-gonna-ruin-our-band-for-all-future" thinkin ...

    i dont any other band would have done what Angus did ... realy! ... the reputation of that man what he created the last two dacades ... and how he comes (came) across...

    .... So ,... therefore.. i would say ... A big big boquet of roses to Angus from axl and friends for mor or less givin him the world to ......

    im i wrong ?  ;)

    That's because Angus knows the business and he doesn't give a fuck about what the press say. Besides, Axl is very charming when he speaks. I'm sure he drove Angus crazy, filled him with ideas and stuff finally convincing him.

    What other band would take him? I think Aerosmith would and maybe the Rolling Stones. There is no bad blood between Axl and those bands. The rest are somewhat in the same league than Guns N' Roses and would probably feel offended.

  19. 2 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Isn't Slash in California right now? And wasn't Duff in South America with that local supergroup recently?

    Oh yeah Meegan mentioned her daughter's graduation today so they are back to the States.

    No, De La Tierra are in Los Angeles recording an album and they posted a picture with Duff saying Guns N' Roses were their neighbors in the rehearsal room next to theirs. So Duff is back in the States too.

  20. 5 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    Omg, I can imagine you spying on Axl's butt as he walks the streets of South America :smiley-confused2:


    Btw. I've read somewhere on this forum that Duff and Slash should be in Manchester, too. Are they Axl's baggagemen now? Sweet. :shock:

    Here women will try to rape him, so he better hide that butt! :lol:

    Oh, I don't know about that. Didn't read it. So they've been in England all this time? Maybe they are working on the next GNR album :ph34r:

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