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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 2 hours ago, Andy14 said:

    I just put two and two together....Axl has phobia of people staring at and drooling over his butt :rofl-lol:

    What is he gonna do when I meet him?? :wow:

    I will keep trying to pull up his skirt to stare and drool at his massive ass! :rofl-lol:

    • Like 2
  2. 38 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Axl the pimp. :D Sasha, Lana, rooms full of young supermodels... And he tries to tell us he isn't living the rockstar life anymore? Psshh, yeah, right.

    The only thing that is a bit of a let down is that this means he isn't reconciling with Erin, much to a lot of fans' displeasure. Oh, well. :shrugs:

    Slash and Meegan really are sweet, she seems to get him like he's never been gotten before (I had to!). And he seems much happier and cheerful in pictures and in general these days, like he's relaxed and knows what he's doing, as opposed to putting on fake smiles and being on a constant quest for touring, promotion etc. In a way that's also Axl's effect on him, I think. Slash is being more reserved, private and out of the public eye, while Axl's doing the opposite - the Holy Balance.

    Haha, I think Erin is the Queen of Axl's Harem :lol:. She gets 3 nights a week while the others only one :P

    Slash looks like a different person when he's with Meegan. Everybody says he's shy and I always perceived him as kind of cold, detached, don't know how to call it but he's none of that in those pics with her and he actually lets her do all this teenage Instagram stuff, without hiding her or telling her to keep it private. That's a man proud of his relationship, no matter what anyone says. I like it. I hope they can stay a long time together :)

  3. 5 hours ago, highvoltage said:

    There was this guy from a tribute band they auditioned before they chose Axl, he's probably the best I've ever heard:


    I didn't like it. Maybe for a studio recording (but still not good enough for a band like ACDC), what about the performance in a big stage?

    Thats a big part of the show and why people buy a ticket to get entertained. Can this guy really front ACDC? Will he stand still like that for 2 hours?

    I can't think of anyone better than Axl for this. He's the whole package. Not only can sing, he can entertain 60,000 people, walk across the stage without inhibitions. He's a showman. 

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Yes, that's my dream as well.

    Or if they feel a conference would be too awkward, maybe a sit-down type interview with the three of them in a relaxed atmosphere and a competent journalist.

    I don't think it's completely impossible, we might just get something like that :wub:

    Yeah, like that Eddie Trunk radio interview from 2006. A funny, relaxed conversation like that, cracking jokes, two hours long. I hope it happens! Apparently he did very well with these questions, although most of them sound naive and not much challenging, but Axl still released more info than what was asked and that indicates he's open to talk about it.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, SerenityScorp said:

    Why not? You know that He has a lot of haters N' have to deal with a lot of things tht He dont like it with media, haters even Friends tht becomes Enemy back then...

    also Sebastian ever said tht He once talk about His life to Him in a video

    If He's not famous at least He didnt have to deal with whatever He feels bad about

    I wouldn't waste an unique opportunity to ask him something with that question.

    He always wanted to be famous, be in a rock band, be a huge rockstar. Maybe you'd want to ask about the downside of being famous, but he has answered that before. At least, in 1992 he did, in a press conference he did in Argentina. You Tube it.

    Dont know if he may have changed his views on it but I don't think he would say he regrets it. Such an incredible life he has wouldn't have been possible if he wasn't famous.

  6. 1 hour ago, Italian girl said:

    why is he always wearing a shirt around his hips?

    to cover his bottom?


    It's part of his new outfits but I'm hating it already. It highlights his belly and makes him look shorter than he is.

    If that knot and added cloth weren't there, the shirts would fall loose over the jeans and not create the visuals of him having a Kardashian type of ass :P

  7. 3 hours ago, nn18 said:

    These are Sasha's comments under that pic of Axl she posted 




    lol girls are so stupid thinking she will answer those questions or "leave him" just because they ask her to do so.

    3 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    By the way, someone in the social media thread just posted that Rolling Stone claims the take-down notices for the fat Axl picture are legit and actually come from Axl's camp. Well then, in that case :facepalm:

    Yeah, someone else here (I think @stella) said the cease-and-desist thing can't be done by a random person, that you need to show some legal documents to prove your claim. So it looks like it was him indeed.

    This shows how green this TB people are. They have zero tact and looks like they never consulted a social media expert, someone who could have advised them better about this matter. It's the typical thing they do, blaming someone else.

    All major media publications have echoed this news, even international ones. Streisand Effect at its best. :(

  8. 4 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    I agree with @stella. Most of Axl's relationships with people are pretty unconventional by "normal" standards. Just look at the whole Beta/Lebeis clan situation. People always find that pretty strange as well when you first tell them about it. But normal standards don't really apply when it comes to Axl's relationships or who he hires (I didn't know he hired a guy just to open doors for repair people and stuff, that's hilarious :lol:). Bottom line for me is, we don't know enough about Axl and Sasha and what they want out of life to be able to judge what works or doesn't work for them, imo.

    From everything I've seen I get the impression they have some kind of "arrangement", but not really a romantic relationship in the traditional sense. Whether that is just some kind of employment thing or an actual friends with benefits thing, I have no idea.

    I didn't say this arrangement, as you call it, or whatever it is, doesn't work for them. Apparently it does. What I said about FWB was an opinion in general, for famous and non famous people. Wasn't talking about their particular case.



    I googled Axl saying he wasn't dating anyone and it is mentioned here on this weird site about his relationships for example:

    "On May 5 during his interview with Eddie Trunk, Axl said he was not dating anyone special."

    I remember that pretty well. He was asked if he was seeing someone and he just quickly answered that he wasn't really dating anyone in particular, like he didn't really wanna talk about it and wanted to move on to another topic. I dont really have time to look for the actual youtube audio/video right now though.


    I have heard that interview, it's my favorite one because it's so hilarious :lol: with all the nonsense Baz talks, but I don't particularly recall that part where he was asked about that. 

    I don't think he will ever talk about his relationships again, unless he gets into one he's very proud of and want it to be public.

  9. 4 hours ago, stella said:

    Ya know, others commenting here may have particular experiences too, and they may have worked out well. :) Just saying. The thing with anecdotal evidence, either for or against, is that it's a very small sample size. Everyone's relationships and particular circumstances are different.

    Agreeing to disagree and all.

    I hope someone else joins the discussion and share their personal experience or point of view.

    I just know one thing for sure: friends with benefits and long time commitments are opposite things. And a life rule: you don't have sex with your friends. Real friends, that is. FWB is not a real friend.

    This sums it all for me: http://www.anewmode.com/dating-relationships/friends-with-benefits-rules/

  10. 7 minutes ago, stella said:

    From what I heard, and don't really want to repeat, it's not exactly the sort of species you'd find in a pet store. If he's away from the house for any length of time, he'd need someone who specifically knows how to care for them. Even if he only had horses - a lot of rich people hire someone just to tend to those.

    I know and more reason to think someone like Sasha wouldn't have the knowledge to take care of that type of animals. I'm sure he has someone to take care of them, but that's not Sasha. Cats and dogs are ok for her.

    There are other people who serve Axl and live permanently in his house. A fan from Argentina who recently made a trip to his mansion and rang his bell said she was received by this woman who's name I dont remember right now and she's like the maid or something. I assume they can take care of cats and dogs as well.


    The point with Freddie Mercury and his love is that they're a great example that some people don't need to be in a sexual or traditional relationship to have a long, lasting commitment. And they clearly were dedicated to each other even if they weren't a traditional couple and were platonic friends. Having a wife *doesn't* mean he was straight; but that's not the point here.


    Not sure the Freddy Mercury situation is the best example for this because there's still the underlying issue of the homosexuality and how this choice was and is still somewhat difficult to be open about.

    Axl and Sasha are straight people (as far as I know, lol) hence they enjoy the priviledges of belonging to a majority that is hardly ever questioned about their sexual partners or romantic relationships.


    But you don't know that. Everyone's different, and something that might not work for you might work perfectly well for someone else. The concept of FwB is that you're having sex with someone with no romantic expectations or obligations from them. A lot of people have friends that they keep for their entire lives; decades and decades. A non-platonic friendship that stays on a friendship level, with no other expectations, could certainly last just as long if the people were both on the same page with it. There's no reason to think that it couldn't. 


    I may not know their particular case but I've been there, done that too. And I also have friends going for that kind of stuff and other people I know. So I know life stories and how much drama it brings. Friends with benefit sometimes is not as independent and free and open minded as some may think. Relationships are complicated all the time. People are complicated. One bad move, one mistake and you've got an earthquake in a minute. Actually, those kinds of relationships are sometimes unhealthy. It takes a special mind and maturity to carry on with them, without mixing feelings. How do you regulate not falling in love with your FWB? That's another challenge for that kind of relationship.

    People are not robots, this cold thing of "no romantic expectations or obligations" does not always go that way, as the perfect idea it seems. It's theory but in practice, I have my reservations. Ten years of that? I don't think so.

    But hey! again, that's me :P


  11. 22 minutes ago, stella said:

    Axl actually has been reported to have a mini-zoo of exotic animals at his house - no joke. He certainly has the room for it. When they say Sasha's feeding the cat, well, there are (or were) apparently a lot more animals there to feed.

    Freddie Mercury was reported to have been bisexual by many people, but whatever his sexuality, his female companion was reportedly his best friend - someone he loved deeply and trusted. Whether it was a platonic relationship is anyone's guess, and probably nobody's business, but the point remains that if he really wanted to, he could have had a beard, and he didn't. And also that his female companion stayed loyal to him and didn't want to marry or have kids elsewhere.

    And a transvestite isn't gay; you're thinking of a drag queen. :) Eddie Izzard actually has a pretty diverse audience, too; you will see everyone from older people to teens from all walks of life at his shows in the USA.

    Why *wouldn't* one have a friend with benefits for 10 years, if both parties are comfortable with that? Not everyone has a final goal of "settling down" and getting married, and many people are happily childfree. Whatever relationship they have might suit them just fine and might not need to lead anywhere else at all. Different people have different goals in life. Some people want to get married by the time they're 20; some people never want to.

    I know he has lots of animals. Asides from the cats and some dogs, don't know what other species he may have but I still don't think a girl like Sasha is there to feed such animals only. I don't buy it.

    Freddy Mercury, I think he had already died when I came around this world. I dont have much recollection of him being alive so I wont know how he was portrayed in the media and his relationships. To me he was clearly homosexual and having a wife doesn't mean anything. Lots of gay men are married, have children and still are gay. Look at Bruce Jenner. I think that due to the homophobia and bad press being gay had in the 70s & 80s, he may not have wanted to expose anything about his life because it would backlash at him anyway.

    Hah, talk to me about marriage and children. I dont want to ever get married and I wouldnt be a good mother so kids are banned from my life :P but I guess I'm more of an exception than the rule. Most people want those things (especially women), maybe in lesser degrees nowadays, things are changing in that aspect too. But friends-with-benefits for such a long time don't go hand in hand. That's not the concept behind it. Any relationship that long its either a friendship or a serious couple relationship. You will eventually get tired of it because its an emotional demand from the other person, regardless of the ultimate goals for such relationship.

  12. 48 minutes ago, highvoltage said:

    Thanks for stopping by and sharing @ACP, it's very much appreciated. 

    Glad you got to have your special moment - seeing Axl in a setting like this is much rarer than getting to see him live. :) 

    I adhere! @ACP and welcome to the forum! :)

    lol I hope Axl does this kind of thing in other places around the world because what you said just reminded me how all those people who got into the Troubadour's secret show felt very special and like nothing ever could match that but now with this :lol:... seeing Axl so close and being able to ask him questions I guess it matches the Troubadour exclusive experience! (at least if you're a very Axl fan)


    • Like 2
  13. 15 minutes ago, stella said:

    The point I was trying to make was that even if we haven't heard anything about Axl having a SO it doesn't mean that one doesn't exist, or that he's been a celibate monk. And saying that she is the pet sitter is really not much different than saying she's the person who lets the repairman in. Another thing here is that Axl apparently has a lot of animals, or he did - it's actually legit that someone might need to be hired to tend to them.  If Axl's had platonic friends and relatives living at his house, why not a friend with benefits?

    Freddie Mercury actually had a wife/female companion, too - he left his estate to her and IIRC she actually got his ashes as well. Given the huge homophobia in the UK and USA in the 70s and 80s he could have easily paraded her around, saying, "see, look, I'm married to a woman! I'm straight! Nothing to see here!" and he didn't. I don't think there's ever been a photo of her, in fact.

    Dolly Parton, yes, people know she's married, but she doesn't bring it up very much. There have been interviews where journalists have tried to trick her into answering questions about her husband and she's really been good at deflecting them all.

    Eddie Izzard is a great British comedian and actor - he's also a transvestite. For many years he had a steady girlfriend and absolutely would not put her name or any information about her out there in the world. He's very funny:


    Ok. But I never meant to say I think Axl doesn't have anyone or is celibate, lol. I'm not a kid to believe such kind of things. He's a man with needs :) Besides, lots of pics with women have surfaced throughout the years although it was never stated if those women were his girlfriends. He hangs out with lots of models and young girls. Believing that he doesnt touch one of those is gullible.

    How much care does a cat need? They don't need shit. Cats are very independent and dont want to be bothered. Just feed them and let them do their thing. You dont' need to hire someone specific for that. Anyone in the house, the maid, can pour some water and food on their plates. And why would he hire a model girl to do this task? It's like too much.

    The wife of Freddy Mercury may have been another smoke screen or some kind of Beta person. I don't believe for once that Freddy wasn't entirely gay all the time.

    Dolly Parton is different. At least people know she's married. If she doesn't want to talk about it or doesnt want to involve her husband with her career that's fine but the relationship is clear.

    And with the transvestite, well, I understand why he wouldn't say he had a girlfriend. It would ruin his business :P


    As I said before the Sasha thing doesnt make sense to me due to the amount of time she's been around Axl. She's a young woman, Axl is a high profile man, she's been seen with him before and she's somewhat "known". Not a celebrity but one who hangs out with them. I find it odd her not claiming her place, if she has one, in Axl's life. A friend with benefits for 10 years doesn't seem real for me, you eventually get tired and at some point you will demand a more serious relationship because if you remain that way forever you will never be able to be with another person, have your life, get married or have children. I feel Sasha is too young to tie herself in a relationship that is going nowhere, because friends with benefits leads nowhere and if she's a real girlfriend of him, for so long, it doesn't look good either. But that's my personality maybe. I couldn't accept something like that ever. Not even from Axl.

  14. 48 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Nothing about Sasha makes sense. Like I said, it's confusing. And I don't know if she lives with Axl full-time or if she just has a room in his house or sleeps in a guest bedroom or whatever. But there were pictures of her in a really girly bed that she took after waking up with Axl's cats on them. Since she seems to have her own bed, she then probably doesn't seem to share a bed with Axl? Or at least not always? Not very girlfriend-like.

    The taking care of the pets-thing and being his public appearances girl has been discussed on this forum before. I don't know what to think about it. Axl hires people for even crazier things (Andrei?), so nothing is impossible. Maybe it's just a part-time thing besides her modelling and her escorting other rich guys.

    Beta supposedly said that to some guy at Coachella. Was mentioned by a user in this thread. Not sure how believable it is.

    "When i asked if he had a gf, she said "well..he has sasha"

    could maybe mean its kind of a fling or whatever."


    That's why I don't believe he actually has a serious relationship with any of them. Would cause way too much drama.

    Also didn't Axl say that he wasn't dating anyone in some radio interview a few years ago? Which one was that? I can remember it pretty clearly.

    No doubt she has a room in his house. Mansion's pretty big. I dont think sleeping in separate beds or bedrooms while being a couple is strange in this time and age. Lots of rich people and the ones who can afford it prefer to go like that. It's pretty uncomfortable sleeping with someone in the same bed, so when you're not up to :hug:LOL I think you're better off in your own bed or bedroom. I like that idea, haha and it's become quite common.

    Still, makes no sense to me to have a room in his house if you're just a fling or a casual lover. And "taken care of the pets" sounds like a smoke screen to me. And a horrible label for her.

    Ok, thanks for the link- Never read that. Is that guy reliable though?

    The amount of time she's been around him is what throws me off to believe she's a friend with benefits or a non-serious relationship. We know she DID date him back in 2006. There is a pic of her and Axl holding hands in the street. Thats not what a scort does.

    Which radio interview? The only one I remember is 2006 with Eddie Trunk, after that he never went to radio again.

    25 minutes ago, stella said:

    I think that @Lumikki's hypothesis that she's a friend/employee and escorts him if he needs a female companion for an event is probably spot-on. It's plausible; we know Axl has employed many of his friends in various roles in the past. There was one friend from Indiana he hired to open the door for repair people and do errands of that nature back in the day. We don't tend to see Axl's friends much in general; there aren't a lot of photos of him hanging with Del, for instance, but I don't think anyone would question how tight he and Axl are.

    As to the privacy of relationships - Duff and Slash are very public but they also married women who were already in the public eye. Susan had her modeling and other business ventures and I believe Perla was also somehow in showbiz (I could be wrong). A lot of the time, celebrities *will* try to keep their SOs and children's identities quiet, simply to protect them from psychos, grifters and people who would use them, and let them have some semblance of a regular life. I've seen photos of celebrities where they're covering their kids' faces so the paparazzi can't get pictures of them. I remember that Eddie Izzard had a girlfriend for about 10 years who wasn't identified until way after the fact. Dolly Parton has kept her husband's likeness and personal information quiet for about 40 years  - he actually does exist, but good luck finding out about him. Freddie Mercury's companions, both female and male, were never in the public eye. That's not done because the celebs are ashamed; they're trying to protect their loved ones.

    And a lot of the time celebrities keep things quiet because the public might not deal well with their orientation or choices. If a celebrity only liked one-night stands, or was polyamorous, or had friends with benefits, or was asexual or had taken a vow of chastity or whatever the fuck - they'd probably keep that to themselves and have a beard when needed.

    Meegan was not very public before this second round with Slash. I think she's in the fashion industry, some cloth designing or stylist kind of thing but they don't hide their relationship. They look very happy and act like a normal couple, even with Slash being a celebrity.

    I understand what you say about celebrities wanting to protect their relationship but Sasha is not a very private woman. She's been seen with him before, she's been seen with other celebrity males as well. She's a model (or was). Her activity seems to be pretty public. I know nothing about Dolly Parton but at least does people know she is married? I don't know who is Eddie Izzard and Freddy Mercury is understandable because being gay in the 70s and 80s was not something to be proud of.

    The Sasha thing doesnt fit any of those examples, though. Fans know she has or had some sort of relationship with Axl. If a crazy fan wants to hurt her they know where to look :P. I'd say the protection of her is not very good.


  15. 6 minutes ago, Frey said:

    Correct me if I m wrong, but as far as I know they only were photographed in public together once and people automatically assumed that means they must have something going on (probably because Lana is so obsessed with him).

    And now Lana too is part of Axl's entourage, just like Sasha. It's all pretty weird.

    Are these women all ok with sharing a guy and being part of his life even when they become exes? What kind of power does Axl have? Aaaaahhh the power of $$$$$

    Seriously, if he dated Lana and Sasha, and they are both in his entourage and they have to see each other, how come we never heard of cat fights??

    How does Axl manage to have so many women, exes and currents, all well behaved in the same place, time and place without going crazy with female demands?


    4 minutes ago, pinkforgirls said:

    But does Sasha have a satin jacket?!? *teasing*

    Yes she does.

  16. 32 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Okay, let's talk about Sasha.

    I'm not convinced Axl is actually dating her. (Calm down, @killuridols :P). She seems to work for him and she also seems to live with him (or at least has a room in his house?), but from what I remember Sasha also used to accompany other men the way she does Axl (Kanye West among them I think?) and someone also claimed that Sasha was engaged to some guy (don't know if that is still the case). I also remember reading she used to work as an escort girl.

    When Beta was asked if Axl had a girlfriend, she said "Well... he has Sasha..." Kinda like she wasn't really a girlfriend.

    All of that while she was supposedly dating Axl. Honestly, the whole thing is confusing as hell.

    My best guess? She's part of Axl's entourage (she is very close friends with all the Lebeises etc) and her job is to take care of some things around Axl's house (the cats? the dogs? she posts pictures of the cats and the dogs all the time) and to be his "female companion" for public appearances. To keep up the rock star image and to prevent awkward questions from getting asked (let's be real, it's kinda strange that one of the biggest rock stars on the planet hasn't has a publically known relationship with a woman for over 20 years).

    But then again, we don't really know anything and they might actually be in a relationship. But for now I'm going to say no.

    EDIT: And now she just posted a picture of Axl from today :awesomeface:

    Work for him? Doing what? Lol he already has like 10 assistants. How many more does he need?

    How old is Sasha? I say around 30 years old, more or less, she lives with him? A 30 years old model lives with a 54 year old rocker and they aren't lovers? I'm sorry but I have to :lol: at that.

    Her job or what she does for a living (aside the modeling, which by her age must be coming to an end) is not clear and when it's not clear there's something fishy behind. That's why Im not happy and I distrust her.

    When did Beta say that about them? Do u have a link? If she really said that is kind of sad, isn't it? I feel she's relegated to a place that no woman with pride would accept. Unless she's being paid tons of money to be in background.

    Take care about the cats? What kind of job is that? So she's like a maid during day and First Lady during night? It makes no sense! :rofl-lol:

    And to be honest, Axl doesn't make that many public appearances so to hire her permanently for that. What does she do the rest of the time?

    Yes, it's very strange he has had no known relationship since Jennifer Driver I guess... That could be explained by assuming he's in a long steady relationship but who is that person? And if it's Sasha.. Aren't 10 years too much for a woman to stand the fact of being publicly neglected?

    Whats the problem with saying she's his girlfriend or wife if the relationship has been going for so long. Duff and Slash don't have any issues being honest about their relationships.

    All I know is that in either situation her role is fucking sad. She must love him very much to accept such thing. Or a lot of $$$$ but really... how much money could buy your life and time next to a guy who shows you in public every 10 years?

    30 minutes ago, Carlycosmos said:

    But... if he's still with Sasha... how many years are they dating already?

    I think since 2006

    26 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    @killuridols Is it better now? :ph34r: Don't worry, I don't think it's something serious.

    No. It's not better now.

    Something not serious doesn't last 10 years.

  17. 29 minutes ago, gooner14 said:

    Imagine being a huge GN'R fan all your life, listening to their music during hard times, supporting and defending during the 'dj ashba' period and working a dreary 9-5 job to save up money to support axl by going to his shows and buying CDs of his and hoping your entire life to meet axl rose only to have that leech Fernando rip the camera out of your hand and nearly break it. 

    Yeah, there was no need to be that rude. Just added tension to something that was cool.

  18. 3 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    She was there at coachella too, I personally think they've been together the whole time. 

    I know. Not only Coachella but in previous GNR tours too.

    Yeah, if she's an ex it's pretty strange that she would be there all the time. And if they are in a steady relationship it seems odd to me that she's pretty much invisible and doesn't get much public recognition from him. Except for this picture, called my attention, looks like a First Lady thing she's doing.

    2 minutes ago, nn18 said:

    I kind of like her, or at least the fact that he's emotionaly involved with someone. If he actually is.....:shrugs:

    I don't like her that much. I tend to dislike people who I can't figure out quickly and she's pretty much a mystery to me. 

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