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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 1 minute ago, Asia said:

    Now there'll be a week of seculation on what Axl really meant when he said he hated Slash though he most likely never said it. I love this band and the way they handle things! As if there couldn't be a proper interview aired or posted the way it was without creating room for stupidity and shitstorms surrounding it all. Geeez, that is irrtating...

    A week or more. Let's hope for a journalist in the room who could give us a serious chronic of facts.

    Hopefully this Chinese Exchange people hurry up and post the video in their channel pretty soon but this really doesn't depend on Axl.

    The other thing I'm afraid of is that they edit those parts and they never come out. :wacko:

  2. If he said it's not all "jolly and light" with Slash it doesn't mean they're not friends or that they hate each other. That is a vile interpretation of what he said if he really said it.

    I take it more like things are not like in the old days, buddy buddy stuff, but they can still work together. It's natural it's not like that. They've been estranged from each other for over 20 years, healing process is long, with all the shit in the middle, media, camps, nothing like the old days when they were all living together.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Un42nutzly said:
    • vodkajunkeeGuess who's in London?! (and no it's not Mick Hucknall....!) #gunsandroses#axlrose #gnr

    • spencerjonesrealestateWhat was this all about? What was said??
    • vodkajunkeePotential European tour dates... That all's not joy and light with Slash. That he'd rather make music for films than be in G'n'R.... That he's enjoying the ACDC time etc...

    ok. This is worrying but nothing we were not seeing it coming. Or at least for me, it was always pretty clear Axl was forced to do the reunion and that he'd rather join ACDC permanently leaving GNR forever.

    Still this doesn't make sense or it is coherent with what other people said he was talking about new music. :shrugs:

  4. 10 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I think the final straw was when she kept insisting it was Axl banning slash t shirts, she kept going on and on about it and then next thing you know, bam!! Axl is here!! 

    What year did this happen?

    Do you girls think he may have been in the process of healing his relationship with Slash by the time and this thing Madison insisted with was interfering or actually not helping in the matter?

  5. 2 minutes ago, stella said:

    I normally wouldn't condone what was said in that incident, and I still think his use of certain words (the bitter lesbian comment) was completely uncalled for. However, having been on this board for a long time and having seen how she treated some people, I was kind of fine with someone finally telling her off. Axl's the only one who could have done it without getting banned. I had the feeling that he'd been reading her stuff for a while, had finally had it, and was pissed off enough to say something. He hasn't done that to anyone before or after, so it seemed like it was really something unique where he'd lost all patience .

    Ok. I don't know Madison and I wasn't here when she was a mod so I wouldn't know what she was like at the task but such a reaction from Axl comes always from some dark place and stuff he's been harboring for quite some time.

    I still don't agree with that way of addressing someone but it's classic Axl :shrugs:

  6. 31 minutes ago, xBrownstonex said:

    These photos ARE INCREDIBLE!!! :wow:

    He doesn't look old nor fat. He looks absolutely great like a true rockstar.

    I think most pics of shows are shit because of artificial lights and bad angles (most taken from below the stage).

    His entourage: Andrei Gillot, Vanessa's husband, Fernando and other security guys.

    20 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Don't get excited don't get excited don't get excited don't get excited it could fall apart any second





    hahahaahhaa the Justin Bieber tweet cracked me up! I feel the same!! :rofl-lol:

  7. i can't believe they posted this review!

    Especially because of the headline. How would Brian feel reading this?

    To me this thing screams beyond than we can imagine. It's like a statement and pretty much HUGE support for Axl.

    Im sorry ACDC fans but after this I don't think Brian is returning. And if I was Brian I wouldn't come back, because that headline says it all.


    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I can't look at the fat Axl memes. i can't take the negative with me to Manchester, I just can't. 

    Ive been to see Axl before feeling negative and it took away from the show for me. 

    Im practically getting to the point where I have my fingers in my ears going lalalalala

    Oh come on!

    Those memes are done by idiot assholes. The pics are from 2010 and you've seen videos from the AXL/DC shows, they are fucking amazing, he's doing great.

    Focus on 2016. He's gonna blow your head and you hear the first notes wit his voice. I promise :)

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, starlight said:

    wtf is going on ,are they on drugs again??

    omfg I died! :rofl-lol:

    1 hour ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    looney tunes intro is definitely apt for this bunch that's for sure

    Yeah, they know they are fucking crazy! :lol:

    1 hour ago, Babooshka said:

    I didn't even recognise that as Bon Jovi!:lol:

    I thought it was some random guy.

    I thought it was the screenshot of an Skype chat or something.

    Why does he have powder on his hair?

    • Like 1
  10. 44 minutes ago, Blake Sabbath said:

    I'm so FUCKING pissed I had no idea about this until 15 minutes ago. 


    Me too!!! Someone kept us in the dark until last minute on purpose! :anger:

    44 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Mystery solved, Axl's on a hunt to win over people's hearts to fill the unsold seats for the tour.

    How come these people got tickets for that and all of a sudden they became fans of Axl???

    I hope they asked good questions and not silly shit. GNR fans should have been privileged to attend this first.

    38 minutes ago, Blake Sabbath said:

    How did no one on here know about this until an hour ago?! WTF?!?

    Imagine the load of stuff he must do behind our backs :max:

    • Like 3
  11. 9 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Well the fat Axl meme is all over my Facebook and Twitter feed today :max: 

    I am trying to ignore all the negativity damn it Internet!! 

    I need to unplug from social media for a couple of days. 

    I just saw the worst place where these news could have made it. Fucking TIME magazine! :facepalm:


    4 hours ago, starlight said:

    If Axl had lost weight and dressed better for the reunion nobody would give a shit anymore about all the fat pics, sorry but it's his fault. 

    He should have worked harder to get in shape. I still see him partying late at night and drinking, it's not healthy for him to do that 

    That's true. Every time I see those partying late at night pics I go :anger:

    1 hour ago, nonok said:

    I wouldn't be so sure - the fact that he used to read the forums a lot means he probably still does (or gets info from TB) and he's shown time and time again that he knows which fans said what, all the theories the fandom's making up, etc. I think he's keeping silent in order not to stir any more chaos around that picture (if it's indeed a plan to sabotage him, which, after reading through the comments, I'm inclined to believe). What's wrong with taking matters in his own hands, though? I find it admirable when people don't run or hide from their problems and face them head on, no matter how uncomfortable or unsightly it may be. He's very brave when standing up to those who are out ta get him. But right now he doesn't seem to be doing that, which gives more credibility to the conspiracy theory. Many people hate him in AC/DC and there's a good chance they could make up something like that - it's the showbiz, after all.

    That's what I said. I think he still browses the forums and social media.

    Whats wrong with taking matters in his own hands? That he does it the wrong way. He gets violent. He insults fans. I don't think that's brave, specially when they are young people.

    He shouldn't have said those things to Madison. Very hurtful words with a person he doesn't personally know. But "knowing him" I guess he must have been deeply hurt or pissed off by her to get that reaction. Probably he was drunk when writing all that.

    I always feel like he puts a lot of focus on negative things and small things instead of what is important and really matters. Must be some kind of auto-sabotage mechanism.

    25 minutes ago, nonok said:

    @killuridols So about those shoes. :lol: They're awesome, and he looks really good in these pics, albeit still with a big belly and weird hair. <_<


    I don't see the big belly here and the hair looks combed :P

    Maybe it's just my impression but looks like he dressed up and styled himself better than usual. Like this daylight, not rock n roll kind of thing, made him be more aware of his image since he was going to talk about important topics in front of an audience.

    18 minutes ago, pinkforgirls said:

    Yea I love those shoes too. Better than slippery, toe breaking cowboy boots. Stability is priority. 

    I hate the cowboy boots :facepalm:

  12. 4 minutes ago, - antem said:

    Apparantly Jude Law appeared there on may 26th, but the interview wasn't uploaded to YouTube until yesterday. We might have to wait a couple of days until Axl airs.

    Yeah, they are kind of behind with the videos but they are pretty well edited and the photography is amazing.

    I see most of the videos are around 45 mins, 1 hour long. I can't believe we're gonna get a whole hour of Axl!! :drool:

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