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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 2 hours ago, Un42nutzly said:

    Axl made it clear in the interview how much respect he has for Brian and how tragic it is for what happened to him. He would easily step down for Brian if he is good to go. Plus they didn't 'fire' Brian. A better analogy is when someone leaves company on medical leave and they hire a temp replacement until they recover. 

    I know he said that but I was talking in the case of Brian not returning to AC/DC permanently.

  2. 43 minutes ago, stella said:

    Thank you. :) Yes, I would think that Axl/Guns N' Roses could hire some really good social media doctors to work some magic here. With the photos, from what I know it's harder, but if they were to, say, put up a lot of (better) photos and add, say "fat Axl" as part of the description/EXIF data those could rise higher in the search rankings, AFAIK. People would search for Axl and get those pictures first.

    I totally agree that a lot of the memes are incredibly cruel. People on the Internet act like complete fuckfaces sometimes, and find it very easy to mock people when they're anonymous. I've heard of other meme victims having a very hard time dealing with their photos being splashed all over the Internet with derisive comments. The thing is, there isn't much one can do about taking those down. If it's a photo of a minor and/or there's something illegal or threatening in some way, maybe. Otherwise, it generally unfortunately falls under freedom of speech and the use of the photo, even if copyrighted, is considered Free Use because it's an editorial comment/satire.

    And I agree that regardless of where this is coming from, it's not a good week for Axl, news-wise. He's by all accounts rolling right along with AC/DC and there's that GnR tour coming up, and it's too bad this sort of stuff is coming up now.

    At this point I think it's safe to say he does know w what's going on with him on the web. It's terrible that he takes the matters on his hands, a la St.Louis style, by going personally attacking fans online. Guess he's not much different from how he acts in real life :shrugs:

    I didn't know you could do that with pictures. Thanks for the new knowledge! :P

  3. 1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

    Yeah, I know, I was just wondering if I had missed any funny stories or something about Axl googling himself and finding something terrifying or whatever :lol: I've only kept up very sporadically with GnR happenings in the past couple of years. Probably missed a lot of stuff.

    As for your second point... well...  :P

    I don't know if he googles himself but he's known for browsing the forums and GNR related sites. Not sure if him or TB. He has addressed some rumors that originated on the Internet, like 2 years ago when they said he had died. He has named specific fans in the shows, or talked about things that happened in forums. Before the reunion was announced all his Twitter account was about were comments on "news". From the giraffe killed in the Netherlands to the Bill Cosby case. So it does look like he spent a lot of time reading the Interwebs.

  4. 1 hour ago, stella said:

    The point that this may not be true, and may not be coming from him, might have credence in this case. Photos that are far worse than that have been all over the Internet for more than a decade, and he's supposedly been known to Google himself and look for his own stuff. He's probably been fully aware that there is negativity online about him and that there are some unflattering photos that have been floating around for a very long time, and it hasn't seemed to bother him to the point that he's been prompted to ask for its removal. He hasn't even asked for the very personal letters and documents that Erin auctioned off -- that were posted online -- to be removed. So why would he care about this? I don't know that he has had any hand in this at all.

    The notice that was supposedly from Web Sheriff isn't even grammatically correct. Also, there's a set protocol and that's to file a DMCA takedown notice. You can't usually just send someone an email and say "hi, I'm so and so, take down that image," because anyone can do that. You have to fill out a formal DMCA takedown notice, send it to their webmaster or whoever handles their Intellectual Property rights, and go from there. That DMCA notice has to have a lot of information and it's a legal document. None of that seems to be happening in this case. OR, you have your legal counsel send the person a letter. The only other time you can usually get a photo pulled from search or offline entirely is if there's something illegal about it - for instance, the nude photos of those celebrities that were stolen in that major hack. Google pulled them from search results and most websites refused to post them (and suspended anyone who did).

    In most cases a celebrity who IS worried about bad search results just buries them in other ways - you can hire Google doctors to manipulate the search results by increasing SEO keywords and pushing the good results up and the bad ones down. Or you generate more good content and that buries the bad stuff. Considering that Axl's on tour with AC/DC right now, there's a GnR tour to come and there's a shitload of media (both press and user-generated content) about it, that's going to happen naturally.

    All of your points are brilliant :thumbsup:

    I'm not sure if he's offended by the unflattering picture or the memes that use that picture to make fun of him. I think memes are far more offensive than the bad pic.

    I agree with the SEO work you suggest but does it work the same way for pictures? I have the feeling that moving pics down the page one results is harder than links and offensive websites.

    Axl should hire the most successful SEO/SEM professional and have some work done and he should also work on his own image by losing more weight and stop wearing clothes that are not suit for his age anymore.

    This and the autographs thing are two negative things in just one week. I've just read the comments at the Rolling Stone Facebook page and people are saying the real Axl, the douchebag, is crawling back in with this. That it was only a matter of time for him to go back to old deeds.

    I hope Angus doesn't get mad at this :(

    • Like 1
  5. 54 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Yeah, it was even in the Austrian newspapers this morning.

    I knew this what happen when I read about it yesterday. The question is, how could Axl not understand that something like this would only bring more attention to the Fat Axl memes and make them more popular than ever :facepalm:

    The mods here closed the thread about it saying the claim is not legit, that it doesn't come from Axl.

    What if someone else claimed on his name just to do some wrong to him since he was getting so much praise for the Axl/DC thing?

    There's so much jealousy in this world... Everybody wanted that position. He got it. Brian must feel shitted all over. This could be a counterattack from someone...


    41 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Jesus Christ, Axl Rose is a fucking idiot. How stupid do you have to be to shit all over the love you've just barely managed to gather in two days? I tried to ignore it but these huge sites are making it impossible. I hate this band.

    No, don't say that :cry: We don't know.. I hope it's not him doing this but he's known for hating the Internet.

    32 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    lol that pic and the memes have been around for ages, whys it bothering him now?

    I'm not giving this shit any more thought. There's always something Axl does in the days before I go to see him live that gives negativity out. 

    I fuckin hate going to see him with negative thoughts.....so blocking this dumb ass Axl move outta my mind. 

    Hopefully it'll all blow over in a couple of days

    It bothers him now because since his name is all over the web, when you make a search those memes comes associated with him. It's algorithms.

    Just go see him, don't give up, it's gonna be a great show!

  6. 1 hour ago, dgnr said:

    All this business of picking girls and girls enjoying being picked, which I assume it leads to the kind of situation of that very young girl whose ass was being grabbed by Axl in Vegas residency 2014- it's just sad and degrading for women to say the least. :shrugs:

    That girl posts in a facebook group I'm in and she's always bragging about having free passes for Axl's backstage. She was at Coachella and they showed her face on the big screen when they played SCOM.

    She has a boyfriend too. I wonder what does the boyfriend think about her letting Axl touch her ass and all that.

    1 hour ago, PatrickS77 said:

    Well, there is another one....

    Andrei Gillott



    I am in the business of taking peoples money and promising them tickets and other services, but just keeping the money. It is a blast!  You should check my website http://andreigillott.com/ for more info!



    Seems like he pissed off someone pretty bad.... but he's got the pictures to proof that he's not only smokes and mirrors, so maybe someone is just jealous.

    Wow, now that's hate :o

  7. 29 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    It's really interesting. I think they were both obsessed with each other, missing each other but not willing to admit it. 

    As you say, I also think that Slash can be much less nice in private while Axl the other way round. 

    "about their childhood like when him and Slash had a new song".......childhood? I thought they'd met as adults. Or does it mean they were children for a veeery long time? :ph34r:

    Slash was like 16 years old when he met Axl and started in GNR. He was more like a teen I'd say. Axl was 20. Maybe the girl didn't understand that part or maybe Axl "when we were kids" meaning they were very young.. The older you get you really start seeing teenagers and people in their 20s like kids.

  8. 1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

    Apart from the general cringeworthy-nes of the situation itself, this is actually a pretty interesting find. Thanks for posting.

    Shows how obsessed with Slash he was all this time. Taking this to the Ladies' Thread, I think.

    Why would he talk about Slash to some random girl? So maybe by 2012 he was already making peace with his Slash. At least in his head.

    Yeah, it's better we continue this over there :)

  9. 4 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    I have, but it's been quite a while. Much of it is so badly written (bad spelling/grammer, out of character-nes, etc) that I mostly just get pissed of lol. And I actually prefer things that have at least some kind of plot going on rather than just straight-up porn :lol: I remember when I was a kid, I used to hang out on rockfic.com a lot.

    The ones I've read were pretty good. Can't remember where they are now.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Padme said:

    So he is some kind of official Pimp gets hot girls for Axl? :rofl-lol:

    Ye... I don't know... Haha... It's so bad that kind of thing still exists in 2016 <_<

    I just googled his name and the only thing that came out was this: "Andrew Gillot is a music promoter and producer from Los Angeles, CA. He has worked with Lana Del Rey on various projects."

    And then I found this story that matches pretty much all of the speculation that we've done here but he denied everything.


    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Padme said:

    Sorry, I never heard of thsi Andrei guy before. What's the story with him? Why is he part of the Axl entourage? 

    Like others said he's always in pictures with the young Lebeis so I guess he's a friend of them but I don't know what kind of job he does. Looks like something related with PR, nightclubs, hot women. He's surrounded of hot girls, models, if you check his Instagram it is all pics with those type of women.

    I don't know why he's part of Axl's entourage but a wild guess would be that he's a guy who knows the hot girls and the night clubs, since Axl likes to party, this guy must be the one who arranges the parties, takes Axl out to places and introduces him to hot women. :shrugs:

  12. 2 minutes ago, Powerage5 said:

    @Strange Broue, @killuridols - enough from you two. I don't care who started it, I'm ending it. You're getting to the point of a personal argument and derailing the thread. You want to continues this discussion? Fine, but do it in a PM - not here.

    I'm sorry :( and you're right.

    No, I don't want to continue anything with that guy.

  13. Myles singing any rock song that involves sexuality, devil, hell, drugs or alcohol is a disgrace.

    The guy is totally dull, unattractive, he sings Back In Black like an opera thing. I don't know how any of you have the nerve to compare him to Axl.

    I don't know why that guy is in rock music. He should join Maroon 5.

    • Like 2
  14. Amazing!

    i can see how Bon Scott shares more personality traits with Axl and why I like him better than Brian.

    Thank you for sharing that video. I thought it was Britney Spears in her school uniform! :lol:

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