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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 4 hours ago, Strange Broue said:

    Well, if you're not sure, then stop stating your opinion as a fact

    I never did. It's just you and your reading comprehension problems. Go back to school.


    With GNR it's entirely different. He has zero history with AC/DC besides these few shows

    It's not different. It's the same person with the same personality and values. 


    What business are you talking about exactly? :lol: Angus is the boss, not Axl. Axl has ZERO right to push out anybody from their own band. However Angus could fire Brian, but i doN't see it happening if he really wants to come back

    His career. Angus is the boss and Axl is an artist deciding what's best for him. That's his business. You don't get it, right? :facepalm:

    Axl didn't push anyone out of the band. Are you gonna say Axl caused Brian's hearing loss? :rofl-lol:

    Shit happened and Axl took advantage of the opportunity at hand. Like any other smart person would do. I'm sorry you won't understand this. 

    Lol. Brian disease didn't stop Angus from continuing the tour and finding a replacement for him. If Brian can't or won't come back to ACDC, Angus will hire another singer. Axl or not Axl. Brian decides ZERO.



    I'm 27 and i've been working since i was 16, but currently i don't NEED to work, because i have passive income. On the recent few years i've learned and applied a lot of stuff regarding to business, that's how i have passive income, so your point is moot

    Yeah, "if" But you damn well sure how Axl, Angus, Brian etc. should operate. 


    I see. You're a 27 years old millionaire with very little experience in business. Must have won the lottery or something.

    It looks like you know what's best for them too, so stop pointing your finger at me. Watch your own roof.



    Spoliled brat dare to say i've never worked in my life:lol:

    Do yourself a favor and put me on ignore

    Fucking Axl fangirls, whom joined here 2 months ago, they think they know everything


    Yeah, I should have worded it out better. Here it goes: feels like you never had to fight for a job. You're the spoiled brat. Probably work in your dad's company. Got it all served in a plate.

    I won't put you on ignore because I'm not the one in attack mode. You quoted me first and unleashed this battle. I never care for your opinions, they are all immature and make no sense to me. It is highly unlikely I will ever address your comments. You should put me on ignore, though. I don't want your head exploding because of me :lol:

    Joining here 2 months ago or 3 days ago makes no difference. I'm a GNR fan since the 90s and I've proven repeatedly that I know my stuff, much more than you.

    I challenge you to a GNR battle. Let's test fandom in the field. I'll destroy you.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    It totally does. Although like you said, Axl is so girly, he could even pass for Duff's wife if done up right and as long as he keeps his mouth shut :lol:

    But I actually agree, he does have a pretty female fat distribution going on. And he used to have some very girly/androgynous facial features too. But strangely enough, this only makes him incredibly attractive to me, despite the fact that I'm pretty heterosexual and not very attracted to the female side of things.

    I wonder how anyone could resist. But yeah, must have been pretty tough for Slash being around that all the time :P

    (And I notice Slash did end up marrying a curvy redhead soon back then. Maybe the sexual frustration Axl caused him became too much  :smiley-confused2::P)

    I'm sorry! .... (okay, no I'm not :P)

    Yup, that's the thing. He's always had an androgynous look but he never looked or sounded gay. He has a well balanced combo of male-female (even if he still battles against homosexuality). This is what made him become an idol for both male and female. He was never rejected by the guys, like some other good looking but gay singers (i.e. Ricky Martin). In that sense he was somewhat like Freddy Mercury, although Mercury was openly gay.

    Nowadays Axl looks like a butch lesbian :lol: and yes, I'm still attracted to him, maybe because I'm a bit gay. All my boyfriends were that type of pretty face, female facia features. That's why I'm not attracted to Slash or Duff or Izzy. They look more manly.

    Who's the redhead Slash married? Renee Suran?

    4 hours ago, Carlycosmos said:

    Omg those pictures are so good. I have to say I woudn't mind seeing Axl and Slash kissing. With tonge. :rofl-lol: This is your fault girls! :drool:

    Keep posting pics please LOL

    Me either. Do that fucking butt onstage already, Slash! Grab it, squeeze it, bite it, kiss it, touch it, feel me :drool:

    LOL :rofl-lol:

    oh and this just reminded me of the tons of fan fiction there is out there with Slaxl as subjects of the most pornographic stories. Have you girls ever read this?

    3 hours ago, cheesecake said:

    I actually typed a lengthy reply to Apollo last week when he blasted me for mentioning Axl's weight. But I was on the road at the time (passenger, not driver) and didn't notice my mobile data was turned off. Only noticed it once I clicked submit and it didn't go thru and after turning data on everything I typed disappeared :max:. Was not in the mood to retype.

    Some people need to understand for some rockers image comes in a package and that includes appearance. Yeah Axl's belting out killer voices now but it would be more pleasant if he appeals in the look dept too (not that he is bad looking btw but I guess people get my point).

    It's the whole package, yes and he always sold himself like that. He was selling his meat onstage for most UYI tour. Sold his meat in videos too. Now don't back out!

    Apollo, lol, he must be rolling on the floor reading this thread, facepalming himself with the inanities we've written here :rofl-lol:

    That image makes me happy :lol:

    By the way, Cheesecake, are you male or female?

    2 hours ago, nonok said:

    Axl's androgynous look is what made him as sexy as he was, no one can deny it, no matter how much they want to. All girls love a sensitive yet manly guy, and he was the absolute extreme of that.

    As for the second thing... I've honestly thought about that seriously at some points. I mean, Perla looks eerily like Axl in a lot of photos and can be as boisterous as him. And Axl's biggest relationship was with Erin - dark, curly haired, shy (but dirty-minded and excessive in private, judging by the ISE video and many interviews). I mean, I'm not saying they'd go for each other if they were gay, but I'm saying it. :lol:

    To me it was odd to find out Slash had to divorce from Perla so the reunion could take place. That's like the weirdest thing and also very suggestive. She must hate Axl for that. I'm sure she has some conspiracy theories about it.

  3. 4 minutes ago, nonok said:

    True to the first, and lol to the second. :rofl-lol: He's probably just as irresistible to men as he is to women.

    @Lumikki Those are awesome, I have them on my phone but you saved me the trouble of transferring them to my computer. But it's not Slash that Axl was spinning round in the last one, it was some chick that was with them on the tour bus (there's a video of that somewhere on youtube). Still cool to imagine it is, though.

    All right, last batch! (Sorry if any of em have been posted already, it's hard to keep up with the Slaxl love)


    hmmm knock me out with those American thighs! :drool: 

    You girls are gonna kill me. And oh, Slash butt! :o

    Haha, yeah, he chick Axl's spinning around is one of the backup singers from the UYI tour. I guess that's Tracy or Roberta.

    1 minute ago, Lumikki said:

    And some nice Slaxl cuddling gifs:

    guns n roses slash axl rose meu

    lol Slash with those fishnet gloves. He looked like a bad. Tranny and last gif, I watched quickly and thought Slash hand was doing something else :rofl-lol:

  4. 6 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Oh, we're doing Slaxl spam now? :D Let me contribute some more:



    OMG why you do that to me? :facepalm:

    Tomorrow when I'm on my computer I'll share more of these. Just wait for me. Lol.


  5. 1 hour ago, Andy14 said:

    That's what I noticed at the concert too. He looks much better live than in the pictures :wub:. Can't wait for him to come back to Europe with GNR!!!

    Oh I wish I could see him live and direct now too. It urges me! 

    1 hour ago, Italian girl said:

    Finally here I am.

    Well, what can I Say after yesterday.. axl is younger and thinner than many pictures we see (ok, only his stomach is too big -.-), and his voice is really very powerful!

    My idol is real <3

    Only time I've seen Axl live I was too far in the crowd but I still could see him for real. It's such an experience to realize they are real! I only remember his butt though, because I couldn't take my eyes off that, of course :drool:

    Voice was the other thing that made me wow and go like "is this the real life?". He sings for real, it's such a huge voice, gives you shivers to your spine. I'll never forget the impact it caused on me.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Frey said:

    They look like the rock version of an LGBT family here  :lol: Two gay guys and their adopted kid :rofl-lol:

    And Axl looks like he's wearing a blouse or some other weird piece of clothing.

    OMG I cracked at this! :rofl-lol:       It's true, it does look like that.

    Axl must have been a woman in a previous life because he was as pretty as a fine chick and now that he's older, he still looks like a lady when he puts on those lady hats.

    I was observing that the fat in his body is distributed pretty much like a woman. He has a massive fat ass (that I wanna eat :drool:), chubby arms and a fluffy belly :P Not to mention he wears EYELINER too.


    I have ran out of likes so thank you girls for posting those Slaxl pics :drool:. Sometimes I wonder how Slash could resist that sexy beast Axl was!

  7. Hmmm. Pretty hard to have it removed from all over the web. There are millions of copies of this photo and people will keep posting them.

    What I see wrong with this is that most of the memes used the photo taken by someone to create a new image, oftenly photoshopped to make Axl look even fatter. 

    I once learned Mitch Lafon took several pics of this show too and when you compare them, he doesn't look as much heavy as in that one picture. Which proves that particular photo was doctorized.

    The only way to deal with this is that Axl gets serious with his weight issues and goes on a strict diet to lose the extra pounds he's still has. Just like he managed to revert his singing from those years people said he couldn't sign anymore and now he's a rock god, he can do the same with his image. Hire a dietician, a personal trainer and a stylist. In six months he could be laughing at those pictures and how outdated they would be.

  8. 4 hours ago, rendestroi95 said:

    Axl has his own band to front, he doesn't need to front AC/DC, and adding to that, he has tons of respect to Brian and the band, so you really think that if brian wants to come back and angus wants axl to stay, Axl would stand between them? I really don't think so

    (btw, that's what i think and you won't change it, so i'm gonna end this conversation right here since you're starting to presume things, and i don't have time for this o/ )

    He's fronting two bands right now. Read the news.

    I don't know what Axl is going to do in that case. I have the feeling he would accept the job because there's nothing wrong with it and he has no business with Brian Johnson. Angus is the boss, not Brian. Angus decides who stays and who leaves. Johnson is not a friend of Axl, neither his brother, he doesn't owe him any sort of loyalty whatsoever.


    49 minutes ago, Strange Broue said:

    Yeah, i think this post shows your true colors.

    Axl have respect and ethics

    is this really hard to grasp?

    You are so sure about that he could do everything to push out Brian if he wants to comeback...

    You stated that Angus already offered Axl a full time membership, which is false

    Also, i don't buy that he won't be able to perform again, because there's no cure for hearing loss.... There's no need to 100% recover, that's why these devices exist

    Btw Brian STILL capable of recording, because he recorded new vocals with another band shortly afterr his departure from the band

    My true colors? STFU!

    The problem with you is that you're greener than a golf camp.

    No, I'm not sure of what Axl would do. I'm just speculating based on his previous behavior. Didn't Axl leave Guns N' Roses to start a new Guns N' Roses and hire Slash and Duff as his employees? Didn't Axl keep all rights to the Guns N' Roses name and let the others out of it?

    It's called business and he's a hell of a business man. You fail to see things from a mature adult perspective. I don't know how old you are but you sound like you've never worked in your life.

    I didn't say Angus already offered a job to Axl. I said all the time "if". Your problems with grammar and reading comprehension are starting to get really bad.

  9. 3 minutes ago, rendestroi95 said:

    Why do you think nobody ever accepted the nugnr thing, even though everybody there could do the job just fine? Because, let's say Buckethead, never had the GNR identity, even though he was fully capable of doing the job. He didn't belong there

    "job", "business", "company". I'm sorry but i can't face music/bands in that cold way, and maybe that's why we will never agree on this subject

    The nuGNR never got reviews and praise from the media like Axl/DC is getting now. Lots of fans are satisfied with Axl's work and lots of people say he fits in perfectly. Seems like everybody can see this chemistry except for you. Weird.

    Axl is a rocker from the heart, he breaths and shits rock n' roll. He's singing every song with absolute passion and making them his own.

    Buckethead is a good guitar player but he didn't have the image for GNR. This is not the case of Axl. He exceeds expectations and he's a great frontman for any rock band.

    Yeah well I'm sorry you live in a bubble and can't understand these musicians make a living out of writing and playing music. You're probably one of those people who have never bought a music album because according to you, bands should remain a groups of friends who never make money.


  10. 18 minutes ago, cheesecake said:

    Trivia : how many pairs of Touch Me Feel Me tshirts do you guys think Axl owns? 

    Seems like he's very fond of this shirt on this tour.

    I'd like to think that at least 10 but I wish he would have chosen different ones instead of a repeated one.

    12 minutes ago, rock4eva said:

    I'm not keen on the shirt around the waist either, he's always wearing too much. Japan concert 2009 he was perfect, a touch weighty but that comes with age. If he takes off the hats and sunnies he puts on extra around his waist. :heart:

    I still don't know if it's something with that particular shirt or that he put on a lot of weight in a week or so. The videos from Prague show are amazing. He's wearing another shirt tied to his waist and it looks friggin' amazing. He even walks like a sexy model.

    But this one shirt is terrible. It adds extra visual pounds all around his waist and the other one falling over makes it worse, plus the thing for his ear monitors, makes his butt look like a huge pile of laundry :facepalm:

    Here's a video where you can see him dealing with tying the shirt around and failing at it..


    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, rendestroi95 said:

    Sorry, but you just can't compare being in a band with any other "normal" job... There's fans involved, and Axl would be in the same situation DJ once was, when he was asked to be part of the reunion. DJ did the right thing by admitting he does not belong there, just like Axl with the AC/DC thing. Yes, it would be unethical to "stand between" Angus and Brian, and yes it would be disrespectful with the (AC/DC) fans

    Yes, I can because this is business, not some band of friends who play in a bar for 2 bucks every other weekend.

    The DJ thing always sounded like BS to me. If Axl was really considering putting DJ and Slash in the same stage, then we can conclude the man has completely lost it.

    Its not unethical if he's asked to join permanently. He's being offered a job, not standing between someone and someone else. If he's offered that job it means they're no longer considering working with Brian. Brian can fight for his position back and Axl can compete for it, just like in ANY normal company. The one who can do the job best wins. There's nothing unethical or disrespectful about competing for a job position. It happens every day millions of times around the world.

  12. Just now, rendestroi95 said:

    Not here, but maybe when Axl make his decision, who knows.

    By here I mean this situation. 

    Axl accepting a job he's been offered is not unethical. It would be if he had killed Brian in order to get it.

  13. 12 minutes ago, rendestroi95 said:

    And i'm not sure, but that's the right thing to do, i guess...

    Brian is no friend of Axl or a relative or anyone Axl should be loyal to. This is business. This is work.

    If some big company calls you to replace the guy they just fired you'd say no? With that logic no one would ever get a job.

  14. 1 hour ago, cheesecake said:

    Is Kat Benzova on tour with Axl/DC? If she is, maybe someone can send her a request on her Twitter or Instagram for pictures of the Big 3 to be shared on GNR official social media. 

    Yeah but she won't post stuff that's not approved by management first.

    I think it'd be easier if one of the wives pulls out a camera and gets a selfie or a candid one but AGAIN, the pic will go viral and a fuckin scandal will ensue :facepalm:

  15. 21 minutes ago, rendestroi95 said:

    I think that if brian shows any interest in playing with the band again, Axl would immediately back off and let it happen, EVEN if Angus choose to stay with Axl.

    He'd never do something like "Sorry Brian, Angus chose me"...i hope

    I wouldn't be so sure about that...

  16. 16 minutes ago, superfrut said:

    ok, what the hell is he doing pulling the tshirt OVER the flannel tied around his waist?! it not only completes the "belly" illusion (with the knot in the worst possible place), but it also makes it look like he has a kardashian ass!!  :facepalm: 

    i think he'd actually look pretty decentish if he just threw it to the side or whatever... cause that shit would make mick jagger look like he was packing timber!! 

    :lol: at the Kardashian ass!!!

    He does have a massive butt and it's so yummy :drool: but I get what you mean and I don't like it either. I hate that shirt already. He's tying it the wrong way, not to say he should get rid of it forever.

    Too bad we don't have @Lumikki at these shows to approach Angus' wife and make yet another suggestion about Axl's wardrobe! :P

    • Like 1
  17. 4 hours ago, The Archer said:


    It would be great for some of the healthy skepticism that we see on here, applied to this news about Brian's hearing being miraculously cured as well. If you go through ALL the news reports carefully, and ignore the sensationalism attached to them, you'll read that the 'working device' which was trialed at Brian's home (and not at a noisy arena with AC/DC's speakers cranked up to 11), still has to be miniaturized and customized for Brian to be able to use it. This doesn't even seem to be a fully workable, or commercially available prouct. In fact, the Asius store currently lists only one product - https://asiustechnologies.com/store

    So, while this may be great marketing for Stephen Ambrose and his new commercial venture, it seems unlikely that there is a commercially available device that will allow those with hearing loss to safely be exposed to extremely loud sound, without considerable effort, customization and time, if ever.

    Maybe, after some time, with some testing and R&D effort, a version of a product might be rolled out that allows Brian to be fully functional in his normal surroundings. But, it seems extremely unlikely that something as progressively degenerative as hearing loss, at Brian's relatively advanced age, is going to be successfully reversed to the point that he is going to be able to successfully front ACDC again.

    Buckle up, AC/DC and GN'R fans - I'd say that the odds are high that our boy Axl has a great chance of being the permanent frontman of both these iconic bands.

    Thank you for brilliantly word this out!

    Ive said it before but people just hated me for spitting the truth. Hearing loss has no cure. I know this because I have relatives with this problem and even though they use devices and I've tried on those devices just to test how it feels, its just another exterior component that will never replace your natural sense of hearing. It's like wearing glasses.

    And I can't even start to imagine how it must feel to put on those things in a place like a full stadium of screaming fans and loud music. Must be living hell.

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