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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 3 hours ago, Andy14 said:

    And Axl should post something about the guys being in London, too. I bet he must have been happy to have them there. Who would have thought that Slash would come to see Axl perform :shock: 

    Yeah, you're right. Maybe he will.

    Id love to see a pic of them too. I don't know why it's so hard to put those 3 man together for a picture. Something backstage not a forced photoshoot.

    lets cross fingers!

  2. 5 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    He could have streamed the whole show :max:

    I hope they're having afterparty with Axl :wub:

    Haha. He could have gone up onstage :P

    It's nice to know they were there. I hope Slash posts something too. It is always Duff showing his inhibited love for Axl, which is adorable but come on Slash!

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Padme said:

    I think some people there took pics. It all happened very fast. I think my heart stopped when I saw Duff coming toward me. Then I heard people Screaming Slash! I  looked to over my left shoulder and I saw him.

    There was a PIT area withim the GA. There were only 5000 who arrived very early. I didn't know of that are until I step into the GA. Slash and Duff came from there. But I don't know when they arroved and where they stayed during the show

    From Duff's tweet it looks like they were at the soundboard place.. Is that what is called? I don't know the name for that.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Padme said:

    Slash and Duff were at the show because I saw them! I was at the far left side of the stage. Right before Highway To Hell they left and they passed me by. Myself and other there saw them left the stadium- They were scolted out by security. Susan and Meeghan were with them. We scream Slash!!! Duff!!! But they left quickly.

    Cool! I hope there are some pics of them.

    I think they went to sign Axl away to AC/DC and Axl gave them the GNR name. A millionaire trade! :P

    • Like 2
  5. 20 minutes ago, Mister T said:

    Sorry to say to all Gunners, but Axl belongs to us now! We won't let him go. ACDC will not let him go. London was absolutely fucking brilliant. Axl is the best Rock'n'Roll singer alive. He was made to be in ACDC. This is going to be a permanent collaboration, live DVD/Blue Ray/CD before christmas, new album will follow, after London there can be no doubt about it.

    Holy shit! :o

  6. 8 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Well, they could release a new album before the 2nd leg of the tour. Cough @Dexter *looking at you*... And then it won't be a boring setlist. ;)

    I can dream, right? :lol:

    That'd be a smart move but unless Slash and Duff have added their parts in the year and a half gap between 2014 residency shows and the reunion, I doubt there's an album ready now :shrugs:

    Yeah, we've been dreaming for too long though. I'm sorry I can't be much positive.

  7. 13 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Dude (I know you're a woman), but, like, dude. :lol: That first part was me pointing out the contradiction in the way you worded things. I understood exactly what you were trying to say from your other comments, it's just the way you said it in the beginning that makes it, grammatically at the very least, contradictory.

    (Btw, I like how obsessed you are with Touch Too Much, since you quote it at every opportunity. It's a freaking awesome song. :headbang:)

    We've been informed there will be a European tour from Axl himself in that meeting with fans where your profile pic is from. And there are some South American placeholders that are already advertising the NITL tour there. So yeah, it will be a world tour. Slash and Duff will stay if Axl stays. Simple as that, and that's exactly the problem a lot of GNR fans have with Axl/DC continuing - there will be no time for Guns.

    Who's ever said you're not a real GNR fan? :blink: I know I never have, and we've had enough discussions (primarily in the Women's thread) that I know you know your shit, so don't take your conspiracies out on me, thanks. And what mind games and wide visions, lol. :lol: Chill the fuck out, sis. We're arguing about bands, not geopolitics. You're getting defensive in a personal sense and making assumptions without considering I've already considered your point of view. If I couldn't take someone with a "wider vison of things", I'd be one of those idiots who claim Axl's or Slash's version of the GNR break-up is the absolute almighty truth. Which is bullshit, since they're both right and wrong. And I already told you I'd probably be saying many of the things you are saying if I liked Axl/DC better than Guns, which I don't.

    I like saying dude to females too :)

    ok, I'm sorry. English is not my mother tongue so maybe I made a mistake (or two) when I first said that and it got confusing. Other problem is that I think faster than I type and I think too many things at the same time. My mind is like a volcano.

    Regarding the tour, Axl informed us he had 2-3 albums ready to come out and it never happened. Not to mention the many times he said CD was coming out and it was always delayed like 3-4 more years, so once burned twice careful. I will believe the tour dates when official GNR website announce them.

    it sounded like that when you said I liked Axl better in ACDC than in GNR. I like both, I wish he could do both even though I know it's tough but if he's actually doing it, why not?

    Just won't deny that I find current GNR extremely boring because I never stopped following the band and to me, Axl's been on tour playing the same songs for around 10 years or more. At this point, for me, it's a drag.

  8. 11 minutes ago, nonok said:

    I said exactly that - you said yourself you're not an AC/DC fan. Then you said, quote, "If you're such a fan you'd know what's best for him" (in your comment towards Strange Broue), which means that a real fan supposedly knows what's best for the members of the band. The contradiction is here: if you're not a big, "real" fan of AC/DC, how do you know what's best for them as opposed to a real fan? I'm not making a dig at you, I'm just saying it's a contradiction.

    The assumptions about the black and white shit are amusing though, I won't even bother commenting them.

    That's what I explained in the other paragraph you conveniently cut out of your quote. Don't worry, I'll say it once more.

    As a fan of a rock band, and a very complicated one, I can relate to what ACDC fans are going through right now. Is it so hard to understand that someone can actually put in the shoes of someone else? :wacko:

    If I was a fan of Brian, and this is just my opinion, I think he should retire before damaging his health even more. I wouldn't ask that for Angus, though. I can see he's full of energy and he plays guitar better than ever. And ACDC is his band, so he will decide what to do, in spite of what fans want and non fans like me would like to happen.

    The thing is, now the guys are in their 70s, they're recycling old ideas and their material still consists of songwriting based around the words "rock", "hell", "thunder" etc. The riffs and the lyrics are similar to the old stuff, which is not bad, but it's not a breath of fresh air either. The fans have had the pleasure of hearing 17 studio albums from them and they won't be that devastated if AC/DC retired to a wonderful legacy. Yes, and Axl/DC album will definitely sound good, but 

        1. Axl won't have that much of a creative input there, so the music will be pretty much the same good ol' Angus riffs;

        2. Axl sounds best, writes best and fits in best in GNR. It's his band, they've just reunited, and people have wanted to hear new music from this band for over two decades, damn it. If Axl decides to put Guns on hold again, there's no telling if his voice will hold up when he comes back around to it again. There's also no telling if Slash and Duff will want to stay because of the hiatus.


    Yeah, well, I guess that after 17 albums and aging band members it's kind of a chimera to ask for much innovation. Besides, ACDCs sound is very distinctive, their songs deliver good basic rock and that's it. I understand it may sound repetitive and long time fans must be tired of it but I'm not sure how much change is possible at this point.

    I don't agree that Axl wouldn't have much of a creative input. He joined for a month and already made them change the set list, add other songs. Axl is powerful, he's charming. No one can say what he won't do because he did it. He called Angus and he got the job. Axl is capable of a lot of things. The ACDC sound and songs fit his voice like a hand in a velvet globe.

    As for number too, Axl sounds as good in ACDC as in GNR and even better. You don't know if he writes best for GNR because he's never written for ACDC. 

    Yes, people want to hear new music. I haven't waited 2 decades because I stuck around and support d Chinese Democracy, but it's been really long since then too and I'm starving for new music. Axl said he had an album ready to go, in 2014 and he's put that on hold because of the reunion. I don't see why he wouldn't put Guns on hold again if he thinks or feels he's got a better deal with ACDC.

    The future of GNR is even worse than ACDC. All we know is that Slash and Duff returned for a few shows. But the truth is we've not been informed if the #NotInthisLifetime tour will be extended to other countries in the world, for how long and much less if Slash and Duff will even stick around when it ends.


    Really, this entire argument (that I stupidly dragged myself into) stems from the fact that you like Axl better with AC/DC than with Guns. If that was the case with me, I'd probably be saying a lot of the things you're saying. But I'm a Guns N' Roses fan first and foremost, so that's out of the question.

    As much as all of you try to put me down saying I'm not a real GNR fan or whatever, I won't fall in your little mind games, just because you can't take someone with a wider vision of things.

    Im sorry about that.

  9. 5 hours ago, Strange Broue said:

    1. ok

    2. Yet you have presented your wish and opinion as a fact. sigh

    3. My posts was not about complexity, it's about reality and fairness. Johson sing on their most iconic album. Ask a casual fan about what song he/she knows, he gave you an answer from Back in Black. Brian was their third singer yes, but he actually RECORDED with them their most critically and commercially successful record. Aside from Highway To Hell and Let there be Rock, the casual fans barely knows the real Bon Scott gems. Hardcore fans mostly prefer Bon over Brian, though (which is understandable) 

    As for how Angus and Co. handle this situation: well, even the fanbase started to tear him apart, because what Brian said about his departure is a little bit contradictory what Angus and Co. said about the same subject. That is why a LOT of fans think that even Axl worked well with them, Angus is still a money hungry shithead if he continues the band. After Malcolm retired, many fans thought that they should just stop after this tour. Not to mention the Phill Rudd fiasco which was embarassing enough to drive the attention from the band and foreshadow both Phill's and the bands legacy. that is/was the reality before the Rock or Bust tour even started. Sorry if these are 1+1 to you, but you seemed like a little bit clueless for what happened with them before....

    4.  i'm glad we sorted this out. 

    5. No, not really. But you came off as a spoiled brat, who doesn't even care about the original band whereas if Axl shows up, then you become a fan in a heartbeat. Lol what huuuuge mistakes? because i thought that you are freaka's little brainsister? a lot of stupid chicks popped up, whom doesn't give a shit about Axl until the threereunion happened. Your posts about lately came off as you are part of this group. :shrugs: I can only hope that is not the case. I can back up my opinion, because most of the time, it's based around actual facts. i'm not the one who wrote these bands stories, i'm just simply following them

    6. He can recover enough to be able to perform again. 

    Still we are talking about as if it's 100% . Which is not the case, but POSSIBLE. I'm glad that you finally acknowledged that he found some sort of solution. The whole argument started from your derogatory remark, though.

    An album with Axl woud be great but Axl got his own big band. A band that we are both fans. Which leads to... well, y'know the rest. I'd prefer a new GNR album and ONLY prefer an Axl/DC album, if Axl shows that he has zero intentions to release new GNR music, just to tour. Then, i would say Axl could join AXL/DC full time. I've made a similar post about this "what if" topic, and you liked it (if i remember correctly, but it's entirely possible that i'm not). If the following  scenario happen: aka. Axl only wants to tour  iwth the hits and a few deep cuts here and there and Brian also got back just to tour (which is highly unlikely, because he likes recording music, unlike Axl and he STILL be able to record with this hearing problem, not to mention that Angus wants to continue but without Brian and Malcolm it's difficult!) then i would say that's a worst case scenario. 


    What nonok posted, also make sense. If you talk shit about Brian because he isn't good as he was 25 years ago, then you could talk about Axl and the wasted DECADE too! I was mostly here on that wasted decade, where were you?:P


    PS: i have ZERO resemblance with Azoff. 

    1 and 2 bollocks.

    3. I'm not clueless about any of that. I understand the situation very well but I'm not emotionally invested on it, that's why I can see it and feel it with a cold mind. This is not much different than what happened with GNR. Some people didn't accept Axl hiring replacements for the original members and they stopped being fans when Slash and Duff left. Others, like me, supported Axl with his new endeavor, stood by him through all the shit, the criticism, the multiple lineup changes and finally the reunion. In the case of AC/DC a lot of people stand by Angus decision of continuing without Brian, hiring Axl and finish the tour. Others are very angry, want Brian back or to call quits as soon as his tour ends.

    Public opinion is divided but it doesn't make anyone wrong, Each faction is following their heart and being passionate about it. But the truth is, it is Angus ultimate decision to continue or not, with Brian or not, with Axl or not. The funny thing is had he followed some fans opinion, we would have NEVER experienced this Axl/DC thing and would have NEVER known how fantastic it is. So props to Angus for doing what he thought was right for him and for not letting fans pressure him with his artistic decisions. That guy knows what's best.

    4. Ok

    5. I've been a GNR fan since the 90's and never gave up on them. So you're wrong about me, once more. Try me. Anytime you want, anywhere. Atlantic City, I don't care.

    6. The hearing loss of Brian is not unique to him. Millions of elders start losing their hearing at certain age and devices to help with that have been around for decades. I'm sure he can get a really good one, though. He's got money for it. But I don't think this can be cured. I don't anyone who's cured their deafness.

    I'd like Axl to record as much music as he could by taking advantage of the voice he's sporting now. With GNR, with ACDC or on his own. I don't care. Just put that man to record new songs and stop thinking so much about bullshit.

    I've said it before that I don't want to see Axl touring the same old boring songs for another decade. I don't think that's possible. People are fed up with the lack of new music. That's why this Axl/DC thing is so cool for some fans. You get to hear Axl singing what for us is "new songs" and it's such a joy. But soon we will go back to the usual GNR drag. Hopefully they change the set list, add some deep cuts and ditch the covers.

  10. 5 hours ago, nonok said:

    Ok, a couple of things...

    If you're gonna judge a singer based on how he sounds in less than a thirtieth of his singing career, then let's bring out Bridge School or RIR. As far as I recall, Axl sounds like complete and utter shit there. But he's recovered his voice for the most part now, and yes, he's unique and amazing, but Brian Johnson is a legend of his own. Who's to say he can't recover at least part of his voice, too?

    That's a contradiction. I don't mean to get involved in the argument you two are having, but you're not a big AC/DC (with Brian) fan, you say that "a real fan" would know what's best for him, and then claim that you're right?

    Axl/DC is, as night prowler stated, a match made in rock n' roll heaven...But it's not AC/DC. It's like Axl losing his voice/hearing and someone like Bruce Dickinson coming to replace him in GNR for a tour and then the band starts thinking about making albums with him and retiring Axl, who has the potential to get healthy again. It might be cool, it might sound good, but it's not why people became fans of the band in the first place and expressed a desire to go see them live.

    I judged it all, good and bad. I already said I don't like Brian's singing. I prefer Bon Scott. Lots of people don't like Brian. Lots of people hate Axl's singing. What's the problem with that? You just don't like someone's singing and if they're singing bad is even worse but the point is there is a big chance not everybody loves our heroes and that hurts. Yes, it does. But you can't force people to like them.

    Dont know if he can recover his singing too. If the problem is related to his hearing loss and he sort of fixes that, then maybe. But remember the guy will turn 70 soon. Things don't get much better as you age.

    Where did I say I'm a big AC/DC fan? I never said that. I'm not a fan at all. I like many songs and dislike a bunch too, but I'd never call myself their fan. I enjoy the shows they've been playing with Axl. And I like how songs sound with his voice. I like Angus playing, his stage presence, his chemistry with Axl. Even the way he talks. I like many things about them but being a fan is different. 

    There's no contradiction in what I said. The problem with you people is that you reason in terms of black and white. For you, someone has to be a die-hard or a casual idiot that only knows the hits. There can't be anyone in the middle, or more to the left or more to the right. 

    Fandom in general is experienced more or less the same way for me, as a GNR fan, than for an ACDC fan, a Metallica fan, a Nirvana fan and even Justin Bieber's fans. You don't need to be fan of every artist in the world to understand what the others go through. So I said what I said because being fan of a band and a singer who's aging too, I know I wouldn't like Axl being 70, forcing himself to reach notes he can't anymore or going deaf, blind, whatever and still wanting to perform. When Axl was showing sings of decline in his performance and voice I thought to myself it would be best for him to stay away from the stage for a while. I'm very critical of Axl. He's improved his singing a lot and I think he could do even better if he lost more weight. Being a fan is wanting the best for your hero, even if that plays against your own interests.

    Last, about Axl/DC not being AC/DC.. Is BON/DC not AC/DC either? What's more important: the music or the rock stars? I think art is bigger than individuals. Look how GNR made of KOHD a song of their own.. Lots of kids think KOHD is a song written by GNR. Bob Dylan must hate that. But he can't help that song transcended his own persona and became an entity of its own, then another band grabbed it and they've been playing it for 30 years as if it was theirs. 

    Please people, open your minds.

  11. 1 minute ago, Strange Broue said:

    1. So they doesn't owe you more shows

    2. I just staed some facts

    3. My grammar sucks, but at least i can comprehend what other posters write

    Nobody said that. "you just broke some big news, buddy".

    my analogy is on point, because it doesn't matter who is better. Shows sold out with or without Axl. You demand a hired hand instead of the real deal. The majority of the fans doesn't care about Axl, actually he HAD to convince them

    4. Then i was wrong. But somebody with a very similar username posted here and she streamed the show for us on periscope. My bad, then

    5. So it's too bad if somebody recover from his hearing problems? are you really this dumb? This is not even about disrespect then. This is about the lack of basic human empathy. facepalmcoaster

    6. No, i'm not irving Azoff

    Feel free to correct my grammar errors, at least i have some basic human decency, unlike you:shrugs:

    1. I didn't ask for any more shows. I'd love for them to record an album with Axl or release a live recording of these shows they played with him. But that's just my wish.

    2. Your facts are old news to me. Boring ones. I have read it and watched it all AXL/DC. Don't waste your time.

    3. Leaving out your atrocious grammar (which I could understand too), most of what your wrote is as simple as 1+1. You like to think you're complex but you're not.

    Johnson is a hired hand too. Not his band. If he wasn't a hired hand, the rest of the band would have called it quits when he started having those problems.

    4. lol yes, I know who you're talking about but I don't remember her username. I guess it's Freka or something.

    5. You're the typical holier-than-thou who likes to think their shit doesn't smell. First, don't say that I'm not a decent person because you don't know me at all. Second, you've shown here plenty of traits of being judgmental, jumping on conclusions making HUGE mistakes about things you believe they are true when they're not. You throw your opinions as facts, here and there. You're full of mistakes, errors and misjudgments, yet you like pointing your little finger at others.

    Brian Johnson can't recover from hearing loss because that doesn't happen. He's tried a device that's gonna make him hear better but in no way that is a cure. I'm not unhappy because he's found this temporary fix. As a person, he deserves to live well for as many years as he's allowed and if that device it's his solution, great!

    I said "too bad" because it means he could return to ACDC and that would prevent an ACDC album with Axl's voice, as many of us would like to hear. But the truth is no one knows what will happen after the tour ends. Not even you, cheapened Azoff.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Strange Broue said:

    1. AC/DC could be retiring because they are around since 1974. 

    2. Axl is not a permanent member, even Angus doesn't know what happens next

    3. Hundreds of thousands peole went to see AC/DC in recent tours with Brian on the front. Seems like people liked him, because some fans actually sold their tickets if he isn't the one who is singing. Their loss, you could say. But try to look this thing on a hardcore AC/DC fan perpective. If the original long time member wants to get back, then he has every right to try, especially if his hearing problem's treatment could be allowed him to perform again. maybe he could still sing better if he is able to properly hear. You are just spoiled, because you weren't even care about AC/DC before these gigs. The world doesn't revolve around Axl andd AC/DC was never his band. He is a hired hand, like it or not. Angus and Co. had touring commitments and Axl wanted to help. It worked. Yes, he sings great on these shows, but it was never meant as permanent thing

    This line of thinking is like "oHH Bumblefoot is so much better than Slash, Slash could fuck off, because BBF is the better guitarist"  Can you see how stupid your point is?

    4. What drunk? i wasn't even talking about you, lol. Learn english or something. You were the one who streamed a show and you yelled AC/DC fans that they are sucks on THEIR fav bands show. That's stupidity at it's finest. 

    5. I'm interested about Axl/DC as much as you. Still, i can respect the dude who recorded the majority of live shows material. If he is healing from his problem, then what's "too bad" about it? because you won't be able to see Axl with them? Big fucking deal. Nobody said that this is a permanent thing. Not even the band leader (Angus  Young)  not even Axl. He maybe interested about it, but it could effect his own band's time schedule (GNR)  and he is resposible for his own band!

    6. You clearly showed some really twisted mindset... how is "too bad" if he is healing from his problems? What can you call your sentence then? Johsnon is not a sacred cow, but he dsereves respect. Deal with it

    All of your points just shows that you know NOTHING about AC/DC and you know nothing about how hard can be to run GNR and perform with another major act. Axl wasn't fighted for the GNR name, just to give up now, especially when the biggest possible money is around the corner

    1. And?

    2. Wow. You just broke some big news, buddy.

    3. "You weren't even care about..."? :lol: Do you really have the nerve to tell me to learn English? Really? Holy shit!

    AC/DC isn't Brian Johnson's band EITHER. It is Angus and Malcolm. You can't even make one point right in your favor :facepalm: and your analogy between Slash and BFF is flawed. BBF is not in the same league than Slash. Axl is in the same league than Brian and probably above. 

    You fail so bad, dude. So. Bad.

    4. OH MY DEAR LORD OF FUCK!!! :rofl-lol:

    As much as I wish I had attended at least one Axl/DC show, that didn't happen AT ALL, so I really doubt I streamed anything, you pothead! :lol:

    5. Yes, that's what's too bad is about. And? You can't believe it? Kill the heretic who just disrespected the sacred cow. Boo.Hoo.

    6. lmao! Look who's talking here? Irving Azoff? :rofl-lol:

    "Axl wasn't fighted:facepalm:

    little patience... yeah, yeah... some more patience... just a little patience... yeah yeah

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