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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 1 hour ago, sanity_lost said:

    Didn't Axl pretty much quit going to school when he became a junior? I am not sure where I got that idea from. The deep dusty recesses of my mind tells me that he pretty much quit school as a junior and attempted it again for a short time as a senior (possibly a different school?) then quit for good. He said something about preferring to go to the library to learn? If I'm remembering right then he would have been 16 or 17 when he quit school.

     (Your discussing school stirred my curiosity.)

    That's correct.

    I think it's in the 1989 Rolling Stone interview:

    Let's go back to your childhood. Were you a bad student?
    No. On the placement tests in school, I was always in the top three percent. I dropped out in the eleventh grade, went back as a senior, then dropped out again.

    Why did you drop out?
    'Cause I couldn't make school work for me. I was having to read books, sing songs, draw pictures of things that didn't stimulate or excite me. It just didn't do anything for me. So I dropped out and started drawing and painting at home and spending a lot of my time in the library. Basically I started putting myself through Axl's school of subjects that I wanted to learn about.

    Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/the-rolling-stone-interview-axl-rose-19890810#ixzz4AaOvrAuN 

  2. 50 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

    @killuridols You seem to be always arguing with people, why? Take it easy lol

    "AC/DC finally got someone who can sing and introduce some changes to the set list. They are reborn. They sound like a new band." As far as I am aware Brian only sounded shot since last year, so saying 'finally' is a bit of an exaggeration and that's what sounds like disrespect.


    I don't argue with anyone. Some people just don't like my opinions so they quote me to start some drama. 

    May be an exaggeration but I never liked Brian and I know lots of people who don't like him, never liked him.

    Should I quote Bon Scott saying "wasn't the first, wasn't the last?" :shrugs:

  3. 27 minutes ago, Strange Broue said:

    Too bad?

    He was with them for 35 years, give the man some respect, before you talk shit about him...

    I really would like and Axl/Angus album, but if Brian wants to get back, he has every right to come back

    But i have a feeling that you will not really understand my point, because if i remember correctly you were the one, who claimed that AC/DC and the fans are shit and you are only interested because of Axl Rose and you yelled that AC/DC fans suck on an actual AC/DC concert, because some drunk assholes insulted your precious Axl:facepalm:

    I'm a fan of both Axl and AC/DC with or without together, but Brian deserves respect not clueless shit talking from someone who barely knows AC/DC before Axl joined them

    Yes, too bad. The AC/DC finally got someone who can sing and introduce some changes to the set list. They are reborn. They sound like a new band. 

    Someone here posted videos of Brian singing last year and it was such a pity. The man can't sing anymore! 

    What is there to understand about your incredibly complicated point? You like Brian and that's fair enough. He's served the band for a long time but he can no longer complete the task. You want him deaf and being an embarrassment? If you're such a fan you'd know what's best for him.

    I think the only drunk person here is you. I never said something like that. I didn't hear anyone insulting Axl during shows. The insults are all on the Internet where keyboard warriors and other cowards speak loud but do nothing.

    Whats the problem if I'm only interested in AXL/DC rather than AC/DC with Brian Johnson? Do ACDC fans now have to become GNR fans in order to appreciate Axl?

    I have not disrespected Brian. Saying that he can't sing well anymore is saying the truth, not disrespect. Deal with it. Johnson nor anyone is a sacred cow. Not for me.

    All of your reasoning is not only clueless but ridiculous.

  4. 29 minutes ago, stella said:

    I think it depends what one means by "bad teeth." Someone's teeth might be crooked or whatever, but they're clean and the guy has great hygiene and the only thing amiss is something cosmetic. 

    On the other hand, yellow, uncleaned teeth and bad breath are just gross, no matter whose mouth they're in.

    That's what I was talking about. Axl's old teeth was grey or green and that is what puts me off, not if the teeth were not aligned or something like that.

  5. 4 minutes ago, James Bond said:

    You have a point with the tone too, but I was referring to the actual situation which would indeed be the context. But I guess we'll save that for English class. ;)

    Of course, the tone of Duff's voice would dictate one or the other but we have no way of knowing as of yet because the poster didn't specify. I was just basing that off what people were saying. In that situation, it would make perfect sense as to why Duff would ask if he knew what hotel Axl was at.

    I agree that it's strange there's no pictures of Duff but I guess time will tell. All I wanted to do was offer the other side of interpretation for what Duff said.

    Cool. I wish this poster would come back and clarify some things because it's all confusing right now.

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, James Bond said:

    For those worried about Duff asking what hotel Axl is staying at - context is everything.

    The guy who posted it said he told Duff that he was hoping to meet Axl, to which Duff replied, "Do you know where he's staying?"

    I immediately took that as Duff making sure the guy was waiting at the right hotel and, being the nice guy he is, would point him in the direction of the right hotel if the fan had had misinformation. I didn't take that to mean Duff literally didn't know where Axl was staying.

    See? It's all in how you read things. I know this is the land of Guns N' Roses but not everything is a conspiracy. ;)

    Not saying it is a conspirancy but what you point out would fit more in the land of "tone" instead of context. The problem with not being able to distinguish tone when reading stuff here.

    "Do you know where he's staying?" could mean both things (that he's asking the guy for the address or making sure the guy knows the right address) but it depends on the tone he used to ask that.

    What is also odd to me is that there aren't pics of Duff in London, while there are like 4-5 of Slash and another big question is why this guy didn't ask Duff if he was there to see Axl. Sounds like the fan assumed Duff was there for Axl and Axl only.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Depends on the guy. If the rest of the guy was as cute as Axl, I might be willing to overlook the bad teeth (as long as it doesn't get too bad obviously... :lol:)

    haha. Ok. Fair enough :thumbsup:

  8. 3 minutes ago, pinkforgirls said:

    Slightly off topic for a quick moment. What does the green plus sign next to users' names mean? I see that it's community reputation but how is it earned? 

    By number of likes, I think.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Gonna join the not that gross club. I actually never thought his teeth were that bad. Just very discolored. But at least they were even and he still had a cute smile.

    I wonder if you girls would take any other guy who's not Axl for that rotten teeth.

    Are you sure?

    Have you seen that stuff live in direct before? Plus the bad breath?

  10. 9 minutes ago, Kira said:

    No, these were Gina's, I remember them from the original interview.


    3 minutes ago, Kira said:

    This might sound sick, but Axl's rotten teeth in the Jungle video made me even more attracted to him.  It just let me know he was legit you know?  lol

    omg lol

    No way. I used to have a coworker with rotten teeth like that, from cigarettes, and it was the worst for me. He kinda liked me and I fancied him too but those teeth were a no, no, nooo! :bitchfight:

  11. 15 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Hated it. 

    Its obviuosly up to Axl what he wears, but I thought he looked terrible and weird and i still can't watch anything from that time period.

    In a way, I'm glad he cancelled the shows I had tickets for back then. 

    This. All of this.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Frey said:

    That's awesome you got to talk to someone who knew them. Did they tell you anything else interesting?

    It is indeed and something bad happened to them and I've been devastated since then and I regret some stuff I didn't do/say to them.

    Yes, we talked a lot but I don't think I can reveal much more. I don't feel right about it.

  13. 42 minutes ago, Silent Jay said:

    I don't get all the jokes about being deaf. It's an awful condition and as sad as it is Brian still a legend and deserves more respect just as we did with Malcolm. It's not direct at you, but I've seen harsh comments everywhere.

    We had to endure way worse and harsher comments about Axl from thousands of AC/DC fans. Called him fatass, drugaddict, can't sing, irresponsible, unprofessional, crazy, psycho, the 7 plagues of Egypt.

    I'm not up for worship of "sacred cows". Brian Johnson is a legend, so is Axl, even if he's younger, Axl is a rock icon as well.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Sosso said:

    Yeah. He probably saw some videos at the internet and was jealous. 

    He must have thought Axl was going to suck and oh surprise, the ones who suck are others! :lol:

    • Like 1
  15. 36 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Cool! How did you meet someone who knew Axl and Gina?

    But they aren't? I just clicked through the auction items to check and these particular letters aren't among the things Erin sold.

    You can still see all the items here: http://www.julienslive.com/view-auctions/catalog/id/110/lot/47326/AXL-ROSE-AND-ERIN-EVERLY-NOTES

    And like I said, I also remember seeing these before Erin ever sold anything, so I'm pretty sure they are Gina's.

    I didn't meet them. I just started talking on Facebook with them for a while.


    Well, I had those letters along with the other letters and I thought they all came from the same place. He used to write "Erin" in the beginning of his letters but these ones don't address any particular name, so I dont' know :shrugs:

  16. Except for Grohl, I don't have the slightest idea who the rest are.

    People talking against Axl in AC/DC are just jealous. Jealousy does exist, you know? Others just want promotion. They know the thing to talk about now and put you in headlines is to trash Axl.

    I agree Angus and Axl are a match made in heaven. Much better than current Axl-Slash.

    It'd be a dream to have Angus writting stuff for Axl to sing.


    Too bad it looks like Brian Johnson woke up from his hearing loss and now wants back :max:

    • Like 1
  17. 7 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    Your first-hand source? And told you about what exactly? Do tell, I'm curious :lol:

    But I think these letters were around long before Erin ever auctioned her stuff off? At least I think I saw these for the first time a long, long time ago. And I also took them from that ancient website I mentioned that clearly hasn't been updated in years.

    Yeah, a person who knew both Axl and Gina. What they said its similar to what Gina said, especially the part of her "maintaining" Axl, supporting him financially.

    What I'm saying about the letters is that they are in the batch of things Erin auctioned so I'm thinking those letters belonged to her, not Gina. Would Erin auction the letters Axl sent to Gina? I suspect not.

    Also, Gina doesn't sound like the kind of person she would show those letters in a magazine.

  18. 4 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I don't want to piss on anyone's bonfire cos it's seriously cool that duff is in London and all....but how come he's there and he doesn't even know where Axl is stayin? 

    you would think he would phone or text him at least, or maybe Axl isn't answering his phone. 

    I just find it odd that duff wouldn't know where Axl is :/

    I found that weird too.... Very very strange.

    • Like 1
  19. 40 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    For reference purposes, I'm gonna poste the whole Gina interview here, since it seems mostly gone from the internet, except for some strange ancient looking website:


    *From Guns N’ Neuroses by Dean Kuipers, Spin Magazine; September, 1991*

    Gina Siler spent three years in the eye of the maelstrom of Axl’s ambitions, rages, and adolescent scrapes with cops. She began dating Axl when she was 17 and still a senior in high school. Axl was 20 and had already bussed or hitchhiked out to LA and back twice. In December 1982 she finished high school early so she and Axl could move to LA together in her car. They lived together on and off until 1985, and were engaged to be married “about nine times” by her count. She jokingly calls herself “the missing link” because she says Axl now refuses to acknowledge her. Gina attended the University of Arizona and is now a professor of Astronomy there.

    “When I met him”, Gina says, remembering, “I was having my seventeenth birthday party. He had on a long trench coat, dark glasses, collar pulled up, and said he was trying to stay away from the police. I asked : ‘What happened?’ He said : ‘Nothing. They just always bother me. They always harass me, no matter where I am.’ But he would do some pretty wild things. They would go out and drink and do some stupid things, like smash windows along Main Street.”

    Gina recalls that the first time Axl bussed back to visit her from LA, cops got to him before she did. “He was walking down the street, and it was probably two o’clock in the morning. From the back, he looks very effeminate, with his long hair - not common for that area - and very thin legs, and he had a long coat on. These police were making comments, making gestures, because they thought he was a woman. Until he turned around, and they were very embarrassed to find out it was a male. So they started hassling him, because they were homophobic as hell. They questioned him, and then found out it was Bill Bailey, who’d obviously been in trouble before, and threw him in jail.”

    According to Gina, “He called me about three o’clock in the morning and said : ‘I’m in jail. You got to get me out.’ I skipped school the next day. And they brought him out in cuffs. Took him to court. I had to pay his bail.” How strange that Axl would later end up sounding like a scared Midwestern cop, espousing the same misdirected homophobia.

    “There was so little there to do.”, Gina explains. “He’d be in fights a lot. And I don’t think he’s even conscious of what he does, or how angry he gets. Somebody told me that he’s on lithium, to try and control it, because he’s a manic depressive. I always thought there was something chemical that happened to him when he was angry. That image of him sitting in the electric chair in the video ‘Welcome to the Jungle’, looking crazed, says it all. That’s what he looks like when he’s pissed off. And when you see that coming at you from across a room, coming near you, it’s frightening as hell. And I’m not very big, and that made it even worse. I won’t go much into that.”

    “He came back from LA in the summer after my junior year, which would have been 82,” said Gina. “And then he spent the summer here, and we had a wonderful time. We did a lot of hallucinogens. Wrote a lot of poetry. Did a lot of writing. Did lots of skateboarding. We’d go to parks and play Frisbee; we always had music with us, Queen or Nazareth or AC/DC or Sex Pistols or Aerosmith. We’d go hang out at Purdue. We’d sit around in somebody’s room and do acid and paint on the walls. I had pink hair and dressed real strange, so we always had the police around a lot. One time, there was a baseball game across the street at the park, and there was almost a huge fight. And it was, like, nine or ten good ole boys, and then us, and nothing had happened. They just didn’t like us because we had different ideas. Axl and David Lank had designed this huge banner; they wanted to call the band Axl. Izzy was already in LA - there was this idea of things they wanted to do, but for a long time, Izzy and Axl just didn’t click.”

    “The people back in Indiana, they missed out on something that I got to experience,” says Gina. “I lived with him during that period of ‘Bill’ to ‘Bill Axl’ to ‘Axl’. It was the strangest thing, because some days he’d be Bill, some days he’d be Axl, some days I didn’t know who the hell he was. I didn’t know what to do, because I didn’t know what person he was. For a long time he tried to dispel the fact that he had ever lived in the Midwest. He was trying to build an image, and a persona of the musician he thought he wanted to be. And sometimes I find it ironic that the thing which he tried most to get away from is what he’s trying most to go back to now.”

    “He is extremely intelligent,” insists Gina. “That was one of the things that attracted me to him. He is just a nit-picky perfectionist and when things don’t go smoothly and to his liking he just loses it. He blows up. I’ve seen him do it on many occasions, smashing things and breaking things and yelling and screaming - holes through walls. I saw him do it one too many times.” Gina and Axl left Lafayette for good in her car on December 19, 1982 and moved into “some shit hole” at 1921 Whitley Avenue in Hollywood.

    “He knew he wanted to be in a band. He was made to be a musician. I went to West LA Community College, and had some cheesy part-time job somewhere. We lived there for five months, and then I moved out. He stayed there, and then Izzy moved in for a while. In fact, while we were living there he got into the band Hollywood Rose.” It became apparent that neither Axl nor any of the other future Gunners lived “on the streets” as much as they would like us to believe. “There were times when he would take my car to practice,” says Gina. “I would help him do his make-up. No, he didn’t live on the streets entirely. I helped him out quite a bit. I don’t think he likes to think about that, though. There were times, granted, when he lived on the streets after I’d kick him out because I got tired of trying to support the both of us, and I got tired of fighting. I would describe the two of us as putting a nuclear warhead in your living room and hitting it with a hammer and just waiting. That was what the two of us together were like.”

    Gina says she bought him the rose tattoo for his birthday - the one that reads ‘W. Axl Rose’ and sealed his identity in blood. Another Lafayette pal bought Axl his first PA system for Christmas years earlier (on condition that he bring it back when he became a star, which he did). Members of that Lafayette Commune have remained GNR satellites to this day. But a few, including Gina, were disgusted by Axl’s flickering vision once the star-maker machinery kicked in for real around late 1985.

    During the years 1983 through 1985, Axl networked and threatened to dye his hair black or blond. On many occasions he also threatened to cut it off and go back to school and become a ‘suit’. Axl and Gina “didn’t do drugs then,” she says. “He exercised a lot. We didn’t have any money to do anything.”

    Gina returned to LA from Phoenix to visit Axl at the end of 1985. “It was a huge apartment. And these people were just sleeping everywhere. I remember Axl and some other guy - I can’t remember his name - picked me up at the airport. I was really pissed because they were doing heroin. Really pissed. God, that weekend was awful. All we did was fight. I shouldn’t even tell you this, but when I went to see him before ‘Appetite’ came out, and all he said to me was, ‘I can’t wait until this album’s done, because I want to lock myself in a room for six weeks and do heroin’.”

    Gina points to the recent single, Civil war, from the George Harrison Romanian relief album, performed at Farm Aid IV, as a hopeful sign that Axl and GNR might have survived mega-decadence with part of their more positive vision intact. But many of the band’s hometown critics simply see them continuing a hard spiral into madness.

    Axl wrote the following letters to Gina in 1981. He honestly did love her and I don’t think he cheated on her from 79-83.


    This interview is amazing! Sounds a lot to what my first-hand source told me :)

    But the letters are not for Gina. I think these are part of the batch that Erin auctioned. These letters were sent to Erin, as far as I know.


  20. 16 minutes ago, Epson said:

    I am surprised you haven't discussed his tattoos yet. 

    And yes, I am secretly reading all your posts here. :ph34r:

    Time at a time.

    Rather have topics come up naturally than rushing everything off and making a mess :P


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