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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 44 minutes ago, cheesecake said:

    I want to discuss Axl's teeth (current). 

    We all know he had some work done on his teeth back in the day. I cannot help but notice this year that his teeth look.... odd? Like they look REALLLLLLLLLLLYYYYY FAKE. Too opaque or something? Anybody notices the same thing? 

    During most of the 80's his teeth was putrid from so much cigarettes, probably drugs too and of course, lack of dental hygiene but for the Don't Cry video he had it all fixed already. I think he fixed it in 1990 actually.

    It looks odd because it's all perfect lined up teeth but it's not different than all of the other celebs in Hollywood. There's a special treatment where they put a new skin, like a pouch in every tooth and they are all whitened, so yeah. Everybody with money can affort that perfect teeth.

    Not opaque at all.

    3 minutes ago, cheesecake said:


    There..the chipped tooth. And the color is just...off?

    Everybody noticed that and I wonder what happened... and why havent fixed it yet?

    • Like 1
  2. 37 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    But I just remembered Gina said Axl was 20 or something when they started dating. If he really never touched a woman before that (although we don't know that for sure obviously), I can see why that would seem strange to Izzy, considering that the average age for that kind of thing lies quite a bit lower and Izzy and the other guys in the band all seem inordinately proud of the fact that they were screwing around from a young age (*cough* Slash *cough*). :facepalm:  Sorry for the dig at Slash, but that man sure loves talking about what he got up to at 12 or 13 and all the older women he managed to have sex with :rolleyes: (Not that Izzy or Steven are much better).

    Men. :facepalm:

    Yes, I thought he seemed a bit hesitant as well. Not just there, but also in other moments. But right now I'm feeling optimistic things will get better and better between them. Hopefully.

    And you get well soon! Stomach pains suck.

    Gina and Axl moved to L.A. together. I can't say she was his first girlfriend but she was the one who he was living with during his first year in L.A.

  3. 1 hour ago, stella said:

    I'd imagine it might have been after leaving his religion and moving out of his parents' home? Axl's said that his church raised him with the idea that anything sexual was dirty and wrong, and he didn't stop going until he was well into high school.

    I thought the comment from Izzy was stupid, though. Many kids aren't sexually active in HS for all sorts of reasons and it doesn't mean they're losers; it means they're not ready, they're working things out; they haven't gotten past their awkward stage yet;  they're concentrating on other things; etc. A lot of people I knew in high school were totally straight-laced, and yet when we were all in college they slept around a lot. Being away from one's parents, having more freedom and being around a lot of other horny college students will do that, LOL.

    Spot on! :thumbsup:

    There's no way for us to know when Axl lost his virginity and I'm not curious either. I'm soooo past that phase of wondering such things about people and yes, I hated Izzy for saying that because when he said that he must have been well into his 40's or even older and I find pathetic that a person that age talks about those things or makes jokes about that.

    Also, most of kids in school brag about having sex and stuff because there's so much stupid peer pressure about it that the ones who didn't do it feel inferior or like they're slow. I say bullshit to all of that. That's where all the unwanted pregnancies begin. In my time, I also discovered the ones saying they had done this or that were all liars. They had done nothing. :max:


    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    @killuridols Since you were disappointed about the lack of interaction between Slash and Axl: Have you seen the videos in the social media thread? Slash pats Axl's shoulder at the end of the WTTJ video and Axl talks about how it's been 23 years since the three of them last played together. It's not much, but it's something at least :P

    I just saw that. Thank you! 

    shitty day for me today. Been out and about. My tummy hurts :(

    Yeah, Slash touches Axl but Axl..hahaha... Slash seems a bit shy or scared to do that. I can see they're not that much comfortable with each other yet. Well, that was very first show, so..

    Lets see what happens now that Axl is rocking his foot again.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    I think I saw the picture of that girl with the rest of acdc yesterday, so don't worry @killuridols, she's just a random fan. ;)

    (I must admit that he looks good in the picture)

    haha, yeah I saw the other pics she took with them.

    I'm just overly dramatic :lol:

  6. 8 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    "He asked me to stay with him when they broke up. But I was a nanny to Dylan, and I was worried, because the baby was only 2 years old and Stephanie was always travelling, she was never at home."

    "She moved to New York and Axl called me to work for him. And I accepted because, between Axl and Stephanie, I had no doubt that I wanted to work for Axl. He won over her 100 to 0"

    Great! Thank you :thumbsup:


    I just woke up to this :max:

    Who's that?

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, DustDevil said:

    Just signed up here. Long time AC/DC fan, part time GNR fan! 


    I was initially sceptical about AXL/DC, but from what I've seen on YouTube, they'e smashing it! I'm going to Manchester on the 9th, will be weird without Brian, but really looking forwards t it anyway!

    Hello! :)

    Welcome to our jungle! Hope you don't get scared by some of the posts here (especially mine :P)

    Really good to have someone "from the other side". You will probably give us much more perspective and different points of view, which is always great.

    I've been lurking AC/DC forums but I'm terrified of them fans and then they've closed down the curtains to lurkers so... I'm still terrified! :lol:

  8. 8 hours ago, Padme said:

    Stephanie didn't fire Beta. I remember reading an interview with Beta after RIR 2001. Beta said she was still working with Steph. But one day she got a call from Axl. He offered her a job with him. So she left her job with Steph and begun working for Axl. This event took place back in early 1993.

    My understanding was that she was fired by Stephanie, but ok.


    1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

    I like that picture as well and I agree, the rock n roll style they used to be dressed in when they were little was pretty cool.

    Here's an adorable pic of Slash with baby London. Look at these little Baby Converse! Aren't they just the cutest? :wub:



    And here's a cool pic with Steven, Izzy, Slash and London. I wish there was a better quality version of that one. Anyone ever seen one?



    The only Izzy phase that I dig is when he portrayed the dreadlocks. Otherwise, he's not my type of guy.

    Never seen these pics of Slash, baby London and omg Steven! Even though the pic is low quality I can notice he's extremely slim here and not looking good at all :(

  9. 7 minutes ago, pinkforgirls said:

    Thank you for the welcome to this particular and humid part of the jungle! I am definitely going to buy a merch shirt and will wear it proudly (like to the grocery store and stuff :P) Wearing band shirts to the band itself make me feel like a poser. Dunno, it's silly really.

    I am leaning towards Marilyn and the Slash one is cool but needs a little more pizzazz.  

    lol humid :drool:

    it's not silly, you silly!! :rofl-lol:

    ok, to each their own. Marilyn shirt kicks ass rock3

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, cheesecake said:

    Too bad. Else you'd get the opportunity to 'touch too much' of the man without it being labeled as harassment. :lol:

    I always talk to him via Twitter and say the most hilarious stuff and comments on looks and other stuff. Hopefully, he reads me. Hopefully, he will not block me.

    In an ideal world, he will :heart: one of my mentions.

  11. 11 minutes ago, cheesecake said:

    Hahaha LOL.

    Btw am I the only one who's not crazy about him wearing the tartan shirt? IMO it made him look slobby. 

    No. I don't like it either. I thought it was cool but now I've seen the videos and it's not working. It highlights his bloated belly because the cloth is too thin. Also makes him look a bit effeminate from far away.

    Another thing that is not working is tying the shirt to his waist and having the black shirt falling over. Should be a shorter tshirt.

    Also, he has the ear monitor device behind, which is adding some kind of lump back there and the whole waist area looks clustered, makes him bigger than he really is.


    6 minutes ago, cheesecake said:

    Was about to say the same thing. @killuridols you should approach TB for the job as Axl's hair stylist :lol:

    Haha. I have the feeling they won't like me because I'm argentine. :P

  12. 5 minutes ago, stella said:

    Huh. In Estranged she doesn't have gray hair and looks about 25 years younger than that. Are we sure that's not the old nanny or Stephanie's grandmother or something? If that is her, that's definitely a very different look.

    lol I'm not sure of anything but if I have to put clues together, that SHOULD be Beta for sure.

    This video is from 1991. Axl was dating Stephanie. She has a little boy and that's her babysitter, Beta. Axl breaks up with Stephanie in 1993 and Beta gets fired by Stephanie, so Axl hires her.

    The Estranged video is filmed in 1993.

    There's a reason for hair dye to exist :P and some people get grey hair when they are somewhat young. In 1991, Beta is 37 years old and in 1993 she's 40. So she probably started dying her hair, especially if she was going to appear in a video! And Axl must have got her a stylist. He really liked her, surely provided her of everything she needed to change her looks.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Whiskey Rose said:

    huh? Oh my Gad. If that's what money can do, I need some now. a lot.

    Of course money can do wonders!

    Just check the difference of washing your hair with supermarket shampoo and doing it with one bought at the saloon or from a reknown laboratorie. Same with creams, clothes, everything actually :shrugs:

    6 minutes ago, pinkforgirls said:

    Hello ladies!

    I am new to the forum but a longtime GNR fan (back in the day of Axl’s old teeth). I was at the 1991 New Year’s Eve show in Miami that Duff mentions in his book and I still have my ticket. It was weird and awesome to read about it when I was actually there. \m/

    I’ll be seeing the show in Orlando where it will be so murderously hot there is zero chance that anyone (ummm looking at you Axl) will be wearing leather jackets or flannel layers. Anyway hoping for a some  ~fashion opinions. Generally I think it’s kinda lame to wear band shirts of the actual band when they are performing but this Slash one is pretty cool. Otherwise Misfit Marilyn? What do you guys think?




    Hi, there! Welcome to the female jungle! :shades:

    I don't think it's lame to wear shirts of the band, why?? :wacko: but sticking to your question, I think they are both cool shirts!

    The Slash one reminds me of "Hand me that shirt, hand me that shirt. Are you listening to me, Mr. Security Man?" :rofl-lol:

    It's cool shirt, somehow I like the Marilyn one better. The grey one looks kinda empty. If it had some text on it, it would do for me.


    • Like 1
  14. 15 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Looks like Beta to me. And no idea where it originally came from. Just found it somewhere. But I would like to know where it's from as well!

    I know what scene you're talking about, but never noticed her having gray hair. I'll have to watch it again some time. But in general I think Beta looks much more stylish and younger nowadays than she did back then.

    That is Beta, for sure! I think it's Axl house and the year could be 1993 or 1994 (even 1995).

    Watch it. She has some strange hairdo like a nest and its grey-

    Yeah, she looks stylish now because she's got money :P

    • Like 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, Frey said:

    Oh god, Axl looks like the most unenthusiastic baker ever :rofl-lol:

    And is that even Beta?? Axl looks young here, but that lady already looks pretty old. And Beta isnt much older than Axl.

    It's weird Beta looked really old in the 90's when she must have been barely 40s there.

    Also noticed she has grey hair when she was babysitting Dylan! :wow:

    Anyone seen this? It's in the Makin' Fuckin' Videos of Don't Cry. Axl is talking to the camera, sitting on something like a small stair, Stephanie is by his side and Beta in the background holding the child. She looks like 60 years old there.

  16. 18 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    You should be his hair-dresser. By your description, I'm curious what you'd come up with. I just really don't like his hair the way it is now, so pretty much anything else would be better for me (except bald maybe...).

    I was more thinking of spanking his ass, but hey, I'm not picky and up for anything :lol:

    I'd shave the side of his head where he has that "entrance" (the right side that is) and leave the other part the lenght it is now, but would fix the ends and get rid of the curls, give it a long kind of bang.

    He also needs hair treatments with products to soften the hair and get rid of the fuzzy stuff. Gotta close the pores too. Hair is wild because of humidity.

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