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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 31 minutes ago, grogmug said:

    His most recent tweet is showing me that he going back to his self-centered, grouchy, doesn't care about anyone else Axl phase that I can't stand. I stick up for the guy 24/7 to everyone that is negative, but you have to tell it how it is. Be positive man, you're worth 150 million. Taking a few minutes of your time to hang out with fans shouldn't hurt. We made you. Just PERSONALIZE the signatures from now on!

    yeah, I kinda got that feeling too.

    Besides, in a group of 20-30 fans waiting for him for long hours in the night, how many Ebayers could there really be?

    My guess is that real fans outnumber whatever Ebayers. So it's not cool to do that just because of a minority.

    But he's walked out of stage leaving thousands of people disappointed, just because one stupid guy in front row was provoking him.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Pedrolg said:

    It's right there on the Prague thread, on the tour section of the forum. It's amazing, Axl sounds badass, commands the stage, it's ridiculously good.

    All those videos from that person in Prague are stunning. It's my favorite show. But it doesnt mean that he didn't make mistakes in the shows after that one.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Yeah agreed, that look doesn't work for him. IMO, he should either grow his hair out long (which would also straighten it out a bit automatically, because of the weight of the hair itself) and make sure it stays relatively straight/non-frizzy, or he should go for something completely different and cut it off. A nice short hair cut might work on him.

    I volunteer for helping with all of that (even the spanking :smiley-confused2::P)


    I dont think the longer hair would help. His face is aging, long hair looks bad on old guys. Sebastian Bach refuses to get rid of his long hair but his face ain't getting younger and he's looking like a lady now.

    Axl could get a haircut which doesn't necessarily mean go for short man hair. He could keep this length or a bit shorter. Take off some volume on the back, shape it around the face, get rid of those curls/waves that make no sense on only one side of face, fix the ends, layer it, get a semi-bang to the left and use hair product to comb it.

    I volunteer for the spanking too. We both could get rid of that beer belly with some wild slapping! :rofl-lol:

  4. 24 minutes ago, AlexC said:

    Why do you persist in typing his name as "Agnus?" I noticed it earlier and assumed it was a typo but you've done it more than once now, even in response to a post that spells it correctly. Do you want him to be called Agnus or something? :/ I don't mean to be rude but this HAS to be addressed haha.

    Probably there's an Agnes in his life and he keeps having a freudian slip because of that :P

  5. 9 minutes ago, MrSoftie said:


    omg this one is amazing, im gonna die :shocked:


    3 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Spank him and then torture him with a strict work-out and nutritional program. And Slash too while we're at it. :P

    Also, someone give that man a hair-straightener. His hair would look ten times better if it weren't so fuzzy and weirdly wavy/curly in random places. I heard he used to straighten his hair back then, so no reason he can't go back to that.

    you always say better than me! That's what I meant before when I said messy!

    The 'messy' look is never natural. It's made-up. It's achieved with layered haircut and hair products. The frizz and fuzzy you talk about is what Axl has. Not cool. Specially because he's a middle aged man and the careless look never does it for old people. Thats why grunge only work with teenagers.

  6. 1 hour ago, Lumikki said:



    Cash and London were such adorable little dudes :wub:  And bonus Duff! He's been getting a lot of love here already, but I love this picture of him. I think he looks so beautiful there :heart:

    Aww these kids were so cool when Perla didn't dress them like ----------- (argh, I can't say it)

    My favorite pic of Slash and his boys is this one :heart:


    • Like 1
  7. 53 minutes ago, Powerage5 said:

    I'll break away from the current discussion in this thread for a minute...

    Y'all are talking about how good Axl looks. How about Angus? He just keeps looking younger and younger as this tour goes on - if I saw some of those pics of him farther up the page with no context, I'd peg them to be around Ballbreaker era. 

    No one is talking about Axl looking good :P


    The only thing that makes Angus look older than he is it's his balding head. When he wears the cap it's all good. But he's in general a young spirit. Skinny little guy with lots of cool inside. I super dig him :heart:

  8. 6 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    The other possible explanation for the sudden appearance of weight gain in his face is that whatever upset his vocals could have been a nasty infection. I get tonsillitis, it makes my neck and face swell really badly. I saw a couple of pics that looked like his glands were really swollen. 

    It's more visible in his stomach than his face, I think.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Yes, people can get bloated from drinking. When he was way more immobile than now, he was thinner. Now he's moving around, dancing etc. and he's a bit chubbier. Obviously the foot's not the problem here, and judging from the videos and people's comments on various threads, he seems to be drinking more with AC/DC. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, as long as he's healthy, and he's probably going to lose the weight again in the summertime anyway.

    He's bloated in the belly and face. His legs are thin. So clearly alcohol :(

    Kinda disappointed with these pics. How come he's looking so bloated from like a week ago?

  10. 7 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Because he just is? He's temperamental, has a short fuse, is violent, bipolar, extremely emotional and aggressive at the same time and has had a traumatizing childhood which has created a depraved mindset alongside his kindness and positive traits. Axl's nowhere near perfect, he's really fucked up, but his good traits are so well pronounced (at times) that it balances his asshole attitude in a beautiful way, creating a "perfectly imperfect" image of him. I love it, we all do, but that doesn't mean he's a great and caring guy all the time or that he can do no wrong. Besides, good can't exist without evil (I know, I'm being corny, sorry :P), so there's absolutely no way he can always be in a good mood. We have to take it for what it is.

    The same goes for the rest of the band and pretty much anyone who's not a conformist, really. The thing I love about Guns N' Roses is that these guys really don't let anyone tell them what to do and at the end of the day you can only give them advice, but they're gonna choose what they feel like doing anyway. They were/are more punk than most punk bands tbh. :headbang:

    I know he is like that but my comment was more like "why does he spend energy getting mad at BS?". Like Lumikki said before, it's so non worth it to be rude at people for little stuff. But ok. He's like that. I take it! :shrugs:


    5 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Seems like he likes to drink in his car? Thanks for posting all that, wasn't aware so many people have noticed him stumbling around or reeking of alcohol :shrugs:

    Maybe it's also just from physical exertion? I go very red when I try to be sporty as well :P But that doesn't explain why he is also red when he's not doing anything.

    I don't know, it's probably nothing, but I think what throws people is that Axl didn't have that redness going on when he was younger. He looks pretty normal and non-red in most pictures from back then (except in a few stage shots).

    I also wonder what he did for 4-5 days in his hotel room. Everyone else, the guys in ACDC, Vanessa and her family, Fernando, Axl's bodyguard, etc were constantly out and about, running around the hotel and the city, going out for dinner/lunch, going sightseeing, etc. Only Axl never went anywhere. Never saw Beta either, so I assume she was probably staying with Axl in the hotel. Maybe some physical therapy I'm guessing, but apart from that? :shrugs:

    Me too... but he didnt seem to be running a race there, haha..

    What he was doing in the hotel all day long? I dont know but it could go from rehab of his foot, to resting his voice. Some singers dont talk to people for long times so they don't force their voice and save it for the shows. Maybe reading, watching Netflix, just relaxing.

    I guess those days were kinda cold over there, right? Maybe he didnt want to expose himself to the cold and risk his throat.


  11. 6 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

    On his left side the hair is fine, but he has always had that weird part on the right side with not much hair. Any picture from his left side will look great where as the right his hair looks off.

    I dont know what it is but it doesnt look good on either side. And he moves it goes messy, the ends are not even, looks bad. Needs a haircut and treatment with creams and stuff.

  12. 28 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    I remember that incident, but didn't know that guy said he smelled of alcohol. Interesting.

    Yeah, I was thinking it might just have been his usual clumsyness as well. And I'm also not the best judge in telling wether anyone is intoxicated or not, as long as it isn't completely obvious. I will say though that I did not notice him smelling of alcohol. I was asked in another thread yesterday what Axl smelled like and I didn't notice him smelling of anything at all.

    Check this. Sounds a lot like to what that woman told you:

    "Airport and Axl’s staff were up to funny business to try to sneak Axl to his flight. When Axl came out of his limo, he reeked of alcohol and he was stumbling around while his way too young and hot girlfriend tried to get him to security."



    27 minutes ago, Padme said:

    Red, well at least that's the common stereotype

    Ok, haha

    22 minutes ago, Carlycosmos said:

    About his red face, I've always noticed his face is way more red than the rest of his body, it happens to some people... internet says this:
    - Sun exposure
    - Stress
    - Alcohol
    - Spicy foods LOL
    - Cosmetics

    Stress and Alcohol might be the reason :wacko:

    I never noticed this in him before this year. Don't know why. Much less when he was younger.

    In this video, you guys can see how his face and part of his neck turn red all of a sudden. I don't know what happens... is he having a rash? Or is it the emotion of singing the song that makes him "blush", go red?


  13. 10 minutes ago, stella said:

    He's a redhead; if he steps outside in the sun for two seconds he's going to be fried and turn red, LOL. He doesn't have 'drinkers' nose,' which is a pretty telltale sign of alcoholism.

    what does drinkers' nose look like?

  14. 5 minutes ago, Archtop said:

    I don't know about any of Axls recent hook ups, I have only seen Beta constantly at Axl side which is why I made the suggestion. Your point about him calling her mother as a desexualisation of the relationship, versus my smoke screen is admittedly a lot more valid.

    Like I said I don't know about Axls recent affairs. Beta a swinger? Lol if floats some peoples boat!

    ? My Bad 

    She's constantly by his side because she's his assistant, manager and "mother". So it makes sense. I think she does play the role of a wife, in some ways, without the sex. But who knows? I couldn't confirm or deny anything, haha.

    • Like 1
  15. 7 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    I don't know about Axl, but in Erin's case it all comes directly from herself. She said she still loves him and wishes they were still together. :shrugs: Whether that would be a good idea or not is anyone's guess. Considering their history, one part of me is all "Hell no! Don't do that girl! This would only end in disaster!". But on the other hand, we don't really know anything, they're different people now and I guess Erin has her reasons for whatever she says and does. I'm neutral on wether I want them back together or not. I'm just gonna sit here and watch this whole thing unfold with interest.

    As for Beta, I agree with what @killuridols said. I also think Axl is vain enough that he would never date a normal, average looking women like Beta, and also not one that's older than him. He'd probably be embarrassed to be seen with her if they actually had a romantic relationship and made it public. Gotta uphold that rock star image and everything. Yes, that makes Axl sound like a complete asshole, but it seem to be that way, judging by everything we know.

    You're very welcome! I don't mind satisfying anyone's curiosity :lol:

    Yeah, I hate it when he gets in his pissy moods as well, especially when it's for no good reason. The kid clearly didn't do that on purpose and the problem was resolved quickly, so why even bother getting mad about it? :rolleyes:

    And sorry, but I'm gonna keep the autograph. :P I didn't plan on getting it, but now I've grown fond of it lol. It's weird seeing that handwriting that you've grown so used to seeing (from stuff like the music videos or credits of the making of the videos, etc) lying around in your room.

    Okay, since you mentioned alcohol, I just remembered something. I didn't see this for myself, so take it with a grain of salt, but that woman who told me about meeting Slash and Duff in 1992? She asked me if I thought Axl was drunk after he'd gone back into the hotel. I asked her why she would think that and she said that he saw him fall against or slam against the car door when the car he arrived in stopped. Basically she said he kind of fell against the door/window of the car while inside of the car and she thought that was weird because the care drove very slowly and didn't stop abruptly or anything like that. So no reason for him falling against the window like that under normal circumstances. Probably this also had something to do with why he already seemed pissed when he came out of the car (or maybe it was seeing people waiting for him? or both?). He was still in a good mood during the concert and this was about 2-3 hours later. He didn't seem noticably drunk to me though while he met with me and the other fans :shrugs:

    Yes, I thought that while watching him sing and walk around as well. But somehow he is just not very photogenic anymore or something. And oh wearing nothing the bandana and plaid shirt tonight! Nice.

    You know, someone here just called me negative for I dont know what fucked up reasons :lol:. Guess it is a reflection of themselves. Sort of a mirror kind of thing because really, getting so upset and worked out at the possibility of Erin and Axl going back together it is indeed an unhealthy and negative thing to feel. I'm up for it (and I'm gonna paraphrase Slash here) "if done for the right reasons", but if it doesn't happen I'm not gonna lose sleep over that. It's their lives in the end.... us talking about it here doesn't harm anyone, nor does it have any real effect on their lives or OUR lives.

    Unfortunately, it looks like Axl has never dated an "average" woman. Maybe that's because he has access to really beautiful women he must think he has to take all advantage of it. If I was in his position, maybe I'd be that shallow too. Just imagine the possibility of having all the hottest guys on earth :drool:... Hell, why not??!

    lol :lol:

    Hmmm, I don't know what to tell you about the alcohol thing. A lot of people keep talking about it but I still can't make a connection. The other day I read the chronicle of the paparazzi who took pictures of Axl in the airport when Axl went out of control, trying to defend Beta, remember? This guy said that Axl smelled a lot like alcohol :unsure:

    If it wasn't that he has a broken foot, then I could give one credit to the theory of that woman but he seems clumsy, and he's stumbled a lot on stage ever since he's on the boot. That may be the reason why that happened but I'd have to see it for myself in order to judge. If you didn't notice him drunk maybe he wasn't but who knows.... Some people have more tolerance to alcohol than others and while being drunk they could also act somewhat normal.



  16. 3 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    Btw. there's more important thing to discuss. Axl looking great tonight and no stream is working...:max:



    Woooh!! He changed clothes!! :wow:

    AC/DC just posted this pic on Twitter...


  17. 4 minutes ago, starlight said:

    Please girls stop fighting we all have different opinions about Axl and the people connected to him there's no need to get upset!

    We must keep this topic entertaining ;) 

    I didn't fight anyone but I agree with you and even if someone dislikes a topic or something else, there's no reason to go berserk about it and mistreat other posters. Just ignore it.

    Ok, here's a video I like a lot. It's of Axl meeting fans outside Ac/Dc rehearsal place in Lisbon. He's being really cool to fans here so it's a good thing:


    • Like 1
  18. 6 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    I don't hate her. I just don't think she and Axl would be good together. if the truth is he did abuse her why would SHE want to be back with him? and if it's not true why on earth would Axl want to be back together with someone who could accuse him of such a thing. I can hear their convo now "so Erin why the bleep* did you throw me under the bus and make me out to be a lowlife who would beat women?" MY opinion, which I have every right to not only have but to EXPRESS is that a reunion of these two would be an unmitigated disaster. I think some of these people ( mostly young girls from what I have heard and seen first hand on her social media ) have got it in their minds that these reconciliation would be the most romantic thing in the world! *barf* if she wants to get back with an ex how about her ex husband with whom she has kids?  like I said if she's been trying to get back with Axl since 2011 looks like she has FAILED. and with that I am DONE this subject has become boring as hell and doesn't warrant my attention but if you feel the need to keep it up LEAVE ME OUT OF IT! got it?? good! :max:

    p.s. most of your posts seem to be argumentative, kinda strikes me you're the type who thinks negative attention is better than no attention at all. so you have the honor of being the first person on the board I am going to BLOCK. I don't need that kind of negativity in my life so buh bye now! :thumbsdown:

    what? :blink:

    The fact that you get SO ENRAGED and SO UPSET about this topic screams LOTS about you, not me. I haven't had one single problem with any of the other girls/women posting in this thread. Been able to discuss and argue all different points of view. You are the one going ape about Axl and Erin. Does it really affect your life? Seems like!!

    Block me. Do whatever you want. I couldn't care less. There's plenty of other people here who don't snap for bullshit and with a much better character than yours. Adult mature people who can handle any debate.

    Bye and dont let the door hit your ass on your way out :)

    • Like 2
  19. Thank you for taking all that time to reply to my anxiety disorder questions :wub:

    25 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Phew, girl! :lol: Let's see:

    - I'm 1.70 m and he did not really seem significantly taller than me. So whenever a  guy is around the same height as me (or smaller) they automatically seem tiny to me. I'd say Axl is probably around 1.74 or 1.75 m

    - Sorry to hear that about your boyfriend. I've thankfully never been in a situation like yours, but I've seen that look happen with other people as well. Usually very damaged and messed-up people. Hope you're in a better situation nowadays.

    Ok, I think I know how tall he is now. That's good for me because I'm short and I'm not very fond of extremely tall guys, hehe. I just hope I ain't fatter than him :lol:

    Yes, you're right about guys full of rage and unsolved issues have that look but it's all in the past now for me. I'm doing fine. Thank you :)


    - I don't remember the exact words anymore but it was something along the lines of "This is bullshit, either you come here with all your stuff working or you don't come here at all and don't waste everybody's time!..."  Something like that. It was over pretty quickly though, Vanessa finally got the camera to work and took a picture and that was it. (It was Vanessa's job taking pictures of everybody there). And LOL, I'm fucking sensitive as well and I'm glad it wasn't me.


    jesus, why is he like that? I hate it.

    I dont know how I'd react to that. I may end up fighting with him because I dont respond well to violence :P


    - He signed some random piece of paper I had in my handbag :lol: I didn't plan on having him sign anything, I just wanted to have a picture with him. But everyone else was taking a picture with him AND giving him stuff to sign, so I thought why not.

    ahahaaaa I think I know who's Ebayer he's talking about now!!!

    Would you sell it to me? I'ts just a random paper! :P


    - After I'd told him that I was happy to see him out and about and that he sang really well tonight and stuff like that, he smiled a bit and said "Thanks, I appreciate it." And then it was already the next person's turn. There was no time for long conversation; Vanessa, Fernando and the bodyguard were trying to keep everyone in line and let everyone have a picture and then get away.


    Cool. I can picture that. I wish he was always in that good mood he gets sometimes. Rarely. LOL.



    - I remember thinking his skin looked weirdly... red? Compared to mine and everyone else's around at least. He does look a lot younger in real life than he does in most pictures, though. I don't find him very attractive anymore in most pictures nowadays, but he didn't look too bad in real life.

    I've noticed that through video and some pics. I wonder what it is... I have this theory that he's got some peeling or facial treatment done for the wrinkles but the red shouldn't stay for so long. I refuse to believe this redness is due to his alcohol addiction everybody here talk about :cry:

    The pictures are so deceiving and Axl has that kind of thing of looking so very different in pics taken at the same time or the same day. Sometimes he looks too old or too young. I dont know what it is but its strange.



    Yes, she did call him "My first love" or something in one of her Instagram posts, iirc. It also speaks well for her that she fell in love with before he was rich and famous. Probably the only person on the planet who can claim that (except for Gina Siler maybe).

    She was very young when they met and he was trying to make it in music. So I do believe her he was her first love. :heart:


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