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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 51 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    i'm gonna agree to disagree with you on this. I don't see them together as a good thing. Axl may never have called her a "cancer" but he did believe she murdered Axl's children in a previous life.if you believe Erin herself she claims Axl was abusive physically and mentally. Also Axl and Slash have had a VERY long relationship much longer than Axl and Erin were "married" which since they got it annulled they never even were really married according to the definition of an annulment. so many reasons I don't think they are ever going to get back together but you believe whatever you want and i will do the same. oh and in case you don't agree that they were never really married here is the definition of ANNULMENT:

    An annulment of marriage is a legal decree that a marriage is null and void.Annulments are granted when a court makes a finding a marriage is invalid. While a divorce ends a legally valid marriage, an annulment treats the marriage as if it never existed.

    oh and if Erin has been sniffing around Axl since 2011 she sure hasn't gotten very far as I am sure she would have posted it on her Instagram by now like she has EVERYTHING else!!!

    Why do you hate her so much?

    That annulment thing sounds like bullshit. They did get married. Maybe legally it puts you in a state of "never been married" but what does getting married really mean? In their hearts they did, they took a picture, she wore a veil and a bouquet of white flowers. No paper can undo those memories and the things that happened.

    It's so ridiculous that a figure like "annulment" even exists.

  2. Yeah, it's weird Latinamerica is not included in this tour. And so unfair to the fans who made that DVD so popular and the best DVD of live performance ever :(

    I just read that Rock In Rio released a poll asking people if they want to see AXL/DC perform in the festival in 2017, so maybe that will be our only chance.

    Sucks, really.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Padme said:

    Axl was involed in lawsuits against Slash and Duff. We know there was a lot bad blood among them for many years. He called Slash a cancer and yet they arer back together. I don't  see why the same can't happen between Axl and Erin despite all the shit that went on between them. Besides Erin went to a GN'R show in Atlanata back in 2011. That was before any reunion. She has been saying a lot of nice things about Axl long before his resurgence popularity as you put it. I'd rather see Axl back with Erin than see him in the company of some porn star, stripper or escort service chick like that Sasha Volkova or Volcano or whatever her name is.

    I agree with you. I think Erin is the only woman he's ever truly loved and she's the only one who's ever truly loved him. I think he was her first love, only husband, only marriage. Same for Axl.

    Erin is 10000000 times better and more suitable for Axl than any of those idiots he's introduced to daily. Those brazilian models, escorts and clueless idiots who don't have the slightly idea of whom he is.


    7 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    I only ever met Axl and that was 2 weeks ago. Like I said in the Mr. And Mrs. Young thread, he was grumpy at first. I could tell he was in a mood the moment he stepped out of his car. While some people pushed forward, I actually took a step back. Axl's a pretty tiny guy (didn't seem much taller than I am), but he's pretty terrifying when pissed off. Even his eyes look kind of different, in a slightly scary way. Axl then proceeded to push past people and made some pissed off comment (don't remember what it was exactly, but something like "Oh great, just fucking great!"). Anyway, Vanessa and Fernando and Axl's bodyguard managed to get the situation under control and Axl seemed to pull himself together and calm down a little. So he starts posing for pictures with people and signing autographs and stuff, but then there was this kid whose camera didn't work properly and Axl got mad at the kid :facepalm: Shortly after that it was my turn and I thought "great, now I gotta deal with pissed off Axl". I checked to make sure my camera and my pen were working (:rolleyes:) and said some nice, complimentary things to Axl in hopes of getting him to cool down a little. I did manage to make him smile a bit. After that things went more or less smoothly and he was reasonably polite, patient and friendly. Even went out of his way to fulfill some request etc. Still not the charming, joyful and funny guy he can be when he's in  a good mood, but decent. I'll give him points for managing to keep himself together, even if he clearly didn't feel like it. That's gotta count as progress or something :P

    I also met a woman who got to hang out with some of the guys a bit in 1992. She said both Duff and Slash were very, very sweet (much more so than she expected) and polite. But she said Duff was (unsurprisingly) pretty drunk and a bit of a mess. He was walking around barefoot and nearly naked, with nothing but some tiny shorts on and seemed a bit confused.

    I love this post. I was wanting to ask you about meeting him and what is he like in "real life". I've always wondered if he's as small as I think he is. Haha, I find that cute. But I do get what you mean about the look in his eyes. I know that look. I had a boyfriend who would give me that look when he was getting mad and about to get violent. I'm also very scared of that look and I've seen Axl in shows with that look in his eyes. That makes me sad :cry:

    What did he say to the kid whose camera didnt work? I was planning to meet him either here in Arg or somewhere else but now I don't know if he's even gonna be open to all of that. If he gave me shit for something like that I dont know what I'd do. I'd probably cry or get so pissed off I'd never be a GNR fan again :unsure: I'm fucking sensitive...

    What did he sign for you? Did he talk to you or reply to the things you said? Did you look at him in the eyes? Are his eyes really green? What is his skin like? Does he look old? LOL SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!:P

    From fan pics and videos he seems to avoid eye contact a lot but I know thats a technique celebs and other people who work/have to deal with lots of people apply so they don't get emotionally damaged.

    And last, I think what he tweeted yesterday is just an excuse for him not having to deal with fans anymore. I dont know if he'll continue taking pics or meeting people but it sounds more like he's got tired already and found a good excuse to avoid this mess now.


  4. 14 hours ago, downzy said:

    Only justifiable if you work out and have guns for arms (cough, @Black Sabbath)

    Seriously, whatever floats your boat.  Not something I'd ever do.  Actually, seeing the movie Trainwreck made me reexamine buying jerseys with an athlete's name on the back.  Now looks like that person is the property of that athlete.  Autographed tattoos are on a whole other level. :P   

    True that!

    "Autographed tattoos are on a whole other level."........... whole other level of what? :P

    haha better not complete the sentence! :lol:

  5. 29 minutes ago, Len B'stard said:


    I could make a few quid out of this!  There's a market for midget porn y'know!

    Yeah, you're gonna be rich. So ride on!

    Talk to me about this ginger pudding thing. I have no idea what you mean so I want to learn :P

  6. 7 minutes ago, Len B'stard said:

    For a mere £100 an hour i can get you a couch to lie on and get some regression therapy going, go on, it'd be like sharing an experience with Axl :lol:

    Shrink: Where are you Axl?

    Axl: I'm in a garage

    Shrink: And how old are you?

    Axl: I'm in diapers...now a mans coming in...

    Sorry, I'll stop! :lol:

    For £100 an hour, you better get me Axl and a couch so I can lie on with him and have an experience, involving diapers.

    You can be the man that stays at the other side of the garage door :P

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Len B'stard said:

    What, watching on in incredulity whilst alleged adults fawn over pictures of a stumpy middle aged ginger pudding? :lol:  'What all guys do', Christ Almighty, what must you've caught your old man doing through the bedroom door, if i was gonna be a queer dearie I could think of a damn sight better than Axl Rose :lol:

    holy shit :blink:

    none of that I meant! :facepalm:

  8. 1 hour ago, downzy said:

    With respect to adults, I've never understood the appeal of autographs to begin with (with kids it's different, since most kids generally live in idolized world to begin with).  To each other own of course, but if I've only got 15 seconds to a minute to meet someone I admire, I'm not going to waste most of it asking for them to sign something.  For me, it's far better to get to shake the person's hand, thank them for what they've done, and get a chance to interact briefly.   The minute you ask for a picture or an autograph you're treating them like a sideshow, another cool thing to brag about to your friends and acquaintances on Facebook.  I generally leave those kinds of pictures to wild animals.  Again, to each their own.  

    Interesting perspective.

    What do you think of this fad of having them celebrities autograph your body and then tattoing it?

  9. 44 minutes ago, Len B'stard said:

    What the fuck am i doing on this forum :lol:

    what all guys want to do but don't dare to do and say :heart:

    3 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    You're right, @stella, he does help him up! I never noticed that before. And wow, we've amassed quite a few "Duff saves the day" files in this thread.

    Whether it's Axl and Erin, or Axl and Duff or anything else, the research in this thread is top notch! CSI:Guns n Gals (as someone called it earlier) is pretty damn amazing :heart:

    I think we are all PROfessional STALKers. We've just been discovered :ph34r:

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, stella said:

    One more from the Duff Saves the Day Files:

    The St. Louis riot. If you look closely, Duff's actually the one who gives Axl a hand up.


    OMFG :rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol:

    "I'll take it, goddamn it" sounds soooo funny in my ears. I don't know why!! I'd have it printed on a shirt, really, its like totally ridiculous and jesus, Slash :rofl-lol: explaining the obvious!

    Oh really?? He smashed the mic, right? THANK YOU SLASH BY TELL US WHAT WE DIDNT SEE AND HEAR!! :rofl-lol:

    • Like 2
  11. 17 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Can't blame him, Slash's got a pretty nice ass as well! :P

    "Great. You just blew our interview! *stares Slash down*" will always be funny.

    Anyone seen these cartoons? I remember them being posted here some years ago. Here's one about that interview: :rofl-lol:


    I've seen the others, not that one. Haha. Pretty funny!!

  12. 26 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    @nonok I basically hear what you hear, but the most important part is Axl jumped in there to protect someone. He was being nice and not just a crazy asshole :heart:

    @Andy14 That whole interview is funny. Axl ranting on about hair and make-up and Slash seems like he couldn't care less :lol: Here's a nice gif of Slash grabbing his ass (and Axl staring at it :P) from the same interview:



    Anyway, inspired by all of @killuridols 's awesome videos, I went through my bookmarks and came across some more interesting videos.

    This is a slightly longer version of the video above, you can see Duff giving Axl a quick hug/squeeze at the end to calm him down:

    In this one, Duff got knocked unconscious by a bottle of piss. Axl is of course angry and tells the crowd to kill the motherfucker who hurt Duff :facepalm::lol:  Also has Slash being unusually talkative at the end :P

    Here Axl interrupts the show because someone spits at him. Duff sits with Axl while Axl tells the crowd off.

    And one from Argentina, where somebody threw a rock at Axl. Again you can see Duff by Axl's side at the end

    Basically, Duff always seems to be right there when things get out of hand with Axl. Like I said, a saint ;):wub:

    oh my gooooooooood! that gif is GOLD!!! Axl!!! :rofl-lol:

    Yes, my Duff video was cut. I'll replace it with yours. I used to have the longer one but someone deleted it :max:

    I've seen all the others you posted too and definitely, yes. Duff was the only one who understood Axl and was there by his side when he was having throwing those tantrums.


  13. 17 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    This "gay" issue reminds me of this ;)


    looool!!! Yes, Axl, you do!!! That's why man and women want to do you so much! :rofl-lol:

    That also reminded of when Axl acts like Slash's girlfriend and gets upset when Slash interrupts his chat with the journalist. Gives him the "killer look" :lol:

    And more gay......

    Gay Slaxl 2.gifGay Slaxl 1.gifGay Slaxl 3.gifGay Slaxl 4.gif

    • Like 3
  14. 1 hour ago, Lumikki said:


    @killuridols Thanks for posting these. These belong here as well. Since this thread has turned into a bit of an Axl and Duff love fest currently :lol: But it's sweet how Duff's always been there for Axl and was the last to give up on him. And the first to reach out to him again (except for Izzy). And didn't Duff say he talked a lot to Axl and tried to make him see things from Slash's perspective and so on? So Duff even brought us the reunion. Duff should be proclaimed a saint :P

    Yes, Duff is the man. He brought us the reunion. He loves Axl with true love and fondness. Duff should inherit Axl's fortune. LMAO!! :rofl-lol:

    Some love from the Vegas show this year:

    Duff, Axl and Slash.jpg

    And much more love! Duff, alert to Axl having to jump on the throne, takes care of his mic while Axl sits. What a wonderful man!!! :heart:


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  15. Damn, its gonna be really hard to respond to all of this but just a few things:

    - Axl and Duff hugging animated gif is so beautiful!!! :heart: Thank you for posting it and the video where it came from. Never saw that show! I will have to do add it to my playlist.

    - I also noticed that time you guys mentioned of Duff calming down Axl when he started a fight with someone in the audience and Robert John got involved too. Here's that video:

    And here's another moment when Axl goes out of control, jumping into the crowd. Duff runs to his rescue! :lol:


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    • Haha 1
  16. Hi, girls! Good morning! (at least here)

    I'll be very busy today :( but I will try to keep up with the thread. I love it!

    Later I'll try to post more pics and videos and animated gifs, hehe. Regarding the "worse" pics :P they are not private photos, they are out there and that's the way Axl used to be in the beginning of his career so, I don't know how wrong it could be since it's something he's done in public, but let's see.

    Heres a pic to salute you until I'm back!


  17. 29 minutes ago, Whiskey Rose said:

    Maybe with all the "bring back Locomotive", "get rid of certain band member" petitions, we can make our own "bring back the tiny bike shorts" petition..bet they haven't seen that one before!

    Haha I'd say "petition for Axl to drop the alcohol and the beer gut".

    Really, I have to admit now, he's bloated and so is his stomach. It's a pity because his legs are awesome and his butt and arms, but he's got that gut that I dont know why it seems more prominent now than at the beginning of the AXL/DC shows. Is he drinking a lot in those terrible alcoholic countries? :max:

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