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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 9 minutes ago, Whiskey Rose said:

    No, I mean at the concert I was at! Probably the only one he didn't wear them at dammit! Man these are good pictures..what a relief it is to be able to talk and drool freely, thank you girls for coming up with this great separate thread idea!

    Oh. That sucks! :rofl-lol:

    I've got *worse* pictures, muahahaa :drool: but i don't know if I can post them. Yeah, this thread has potential to become really good, but we gotta keep control. Them boys and men will be patrolling here to try to shut us down (as usual) but we won't let them! :headbang:

  2. 4 minutes ago, Whiskey Rose said:

    Holy crap I see I'm never going to be able to go to work again, I miss too much here! I'm very sorry I missed the butt thread, so can we please go back to that for just a moment, and take a second to admire these thighs?? Omg these thighs. I was somehow lucky enough to get floor seats at the Toronto concert back in 91 (should give an idea of my age eek) and waited for him to come out in his bike shorts so I could ogle his legs. I waited and waited..and he never wore them! He.Never.Wore.Them. :o


    looool, yes lets dont get sentimental here! Let's go back to what's important: THIGHS, ASS & B------:rofl-lol:

    What do you mean he never wore the bikers again? He wore them throughout the whole 1992 tour!



    yellow cap 3.jpg

    oh lord im gonna die :drool::drool::drool:

    • Like 4
  3. Aww, now the topic jumped to Axl/Duff love :heart:

    I've got some stuff about that!

    Duff about meeting Axl for the first time

    Duff and Axl challenge of voice sustain? :lol:

    FF to 1:30. Duff offers some love and support to a sad Axl :cry:


  4. 14 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Yeah, the one you mentioned for example. Or the one where Sebastian says something about a "maelstrom of people" around Axl and Axl only hears the "male" part and is worried where this is going. Or when he makes that crack about the London Leather Boys while they are talking about the lyrics of Accept (a German metal band that had/has a gay reputation in the US. Axl mentions he and Izzy were talking about the gay lyrics on one of their albums and Izzy was shocked that the lyrics where written by a women :P). Or when he mentioned NAMBLA (some kind of pedophile boy love thing that existed in the 80s or whatever). Or when he made the Brokeback mountain joke. And that's just the ones I can remember off the top of my head.

    (And I am too, but since most of us here don't own penises, he's got nothing to fear from us.... OR DOES HE? :ph34r::rofl-lol:)

    Oh, wow, I didn't remember that much. Or maybe I didn't pay that much attention.

    I guess that's who he is. But now that you put focus on it, it does sound and look like he's got a thing with that. Although, that's typical of most men and remember he's 54 now. Im sure younger men are not that alert about everything being gay, as Axl is.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Yeah, I don't really understand why people don't realize that nowadays. I wasn't even alive for most of the 80s, and I don't question everyone's sexuality because of their make-up and outfits :P

    Also, to be quite honest, Axl comes across as way too insecure in his own masculinity and sexuality to ever get too close to another guy, even just for experimentation or whatever. The man produces an endless stream of "no homo" jokes and moments. I really noticed that on that radio interview with Sebastian Bach that he did some years ago. Axl just managed to turn even the most innocent comments into a gay joke. It's a bit eyeroll-worthy. And he still does that, just noticed it one of the recent videos of him meeting fans again. Not to mention that he's (or at least used to be) way too concerned about people "butt-fucking" him. Practically every time I see an old concert video or something, he makes at least one weird comment regarding that topic.

    I never noticed that? and I listened to that interview a lot!!! Can you help me with some parts? I dont recall the gay jokes...

    Oh well, I do recall ONE that made me rotflmao!! When Sebastian is talking about something going on inside his pants and Axl's in the massage (sp?) bed waiting for his chiropractor? I'm not sure how the whole story goes but he tells Sebastian to start clearing up the story because it sounds like something, ahem, different, hahaaha :lol:



    Not everyone is after his ass :rolleyes:


    Shut up! I AM!!!! :drool:





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  6. 24 minutes ago, Lumikki said:


    I think the Swedish soccer player thing was bullshit. People just said that because the soccer guy was rumored to be gay and he and Axl were seen hanging out somewhere and then they disappeared in a car together. But who knows :wow:

    That video is awesome, thanks for posting that. And I know what you mean, that man just exudes an aura of sensuality and sexuality.

    By the way, does anyone know what concert the footage of  Slash and Axl "staring at each other with some hunger" (:lol:) is from? That looks like an awesome show and I wanna see it.

    And speaking of Slaxl, there is a video on youtube that supposedly shows Slash and Axl kissing. I don't think they are though. The crappy quality of the video just makes it look like they are <_<

    You're welcome :)

    I know which video you're talking about but I think it's bullshit. It's Slash screaming on the mic and all the darkness of the place not helping, haha :lol:

    No, I don't know exactly which was that concert but it must not be that hard to find out because its one where Shannon Hoon was invited and Izzy was still in, so something from 1991? Maybe the warm-up shows?

  7. Never knew about the Swedish soccer player thing :wow:

    Here is this video that I think depicts what we've been talking about with clear images :lol: Can I say the guy was a "whore"? I dont want to offend anyone so please, understand the context.

    Look at him! But still HE DOESN'T ACT GAY, in my opinion. Even though, in the middle, there are a couple suspicious images of Slash and him, staring at each other with some hunger :rofl-lol:


    • Like 2
  8. 26 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    LOL While I was waiting for ACDC to start playing at the concert I was at, the people standing next to me in the crowd kept asking me if Axl was gay. I said "No, I don't think so" but they wouldn't believe me. I don't know if they were just homophobic or something and thought he was gay because of the way he dresses or whatever. Then the next day, I ran into a girl who was also at the concert. We started talking about Axl and she also asked me if he was gay after I told her that Axl wasn't married and has no known girlfriend. And I've been asked that by other people before.

    I don't know why, but a lot of people seem to think Axl is gay. I really, really doubt he is, but I don't get why this is such a big deal to so many people. I'd be perfectly happy if he found himself a nice, handsome guy instead of a nice , beautiful lady. As long as he's happy I'll be happy for him. :heart:

    That's strange. I was never asked that question but I think many people might assume he's gay because it's like the rule with most hot men. And the way he dresses helps a lot to that image :lol: but his demeanor has never screamed gay, in my opinion. He was androgynous, very sexual on stage, sensual too, like too much, but it was never effeminate (sp?). Besides, with his deep voice and rude ways, haha, kinda not matching a typical gay man, even though I know there are "macho" gay men too.

    Another theory of mine is that he attracts a lot of gay men. In this forum there are many guys obsessed with Axl's image, more than female worry about, and it is also something very common among gay men to be pretty picky about other guys looks.

    17 minutes ago, Carlycosmos said:

    OMG I can't even imagine Axl with a man :rofl-lol:  he's a womanizer woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer, oh womanizer oh, you're a womanizer baby:violin:

    hahaa Britney?

    Axl nowadays look like a butch lesbian :rofl-lol: because he's all husky and dress A BIT more manly than before :P


  9. 10 minutes ago, nonok said:

    That time is gone and look what the times are like now - same amount of depravity and selling of sex, just covered up in corny innuendos and cookie-cutter tolerance. People are afraid to say anything even remotely offensive now, even in the rock world. Look how grandpa Angus is not all for swearing? It's ridiculous, people should be able to wear and say whatever they want. In Axl and Slash's (and formerly the rest of the band) case, they like being over the top with the profanity in the T-shirts, and I say good on them. It looks cool at least, unlike the hats and jackets etc.

    That's like someone passing by a big pile of trash, that you know it is contaminating the environment, and you look at it with fondness while saying "Ahhh Imma throw my junk over there too! Who cares? It is already a big pile of trash, how could it be affected by little innocent junk? My junk is clean!" and so the pile of trash keep growing and growing because of people like that, who think their shit doesn't stink.

    I don't care if we still living in horrendous times, I'm not gonna contribute to them staying like that forever. But I think we've made a huge advance regarding certain things and freedom of speech has nothing to do with hurting people. You can have your opinions and be racist, homophobic, misogynist, a bully, whatever.. Ok, go ahead and kill someone if you please! for the so-called freedom of doing whatever the hell I want. I'm all up for it, as long as I dont involve other people and hurt them.

    I have no idea about the Angus censorship of swearing, never heard of it and dont know where it comes from. If that's the case, I do think its a bit too much, but we can't put the swearing on the same level of misogyny, homophobia, racism, etc. Misoginy and patriarchy kill women and children every day, every year, in the whole world. I don't find it cool to joke around with it.

    It's not that I'm offended. I just don't think there's any shred of cool in all that.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Oh come on, it's just some rock n' roll, rebellious type of T-shirts, it's the forever-a-teenager mentality that most rock stars have, and it's just a T-shirt for Christ's sake. If you're offended by the T-shirts, just take a moment to imagine what complete decadence and debauchery they got into in their heyday. Just because the band is hot and can be kind and intelligent doesn't mean they aren't complete assholes and typical male pigs either. It's a perfect balance. :P Besides, wearing shirts like that is a good statement against censorship and freedom to put anything out in the open and not treat it like a taboo. Rock has always been about rebellion against the system at its core anyway.

    That time is gone. There are plenty of way cooler tshirts he could wear, like I said before, it's not much about the misoginy message but mainly because they are AWFUL. As in, bad taste. Fashion wise, they stink.



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  11. 3 minutes ago, Archtop said:

    Axl gets called out for his dress sense all the time, jackets, t-shirts and sun glasses. Whilst Slash who dresses very simarly gets away with it. why in that? It's funny Duff is by the snappiest dresser now, I wonder how much influence his wife and girls have on him.

    Slash wears really cool shirts, like he always did. The messages in his t-shirts were really fun back in the day and they still are.

    Duff looks amazing. But he's not as daring as the others. He keeps comfortable in black and doesn't risk too much. Yes, I think Susan must have to do with it.. or not... but he looks great most of the time.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    He's been wearing a new one recently. But it's another really dumb, misogynist one. Wish he would drop the embarrassing T-Shirts. It makes him seem like a really lame asshole.

    Yeah, I hate the women ones, they are poor taste and not only because of the misoginy but in all honesty, THEY SUCK. They are really awful, bad taste, I don't know. So I prefer he wears the duck one 24/7 instead of those degraded women ones.

    I wish he would go back to wearing those amazing shirts with messages, like NOBODY KNOWS IM A LESBIN, KILL YOUR IDOLS, GET SOCIAL, EAT THE WORM or even the Guadalupe Virgin one, lol.

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  13. More butt (from 1988 I think)

    0029 15-Dec-15 21.54.jpg

    7 minutes ago, Carlycosmos said:

    speaking of t-shirts... why is he using always the same t-shirts!! 1 Feel me, touch me Duck one, 2 The End, 3 Mickey Mouse, 4 The one with chinese letters, 5 the duck again! 6, the one with a girl in a trash can, 7 THE DUCK once more!

    Its like Angus uniform, I think. It's the wardrobe they've picked (or he did) for the shows, so its like a selection of shirts, pants, jackets and hats he's got for these shows.

    The same mechanism has been used for previous tours with nuGNR and Vegas residencies.


  14. 10 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    Great topic :lol:. The butt is eternal. Of course I checked it properly at the concert :smiley-confused2:.


    For some reason I really like this picture :wub:, even though he's wearing the hat and glasses. 


    I like it too. He has this way of standing up that is so appealing, attractive, seductive. Don't know how to call it. Probably, CHARM.

    Lol, you checked the butt?? That's so rad! I have checked it from a far view in the audience but now I'll make sure next time I go to a show that I can check it closer :P


    7 minutes ago, starlight said:

    Hey I think Axl was hot and good looking but personally I prefer Slash he's my kind of guy I think he's sexier and really beautiful, am I the only one? :D

    I didn't like Slash back in the day. He looked too messy for my taste but now when I go back and check old pictures, I realize he had his own kind of sexyness.

    Maybe I wasn't much into him because I tend to be more attracted to blonde people or light-brown hair with soft features, like Axl.

    I also digged Duff a lot.


    5 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    I love the pic and the shirt and I volunteer to touch him feel him...all day every day if he needs it ;) 

    Haha, we all want to :P


    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, nonok said:

    To be completely honest, Axl's butt first got me into GNR. :D I was watching the SCOM video and I was like "How can such a fine ass exist on a man? Is he gay? God, I hope he's not. Damn, dat ass is nice, and so is that hair..." etc. And then I went "Oh, but the music's pretty awesome, too".

    Haha in my case, the whole Axl got me into it! He was just perfect IN ALL FRIGGIN' WAYS!!!
    I remember seeing the Dont Cry video on TV for the first time and I was like........... holla holla holla, wait, who's thaaaat?? :wow:

    The hair, the face, eyes, legs, the shorts... and I also noticed another guy who looked similar to him (it was Shannon Hoon but I didnt know) and I was like "omg and there's two of them??" HOW LUCKY AM I? hahahaa

    Goddamn, those were the days!!!


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  16. 4 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    :rofl-lol: Okay, let's discuss:

    This butt was an exceptional butt back in the day, and it is still a pretty nice butt nowadays. It has stood the test of time well. :D

    I think it's still looking fabulous! :drool:



    lol :P

    (this stuff is soooo much fun, isn't it?!)

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  17. 6 minutes ago, nonok said:

    However, @killuridols why shouldn't there be an other side to the story? We all know that their relationship was abusive and shitty, no matter how much they loved each other. The question "How do you know there's an other side?" can be just as easily directed at us, the people who are more supportive of Erin and the whole relationship. There's always a different point of view and ours may not be necessarily right. We just hope it is. :P

    No, no, no, nope... that's not what I meant! :D

    It's like, someone came to say they're gonna trash Erin and Stephanie because there's another side of the story. Of course, there must be another side of the story but as far as I know, Axl never said much about the accussations from them girls. I think about Erin he said he agreed they treated each other like shit and about Stephanie that she tried to destroy him, but that's a bogus thing to say. I mean, he didnt go into further explanation of what brought them apart.

    So someone comes here and act like they know the other side of the story, I want to know how they know this? My opinion on what happened is just opinion, and more or less, repeating what Erin said but I really don't know. I wasn't there nor I'm Erin's friend. I just can sympathize with her, as a female, relate to her in some ways but that's all there is to it.

    I'm curious to know what this person has to bring to this topic. I'm not censoring them. I'm not Apollo, lol :P

  18. 7 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Yeah you're right, all our sources are old. We need some new interviews, damnit.

    I remember Duff seeming kind of sad in his book when he talked about his daughter's never having met Axl. Glad that's probably changed now. But it would have been nicer if he could have seen Slash's and Duff's kids grow up right from the start. He could have been their cool uncle Axl :P

    And yes, the problem with that interview is the horrible audio. My mother tongue isn't English either by the way. It's German. Seems like we have a lot of non-native speakers here :heart:

    Haha, we live in the past :P

    I'm not sure Axl would have been able to be around Slash's kid with Perla there, probably telling the kids uncle Axl is a pretty crazy uncle, haha


    Oh, German. I have tried to learn that and I couldn't. I dream of visiting Berlin :heart:. Next year I'm planning a trip to Europe so I think I will try to meet you there, gals :hug:

  19. 36 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    I hope you're right, but like someone else here (Whiskey Rose I think) mentioned, Beta claimed Axl's really romantic and is just waiting for the right woman to settle down with. But that it's really hard for him to find someone because he doesn't know who just wants him for his money and fame and who actually loves him for himself. I don't believe everything that comes out of Beta's mouth, but if that is true, then all hope is lost :facepalm:  He's never gonna find the "right woman" who isn't just after his money among all the young wanna-be models and hangers-on he always hangs around with.

    As for Slash and Duff's kids, I do wonder if they have met or know Axl. Duff's probably have by now.

    Oh but is that from a Beta interview in the early 2000's? I don't know why I never thought that interview was real. And it's been like 15 years from that so I wouldn't cling to it too much.

    Here's what Axl said on the subject to Rolling Stone magazine. This is from 1989, so again, a long time has passed and his views may have changed, but at least it's a direct quote from the guy himself:

    Women seem to be one of the more popular subjects with Guns n' Roses. Are you a romantic kind of guy?
    I'm a person that has a lot of different relationships. It's really hard to maintain a one-on-one relationship if the other person is not going to allow me to be with other people. I have a real open, hedonistic, sexual attitude. Just 'cause you're not totally in love with a person doesn't mean you don't like them. You can think they're attractive, and you want to touch them, have a great time with them. Maybe at that moment you are in love. I think love and lust go hand in hand, like good and evil. One without the other is not complete. But I don't tell someone I'm in love with them if I'm not. I never have.



    ----- Slash kids were at Coachella so maybe they met him there. I don't know. Duff's daughters most probably they have already met Axl.

    42 minutes ago, Carlycosmos said:

    When I tried to understand what he was saying and I couldn't I thought Oh great... I don't understand english (my first language is spanish) at least you couldn't either!!:rofl-lol:
    I love english language but it depend on who speaks, I understand or not!

    English is not my mother tongue either, haha, Spanish is :heart: but I consider myself pretty good at English and I don't struggle with it so often but with this particular video I think the problem is the audio.

    It is an old interview, caught from television probably on VHS, then transformed to digital to upload it on YouTube. With so many transferences, lots of audio quality may have been lost and that's why its hard to understand for us. Also Axl, sounding weird, too low in his tone and talking to much :P



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