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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 3 minutes ago, marlingrl03 said:

    Thanks for sharing the clip. Ahhh Kurt Loder. ..always got some good interviews back in the day! Love hearing Axl speak with that deep voice of his!

    You're welcome :)

    I wish someone would subtitle parts of it because his voice is so raspy and he talks so much that I barely understand him! :max:

  2. 6 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    He really is. In this case with the baby names he was a whole 20-25 years even ahead of the trend! :P It's one of his strengths.

    I wouldn't be surprised. Or maybe not really jealous, but sad. I know I would be in his place.

    (And I actually think that dress is kinda ugly, but it's good to see rich people not be wasteful and re-use things I guess :lol:)

    I don't think Axl is jealous of them because if he wanted he could have had the same. But I think he just gave up and decided he was going to be single for a long time.

    Maybe when he sees what they have, he feels a little something inside, but not jealousy.

  3. I dont recall exactly but he uses rasp in some verses of some songs too. I guess they would be HELL AIN'T A BAD PLACE TO BE, ROCK N' ROLL THUNDER, ROCK N' ROLL DAMNATION and others.

    Particularly, I don't like when he uses too much rasp. I don't like how he sings BACK IN BLACK because it is so much rasp that I can barely understand the words. Same goes for HELL'S BELLS. I hate that song or how he sings it, it really feels sometimes like his throat is gonna bleed from so much rasp.

    I love how he sings THUNDERSTRUCK, lots of rasp too but more controlled. It's like Axl has SO MUCH VOICE that he doesn't know what to do with it. Hah, give it to me, I wish I had a quarter of it! :P


  4. 18 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Yep. Axl and Erin were way ahead of the trend when it comes to baby names. All of these names, Willow, Shiloh, Blue, Amelia are extremely popular nowadays with celebrities and even the normal population. There are tons of celebs who've used these names for their children.

    Speaking of baby names...:

    I remember reading that Vanessa and Fernando's daugthers both have the middle name Rose. I mean I know that's a popular and common middle name for girls, but that can't just be a coincidence, right?

    Same. If Axl had done even a fraction of the things to me that Erin claimed he did to her... well, there's no way I'd ever want him back. But I don't want to judge, Erin probably knows a lot more about this than we do and I guess she has her reasons for the way she feels about things nowadays. I also don't think her selling all that stuff was all that terrible. Yes, some of it was a bit too personal maybe, but it's nothing compared to what Axl's done.


    That pic of Slash and Meegan's kids holding hands in Disneyland is so cute :heart:

    You're right. Those names are trendy now and when I heard I was like "WTF that's Axl's baby name!!!". What once again goes to show me Axl is a trendsetter and vanguardist. He's always been ahead of his time with everything. Specially fashion, trends and music.

    I'm so proud he's my hero!! :headbang:


    As for Vanessa's and Fernando's kids, I didn't know Natalia's middle name was Rose too. I knew about Fernando's baby, yeah and yes! it's because of Axl. Not a coincidence. At least Fernando said so :)

    10 minutes ago, Carlycosmos said:

    he's a bit thumb.
    Still sexy though:D:slash:


    OMFG! Giiiiiiiirl I just had my breakfast!!!





  5. 11 hours ago, tajandreas said:

    King Badass.


    He still has those awesome sexy muscular legs :drool: and the cyborg part is amazing, hahaa!!! Besides it lets him show a little skin :drool:

    10 hours ago, MrSoftie said:


    So this happened.

    Aww :rofl-lol:

    This is why this guy is so amazing and I love him with all my heart. That kind of coolness is not fabricated. He's like a little kid!


    • Like 2
  6. 57 minutes ago, Carlycosmos said:

    they forgot kids at home! Meegan does have kids -girls-, right? if Slash and Meegan are living together... Meegan's girls too, I suppose. Well, depending on their age. I have not idea :P

    Where has Slash neck gone? :P

    Yeah, Meegan has two girls, I think they are teenagers and they do live with her (and Slash, I guess).


    20 minutes ago, DexAxl said:

    Hehe @Carlycosmos thank you for invite i have alot things to say about Erin and Steph, mainly those things are bad. I will come back soon to bring some trash talk about them since most people want Erin and Axl back together it's good to hear other side. :D

    The other side? What side that would be? Are you Axl or someone who knows all of these people in real life?

    19 minutes ago, Italian girl said:

    I remember a story about Erin pregnant of axl's baby, but something happened and she had a miscarriage..

    don't remember if it was true or false neither where I read it..

    Axl talked about it via telephone in a short interview for MTV. I think it was Kurt Loder who he was talking to.

    Yes, she was pregnant and had a miscarriage. Then he said they were going to try one more time "this baby thing".

    12 minutes ago, Frey said:

    No need to "trash talk" anyone here. One may like or not like them, but Axl was the one who wronged these two most, not the other way round.

    It's true. I remember reading they already had baby names picked out even, but then Erin had a miscarriage.

    Yes, they had the names already. For a boy, they were going to call him "Shiloh Blue" and if it was a girl, she would be named "Willow Amelia".

    8 minutes ago, Carlycosmos said:

    here they are!

    Aww that's cute! I'm always worried I dont see Slash kids spending as much time with their dad as they do with Perla but seeing this is very very cool :)

  7. 1 hour ago, DexAxl said:

    No you are not, it's just coded in your brain you have to gossip, i'm more worried for this Slash787 guy. :D

    Bollocks. Then explain how TMZ and all that type of media exist? They're not necessarily founded by women. They are all hosted and ran by men, if you take a look ¬¬

    1 hour ago, Slash787 said:

    Well me and my friend had gone to a bar, I don't drink, but that friend of mine wanted some drinks, so I saw her there and thought to just like say Hi cause I knew who she was being a big GNR fan.

    So she and another friend of hers hanged around with us for sometime, I kept on asking random gnr questions cause im a pretty nosy person, I even asked about Erin lol, so she said she is better than Erin and all, then she said that Axl and Izzy cannot have kids, so I was like I din't know that.

    I asked her if she is in contact with the band members, she said she is in contact with Axl on and off, she said she met Steven on a couple of occasions and a few times with Slash, but she had not seen Duff and Izzy in a long time.

    But I do believe she is in contact with Axl cause there were pics of her a few years with Axl in a bar and they seemed to be enjoying. 

    Ok. I think I know who you're talking about. It's a blond one, right?

    How could she say she's better than Erin? I still don't get it why they would bring up the subject.

    1 hour ago, Archtop said:

    That's daft to imply somebody doesn't have kids must be because they are sterile. what about choice?  If said person was a groupie back in the day, they would all have been quite young and none of them at that time had children. If the implication was because of the hard drug use, take a look at half the other rockers out their who all managed not to end up firing blanks,story doesn't make much sense to me.

    Yeah, Duff and Slash were bad drugaddicts and alcoholic and they've managed to have amazing children.

    It could be the women too. Infertility comes in a lot of ways.


  8. 3 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    She is old, she was a groupie in the early days of GNR, She and some other girls helped the band in many ways by letting them stay at their places, giving them food and all. 

    Ok. When and how did u talk to her? Why would she bring up that topic?

  9. 4 minutes ago, DexAxl said:

    Omg already 75 posts in 19 hours you girls really like to talk about other people's private lives. I knew this will happen. :lol:

    :scared: damn aren't we creepy? 

    KARDASHIAN CREEPY, like forum grandpa would say! :lol:

    • Like 2
  10. 6 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    As for Izzy and Steven, who in their right mind would have a kid with Steven? :lol: No way in hell would I do that. But then again, I wouldn't even date him in the first place.

    Izzy does have a step-daughter though, I think.

    Beta is not much older than Axl so there will come a time she won't be able to take care of him anymore. She should invest in her life now.

    OMG that's so mean to say about Steven!!! :wow: :lol:

    8 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    Yeah well Steven has a pretty young wife, I guess some of you won't know this story, but she is South American and well a very big fan of GNR and she was a Virgin and just wanted to be with Steven as he was a GNR member and well she lost her virginity to him. 

    But they seem to be pretty happy now, I don't see any other reason why Izzy and Steven don't have kids. 

    I do know about her. She's from Argentina, like I am. Haha. I didn't know about her story with Steven but she's been with him for a long time so she must be good in the end.

    7 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    Well there was this groupie, I won't take her name, many of you might know her, a few years ago I had met her and chatted about the GNR days and all, so well I got this info from her. I won't take her name cause there is this weirdo named Brett Buchanan who takes all the info from here and puts on his retarded site.

    Her name starts with a P

    Maybe now you can guess her name, she has been in contact with Axl on and off. 

    How would she know this? Has she tried to get pregnant from them?

    Shes in contact with Axl? Is she old or young?

  11. 9 minutes ago, Carlycosmos said:

    Oh fuck. I didn't think about the possibility. That would be very sad!
    Meanwhile on instagram...

    Amazing footage of Axl up there...

    Sin título-1.jpg

    OMG YES those video from Prague show are :drool:

    lol Erin, she must be watching the videos and being like us :drool:, hahaha... 

    Great find Carlycosmos!!! MyGnR:CSI Girls Edition 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    I don't completely blame TB, but it seems Beta is pretty "over protective" about Axl. 

    In all these years Axl has dated hookers, no offense, but really its been weird. 

    I din't like Stephanie and she was not meant for Axl, but still she was classy. 

    Erin has dated people after Axl, even got married and had kids, had a pretty bad married life, I don't know her personally but she seems like a family women, she looks so happy with her kids.

    From what I know Axl and Izzy are sterile, maybe even Steven is sterile cause of too much drugs, I guess thats why they din't have kids especially Izzy and Steven. 

    Beta should find a husband for her too. Leave Axl alone. Let him find a wife, someone like Susan Holmes, she's hot and wife material at the same time.

    I agree the women Axl has dated lately are so not worth it. Sasha is :facepalm: but I can't say this is TB fault. Fernando and Vanessa will introduce him to women they know but not the right woman for Axl.

    Now, how do we know that Axl is the one who prefers them dumb and stupid? Maybe he has a problem dealing with intelligent independent women. Maybe he thinks the dumb ones are the only who will not break his balls during a relationship, lol. I don't know really but if there's another (100) thing I like about AXL/DC is that I don't have to see Axl surrounded by idiots.

    I don't know about Izzy and Steven being sterile, lol. Steven has a young wife, right? It's strange they don't have kids.

  13. 48 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    This is exactly what I want for him as well. But not sure if this will ever happen with TB around.

    Yeah what happened to that anyway? Axl used to keep saying how much he wanted a family and children, how he didn't even care if the band ended, as long as he would be able to provide for his family and offer his future children all they could possible need. After Erin lost their baby, Axl said they were going to try again pretty soon after. And even in the early 2000s Axl apparently used to say stuff like "I will cry so hard the day my son or daughter is born" (if we can believe Beta). What happened to that? Has he given up on that dream or is he still hoping to have some?

    Yeah, sometimes I feel like TB are part of the reason why Axl never had a serious relationship with a woman again but I don't know if it's entirely their fault. It wouldn't be fair to say that. Not sure what kind of power they have on him. At least now we know they couldn't prevent the reunion (even if it happened later than we wanted).

    One thing that gives me hopes is seeing Vanessa and Fernando having their own families now. This will definitely make them seek other priorities in their lives and wish better things for Axl, like a family of his own. But I get disappointed when I see that the only women Fernando introduces to Axl are those young Brazilian models from hell :( Come on, it gets boring after so many years and I really can't understand why Axl find those idiots so appealing. I'm not talking about the sexual part, of course, they are young and hot and that's the appeal but after a while it gets boring. Not everything's physical and what interesting things could those girls have to talk about?

    They always say Axl tells them stories, with the life he has and he's had, it's obvious he will always be with the person with the most interesting topics to talk but geez, doesn't he get bored of being the center of attention every time? I, for a change, would love to find a person who's as interesting as myself, lol.

    58 minutes ago, nonok said:

    He has to have kids, so that his talent (coughandsexinesscough) will get passed down and future generations will have a hope of witnessing the Rose glory. :wub:

    What if he's sterile?


  14. 1 hour ago, Frey said:

    Yeah, Axl is a factor in that equation as well :P

    Like I said in the social media thread, I get the impression Axl would rather chase after 20 year old "models" who wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot people if he wasn't famous. Which is pretty pathetic really. 

    I don't know if Axl will ever be faithful and become man of one woman but the younger the girls, the more he's gonna get cheated back on and hurt and abused, misused and disposed.

    A girl in her 20s will never be material for a steady relationship with someone in his 50s. Yes, he can have one night stands, lovers, friends with benefits but none of them will become wife. And at 50 something, is he really up for playing "boyfriend" with a girl that age? Some girls are very demanding and childish with their bfs. Not sure Axl will be the type to stand all that just for a hot young girl.

    Erin looks amazing, she's very beautiful and knows Axl more than anyone. But I really don't know where Axl is standing with this whole relationship stuff. It looks like he's given up the idea of getting married and having children. Maybe it's something very difficult for him to commit to and find the right person to do it with.

    Id love to see him settle down with a woman around his age or could be someone in her late 30's, early 40's too. Below that is disaster and not worth it. He could benefit a lot from having someone close who loves him, respects him but at the same time is a different person with her own interests, history, activities, etc. A well placed free independent woman, down to earth and responsible.

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