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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. Damn it, girls! You talk so much I can barely keep up with this thread! :lol:

    2 hours ago, nonok said:

    They've all grown up and if a Sweet Child O' Mine 2.0 happens, we're all gonna enjoy it. Plus Axl/Erin, Slash/Meegan and Duff/Susan can go on triple dates and have a laugh about the times they all hated each other. :lol:

    By the way, now that I pictured that I can't help but notice how that scenario seems impossible with Perla and Stephanie. Just imo, but those 2 always seemed like gold diggers to me and not a great fit in the GNR fam.

    But I think Susan would be out of the picture, right? She's Duff's second wife (I think) and she wasn't around during the UYI tour nor she's from the same gang than Erin and Meegan. Either way, yeah, I think they'd have lots of fun.

    Hah, Perla, that's a no-no. She hates Axl, Axl hates her and ugh, don't want to even imagine what could have happened there.

    As for Stephanie, she never fitted GNR and she said so, years later, she hooked up with Axl because he was the hottest man of 1991-1992 and she wanted to rise up in her career. But she has nothing to do with rock n roll. She comes from a totally different world and I don't know what things in common she had with Axl but that relationship was doomed from the beginning. It also seems she's very troubled, has addictions and problems with the law. I guess alpha male and alpha woman rarely get along.

    2 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    I wouldn't say that. Duff always comes across as quite fond of Axl every time he talks about him in his books or in interviews. And Slash and Duff have mostly always been close anyway. It's only Axl and Slash's relationship that's a bit of a question mark. But considering that Axl looks at Slash with heart eyes in some pictures again and how quick Slash was to help Axl when he fell at that one concert, and all these pics of them talking and laughing with each other... I think things are looking good on that front. Or they're slowly getting there at least.

    Same. I never liked Perla or Stephanie. I think Erin is sweet and I like her, but Stephanie always seemed like a real bitch to me. I also never understood why she was considered oh so beautiful. I think Erin is ten times prettier than Stephanie ever was.

    Yeah, I was talking about the trinity actually. I know Duff loves Axl and his feelings are real. You can see it on stage. He's always been there for Axl. But when Slash comes into picture, something doesn't seem right. Axl does seem enthusiastic and happy to have him around but Slash not so much and it makes me sad :(. That's why I enjoy the AXL/DC shows so much, because Angus is being a great Grandpa to Axl :P, you can see the smiles, the way they look at each other, the chemistry onstage is really cool and honestly, I don't want it to end, because I see Axl happy and if he's happy then we all win.

    About Erin and Stephanie, lol, I think Stephanie was really stunning. Her face and her body was a "Venus with arms" :rofl-lol:. Any men would go crazy for her but yeah, personality wise she seemed like a typical girl from the fashion world. Very shallow, careless about other people's feelings and in general, she seemed bored with the whole rock scene. 

    Also remember that when she was with Axl she was only 22 years old. And she already had a little kid... Maybe Axl saw in Stephanie and Dylan a reflection of his own mother and him (Teen single mom and little boy abandoned by the father).

    Erin is very beautiful but her beauty is different than Stephanie. If I was a guy or leaned more towards gay, LOL, I'd totally go for Erin instead of Stephanie. She was like the girl next door who is beautiful and humble and very sweet. Erin was so sweet with her voice like a child. Axl's description of her in the lyrics to SCOM is amazing. I can totally see what he meant.

    1 hour ago, starlight said:

    I don't think Axl wants to go back with Erin.

    Why? Why do you think that?

    1 hour ago, Carlycosmos said:

    Now that you mentioned that @killuridols I think there must be/has been some kind of interaction we don't know about between them, why else would she say the things she says? If there haven't been any kind of comunication between them in more than 20 years, it would be very weird... seeing the things she typed/uploaded. And I like Erin more than Steph too. I don't know, I know Erin sold stuff relating Axl/GNR 3 years ago but seeing her instagram, the things she writes about her kids etc... I like her, she looks sweet and kind.
    The things about their past are pretty heavy, true, but what we really know about it? I'm just saying that most of the times things are not like they look. Who knows...
    On the other hand I think Axl's voice depends on his happiness too. He looks very happy and his voice sounds happy. To me, it smells like love is in the air. :rofl-lol:

    And of course @sanity_lost, this is not just about Erin/Axl! stay stay:P

    To me it's pretty clear they've been communicating in some way, otherwise that stuff she posts doesn't make sense.

    Im not too worried about the things she sold 3 years ago. She may even have had the blessing of Axl and we wouldn't know. In my crazy theory, they've been back in a relationship in and out of it for a long time now. Remember when she went to see GNR in 2011? That's strange. 

    Im sure she's gonna be there too when GNR plays Atlanta next month and maybe, many of our questions get answered :heart:

    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, nonok said:

    Yeah, if Axl and Erin are indeed speaking/have reconnected, then it would be a major factor as to why he's so smiley and happy. But I wonder how that all went down, I mean she did sell some really personal shit of theirs on the internet... :wacko: Then again, those two have done so many horrible things to each other that it's probably nothing new. :lol: Honestly, I think they never fell out of love completely and that's why Axl's never settled down and she's divorced.

    Slash/Meegan can help them out, they're mutual friends after all. Which reminds me - i wonder what Axl's relationship with Meegan is. Are they friendly or just tolerating each other? What do you girls think?

    It must have gone down same way he reconnected with Slash, after all the fights and shit they said about each other (in public and privately). 

    When so much time passes you tend to be not so hurt about what was said or what was done. Axl hurt her too. Cheated on her. Did a lot of damage to her too. She selling that stuff it's really minuscule in relation to everything that happened.

    I have no idea about Axl and Meegan. I wonder about that too. It sucks we haven't seen pics of them hanging out backstage. The photos taken by Kat are meant to be "official" stuff but there are no selfies or pics taken with their actual phones/cameras of Duff, Slash and Axl hanging out together backstage.

    Thats the part I hate about this reunion. I have the feeling they are not real friends anymore.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Apollo said:

    I see no reason to body shame these guys. Slash's job is to play guitar. He isn't a fitness instructor. 

    You are focusing on the wrong thing. How would you feel if these comments were directed at you or your daughter? If you posted a picture on FB and people responded that you were fat and ugly. How would that make you feel?

    Slash is fat and who Axl dated 30 years ago. GnR fans are a weird bunch. 

    I'm not shaming him. I'm saying that Slash has aged and changed as much as Axl has, but it's only Axl the one who gets all the "body shaming" "face shaming" and what not. Try to find me here complaining about Slash looks, aside from what I commented above. Zero results.

    Focusing on the wrong thing? :crazy:

    No, I'm sorry. I was talking to someone, having a conversation with another poster on this topic and that's all about it. 

    About Facebook, lol, Im not a public figure. My looks are not subject of conversation for other people because I'm a regular woman and I already know that I'm fat and ugly. My Facebook contacts are mostly friends and family. I don't post a lot of pics of myself over there because I hate having my pic taken and I really doubt those people would tell me anything harsh, even if they actually thought those things about me. They have to see my ugly face the next day, so..

    I know what it entitles to expose yourself publicly so if I was ever to show myself in public I know that, no matter how good I think I look, there will always be someone who thinks I'm ugly, fat and old. How would I feel about it? Nothing. I'm a mature person and I understand how this game is played. I won't lose sleep over people shaming my body because I'm not a model, I don't work with my image, I don't make money out of my looks. I'd be worried if they were shaming my intelligence or my knowledge on the things I work with.

  4. OMG girls!!!! :rofl-lol:

    I'm gone for some hours and when I'm back you've got a thread of your own and now you're talking about so many different people and subjects that I don't even know where to begin with! :wow:

    Ok, let's see:

    - On the topic of wives/girlfriends, the one I dig the most is Susan. I think she's doing a great job as a rocker wife. She supports her husband but she doesn't act like she's a bigger star than him. She doesn't get involved in scandals,doesn't have a loud mouth. She's very nice and cool to the fans. She actually replies to you on Social Media.

    I don't know if she's naturally this social or she's taken PR classes but she does everything right, IMO. Besides, she's an active person, her life doesn't revolve around her husband that much. She's got her own business and stuff going on. Her image is that of a loving wife and mother while staying independent and free.

    I like that. Not sure if it's true or false but it's goals. At least for me.

    - About Erin, I think she wants to go back with Axl and maybe there's something going on behind the scenes we don't know yet. I often wonder if the reason why Axl is behaving so good now and seems happy it is because he's in love again, dating someone and that someone is Erin. 

    Love does change you and make you feel good. So that's my guess and the things Erin does on Instagram are very telling. 

    I think there's no way Axl and Erin have not entered in contact recently with so many people they have in common and working together now.

    And yeah, I'd love a reunion of Axl/Erin, Meegan/Slash in Atlanta, haha... 

    • Like 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, Strange Broue said:

    Because despite his beer gut, his face looks like himself since the late 80's

    Len already explained everything so i rest my case

    Like i said, i care more about his voice, always was, always will ;)

    I don't see how Axl doesn't look like himself. He didn't get a nose job or cheek implants. He's just aged. Slash has aged too. Check old videos, he's not hot as he used to be. He's got a double chin, not only beer gut, his arms and legs are pretty chubby too.

    lol I didn't mean to destroy Slash but I had to do it, sorry :P


  6. "Guns n' Roses completely drunk" lol what? :blink:

    Haha, thank you both @Lumikki and @rock4eva!!!

    I have seen that video but I didn't remember the story from it. I know I read about it in print and this was many many years ago, probably in the 90's!

    The way he talks about it doesn't sound like he got trauma from it, more like life experience of what happens when you leave your home and start living life. He mentions the homophobic thing and I guess part of it has to do with his experiences as a really good looking man. It's obvious he's been approached more than once in that sense and he never was up for it, specially if it was always done the rude way (like that guy forcing himself on Axl).

    My battery is dying so I'll leave it here. Maybe later I come back and post the RIR video with same subject, lol... Poor Axl! :facepalm:

  7. 8 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Okay, I'll try to find him. Will have to sleep a couple of hours before that though :P

    Doesn't he literally say something like "I woke up and this guy was trying to fuck me" or something like that? It's been a while since I watched that concert, but I'm pretty sure he says he and repair man both fell asleep and then Axl woke up because the guys was trying to fuck him. Whether the guy thought Axl had accepted in exchange for "further interaction" doesn't really matter. Trying to force yourself onto a sleeping person who hasn't consented is still rape. Even worse, an under-age person, urgh.

    And yes, Axl was a very beautiful and androgynous young lad. Sure to attract all kinds of perverts and creeps, unfortunately.


    I don't recall learning about that story from him during a show. I think I read it in some printed interview. Not sure. And didn't even Jimmy Kimmel mentioned part of that story when he interviewed Axl in 2012? I will do a search to refresh my memory.


    Edit: I just recalled Axl talking about "butt-fucking" during a show in 1991, where he mentions the incident of that guy in Rock In Rio who jumps on stage with his genitals out and grabs Axl from the back, while Axl is wearing a "thong". This is the end of the show. Then bodyguards and Doug Goldstein grab the guy and save Axl, lol.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Yes, nothing does more damage to a child than being made to feel unwanted. Add in all the abuse and everything and it's a miracle he came through as intact as he did.

    Lots of people who are emotionally hurting engage in self-harming behaviour of some kind. The emo fad just made it into some weird kind of trend/stereotype, I guess. Axl mentioned cutting himself in an old interview once. I think I read it on HTGTH. I can see if I can dig it up.

    Told the air conditioning repair man story in the reply to the other poster above. I meant the hitch-hiking rape he talked about.

    Ok. If you can give a link to that interview would be nice because I never read about that. I know he's tried to commit suicide with pills but never the other things.

    Ah, yeah, I know that story but I never took it as he meant a rape attempt. Just that the guy who picked him up thought Axl accepted to spend the night as a hint for further interaction, lol, but Axl defended himself and got out of that situation pretty quickly.

    Much like what could happen to a girl who accepts a ride but women usually never win in those situations :(

    Like I said, Axl's androgynous look and natural beauty must have made him subject of repeated homosexual approaches. I think he's talked about this before but I guess at some point he must have learned how to deal with is because as soon as he arrived to L.A. he started living the night life, which we all know is filled with shady characters and all kind of debauchery.

    The places and people GNR interacted with when they started playing bars in L.A. were mostly night life workers, strippers, hookers, musicians, pole dancers, drugaddicts, misfits, drug dealers... I think Axl must have developed some street smartness during those years.

  9. 29 minutes ago, marlingrl03 said:

    I just re watched all of those "Making of" videos recently....quite entertaining! But you do learn some interesting info as well. Highly recommended.


    But then you get people saying the videos are bloated, an embarrassment for the band, that they didn't play a major role in their popularity or that the subjects are just "some girls" who never mattered, while you have Axl in the videos talking lengths about those girls who don't matter :facepalm:

    • Like 3
  10. 11 minutes ago, -W.A.R- said:

    yeah i swear kids can be the most vile people out there

    too many trying to fit in so they break somebody else down to look cool

    unfortunately i was guilty of it myself when i was in school  

    I don't think kids are evil. If they are being evil or bad is because some adult is fucking up their lives. It is always like that. Adults and the parents are 99% of times the ruiners of a kid's life.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Hasan--97 said:

    Ive noticed in the new ACDC group photoshoot he looks similar to the picture from the 2002 vmas

    Maybe thats how he just always looks when he smiles and we are looking 2 much into this 



    Good point. I also think that the older Axl grows he's starting to look more and more like when he was a kid, haha. Like in those pictures his eyes look Asian and on the ACDC one (and others) he looks Asian too, lol.

    I don't know. It's weird.

    3 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    "Crazy Axl stories". A lot of these stories are told for cheap laughs, but when you think about it, these stories are actually not funny at all. Like the one about Axl jumping out of a moving car that Slash told on a late night talk show and in his book.

    Think about it- Axl was literally a kid who started rocking back and forth in his seat and then jumped out of a speeding car when Slash made a gentle suggestion to him. That's pretty extreme behaviour and far removed from normal. And quite concerning. I'm not a psychologist, but I can only guess that actually was some kind of trauma reaction or something. Not very funny at all when you look at it like that.

    We also know he was a kid who used to cut himself with razor blades, before he started destroying furniture and stuff instead of destroying his body. He also tried to commit suicide at least once or twice.

    And all of this happened before 1990. Axl wasn't "batshit insane". He was a very troubled and obviously hurting kid/young man. One possibly suffering from untreated PTSD or something similar due to his horrific childhood and the other traumatic things that happened to him after he left home (like the air conditioning repair man incident).

    In the 90s, he tried to find help to deal with his problems. Unfortunately he seems to have looked in all the wrong places though.

    Yeah, those things are not fun to read. But like all the people who have emotional issues or behavioral problems, it usually all stems from having a bad relationship with your parents or being raised the wrong way or not having parents at all.

    Axl is the child of a teenager single mom and a guy who was a criminal, zero responsibility or interest in having a family. I think he was very young too.

    I believe that babies can sense how fucked up their lives are gonna be even from the womb of their mothers. Axl certainly must have felt he was coming into a shitty world. But the good side of it is what he did with his life. He could have turned out the worst of people but music saved his life and put him in the right path. I admire him for that.

    Never heard the story of him cutting himself? Isn't that more like a thing girls did in the 2000's? The emo fad? lol

    What is the air conditioning repair man story?

  12. 2006 was the year he looked more manly than any other era of him. Before that and after that, Axl was always the androgynous type. His outfits are and were always extravagant, eccentric, a strange combo of male and female clothes. He also wears the most ridiculous colors, lol.

    In 2016 he's wearing "lady hats" or hats and sunglasses that remind you of Janis Joplin. He's definitely paying tribute to Janis with his 2016 headwear.

  13. 1 minute ago, stella said:

    Well said. Any one of those things would be enough to make someone have a meltdown; dealing with all of them, one after the next, had to have been unimaginably difficult and heartbreaking for him, to say the very least. He lost almost everyone he was close to during those years.

    Yup :)

    And had to pick up the pieces and rebuild himself, which he did in 2006. He looked great, healthy and with an amazing voice. Sort of the same thing he's done for the 2016 comeback.

  14. 1 hour ago, stella said:

    I think that's one of the reasons I've jumped in sometimes when people have gone on about how he's obviously done nothing but sit on his butt in his mansion and eaten McDonald's when he's dropped out of sight...we just don't know that and something else could have been up. I don't want to speculate either, especially it's his private life, but there have definitely been signs that have concerned me.

    All I know is that from 1994 until 2006 (more or less) Axl suffered a lot and those years were the worst of his life, from breaking up with several women to losing friends to drugs, his mother death, Losing his whole band and having to start from scratch, lawsuits, counter lawsuits, his 1998 arrest, the whole Chinese Democracy saga, cancelled tours, RIR, fans rejection, etc. etc. It's just too much. Anyone would implode at some point.

    1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

    Yes, I've thought about that before as well. Wanna tell me your thoughts via PM?

    Oh I really don't have a theory about it. Like I said, I think he went through a lot of heavy stuff during most of the 90's and until mid 2000s and al this stress could have triggered a vast range of health problems. 

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  15. 4 hours ago, IncitingChaos said:

    One thing about Axl being the right replacement outside of his voice is his ability to command a stage. Not many tribute singers have heard their voice echoing across a 70,000 seat stadium with screaming fans, not many have the experience of running a show from the stage. Axl brings the experience and know how to deliver not only great vocals but also helps in making the show run smooth. Angus is no doubt the boss but having Axl along side him frees him up a bit...I believe Axl has taken many responsibilities on himself bc he would have a hard time sitting back just singing. He likes a little control too so I think Axl has been beneficial in more ways than voice.

    People who say the best choice for the AC/DC situation was an unknown singer from a cover band always makes me :rofl-lol:

    It is one thing to try to be objective but it is totally different to be a stubborn bitch and say anyone can do that job just for the sake of being negative or having prejudices against Axl.

    If AC/DC had gone for one of those guys it would have been disaster. The requests for refunds would have been massive and the band would have been ridiculed to the max. Besides, who can pass from playing in a cover band, doing mostly an impersonation in a bar to sing in front of 60,000 people in a stadium without having a nervous breakdown before putting one foot on the stage?

    Axl has decades of experience not only as a singer but as a performer. He's played all over the world for massive audiences, in countless venues, knows what's being on tour for a long time, taking planes every 2 days, arriving to hotels, getting ready for the shows and all the baggage that comes with it. How could a person who's never done this not freak out in the middle of it? You need a special mind and structure to deal with so much stress and such a huge responsibility. ACDC is a business after all, just like GNR, they not only play music, they put on a show. Anyone thinking a random guy without experience as an entertainer can do this and succeed, is really out of touch with reality.

    There is no one lower in my list of losers than people in cover bands. Specially those who do it for years and years. It must be sad to be an imitator of real artists. Why not use all that time to become real musicians themselves?

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