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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 5 hours ago, Len B'stard said:

    Well it's not a difficult equation is it, he's a rockstar, a great deal of his iconography is to do with dress, rockstars don't stand on music alone or they wouldn't be rockstars, they'd be musicians.  The two are not indivisible but, particularly with bands like Guns n Roses, they project an image, they sell an image.  Unfortunately when you get old it gets harder to maintain and it also shows a lot more than it does with someone like say Gary Oldman, whoose just a character actor and whoose iconography less rigid because he has stood traditionally upon his ability to do his job.

    And the reason you don't see female fans complaining is because females that are into Guns n Roses are acutely aware of who he is and, more importantly, who he was.  It's to do with posters and ideals in a persons head regarding someone, hence why these aging celebrities always get 'he'll always be beautiful to meeee' comments from girls, which in itself is very telling.  It's in the word 'always'.  Also, men are generally less sentimental and like to take the piss, i know i do :D

    Haha. Good explanation and fundaments! :thumbsup:

    From what you saying, I guess people would be less cruel to him if, past his prime of looking so good, he would have focused more on the musician side of him, releasing more music, getting involved in more musical projects instead of band drama and other external drama. Say, would have taken the Slash path, who's fatter than ever, but the guy became the best guitarist of the century and never stopped working. Slash got more respect than Axl in the music industry and not many complain to much about his looks.

    Axl with AC/DC is doing now what he should have done during all those wasted years. If he nails all of this and the reunion shows, hopefully people will not focus so much on his looks and see what he's got as a singer.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    Im out of likes at the moment, but you summed it up pretty well. 

    Axl met Stephanie in in late 1990 or 1991. Estranged was written before that. Only the video has Steph and Dylan, but its not about them. None of the songs on UYI are about Steph. 

    Thank you! :P

    No, Stephanie is not in the video. There are some archive images of her but it was shot after Axl and her broke up so Andy Morahan (the director) had to change the script and make a whole new video.

    All this explanation is done by Axl in the 'Making Of' video that you can purchase or watch on YouTube.

  3. On 27 de mayo de 2016 at 2:32 PM, nonok said:

    It should happen all around the world, it's a spectacular idea! :headbang:

    Yeah, do something cool for the fans for a change.

    International fans never get anything from this f---band. The contests they run at Nigthrain are only for US/Canada fans and on top of that they are rigged :max:

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    That's a dull red in the first picture, not blond (at best it could maybe be called strawberry-blond, but it's too red even for that imo). When Axl was younger, it was really really red, but most most people with red hair lose that bright red hair with age. I agree that it's starting to become slightly blond nowadays though. He seems to be losing the red pigment in his hair now. I'm guessing it will become blonder and blonder and finally turn white.

    (Sorry for the hair rant, but a family member is a hair stylist and I'm forced to hear a lot about hair and various hair shades and all that jazz thanks to that :P)


    I didn't mean to turn this thread into a "hair color" discussion. It is irrelevant really. My comment intended to be sarcastic because some people here are saying Axl is dumb for a wide number of reasons, like being from a small town, so I thought hair color would be the next reason they'd use to say he's not a smart person for believing in Yoda & Co.

    But that guy who argued his hair color picked the glove and got defensive.


  5. 2 hours ago, Frey said:

    Since when is Axl a blond? He's always been a redhead. He had bright red hair when he was younger and as he got older it turned into a more brown-ish red. But it was never blond.

    (And obviously hair color has nothing to do with intelligence and I have never made a dumb blond joke. If Axl had black hair, he'd still be a gullible fool for falling for this)

    Since always.



    And now...


    I don't see brown anywhere.

  6. 1 minute ago, Len B'stard said:

    He was gorgeous for a great long while but now he looks like a fat ginger pudding with 3 chins.  It's OK, it's not meant to last forever, very few people retain good looks and it's unreasonable to claim or expect them to.  He's just an example of someone who didn't...at all.

    He's lost a lot of weight but I admit he could lose more if he wanted. May not be that easy, though. His type of beauty, baby-face / girl looking, is really hard to keep past 30 but I don't find him essentially ugly.

    I don't understand why people are so obsessed with his looks, specially the male fans. It's weird. I don't see as many females complaining about his looks as guys do. Why is that? 

    Slash is fatter than Axl, yet he doesn't receive all this criticism regarding looks.

  7. 1 hour ago, Strange Broue said:

    The only thing is really different from his NuGNR outfit is the shaved porn star mustache and sometimes ditching the horrible fedoras, which is good enough. His face looks better but he will be ugly for the rest of his life (botox and meds is a fucked up thing) so therefore i don't really care about his looks and i'm trying to focus on his voice, because that's what matters

    He's not ugly. Never was, never will be.

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, Canuckle said:

    Scream, yell, rasp or whatever you want to call it Axl sounds fucking incredible on this take. He's more like Brian was, than Brian has been in a long time. Hell, he's better than Brian Johnson's original recordings on these versions. You guys gotta get a grip here. Axl Rose is kickin major ass and there is no reason to believe he wont be kickin the same major ass on the upcoming GNR tour. His standing in the rock world has skyrocketed with his temp assignment performances with AC/DC. The guy is blowing everyone away and cementing his standing as one of rocks greatest front men. 

    Axl's voice is way better than Brian and Bon's. He's got an inmense range and he gives all AC/DC songs an extra tone because he's got so much voice inside he can't help it. The other guys are good singers but their voices have a limit. Axl's not only rasp, Brian is a long rasp all the way. Axl can use rasp and also clean voice and sustain the note higher and longer than the other guys.

    I know AC/DC fans will hate this but Axl is much more than what AC/DC could have ever dreamed of.

    • Like 2
  9. 17 hours ago, cheesecake said:

    @killuridols thanks for the vid. Gosh don't we all wish THAT is how GN'R is perceived now. Look at the crowd. 

    Anyway, on topic (ours, not thread) I saw an agile and wild Slash there, who was in fact back then was under the influence of alcohol AND drugs, so I'm not surprised he is somewhat 'subdued' these days. Even then, you can see Slash was doing his thing and I don't see him 'showing' any love toward our beloved frontman there. 

    On some shows after the Troubadour you could see Slash moving and playing his guitar near Axl's throne, so I don't think there exists any animosity between them. Heck there are even pics of them laughing together??

    I mean....I don't know... we really don't have any clue to what's going behind those closed doors. 

    This video was to show you Slash wasn't a dead plant like he is now. Not that he was all the time making love to Axl but why do people say they were the next Jagger-Keith, or Plant-Page, or Tyler-Perry? Yes, they were and they aren't anymore.

    I really can't say that agile and wild Slash is a product of drugs and alcohol. I know he has admitted publicly to this but I suppose that happiness without the influence really exists and can come naturally from just feeling fill filed in life. If he can't naturally show some excitement for being back in GNR then this whole thing is bullshit and I hope it passes away soon. There are too many forced things in the world to add one more.

    15 hours ago, ludurigan said:

    Thanks a lot for making clear that Izzy, as a person, is a passive aggressive twitter poster who wants to butt in to involve himself when no one is asking anything. I didnt know that information! Thanks also for letting me know that that bag of hair called Slash really shouldnt behave as a dead lazy plant onstage! No! Axl needs love! Slash should, instead, be nicer to Axl! Way nicer! Do you think we should write to Slash with some tips? That should help -- a lot!

    Oh, just one more thing. I always thought that GNR success came because they wrote, recorded and released the best album ever, Appetite for Destruction! I always thought that! Can you believe it? I always though that it was Sweet Child o Mine, Paradise City, Welcome to The Jungle and nine other songs (I cant remember the names right now) that turned Guns n Roses into the biggest band on the planet! I had no idea that it was November Rain that did that! You know what, that made me really curious! So, how was it like, you know, the pre-November Rain era? The pre-fame era? Were they still playing clubs in 1991 when November Rain was released? Do you have a bootleg? I really want it!


    If you knew anything about GNR you'd also know that AFD wasn't an INSTANT SUCCESS. They had to work hard to push the album and that's when videos come in handy. Do some research and listen to Tom Zutaut describing how he literally begged MTV to have WTTJ video played and he got only one chance after midnight. Then SCOM video came and helped a bit more. 

    What turned GNR into the biggest band of the planet was a combination of factors, as usual: great songs, amazing singer, great guitarist, a rebellious attitude that appealed to teenagers, a gigantic world tour supported by the trilogy of videos high rotation on Mtv, interviews on magazines, and also the dark side of it all, the riots, the conflicts, the incredible live performances.

    Please, don't reply to me anymore because you're really boring and ignorant of GNR history. Having to teach you about it is a drag so I'll pass. 

    Thank you!

  10. 24 minutes ago, cheesecake said:

    @killuridols Re: Slash.... urm wasn't he always like that on the stage? From past shows if you watched old videos, Slash was always doing his own thing, almost oblivious to anyone else there. I may be wrong...but that's what I seem to recall anyway.:unsure:

    If anything, it was Axl back then, who would go over to Slash and put his arm of Slash's shoulder. 

    I guess Slash was just being Slash?

    During the Troubadour I think IMHO  everyone was just a tad nervous since it was their first time ever performing together in 2 decades so it wasn't as fluid as fans wanted it to be. I think we should wait for the real tour kicking off this summer to really witness and deduce how things will be from then.

    I dont think so. I'm a long time fan and I do remember how performances were in the 90's. Slash and everybody were a SHOW. I'm just learning about this "shy" card his fans are pulling now. Never noticed it before. But then again, I stopped following Slash when he left GN'R because I was never interested in his solo career.

    This is one of the many majestic performances I remember from the 90's GNR and I'm sorry but I don't see a shy guy here:

    There were 6 shows after the Troubadour one. Shouldnt have to be nervous by show number 3.


  11. 13 minutes ago, lassie said:

    I have seen alot of the show on youtube right now, and not one time did Axl go out on the "bridge" or what it is called. Has he been told not to maybe? Or maybe i just missed it.

    He did on Prague, several times. But doesn't use it that much, really.

  12. 1 hour ago, ludurigan said:

    Wasnt Izzy Twitter just to explain to everyone that he was not part of the April threeunion shows? Wasnt Izzy just having a laugh by posting that Axl-impersonator video? I really didnt realise that those twitters were all part of a passive-agressive strategy -- to destroy the threeunion! Oh, I also missed the posts were Izzy bitches about not being part of the threeunion. Can you show me those? I have never seen them!

    Who needed any explanation from him? The press release CLEARLY said it was a regrouping of Axl, Slash and Duff. Period. He just wanted to butt in to involve himself when no one asked anything.

    I dont know if he was laughing while watching Peruvian Axl. I wasn't there with him.

    Of course you didn't realize about the passive-aggressive strategy. That's why its called passive-aggressive :facepalm:



    Wow, what about Slash? So much new info! I learned on the lst post that he is an idiot AND NOW I have learned that he acts like an emo kid onstage, not giving Axl the time of the day! Wow! How can Slash ever do that? Axl gave Slash nothing but love for the last 25 years and thats how Slash pays Axl back? Unbelievable! Shouldnt Slash be smiling and laughing and giving love to Axl during the shows? I tell you... If Slash doesnt get his shit together and start doing that soon, Axl will look for love somewhere else!

    Neither of them gave love to each other for the last 25 years but if they agreed to work together again and "let the bygones be bygone" (at least for 2 straight hours every other day) then I expect that bag of hair to be nicer to Axl onstage, instead of a dead lazy plant who can't wait for the show to end so he can get the fuck off.

    Yeah. He's found love in Angus now. And they're doing amazingly great. :heart:



    Oh, and last, YES, we all know that Izzy, Steven, Slash and Duff were to blame whatever happened to GNR! Thats OLD news. You dont need to tell me that! Everything that we know about it points for that OBVIOUS conclusion! For example, how could Axl stand Izzy trying to turn GNR into some sort of Nine Inch Nails-Elton John hybrid? You wonder how Axl was affected by all that Izzy passive-agressive nonsense! And what about Slash getting onstage 2 or 3 hours late? Can you imagine Axl and the boys waiting backstage and getting nervous and nervous... And what about Steven? That drummer guy forced the band to spend millions of dollars on those Trilogy videos! How could Steven ever do that to GNR, I mean, to Axl? And we can not forget about all those crazy riots caused by Mr. Duff Mckagan! Case closed!

    If you know all of the answers and everything's old news to you, then why are you asking like a fool? Answer yourself.

    I'll ask some questions too! Who had to put up with drunk drugaddicts who couldn't get their act together and where about to die due to their addictions?

    Was it Slash or Duff idea to make awesome videos that elevated the band to the highest levels of success and nowadays, 25 years later, one of those videos got the insane figure of almost 600 MILLION VIEWS on YouTube? Please tell Duff and Slash to have themselves erased their faces from those videos that made them famous, turned them into the millionaires they are now. It's so easy to be critical of someone else's ideas yet you refuse to back down from the benefit they've brought into your own lives ;)

    AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: if that monster who envisioned the Guns N' Roses band as the most successful rock band on the planet, who dreamed of being the next Rolling Stones, who worked hard to keep the name of the band alive going against all odds, is such a horrible person to put up with, to be around, to talk to, to live with and ultimately, lol, to work with.... then why oh why do these masochist men go back to him in 2016?


    Looooooooove's so strange!!! :rofl-lol:

  13. 9 minutes ago, ludurigan said:

    Izzy has released more than 10 albums in the last 25 years. They rock. I wanna thank you for letting me know that I should judge Izzy by his twitter account!

    Slash has released Snakepit, VR and solo albums. Some of his songs are great, some are not, but all of them have something good or great on it -- a riff, a lick, a solo... I wanna thank you for explaining to me that Slash is an idiot. This is precious info!

    Axl has released one album in 25 years. Was it the US Government that didnt allow Axl to release any more stuff?? Was it the FBI? The IRS? The clowns around him? The idiots? People with twitter accounts?  


    I wasn't talking about their solo careers, you fool. I was talking about them as people.

    Izzy opened a Twitter account to bitch about how he's not part of the "reunion". Posted You Tube videos of peruvian guy impersonating Axl and other passive-aggressive messages to show his discomfort with the whole GN'R thing.

    Couldn't care less about Slash awful albums. He's an idiot for being back to Gn'R and acting like an emo kid on stage, not giving Axl the time of day. No wonder why Axl's gone to find love somewhere else :max:

    I don't know why Axl hasn't released anything after Chinese Democracy. But he did mention having material worth of 3-4 albums and I believe him. And I never implied he didn't do this because of Slash or Izzy or Duff.


    However, Slash, Duff and Izzy and Steven ARE PRETTY MUCH TO BLAME for the demise of Guns N' Roses in the mid-90s.


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