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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 4 minutes ago, nonok said:

    About the creativity thing - absolutely. Art can't be forced, it should only ever be inspired. If it makes Axl and the guys from both bands happy, then of course they're gonna do whatever they wanna do. And we'll probably get great music from AC/DC with him. But that doesn't stop me from wishing he was this excited about making music with his own band, that's all.

    Axl doesn't have a band. That's the problem. Slash and Duff, as far as we know, are back just for the NITL tour. We dreaming they will stay and work with Axl on new music is just that: a dream. They didn't say anything and probably won't talk because the future may not be as promising as we'd like to think of.

    Axl's movements are suspicious. He's trying to enter a new band because he knows his own will be gone after the tour ends. Makes all sense in the world.

    • Like 1
  2. I don't know if you're the only one but a lot of people are interested and I personally want Axl to continue with AC/DC because he's having the time of his life, his voice is perfect and this level of success needs to be enjoyed and trapped right now. It won't repeat.

    As for GN'R reunion I'm bored out of it already. Slash is an awesome guitarist but his lack of chemistry with Axl made me want to have Ashba back :wow: (j/k)
    No, really, maybe it's because Axl was all the time in the throne? But so he was with AC/DC in the beginning and the difference between those shows and GN'R ones is abyssmal. Don't know why!

    There's something about the GNR reunion that doesn't work right in my eyes. It's boring, it's the same old songs and the same old drama.

    No interviews, photos of them together are thrown to us like bones to annoying dogs, the lack of cohesion and chemistry between the band members is depressing. I don't wanna see it, but I will go to a show or two because it's mandatory for a fan like me. I'd just rather attend AXL/DC, to be honest.

    If you compare how things developed so far we have on one fence: AXL/DC with interviews for the web, radio, magazines, web clips, a little clip before every show, official pictures of the band as in a photography session (not only on stage like GN'R), incredible shows, band members being accessible to fans, taking pictures and signing stuff, Axl tweeting about the shows, being happy.

    The other fence: GN'R with zero interviews, zero official pictures of the band together in a proper photography studio, the video clips appeared like a month after the shows :facepalm:, the official fan club vanished for like 2 months just when the first reunion shows happened :facepalm:, Axl didn't tweet shit during those shows, Slash and Duff went in mute mode and I've yet to see one picture of any of the band members with a fan. It was all stupid Victoria Secret models meeting Axl, brazilian models meeting Axl, Nur Khan, Fergie, Stallone and a bunch of posers the ones who could access the band instead of the real fans who stuck with them throughout the fuckin' shit.... so yes, I'm way more interested in a band that actually cares about their fans and puts them in the center of their universe, as it always should be.

    • Like 4
  3. Axl has like 4 albums shelved in the vault, but none of those clowns around him have motivated him enough to want to show the world his music, so he's gonna save it for now.

    Slash is an idiot and Izzy has done nothing but being passive agressive from his Twitter account.

    I'm so glad Axl is pushing it hard to get into AC/DC and record an album, because probably that's the only way we're gonna get to listen to Axl's recorded voice in this decade.

  4. 9 minutes ago, The Archer said:

    :lol: that stuff hits home much more strongly for a teenage guy than for a gal. But, AC/DC always has had a big female following too - part of it has to do with the attraction for Bon and even Angus I'd say, but unlike many 'Rock' bands, anyone whether male or female, can actually Rock their hearts out to the music -most of their catalog is perfect if you want to shake a leg and just dance.  

    Anyway, Uncle Axl first heard WLR and fell in love with AC/DC when was still a kid. But apparently, after he moved to LA, and heard the song played in a club, it made him jump up like he was possessed, and he started pushing people out of his way while he was dancing and kicking and screaming along to it like a madman. Well, that's what AC/DC can do to people.

    I dont remember any of my girl friends to be into AC/DC at the time, haha, maybe the girls from the 70's because of that ugly guy Bon Scott, LOL. We were all :drool: for Axl (and others for Kurt Cobain). That was our thing at the time.

    Of course their songs are great, pure basic rock n' roll for men who like beer :rofl-lol:

    I know, I know Axl was into them when he was young but again, he was a teenager listening to a band of the "moment" (his moment, not mine). I wasn't even in the plans of being brought to this world (if there ever was a plan :P) when all that happened.

    GN'R was the band of my youth and the others that were still around like AC/DC, Aerosmith, Black Sabbath, etc. were something the "older people" would listen to.

  5. 4 minutes ago, AlexC said:

    I'm hoping fede will send me links haha, he's been doing that for every AC/DC show, bless him. Follow him in Periscope and you'll get them in floods.

    Fede is on his way to watch the Duff McKagan documentary so I don't think he'll grace us with his presence today :P

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, The Archer said:

    :lol:. Yeah - Axl's lyrics and GN'Rs music in general really, really resonate with some people on a much more deeper level than it does for most. Totally get that.

    Uh huh and when I said AC/DC was "too heavy" for my mind, I really meant that their lyrics about women, hell, booze, sex, fat Rosie, "too many women too many pills", it was too much for me.

    Not that GN'R lyrics weren't sleazy but with the Illusions, lyrics took a whole new dimension from AFD.

  7. 6 minutes ago, The Archer said:

    That's what it is all about for them, in fact. It's what makes AC/DC unique from any other band - their music is not about angst, or an outlet for depression, or politics, or teenage love, or family problems, it's about just that one thing. Rock N' Roll.

    Exactly. And that's why it didnt click for me when I was a teen but GN'R did. I had teenage angst, depression, family problems and all that stuff in the GN'R lyrics. Could have never related to the "whole lotta rosie" experience back then :P

    • Like 2
  8. 12 minutes ago, The Archer said:

    When I was growing up, I thought that the dude was a little bit of a phenomenon. He still is in many respects. There was a time when he was still boyishly good looking and flippant and despite his obvious talent the whole schoolboy thing was probably not much more of a gimmick. But, even though he now has that weird gollum-going-full-on-crazy-and-come-to-life-when-on-stage persona, there is no doubt that he is one of the most iconic symbols in Rock N' Roll and that his dedication and fierce love for what he is doing is a big part of the tremendous following that the band has.

    When I learned about AC/DC was the same time that I learned about GN'R and other bands, so by the time, ACDC was too much for me because I was like 12 or 13 and ACDC are like 2 generation behind me. My thing was GN'R, I lived my teen years through the 90's and I was too much of an innocent kid, still kind playing with toys, so the whole ACDC stuff was too heavy for my mind, with the Satan worship and I was a girl, basically, raised in a Catholic family. It was kind of difficult to relate to them when I was a teenager. I remember not liking Brian's voice and Angus was like a freak to me too. But I wasn't interested, really, so aside from the hits, I didn't know much.

    Now that I've matured and got rid of a lot of baggage and this thing of them with Axl has helped me re-discover this band and I dont see any of them as freaks or anything, I dont have prejudices and the lyrics do not affect me like they would have when I was a little girl. So I think it's a good time to start enjoying more of this band and with Axl's voice.. omg, what else could I have asked for? :)

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Powerage5 said:

    There's no such thing as liking Angus too much - he's one of the best performers of all time. 

    HA HA!
    But I never payed much attention to him. I used to say "that crazy guitarist from AC/DC" :lol: but now............................ I've been THUNDERSTRUCK!! :awesomeface:

  10. 2 hours ago, default_ said:

    As for GNR songs he could scream like this, I think they should REALLY create new songs that he could use this kind of voice, hard n' rock n' roll songs... Even if he's just screaming, it would be fuckin awesome.

    This ^

    I hope Axl has realized by now that the best he sounds is in hard rock songs like AC/DC's ones and all of them that have that 70's style of singing rock. He grew up learning that style from Janis, Robert Plant, Steven Tyler, Bon Scott.. I'm sorry but pop or industrial Axl has to go. I mean, Chin Dem is amazing but he won't be able to sing those songs live anymore. They are good for studio but Axl belongs up there with the rock gods.

    Again, someone, someone out there, please, please record the voice of this man while he's singing like this. I'm scared we won't hear it anymore and it'd be crazy to lose this chance. Please, Axl, record something, anything, right now, this is the moment!

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