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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 17 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    I woke up this morning in a GREAT mood even though I had hardly any sleep because I knew it was AXL concert day! I am 100% addicted because of Axl. it'll be the same thing when the GN'R tour starts up afterwards too! :dance:sorry you are going to maybe miss it but there's always the great videos we get from the kind people here on the forum :) 

    Yeah, I'm addicted to the videos too but the Periscope its like this instant gratification thing that fucks up our lives. And we all can be here talking bollocks at the same time we're watching our genius on stage.

    In other bad news, I'm starting to like Angus too much. Like TOO MUCH. :ph34r:

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, R.T. said:

    Hello guys. Sorry for the delay. Today I was taking final high school exams so I was a little bit nervous :-D 

    The show was great in my opinion. As you saw on the periscope Axl was walking for the whole show so the energy from the band to the crowd was much bigger than in the previous shows. Now I can see that the crowd in the back was pretty lame but in the first rows it was great. I was in the first row on the right side with my sister and best friend. In fact we were the ones who shouted TOUCH TOO MUCH to Axl before the You shook me all night long. When Angus started to play all night long we thought that our chances are lost and they will play it maybe in the next show. There was a very long break between the end of Let There be Rock and Highway to Hell if I compare it to the AC/DC show last year so the hope in us became alive again that something special will happen. 

    Here I found the moment where you are screaming TOUCH TOO MUCH and Axl hears it :P


    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, R.T. said:

    We talked about it in a different topic on this forum :-) I asked him about the new GNR music with Slash and Duff :-) 

    Did you ACTUALLY say Slash and Duff? Or did you just ask for plain new album? If you said there names, then that's what fucked up the question. LOL. :P

    Another thing.. when he said "I don't know", what was the tone of it? Because there are many tones for that kind of reply. Like "I have no idea" one, like "this idea never crossed my mind" one, like "dont fuckin ask me what i dont know" one... well you get the picture.

    Back to the :drool: topic..

    This walk of Axl at 1:40 screams alpha male...... :drool:


  4. 7 hours ago, Andy14 said:


    This guy made great videos from the show


    a lot of Axl, I think you might like it :wub:

    OMG I knew that guy had much more awesome hotness footage of Axl!

    Yesterday I found one video in :drool: style and now I see he's uploaded more. THanks a lot!!! hahaaaa

    The thing with the videos from these shows is to figure out if the filmmaker is a guy or a girl and if its a GNR fan or an ACDC fan. The latter hardly focus on Axl and just follows Angus, while if its a GNR fan or a girl they will focus on Axl.

  5. 8 hours ago, Cory Trevor said:

    he also pronounces words in a way that make the clean voice sound cheesy... think estranged "i knew the storm was getting closaaah", if he pronounced the hard R and attacked words with a bit more diction, he would sound better using the clean voice IMO

    This is true! I can hardly figure out the lyrics from his pronunciation when he sings. I thought it was something with his own accent, being from the Mid-West, lol, but I don't know. 

    2 hours ago, Andy14 said:

    He looks good, right? :P

    Oh my goodness!

    2 hours ago, oaka said:

    It's his "Netflix and Chill" position! :P

    Haha. Chill for him!

    "This damn man's gonna drive me insane" :P

  6. On 21/5/2016 at 3:55 PM, Bumblefeet said:

    Meanwhile at Axl's house:

    I don't speak Spanish, so I can't tell if she knows Axl is on tour in Europe :lol:

    This was before Coachella... but that chick is really annoying. Took like 100 pics of herself in front of Axl's gate and house number :lol:


    As for the question, I think he should be either approached by a VERY FUNNY DUDE or A SMOKING HOT GIRL. Everyone else will make him upset or get thrown out by his bodyguard.

  7. 48 minutes ago, The Archer said:

    "...she had the face of an Angel smiling with sin, the body of Venus, with arms"

    Bon, you genius, you.

    For those who don't know, this statue of the Venus de Milo, is what the second part of that line refers to -


    Would have to be a school drop-out to not know that :wacko:

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, nonok said:

    0:00 - 0:30

    Comes with the package.

    ahahahaa :rofl-lol:

    this is a genius comeback!

    1 hour ago, sanity_lost said:

    There are limitations on how long you can be charged for a crime after you commit it. This is called a statute of limitations. Each state has put their own limits on each crime whether it is theft, assault or what have you (killing someone there is no limit, you can always be charged for murder even it was a 100 years ago). At the time California's domestic violence statute of limitations was the person had to be charged within 2 years of the alleged incident.

    However, though you may not be legally held accountable you can still be held civilly accountable  (instead of person vs the State the trial would be person vs person). The rules on wining a civil suit are much lower than that of a criminal suit. In a civil suit you are claiming someone did you injury and you want compensation for it. There are usually statutes on how long you have to file a civil suit as well, but I don't know what they are.

    Domestic abuse is a very complicated, messy situation. There are many emotional and possibly financial reasons that an abused person will stay with their abuser.

    Aright. Thanks for the explanation. Makes a little more sense now. And yet again, we'll never know the real truth behind this.

  9. 7 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    I was listening to this yesterday after I only got to hear half of Axl singing it. this is my second favorite AC/DC song ever. And Bon was such a great front man. funny how my first rock love is now having his songs performed by my current rock love :P 

    haha. Now I'm all over Spotify with this song. I'm gonna download it too.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    I'm just stating what's been said and written about her. Obviously, I don't know her personally, but it seems plausible from what I've seen. And I only said that because someone commented that she acted like a teenager and it would explain that kind of behavior. I'm not saying her feeling aren't valid. Like I said before, I think they're perfectly valid and she has every right to express them, but lots of people will find her behaviour quite odd or questionable, considering her and Axl's history (if it was me for example, I would probably never forgive Axl, if what she said about him is true).

    But like you yourself said in an earlier post, relationships are complicated. If she truly has forgiven Axl and wants to be with him, I'm going to raise my eye brows and certainly have my opinions about that, but I'm not even going to judge. They're both different people nowadays and who knows how things would work out this time around.

    Fair enough. I know I wouldn't forgive either if all the things she said that happened, actually happened. But then again, I am not her and I am not her age either. I see a lot of people her age and above becoming more relaxed about life and approaching problems in a total differnet way that I would approach them now. Just like now I'm approaching things not at all the same way I did fifteen years ago.

    4 minutes ago, sanity_lost said:

    This subject crops up every so often and I would just like to point out that this was not a criminal case. This was a civil suit. I don't know that it makes any difference in your opinion, but as you were pointing out that she should have pushed it until he went to jail I thought I would let you know that Axl would not have gone to jail if he lost the case.  

    I'm not American so I don't know how the law works over there. And maybe I was hyperbolizing the whole thing but my point is that if I had a guy doing that shit to me, I wouldn't settle down with money. But I don't know how is domestic violence handled in the U.S..... does it really all end up in negotiating a payment for the victim? If it's like that, then fucking lame.

  11. 34 minutes ago, starlight said:

    It's true


    Of course .But I believe at some point in your life you must start facing reality especially when you're 50.She acts like a teenager in love and as if Axl was still her boyfriend

    What would you know of her feelings and her current contact with Axl?

    11 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    The thing with Erin is... that she's not very bright.

    I've always gotten that impression, but I recently read some quotes by someone who actually knew her saying that the title "Sweet child o mine" was very apt, because Erin really was like a child in many aspects. Also very naive apparently. I also remember a magazine article describing her as "a slow learner who struggled in school". She seems like a nice and kind person, so I feel bad for even saying this, but it might explain why she acts the way you described.

    whoa, isnt that like going TOO FAR about someone you dont know?

    Unless you were a teacher of Erin, I dont know how you can affirm she's not very bright. And what would that matter anyway for a relationship? Smart people get involved in crazy relationships too. Bright or not, she must be a special person and meant a lot to Axl (even with the problems) to inspire such beautiful songs he wrote for her.

    Like someone said above, it is HER relationship and it is her feelings. No one else than her and Axl know what really happened there and the mutual feelings they have or had. Slash went back to Meegan and no one is judging or saying how bad it is that he divorced his wife and went back to an old relationship that didn't work 25 years ago.

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