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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 13 minutes ago, nn18 said:

    I would lock up in my mansion for 20 years if I was him too! 

    I think he likes it. Imagine being 54 years old guy and still the wet dream of young girls. It's an ego booster for free every single day! :lol:

    12 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Yes, it's her real username. She mostly posts stuff about her kids, sometimes Meegan, Axl, Slash, etc. It's private, but she pretty much accepts anyone who wants to follow her apparently.

    True. Tumblr is where I learn all of this weird stuff :P

    Yeah, I know.. I'm around that too :P But I think she changed her username because she used to be @esperly without the _ at the end. And I've seen a fake account impersonating her so I'm surprised she posted that, because even though she does go public about her forgiving Axl, she's never commented on that go back together stuff fans want.

    That's a good find, I think!

    5 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, if she truly has forgiven him and looks back only with love and understanding, than she really is a very sweet woman and she's certainly allowed to express her current feelings about Axl. But in general, it doesn't sit well me to see thousands of people encouraging a woman to go back to a man who has, by her own account, treated her absolutely abominably.

    The thing is this court case was settled out of court, which IMO, puts some veil of doubt on the accussations. If I had a guy beating me up for real and causing me so much distress I would never pull back from my initial claim and I'd pursue justice until he's in jail. There's no money in the world that would make me back down from having taken the case to court.

    It's like receiving money instead of having the guy who raped you in jail. It's a moral thing. I don't think many women would drop a real case of abuse for a lot of money.

    So we don't know what happened there. Some say Erin was violent as well. We'll never know. And if there's something I've learned in my short life and love life is that couples are a fuckin' mistery to anyone else outside. I know people who looked like made for each other and all of a sudden they split. My best friend parents just got back together after 20 years of being apart, where the man formed a new family with more kids and now he's back to his first wife... you know, those kinda things we don't understand, from the outside you say it is ridiculous and they must be crazy, but love it is like that. It can happen to you, to me, to anyone. Relationships are the weirdest thing in the world.

    • Like 1
  2. It does sound like something they would do.

    I think even today some of that kinda still happens... Maybe not to that point of sleaze and debauchery but look at the pictures from backstage.

    Why are Victoria's Secret models hanging out with Axl after Vegas first reunion shows? There's a guy who connects these women to Axl and the crew. You know his name, he's all over the place in pics with TB and stuff.

    A recent case is that very young girl who was seen in pics with Axl, she was posing in underwear (?) and she was at Coachella, her face all over the big screens during SCOM.

    It's sad but it is what it is :shrugs:

  3. 3 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    I assume most of the people posting these kinds of things on Instagram are teenagers who think it's a cute love story or something, instead of the highly problematic and abusive relationship it actually was. And Erin certainly doesn't help, considering the sweet things she constantly posts and says about Axl both on her own IG account and on other people's.

    There's a whole new wave of teenager fans, mostly girls, who are crazy in love with Axl and have whole Instagrams and Tumblr accounts dedicated to him. They are the ones who lead these requests of Erin & Axl back. Also check Axl's twitter, whenever he posts anything, he gets like 1000 replies from very young girls telling him all kind of sexual stuff. Lol, it's insane.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Lumikki said:


    Someone posted a picture of Axl and Erin on Instagram with the comment "Want them back together". Erin replied "Same."



    There was also another post where somebody posted a cute picture of Axl and Erin cuddling, and someone else commented "I don't like this." Then Erin commented and said "I do."

    wow is that her real username? Because I remember she changed it but thank you! I will check into that account, haha. It's crazy... but ever since she started posting photos of him on her Instagram I kind sensed there was something going on, so if its true then Im happy for them :heart:


  5. 9 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

    That's nice of Erin, I wonder if her and Axl have spoken recently, or if she just heard from Slash about him. 

    She seems pretty much involved with the whole reunion thing, from the perspective of a "viewer" I'd say (but maybe in more ways than we know), as in she likes videos, pictures and stuff related to the reunion shows. I mean, it looks like she's been following the whole thing just like us, the fans.

    I have the feeling she does have some sort of contact with Axl but not sure until what extent. I think it'd be good if they got back together. Axl seems to have matured a lot.

  6. 1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

    Slash seems really happy and content with Meegan. I'm glad for him.

    Strangely enough, Erin also said a couple of days ago that she wishes she and Axl were back together again.

    It truely is the 80s again.

    Where did she that?

    I read her saying she will always love Axl and when a fan told her that Axl needs wife, kids, etc. she replied "he's doing great" and added a kissing emoji

    3 hours ago, starlight said:

    He looks happy with this woman. He even takes the shades off!! :lol:

    But guys, why are we all so hard on Axl's look? Slash is fatter than Axl right now. This man lost his neck or something!


    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, RocketQueeen said:

    So what's wrong with Axl here? Did he blow his throat or just has a flu? Touch Too Much sounds like shit and this is not a compliment...:shrugs:

    It doesn't sound like a complete shit. There are some verses he applies a little rasp and clean voice sounds a bit weaker but it's not a disaster-

  8. I've read the "opinion" of that guy before and I think he's full of shit.

    This is like a doctor diagnosing someone online. He doesn't know Axl. He doesn't know what technique Axl uses, he hasn't worked with Axl. Voice is not a guitar or piano or bass, its like another "organ" of the human body.

    He can speculate all he wants but he shouldnt come off like what he says it is what happened to Axl. Fuck, just a sleepless night would change the voice of anyone.

    We don't know what Axl goes through or went through, his health in general, his eating habits, physical activity, emotional problems, etc.... it's a wide range of issues that could affect him and we will never know, unless someday he goes out explaining what are the issues with his voice (which I don't think will ever happen).

  9. 1 minute ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    now that I can relate to! it's why I go thru all the *bleep* I do chasing periscope/FB links to see ALL his concerts. I don't know if i'm going to make it thru the rest of the Axl/DC concerts and then the GN'R summer tour! but my love for Axl will give me the perseverance :wub::axl92::P

    This addiction to watch Axl and his "bands" on Periscope is going really bad for me, haha... like, I get in a bad mood if I can't find a good link and then there's the video hunt after show ended.

    Thinking this is what is going to be like until December it's just nuts! :headbang:

  10. 10 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    So, here's my review

    You could see all over Prague that something was going on today. I got to the venue at half past 3 and the waiting was terrible. The weather was really hot today (maybe the hottest day this year) and there was no escape from the sun, so I was really tired even before the show. I think Axl should buy me a huge present since I was there because of him :P

    When the intro started I had goose bumps but it took me another 2 songs to finally see Axl, I was quite close to the stage (I think 10th row) but the people went crazy and I couldn't see shit. Axl sounded great to me, yes, there was a moment when his voice broke, but jesus, he's a human, he can't sound like a machine every single show. I was happy to see him moving around the stage, he was dancing and something like duck walking, it was funny. There was even a moment when he looked like he wanted to run :rofl-lol:. He went several times on the catwalk, so I could see him properly :drool:. The crazy thing about him was his outfit, it was hot as hell and not only was he wearing hat and jacket, he also had a shirt around his waiste :wacko: (I hoped to see without a hat and jacket, but that's Axl...)

    He really stole the show, it was due to his move on the stage, more energy. For a while it seemed to me like Axl's concert with some guys playing in the background. He seems more confident now. As you've discussed here that TNT and Dirty Deeds shouldn't be played...they were among the songs with the biggest crowd reaction.

    And yes, Angus and his solo. I thought that it would never end. Or not in this lifetime :max:. He really wanted to show who's the king. Sorry Angus, still Axl. 

    The crowd was great where I was standing. Of course, there were older people who didn't move or sing but I'm pretty sure they enjoyed the show. 

    I can't forget...Axl looked great (even with the stupid hats :max:), sometimes I could see his younger self, in his gestures, moves and face as well. :drool:

    What a day! I'm happy to have seen it. And am sorry that you were kinda disappointed. Believe me, it wasn't bad at all. Sure, it makes a big difference watching it on YT or periscope and actually being there. 

    Can't wait to see Axl with GNR :headbang:

    Loved your comments, haha.... Now he has like 3 days of rest. I think he will kick ass in Germany! (there's plenty of beer there, right?....................................) :ph34r:









  11. Just now, Powerage5 said:

    Axl likes to drink, that's common knowledge. It doesn't make him an alcoholic. He's still a perfectly functioning individual, alcohol doesn't get in the way of his life, etc.


    I like to have a couple drinks every day too - I guess that makes me an alcoholic, huh?

    I know he does. But people here make it sound like he does too much (touch too much? lol), like he goes drunk onstage or something and that he actually has alcohol inside those red vases on his stage table. There's no proof there's alcohol in them, maybe yes, maybe not. IMHO, I think that'd be insane but I really dont know.

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