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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 33 minutes ago, AlexC said:

    This is my fanatical analysis (albeit mostly guesswork off of mobile recordings): Axl didn't have enough time to warm up due to the early start. Got over excited for his first show without the throne and thought he was the shit and absolutely went for it harder than usual (you can hear him going sick on BiB, sicker than usual anyway) so he tired his voice out a bit too early in the show. Plus I think he was a little bit more drunk than usual judging by him swaggering around thinking he's the shit. Also he had a couple of lyrical mistakes (forgot the first "yeah, it's alright" on Thunderstruck. All these factors (which are probably wrong :p) resulted in a less than stellar performance. Axl's greatness is a double edged sword in my opinion. He overperforms to such an unbelievable degree sometimes, that when he doesn't quite reach that level he gets criticized for it.

    Dude, stop saying Axl is an alcoholic! :anger:

    And this is NOT his first show out of the throne. He did Vienna standing up most of the concert. Check your facts before saying BS.

    I think Axl is sick. Here you can see him blowing his nose (around 1.15 min)

    I know there's another recent video with the same situation but cant find it now..

    And here, with scarf on, he looks purple at times. He's clearly feeling very cold here. Remember Axl lives in California and he's not used to this shit European weather:



  2. 1 minute ago, AlexC said:

    He always had a table at the back of the stage full of red cups during NuGN'R and has a guy to refill his red cup on the chair. It's not water as he has a water bottle there as well. He's a rockstar. He likes to drink. Probably loosens him up for the show and helps with nerves etc. He probably just went a bit overboard tonight haha.

    I've seen that but I don't think they are alcohol cups at all. They must be juices, energetic drinks or probably tea with lemon and honey. 

    Wouldn't it be too crazy for him to be drinking alcohol during the whole show? Hmmm


  3. 2 minutes ago, oaka said:

    Yes, during the 2nd Las Vegas show there was a bottle of beer on his piano and he drank some before November Rain. 

    Ok, but I haven't seen that in other shows so for one time we can't say that he's always drinking alcohol.... On stage? I don't know... If it's just a sip I guess it's not too bad.

  4. I didn't know this song before Axl mentioned it. Must admit I wasn't much of an AC/DC fan, only knew the hits.

    So I looked for this song and found this video with lyrics:

    And now it all makes sense... Those lyrics, hah! Sound like something Axl would write for one of those women who drove him crazy.

    Who do you think these remind him of? Stephanie or Erin? :P

    Also lets post here videos of this song live. It's a special song and I think it deserves its own thread :)



  5. 5 minutes ago, nn18 said:

    I have a serious question: Does Axl take a shower after a show, or changes T-shirts? :lol:

    In 2016 we've seen him in 3-4 same T-shirts on and off stage, and he wears same pants every night :P

    Prince Axl is perfect. He doesn't smell bad even if he wears the same tshirt for a whole month. :max:

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

    His bloated face and beer in hand on every pic. Hell he was drinking during November Rain in Vegas...but he probably just likes his beer I don't think he abuses it 

    His bloated face is because of Botox or plastic surgery. Or just him being 54 years old. :shrugs:

    Drinking during Nov Rain in Las Vegas? I haven't seen that. Please show me picture or video.

  7. Possible reasons for Axl no good today:

    1) Staying in Austria for too long? Flying to Prague just the night before?

    2) Too many days in between Vienna show and Prague show? (Lazy Axl didn't rehearse, went out, drank a lot?)

    3) Show time started too early for him. He's already making  huge effort going at 9PM regularly.

    4) Leaving the throne comfort zone, walking, moving around too much fucks up his singing?

    5) Screaming like a fuck for the past 5 shows have already taken its toll and damaged his voice?

    6) Cold/bad weather in some countries made him sick? In most of last show you can see him blowing his nose between songs.


    Anything else? :(

  8. 2 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    Ok so can anyone tell me in which song Axl sucked so I can check on youtube later on. 

    It all started with the last part of Hell's Bells. Then we had problems with streaming so I don't know what other songs he fucked up. I guess now on For Those About.... Touch Too Much he sang with clean high voice but people say he was Mickey on it. :shrugs:

  9. Ok, I will have to admit he didn't sound too good today :( but I will not take it as something bad yet. If this continues, yeah.

    im thinking if it has to do the fact that there were two many days between shows? Last one was on Thursday, right? I know they stayed in Vienna until last night.

    Touch too much is amazing beautiful song. He sounded good, I guess that his clean voice that sounds a bit like "Mickey"... I will wait for HQ videos to judge him better.

    I need to go there to take care of him :hug:

  10. 2 minutes ago, Kittiara said:

    I don't think it's a case of putting him down. Not at all. More like hoping he's getting enough rest between shows etc. We all know he's amazing. That's what brings us back to crappy periscope links show after show. :)

    I know but people go catastrophic about him and it's nothing, really. I'm more concerned with him going out at night and drinking, partying.

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