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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 26 minutes ago, cheesecake said:

    Umm...he had some sex appeal IMHO. Especially when performing.

    Now..if you asked that of Brian Johnson...then I would have agreed hahaha

    Must be somewhere else not his face, lol :P


    4 minutes ago, KiernanProud said:

    Looks like this guy has some awesome video 


    He does have a great camera but his position is bad because people are jumping all around so the image is pretty unstable. He doesn't seem to be a fan of Axl, more ACDC, because he misses a lot of Axl's walkings and show Angus instead.

  2. 2 minutes ago, SoNobodyToldYaBaby said:

    Perv! Awesome pic tho =]

    why perv? :max:

    She looks great and so do Axl!!!

    What I dont like about most pics with fans is that they have to taken in the night, in the street, and when you shoot Axl with flash his eyes go red!
    Should be done somewhere where pics come out clean and not so grainy because of the poor light.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Sekh-met said:

    It was amazing! Sorry for no periscopes but there was no wifi at the venue. I will upload vids later..i made a few. Im still in Vienna waiting for a morning bus back to Slovakia. Met Axl! Finally afyer 10 years of trying ha! Soo happy



    wow you're hot!

  4. 9 minutes ago, The Archer said:

    Yiss! Yiss! Put it in the jar right there Yiss! Yiss! Aye, 5 $ this time Yiss! Yiss! One for each swear Yiss! Yiss! No ifs and buts. This Oin't no Guns N' Rolex. Yiss! Yiss! You know the rules Yiss! Yiss! There's a good laddie

    omg i just died!!! :rofl-lol:

    7 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Yes, I can post them. I only need to wait for my friend to send them to me. Most of the pictures are on her camera.

    I also met Angus and his wife yesterday and talked to them a bit. Also about Axl. Was thinking of making a new thread about that tomorrow or something.

    Cool! We'll wait!

    Oh please tell us what you talked to Grandpa about our bad boy Axl..... Is he gonna give him a huge present for this whole thing?

    Hopefully a Mercedes! :lol:

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  5. 20 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Okay guys, just got back from the show (and meeting Axl! :wub:)


    Basically, the show was great. Axl sounded pretty much perfect to me, but I'm not an expert on AC/DC.

    And I'd say he was standing and walking around at least 90% of the show. Barely sat on the chair anymore. It was amazing. He was even dancing around a little!

    Crowd seemed really into it (at least where I was standing) and Axl seemed pretty happy as well. Quite chatty and smiled a lot. Also sang "Austrian thighs" in You Shook Me All Night long. Also talked about seeing a hot girl on the way to the concert :lol:

    And since people here have been speculating about Grandpa Angus's swear jar, I'm just gonna say he dropped a lot of F-Bombs throughout the show. He said fuck like 5 times or something ("that fucking step" when climbing down from his chair, for example). Not sure what Angus thinks about that :lol:

    Angus' guitar solo at the end was a drag. Damn, it just wouldn't end.

    After the concert I met Axl. Got some nice pictures with him and his autograph :wub:  He was a real sweetheart, patiently posing for pictures with all the fans that were waiting for him and signing everything. He even signed some guy's car! Thought he was being very nice and patient, all in all.

    Great night, all things considered.

    damn it! great!!

    Can we see the pic and autograph? hehe

  6. Can you girls please stop talking about cropophilia?

    Axl is a perfect White Snow with blondish redhair and green eyes. He's my prince and he doesn't poop. Neither he puts it in his mouth. :heart:

    Thank you!


    GNR 13 - By Rodrigo Pena.jpg

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