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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. Well, yeah, it's obvious man...

    I think it was Alan Niven or Doug Gouldstein that said they had to hire 2 people to take care of Axl, like two babysitters to control him and take him to the venues so he couldn't run away or get lost in some other BS that was not the show.

  2. I think having a broken foot is a HUGE part of this new found correctness. The impossibility of doing whatever he wants, moving around, running through the door is not there for him right now. Let's see what happens when he walks again.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, bigpoop said:

    It is strange how those people are with him seemingly 100% of the time. There's a cult-like element to it.  It's creepy.

    I don't think it's creepy. They are his assistants, they guy doesnt have wife or children so those people take that place. Do you really think Axl could walk alone in the streets, just like that? Travel alone? Take care of mundane stuff like the rest of us? No, he can't. He doesn't know how to do any of those things. He's been an artist most of his life and started having assistants and servants at young age. He doesn't know better than that.

    • Like 2
  4. 16 minutes ago, Kosonen said:

    Lose some of that weight, cut the hair or let it grow really long, and......full beard! Hats are stupid. 

    No long hair, he's 54, he's gonna look like a bad tranny...


    6 minutes ago, nightrain50 said:

    he's eerily looking like a fat Corey Haim34969d1268271233-actor-corey-haim-dead-cimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSkUUz06G178yyj-m5Xyv

    lol.... Corey doesn't look that bad, I dont know. One thing is fat, another different is bloated. I guess Axl looks more bloated, and has fat mainly on the belly. His legs, arms, rest of the body is ok.

  5. 26 minutes ago, nightrain50 said:

    I agree with the bangs suggestion, I don't know why he doesn't wear it like he used to. I'd also grow full stubble or beard, his face is too bloated for clean shaved. Most importantly just lose the damn weight and lighten up on the drinking. Either cut all carbs or only eat once a day. We eat entirely too much these days. 

    I think the alcohol is the main problem. If face looks bloated it could be that or some meds, but not food. I dont know what he eats but I hope he doesn't eat junk food... it'd be totally fucked up for him to eat that shit during the tour. He has to take care of his overall physics and the voice. Those greasy junky foods are the worst.

  6. 2 hours ago, nightrain50 said:

    Bandanna's are his trademark he should never totally abandon them and they hide his huge forehead, besides he just needs to lose weight. You always look bad in a bandanna when you're fat, you look bad period. The AC/DC logo with the bandanna floating around is awesome and you know exactly what it means. The bandanna should never die.

    But if they make him look bad then he should drop them. He knows they look bad now thats why he adds the hat. But his loose hair is cool. He always had a huge forehead but in the 90's he also had bangs that covered all that. Maybe he should get bangs again.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, sonofnazareth said:



    Would you still listen to Axl Rose if he looked like this ^? 

    No! :rofl-lol:


    Well, probably in the next decades he will start looking really bad. So we will have to cop with it. But I hope he can stay this cool for several years and take advantage of it. 

    The problem is not with him looking bad but with the stuff he wears. 

  8. 38 minutes ago, GNRfan2008 said:

    Ozzy Osbourne just traded his 63 year old wife for his 45 year old hairdresser. Ozzy has always been a mess. 

    AC/DC are a mess too. Malcolm is #demented, the other guy in jail and Brian gone deaf :facepalm:

    Having Axl there is really a breath of fresh air and they will be forever thankful. The ship was just about to sink.

  9. 8 hours ago, Madagascar88 said:

    I was under the impression the lead singer situation in AC/DC is still in no man's land... and that Axl is nothing more than a guest singer for the rest of the tour (and potentially for future tours), with Brian Johnson still the technical lead singer of the band, and main collaborator relating to at least any "studio recordings" (see link).


    From what source do we derive information that Axl is anything more than a guest singer (i.e. that there's a real interest on AC/DC's part for studio collaboration together)?

    Given that the doctor's order to Brian relates only to stopping live performances, I'd think it'll take quite a lot (at least immediately) to convince Angus and co. to remove Brian, a bandmate and friend for decades, from the studio process if he appears eager to continue with AC/DC in that respect.

    No source, actually. Just common sense. If these shows do great and keep getting all the positive reviews they got from debut show then it means this machine works. This combination works. Who wouldn't want to make money out of something that is working for the audience?

    I don't know what's Brian Johnson future in ACDC and how will he feel about the, after the tour is done. Even if he can record albums, will he want to go back to them? What will happen if ACDC keep making albums but can't tour them because their singer is deaf?

    Losing Axl at this point would be mistake. The guys is younger than all of them, can sing, can tour, can do promotions. It sounds cruel but this is like changing your 68 year old wife for a fine chick in her 20s, lol :P

  10. I'm afraid that flat cap would make him look like an Italian grandpa :P

    umm I've started to hate the Fedoras, I don't know why he's so attached to them. Yesterday, he added some weird tail or feather or lace to it? It was awful, looked like an old lady hat..

    The beanie or a normal cap would do right or loose hair too, like he did in Vegas. Actually he needs a good haircut. I wonder what he would look like if he shaved half his head and keep it long on the other side :P

  11. All I know for sure is that if Guns N' Roses doesn't release new music after the 'Not In This Lifetime' tour is over, there is no way in the world we will see them playing ever again. They just cannot get away with another tour emptied of new music in the next years. It's impossible.

    So Axl will have to think what he wants to do, seriously. If ACDC offer him a record deal, he should go for it. That's the only way he will put out new music quickly (sort of when he showed up in Baz album).

  12. 16 hours ago, The Archer said:

    This is truly a fun, informative interview. Even if it is in print. To think we sat up all night for the BBC audio interview and waded through all those terrible songs, when this one has so many more priceless gems - this interviewer got so much more comedy out of these guys and some good nuggets of information. The one about Slash's girlfriend forcing him to listen to AC/DC, Izzy being a fan too, Axl's crack at Michael Jackson, the Beatles reference with Maxwell's silver hammer, the prep for the shows like watching old videos etc.

    Axl's determination to go right back into rehearsal after breaking his leg, must have really been impressive to Angus and co. On top of him helping them out of any possible legal entanglements etc., and his ability to deliver on both the Bon and Brian era canons with their own nuances, it's pretty clear that he was a great choice.

    None of those loser cover band singers could have amounted to so much without dying in the middle.

    People who say Axl is not the right person are seriously clueless about everything in life.

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  13. I wish someone would have the balls to interview Axl and ask him that question: what does prevent you from releasing new music?

    Sure nowadays releasing albums is not a good monetary deal but aren't these people ARTISTS first? Guns N' Roses is safe with the old material, that will always continue selling for the end of times, so what hurts to release music now?

    I can't understand that part of not putting an artistic product out if you're an artist. It makes no sense to me. Specially when you have nothing else to prove.

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