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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 9 hours ago, GNRfan2008 said:

    Nothing mystical, just more motivation to dig deeper. Axl's vocals are some of the most difficult in the history of rock and roll. Robert Plant straight up quit even trying to hit the high notes of his early Zeppelin songs before he even reached age 40. Axl is in his mid-50's and still goes for it. Due to his age, he has to dig deeper for the voice we know and love. But it is still in there and that's a great thing. Cherish it because Father Time catches up with everyone eventually.

    Agreed! And this is exactly the reason why these shows can't disappear from our memories. THEY HAVE TO RELEASE a new live album with Axl singing like this!

  2. 27 minutes ago, Kittiara said:

    If we have to complain, I'll complain about the inconvenient timing of the concert. 03:30 AM is too close to now for me to go to sleep, yet somewhat late, too.

    How dare there be timezones! :angry:


    Richard Fortus posted this on Facebook:

    jumpin johesafat! This place is ridiculously massive! 2 sold out nights?! Can't wait to see my friend's in the Cult. So glad they are doing these shows with us.


    14 minutes ago, nelsontod said:

    is there a reliable streamer or periscoper?


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  3. 2 minutes ago, GNRmello77 said:

    haha maybe but i would love for GN'R to become the biggest band on the world for one last time you know? and maybe win a grammy top the charts for 3 weeks with their new album or with just a new song really would be awesome!!! if Sabbath can win a grammy in 2013 sure GN'R can now! And yes that attracts fans and stuff but then they attract fans because they like what they hear and discover something they didn't know before maybe.. and that is different than what i mentioned before

    Yes, I know. I wish too but I see it kind of difficult right now. With no new album and no plans (that we know of) of this lineup staying together after the tour, I dont know how that could happen. Maybe there is a plan to continue and this is setting ground for that but it couldnt pass much time from the last show they do and the release of the new album or else all the hype will blow again (like it happened with the 2006 shows and CD being released in 2008).

    Most reviews slam Axl because of his voice, looks, weight, broken foot and the lack of interaction with Slash. In this culture of image, fat-shaming, age-shaming, not sure how they are going to survive, specially when rock music is not mainstream at this point. :shrugs:

  4. 2 minutes ago, GNRmello77 said:

    Well i am not an old GN'R fan, i mean i was born in the year they played their last UYI show but anyway i am a fan for years you know? Guns became a very important thing in my life and it helped me through a lot and it helped me to form who i am partially 

    In that case, your experience may be a bit similar to what we went through in the "wilderness years", a period of silence and low profile until now. It's very shocking either way.

  5. 3 minutes ago, GNRmello77 said:

    well for years i have been supporting Axl and GN'R and it really felt like my own thing you know? now all of a sudden my friends who never cared about Guns say hey we go to their gig when they play in europe yeah? It's cool GN'R become relevant again really, but it loses it's own identity and credibility if they go those ways

    Yup, same here and I understand your pain.

    It will take some time for us old fans to get used to yet another GN'R era. In the 90's we were the center of their attention, they were the hottest new thing, there was no Internet around and while there may have been a lot of posers and celebrities around them, we couldn't see them so it kinda hurt less.

  6. 4 minutes ago, GNRmello77 said:

    yeah but it will gain attention from the wrong kind of people.. i mean we really care about the music and love this band and everything they represent and stand for since they began, we are diehards, i buy their records on CD and Vinyl to support them and because i want to have it. With all that buzz you say it only attracts wannabe's people who can't name their songs other than sweet child o' mine and paradise city and that will spoil the whole feeling about it, this reunion is kind of our thing Guns N' Roses fans thing.... we get up early or stay up to watch the unprofession livestreams from their show because we LOVE this band at heart you know?? And thats not what these fake fans are like, they just claim to like GN'R because they are populair again or because their lame role model like kardashian wears a jacket of them it's just wrong, it doesn't fit what GN'R stands for Axl Slash and Duff were supposed to be rebels, don't care about all the populair bullshit and fitting in.

    This is why NuGN'R was cool. No press, no posers, no Kardashians around... :P

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