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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 6 minutes ago, emybdc said:



    Pitman saying he ~left~ GnR cause he didn't want to be part of a band that "wanted to repeat that 30 year old music over and over"

    Band of "oldies"?? What does he think he's 20 years old? :facepalm:


    6 minutes ago, GNRmello77 said:

    Guns N' Roses is a badass rockband right? then how does this fit with those celeb jackets? especially a kylie jenner who is just a stupid media attention whore who has nothing to do with RNR music or GN'R in general how the hell can she be friends with the band? i mean i can understand someone like Owen Wilson just the same as Nic Cage but that Jenner family? have they ever met axl slash or duff in person? would any of them voluntairely  hang out with those people in their free time? i can't imagine Axl used to hate bullshit people??? 

    It does not fit AT ALL but they are using these bimbos to promote their tour and hopefully get more young people, young fans to the shows because, apparently, people in their 30's or 40's are a shame to the band when they have to make videos and pictures of fans, it looks bad... :max:

    I'm having the feeling that those Jenner and Cara Delevigne may be associated to Duff's daugthers circle. Also Meegan's daughters.


  2. 14 minutes ago, Duff80 said:

    WHy would any TRUE GNR FAN would want a jacket with the name "Cara Delevigne" or "Kylie Jenner" on it?

    Hopefully it is the fans of those people who buy the jacket but why not make the jacket with the names of the BAND MEMBERS instead?

    I'm getting more and more disappointed at this GN'R celebrity BS every second that goes by :(

  3. 2 minutes ago, BillyMac said:

    Not gonna say this isn't happening, but it's hilarious that these sources are basing this on the fact she had the tour jacket on with her name on it. That's where every bit of it is coming from. The band photographer had a jacket with her name on it also, does that mean she's gonna open as well?

    The photographer actually has a job to do with Guns N' Roses.... but Lana?

    How do we go from Alice In Chains opening for GN'R to Lana Del Rey opening for GN'R? I thought the Coachella crap was going to be over in a week.....

  4. 4 hours ago, Asia said:

    People here talking about this being pure business are delusional. These people have a past together that will never ever make it possible for them to have a pure business relationship. You don't just forget all the emotions and feelings that you had for years and do business as usual. This just doesn't happen. They didn't meet yesterday. They have a long rocky relationship that has cost them more emotionally than can ever been put in words, even though a lot was put in words actually.

    Axl was in great pain for endless years because of the split, Slash was in great pain too, he even wanted to kill himself because of how hurt and mistreated he felt by Axl, he made an album about him, he spent years getting high as a kite (his lost year that in reality lasted much longer). Do you really think they just forgot all of this and decided to make some money? That's utter bullshit. Does anyone really think they could have a pure business relationship, emotions aside, with their ex with whom they had the nastiest dovorce ever?

    This reunion was all about personal in the first place. They wanted to reconcile with each other because they were and always will be each other's close family. The reunion just followed from mending personal bridges.

    Of course they're adult and of course Slash doesn't need to participate in Axl's parties or whatever. In fact they never were the sort of buddies that hang out with the same people but still they were the closest people to one another. For this to work they need to be able to talk to each other the way they always have, they need to be able to share with each other what they think and feel, to discuss their plans and generally to spend time together on a personal level. They won't be like co-workers who don't like each other but work together. They have too much going on between them throughout their entire lives for it to be possible. I don't think they will ever reach the point where they can't hurt each other on a personal level and this means that whenever someone behaves like real asshole this will fall apart within a second.

    Plus keep in mind Slash has always said he cannot work in a band with somebody he is not or cannot be friends with. It just doesn't work for him. And I'm not surprised. A band is not an office. It engages emotions in a way in which filling out invoices never will.

    No one said their memories have been wiped or that there aren't feelings for each other. For sure, there are. But we really don't know why they are back to play these shows. It could be pure business, it could be pure emotional or it could be a mix of both (which would be the ideal case). Truth is we don't know what brought them together because they haven't talked to the press or even the fans. No one said one single thing about it, so all we can do is speculate on what's going on.

    I see this band as a divorced couple, that after many years of fighting, legal battles and new relationships on both sides, they were able to reach an agreement of being civil to each other only because of their children. Guns N' Roses music and fans are the children of Axl, Slash and Duff. They are getting along because of us and the music. They understood that was important, very important for everyone and hopefully, they will be able to keep it together while the tour lasts.

    Won't believe they have mended fences at all until I learn Axl, Slash, Duff and hopefully, some other member from the classic lineup, release a new album under the Guns N' Roses name. If this happens, then I will know our divorced parents are back together for real.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    You're probably right, but they're so much more mature nowadays. Not to mention sober. They've got their shit together and Duff especially seems like an intelligent guy who seems to think a lot about his relationships with the people around him (at least that's the impression I got from reading his books and other stuff). Part of me thinks that should count for something at least...

    Yeah, the problem is that over the years of following that band, you kind of start to care about these morons as people and want them to be happy. At least I do, and that's why the whole situation irritates me :facepalm:

    I feel ya, sis' :P

    Axl seems quite content, though. I don't know what Duff could do, I think he's tried but maybe it's not that easy.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Yeah. I had kinda hoped that Slash and Duff would get Axl away from the useless people and remind him again who his real friends and family are. Now that it's not the UYI era anymore and Slash and Duff aren't constantly high/drunk anymore, it would be nice if they actually spoke their mind and put their feet down in regard to certain things they like to complain about. But instead it seems like they still ignore whatever is going on with and around Axl and keep their mouth shut while steadily growing more annoyed. I really hope I'm wrong, but I can see things heading that way.

    If they couldn't handle Axl back then, when they were more tight and younger, there are no chances of them saying anything to Axl now.... He's got a full camp of enablers, servants, assistants and hanger-ons who will sweet talk him until lights go off.

    It looks to me Duff and Slash just go to their job, do what they are paid to do and that's it. There's no friendship anymore, this is business. Axl built an entire circle when they left and it seems difficult for them to get back in. So I guess this is the price to pay.

    But as long as they deliver wonderful shows and Axl can keep his voice in shape, then I suppose none of this matter, even if it hurts us as fans..

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Not just Lana Del Rey, but also Nur Khan, Sasha Volkova and various other people. Like, what exactly is the point of them being there? What kind of job are they doing since they are apparently all part of the crew (or "Family" as that creepy Khan guy put it urgh).

    I kinda get why Slash doesn't like these types of people. They already annoy me and I'm not the one who has to be around them/pay them/etc. Really can't blame Slash for his hate of all the "beggars and hanagers-on".

    Yeah I said Lana del Rey just to name one of the big list of useless people hanging around this band AGAIN.

    I dislike them as well, I feel none of them are real about their feelings for Axl. They are around now because the band is back, getting lots of press, so having their pic taken with the "legend" (like those silly models called him) is the thing they have to do to keep their Instagram accounts full of likes and shit.


    3 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

    I haven't seen a back stage picture of Axl and Slash together...I would like to see him Duff and Slash all in one room. But Trunk said when he went backstage Axl and Slash were talking to each other. Part of me feels there is still tension, Slash is probably sacrificing much more to make this happen than Axl is...but then part of me feels that everyone has been strictly advised to not take a picture of Axl and Slash together backstage, possibly some professional photos coming or the documentary that they may be doing will have insight to their relationship currently 

    I was wondering about that too... Haven't seen one single pic of them or the whole band together backstage, only when they say goodbye at the end of the show. It looks like after they leave the stage, they go to each other's room and leave the venue inmediately. Axl goes to parties with the posers and Slash and Duff with their families.

    Slash must have accepted that Axl will not change so he will just go there, do his job, deliver a good show and when the time is over he simply disappears from the scene. They don't hang out after the show apparently :/


  8. 12 minutes ago, Bumblefeet said:

    For someone who doesn't like celebrity parties, he sure walks many red carpets events and is easy to get to perform at any crap award gig or celebrity bash... not saying he has little integrity, but if what you write is true he seems to have a love hate relationship with celebrity networking lol.

    In his book Slash complained about Axl throwing those aftershow parties and having an extended camp of people who were not needed, yet they were flying all over the world with them for free.

    Don't know how Slash feels about that now but seeing Lana del Rey wearing a GN'R jacket, like she's some member of the crew, I dont know whats her role in the crew...?

  9. I feel they are slowly getting there but from stage interaction, there's definitely more "love" between Duff and Axl than Axl and Slash... so far...

    What I see is that we still got that "celebrity" crap going on that Slash hated so much and described in his book. All these after parties with models, celebrities, VIP's, etc.. they all seem to be connected more to Axl than Slash, Duff, etc.

    I wonder if there's still this problem of spending loads of money on throwing those big.ass parties for all these people who are just there for publicity :shrugs:

  10. 21 hours ago, tremolo said:

    Who gives a flying fuck about teenage girls? Let those morons move on to the next trend and next hot guy. Those same girls today wet their panties for Beiber, One Direction, etc. Those people don't even count as funs, they're nothing but customers/buyers of a product with an expiry date.

    Who gives a fuck about them? Axl and Slash can be the biggest fat fucks in R&R and they will still have sluts throwing themselves at them begging to be their toys for the night.


    For the music and fans, their current body shape is irrelevant. Let their art, their music and performances speak for them.


    For those who are so concerned about the gunners' bodies, go read TMZ, the Daily Mail or some tabloid bs. 

    Who gives a fuck? The industry gives a fuck. The teenagers and people in their 20's are more prone to consume music and entertainment than any other group, that's why everything revolves around their fun.

    This is why GNR worked in the 90's and now, of course they don't attract young people anymore but we have these constant discussions here at the forum about Axl's weight, hair, clothes, plastic surgery and so on.... gotta wonder why is that. Image is part of entertainment, whether you like it or not.

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