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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 9 hours ago, tremolo said:


    They are not models, and never were. And even if you consider image to be a factor, Slash's image is his hair and top hat. Axl's image is the bandana, and so on. They became famous because of their music, not because of their height/weight proportion or fat %.

    This whole thing stinks of cheap gossip, meaningless crap that should only have room in tabloids and girl bathroom conversation.

    Yeah, right.

    In the 90's, Axl's image was EVERYTHING to the teenager girls......... and the boys too. He sold sex on stage, he would sing almost naked, showing off his muscular body, doing all kind of sexual movements and sexy dance.

    Kurt Cobain was never considered a sexy hot guy like Axl. If Kurt Cobain was alive, looking like a whale, no one would give a damn. He never sold what GN'R sold on stage.

    Look at this video:

    That's the epithome of image and why they were famous. Young, hot, sexy, charismatic, enraged men driving teenagers hormones crazy.

  2. 5 hours ago, Asia said:

    Maybe they're just happy that Axl, Slash and Duff are making amazing, badass shows together again and maybe they have better things to do than keep whining that it is all shit because "we wanted Izzy, and Steven and Matt and Gilby and all VR songs and a resurrected Scott to share vocals with Axl and Axl to have a different hat, longer hair, taller and slimmer figure and longer legs. The boots should be different too. The way it is this reunion just doesn't count". Sorry guys but it is not the "hybridistes", as you call us, that should really be laughed at here.

    Genius post ! rock3

  3. 4 hours ago, action said:

    can't disagree with anything you said.

    but consider this:

    by the time Axl got to know Beta, Axl was an emotional wreck. He'd just lost the two loves of his life, and it's well documented Axl suffered major depression because of this. To make things worse, his band had just imploded and the media was on his ass, not to mention many fans (and other people), calling Axl a douchebag.

    Axl was a miserable bastard, i can't imagine how lonely he must have felt. He wasn't happy, that's for sure. (in the vid i posted, Axl said he would "not be here" if he didnt meet Beta. "Not be here" can be interpreted in various ways but considering his major depression i believe the worst: suicide)

    He met Beta by chance as the babysitter of his girlfriend's children, and somehow Axl found a soulmate in her. Not a lover but someone who was there to mother him (he detested his real mother, not to mention his father). 

    It's my belief, and this is founded mostly on the video I posted combined with other documented events of that time, that Axl found his soulmate and this soulmate was enough to prevent him from doing stupid things. I can see how this makes "other" people raise their eyebrows, but it worked for Axl. And if it works for Axl, that's that. Who are we to organise his life and tell him who to put up with?

    For years me too believed Beta was solely responsible for the continued feud between him and Slash. We now know that's bullshit, the reunion eventually DID happen.

    Now, i see Beta as a "Yes person" and a "soulmate". Someone who was always there for Axl, but also someone who would enforce his every opinion and thys keeping the feud burning, but that doesnt mean she FORBID axl to make things right with Slash.

    The reunion that has happened after all, forces people to rethink the role of Beta. The accusation of "reunion saboteur" seems too strong. What we DO know are Axl's OWN words where he said he wouldnt be here anymore without Beta. Not a small thing to consider don't you think? And for that, and only for that, i thank her. All the rest is uncalled for. it's none of our bloody business.

    Axl suffered many losses during the 90's, not only the women but his mother (who I dont think he hated but more like resented her), his friends and his bandmates. That's exactly what's being a wealthy person alone in the peak of their success. Money is not everything.

    No one is questiong what she must have done to help him in his personal life... A young rockstar with millions of dollars but no wife, no kids, an emotional wreck.. It must have been hard for her to handle all of that, having a family of her own on her shoulders. But again, she did nothing of this for free, ok? In return, she could give her children a dream life, they are all living the dream thanks to Axl too.

    I haven't read anywhere that Beta is the SOLELY responsible for the fights with Slash and Duff. We all know those relationships were jeopardized in the early 90's, during the UYI tour, when they all looked happy and gave the best shows of their lives (sounds familiar?), the band was already imploding for several reasons.

    Beta had no choice but to follow whatever crazy shit Axl was up to. Her life and her children's lives depended on her keeping her high-demanding well-paid job. So yeah, how was she going to contradict Axl? If Axl said Slash was a cancer, Beta would go get the chemiotherapy to kill the cancer. If now Axl thinks Slash is a fuckin' God, there will go Beta build an altar for Slash..... what else can she do? Seriously.

    There's nothing to rethink about Beta, except that she's still an Axl's employee in spite of the mutual feelings they could have. She's still on Axl's payroll and she's probably in his testament as well.

    The reunion is not Beta's achievement. It is the INDUSTRY's achievement, cornering Axl into reconsidering his options if he wanted to remain relevant, put a couple more $$$$$$ into his pocket and finish his career as a rock icon/idol/god or as a beggar.

  4. On 11/4/2016 at 1:06 PM, action said:

    so we've established the fan base isn't ready to appreciate her yet, ok i get that. i could leave it at that but i'm surprised by so much negativity.

    why is that though? what have i missed? 

    did she prevent a reunion? 

    did she prevent Axl to release music in any way?

    did she prevent Axl to reach out to his fans? or to speak with Izzy or Duff again?

    i get that she acts like Axl's "nanny" and some people might find that "not cool". big deal. it doesn't affect me in any way. do i find that strange behaviour for a grown up? yes. do i hate her? no.

    please note that i have read both slash's, duff's, steven's bio and none of them blame Beta for anything. the things she is accused of are vague and not based in facts. what crime did she commit?

    if you can point me to anything that should prevent this thread to have ever happened, then please do so and i'll take back my words.


    The impression people get of her from the outside is that she contributed to Axl's endless hate for Slash and instead of helping Axl solve his emotional issues with him, she added more fuel to the fire.

    I think your thread is exaggerated when you say if it wasn't for her we wouldn't be living the dream. That's plain bullshit. Beta Lebeis IS NOT Guns N' Roses. We are living the dream because Axl, Slash and Duff are alive and somehow they could solve their problems to be able to get back together and give us these shows.

    Guns N' Roses formed and became successful way before the appearance of Beta in Axl's life and I'm sure she must have helped him personally a lot, played somewhat of a mother role to him. However, let's don't forget she's PAID huge amounts of money to do this, so I don't know until what extent what she does is deserving of such a bloated praise.

    It's not like she picked Axl from the street and nurtured him, raised him and made of him the artist that he is. Axl was all that before Beta and it was actually him who helped her and her family to go from poor inmigrants to managers of one of the best rock bands in the world.


    • Like 3
  5. 10 minutes ago, Changes said:

    I was saying that person was right. Cutting calories work for all human beings due to the laws of physics. 

    That adiposity located in the belly will not disappear just because you "cut" calories. Of course, some of it will go but at his age burning calories becomes more difficult, specially if you don't exercise.

    Why do you think lyposuction exists? Because despite people go on shocking diets and lose lots of weight, that kind of adiposity remains stuck there.

    7 minutes ago, Ender04 said:

    neh, you need to reed into that more. It's not that simple. Ofcourse anyone that stops eating wil loose weight. But anyone who wants to loose weight responsable (aka in a healthy way) can't starve himself. Loosing a fat belly at middle age is a long, slow process. Chances of succes being oh so slim. 

    A starving person will not only lose fat but they will lose muscle and all the good things a body needs to survive. A starving person will become ill and eventually die.

    I can't believe some people are so ignorant and spread such a negative message.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Changes said:

    By your logic a 54 year old could never starve. A 54 year old would not need food for survival. Of course the fat is going to come off if a human does not get enough energy from food. It's just physics. 


    The person who I replied to said Axl could get rid of the belly fat just by "eating right" and not getting any exercise. They didn't talk about "starving". They said "eating right", whatever that means.

    You're the one with a flawed logic.

  7. 1 hour ago, bigpoop said:

    Not a big deal and I probably overstated it by saying "not fond'. But when a band invites you up for a guest spot, you should probably just do the song and not act like you're the frontman. It's a little douchey to do that and I think Slash was irritated.

    He's done that for years with Axl on tour (from 2006 to 2012) and he's allowed to do it. Probably the only one to whom Axl grants so many benefits. Slash will have to get used to it or be less anxious. Slash acted like that too in the 90's when Axl would go in long rants before a song.

    I can see how many of you dislike his personality but it seems Axl finds him really amusing or else he wouldn't have so much access to the band. I like Baz a lot, he makes me laugh hard with his non-sense and craziness, and that's probably what Axl likes too because Axl is a bit acid. I'm sure Baz being a clown makes Axl very happy backstage.

    • Like 3
  8. 3 minutes ago, bigpoop said:

    Seems like Slash isn't all that fond of him if you look at the body language in the My Michelle clip.

    Slash and Baz had a little fallout in the mid 2000's because of the GN'R feud and VR rejecting Baz as a vocalist.

    During all those years you saw Baz coming back to Axl and touring with him endlessly, while VR went for Weiland.

    At some point, Baz said he was really tired of being in the middle of the GNR war, not knowing when it was ok to support one or the other because they would get jealous.

    Poor Baz, it must have been hell to stay neutral, he loved them all (old and new GNR) but at some point, he had to pick Axl's side.

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