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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 5 minutes ago, tremolo said:

    No. It's just up to you to take things seriously or just laugh about it. Generalizations are necessary, as it is impossible to analyze every group doing it case-by-case. Can we at least admit that there's some truth to all stereotypes? Not as an exact representation of every single individual in a certain group, but as characteristics shared by a big part of that group? It's like saying men are all perv pigs... Yeah! We are! We will stick our dick in anything that's human and has tits (or not lol). It's not necessarily something to be proud of, it's just a fact. I'm sure there are some that are not, but who in their sound judgement would say that there is no truth to that generalization?

    You clearly can't laugh at yourself, cause you are a woman. Women need to feel victimized in order to have something to complain about and make their day complete :lol:

    See? That is a generalization. You can either feel insulted, victimized, cry "sexism!", or just laugh and say "well, it's not my case*, but yeah, a lot of women like to bitch just for the sake of doing it."



    * of course it's not your case, no women would ever accept that they are less than perfect individuals**


    ** same generalization rule applies here.



    Oh, and WELCOME MELISSA! lol

    I'm afraid you are missing a big fat 9" sausage for me to want you.

    If you happen to have one, send me a PM with your ICQ number or IRC channel.

    I said this before... you were talking to me, an individual, you were not in front of 200 people giving a speech about how women in general are. You said "you are like those typical women who do this, this and that."
    Well, I'm not one of those. I never said there aren't women like that. Of course there are. And many others are not like that. But you put me there because you thought I am like that since I said I don't want Melissa in the band, but you didn't read any of the reasons I have for it.

    You accussed me of being jealous of her... I don't see the comical side of it.... Well, yes, its funny because Melissa doesn't have anything I want. You assumed she has something I want to have and can't have. I don't know how I'm supposed to react to that. Laughing? ok, I laugh at it :lol:......... Done. It's still unfunny and ignorant from your part. You don't know me and it doesn't matter how much you want to make me invisible, I do exist. Too bad these computers don't show there's a person behind a keyboard. If you could see me, you wouldn't have the balls to say that in my face. To paraphrase you, I could bet my both hands you wouldn't.


    LOL, ok, you're gay? That's fine! You know here I could start making terrible assumptions and generalizations on how gay men hate women and attack them the same way you did with me, but nah... I'm bigger than that ;)
    Peace, bro'!


  2. 18 minutes ago, AZAGOTH said:

    I can't stop thinking about that "Mick Wall at Kerrang..." Rant...

    But I read the blog entry anyways...

    It did really touch me when it says... 

    " Which is why we loved them so. Why a whole generation grew up while they were away and love them even more. And why we’re all here again, the young and the old, the innocent and the guilty, those invited to the party and those in the rearview. Because there’s never been anyone quite like them. Not Zeppelin, not the Stones, maybe only Lemmy and even he turned up for his shows on time. "

    But again... Get in the Ring comes to my mind... and "A Grain of Salt" isn't enough to believe anything from Him...

    Mr. Rock n' Roll Journalist, Iron Maiden's Official Biographer, Connections and So called inside information... All means nothing at the end of the day if GNR is related to his writings...

    For those of you interested in read the whole post of Mick Wall,  and take your own conclusions...  You can find it here:




    I really liked what he wrote. Even if he's part of those names in Get In The Ring.

    It's funny because you see how people who were slammed by Axl in the past are still his fans? Mick Wall is just another in the list of people mentioned by Axl in his shows or lyrics.

    • Like 1
  3. At this point, I think there's no manager in the world who can handle Axl.

    Look at what happened with Irving Azoff.. Isnt that guy like the most powerful guy in the music industry? He wanted the reunion but Axl wasn't in the right spiritual? place for it yet. Years later, it happens. Azoff was right all the way?

    TB are the only ones who will put up with Axl because, just like Azoff said, he will do as he pleases. I also had the impression he was determined and wanted to remain in the top of music industry like other icons but he gave up at some point. Don't know why.. Maybe he got tired of not having it his way and it came that moment he realized HE HAD TO reunite with Slash and Duff.

    Also, CD was toured like 4 times, I dont know of any other band that promotes an album for years and years. Now that it wore off and he doesn't have another album to tour, he goes for reunion.

    I swear I don't understand this guy anymore, but I'm happy GN'R are back in the spotlight and will play stadiums. I'm concerned with what's going to happen afterwards... I remember 2006 was a big year for Axl, he was in excellent shape, his voice was amazing, YET he didn't release CD that year and couldn't take advantage of all the media attention he was getting. I'm concerned he's not gonna take advantage of having Slash and Duff back in the band and at least try to release new music with them.

    If Slash and Duff leave the band after this tour, that will be the real end of Guns N' Roses.

  4. 4 minutes ago, LikeADog93 said:

    I've always had a hard time accepting Frank as the drummer due to his inability to play Brownstone and Rocket Queen correctly. There is no doubt that he's a good drummer, Axl wouldn't have kept him around all these years if he wasn't, but I just cringe every time Brownstone and Rocket Queen come up in the set. Let's hope Steven's back heals so he can join the tour and play the Appetite songs!!

    What does it mean to play them "correctly"? To follow the exact hits as they were recorded in the album?

    If it's that then why go to a show anyway? Just sit at home and listen to AFD :shrugs:

  5. 32 minutes ago, VillageGorillaHead said:

    Surely playing too loud isn't up to Frank? Rather, the sound engineers.

    And the mobile videos aren't a great indicator of sound levels.

    I agree with this.

    I like Frank. I don't see any of the bad things you all remark but then again I'm not a drummer.

  6. 38 minutes ago, tremolo said:

    GNR fans aren't devils, they're just a bunch of adults who behave like spoiled brats who always find a reason to bitch and refuse to grow up and move on :lol:

    And a generalization is that: a generalization. Jesus Christ... that's the problem with women, they can't take a joke, everything about them is serious business, can't laugh at themselves (again, hint, hint, half-true, half-joke, try to take it easy, don't let your blood boil).

    Those GNR songs... I don't find a bunch of 50-year-olds singing It's so Easy dangerous or edgy. I just find they're good rock songs that sound good. Yeah, a buch of 20something-year-olds singing about drinking and doing drugs and banging women had that edge. Nowadays it's different, it feels more like watching that Celebration Led Zep concert and seeing Jimmy Page make "hot and sexy" faces while playing the guitar... kinda sad.

    In the end some people rather have the old band back, playing the same old songs, with the same old spirit. I'd like it better if they moved on and made new material that is a clear representation of who they are today instead of who they used to be. And you know? This wouldn't happen is they had more than 47-48 songs pre-CD. Their catalogue is so reduced that they have to resort to play the same old songs over and over, concert after concert, year after year, tour after tour. It's been done so many times it's loosing it's brilliance. That's why I'm more excited about these guys making new music or re-recording and releasing what was left from CD. GNR has been a nostalgia act for so long that it has become kinda sad. If they keep on doing the same it won't be sad anymore, it will be pathetic.

    Ohmygod, ok, so now it was a "joke"... :facepalm:

    Yeah yeah yeah, typical of men to offend you then try to make it look like it was a joke.... or what's the other version they use? ah, yeah, they try to make you look like a crazy bitch. "Dude, you're crazy, I never said that :crazy:"... Typical, typical men, YOU ARE ALL THE SAME. That's the problem with men, see? They are always in denial, they are cowards, they never want to talk problems. Once you confront them they try to cover it with a "oh but it was a joke!" kind of bullshit.


































  7. Adler injuring his back right in this moment doesn't seem casual......

    Lots of people have similar things happening when they are nervous, stressed or are going through something very special, complicated or traumatic.

    If Steven was contacted to join the reunion he must have freaked out and being both his physical and mental health a little weak, such emotion could have caused this injury.

    I hope he recovers soon if that's the case, but at the same time, this is a clear indicator that the band can't have him permanently hired. His health seems to be an issue.

  8. 4 hours ago, zombux said:

    and who was talking about mainstream music? ;)

    We all are. When GNR became famous they were THE band kids would listen to. They were dangerous, raw, drug addicts, abused and abusers, full of rage and frustration inside. They were not the "proper" idols for a 13 years old boy/girl. Yet, most of their fans were little kids like me, even 9-10 years old kids, that was insane!

    That's the kinda thing we grew up with and the songs, the music will remain dangerous forever, despite the fact that the band members are living a different life now, none of their lives resembles Cosplay, emoji, animé and whatever shit this Melissa kid does for a living.

    Damn, if we're gonna have a kid in the band then let's bring Grace McKagan! She at least has some rock in the veins!

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, zombux said:

    you're probably listening to wrong bands then. oh yeah there are "dangerous" bands nowadays, but these are young and fresh, not 50+ old rockers (that's of course nothing bad against GNR, but it's the way it is)

    Mainstream music has nothing dangerous to it..... Miley Cirus? :rofl-lol: Justin Bieber? :rofl-lol: Ariana Grande? :rofl-lol: Taylor Swift? :rofl-lol:

    gimme a break!

  10. 26 minutes ago, jafeijo said:

    Is it my ears or they sped up the tempo on some songs?
    Noticed PC and Easy played way faster than before.

    No, they played all of them in a faster pace. Probably to make the show more rock n' roll. It was like the old times.

    Double Talkin' Jive solo was shortened too..

    23 minutes ago, Bansidhe said:

    Wonder if it's the same one.

    Funny to think of it just being at the back of a wardrobe for decades.

    Surely a seamstress has done a little bit of adjustment if it's the very same one.

    No, it's not the same one.

    Fashion designer Mike Amiri made a new version of it.

  11. One of the fans who went to the show, named John Mayo, said Slash and Fortus killed it in those songs and that they have new arrangements made to fit the lack of the third guitar.

    He said they sound like a raw version now, nothing to do with how they were recorded. More rocker, if you want to.

    Also said that if you're expecting to hear the CD version you'll be disappointed (only if you're into the grandiosity of it) but he loved the new versions.

  12. 3 hours ago, tremolo said:

    And are you telling me that there is absolutely no truth to those generalizations? The "I'm not like that" falls into the same category.

    It wasn't just that one comment. Your first comment in the thread and the next few were nasty towards a new member, and just now you tried to justify it by saying that "nothing about her is edgy or dangerous or hard rock..." Well, the same applies to GNR: they're not edgy, or dangerous, or hard rock; that's in the past. Today they are guys in their 50s who have lots of money and comfortable lives, who happen to still make music. Same thing applies to "nothing about her is AFD or LIES or UYI..." The band is over those eras, they are part of the past, they have moved on, they have grown up. Maybe it's time for the fans to do the same instead of bitching and complaining because the band didn't get stuck being caricatures of their former selves.

    Or maybe you would like it better if they went back to their roots, objectifying women, writing songs about drugs, whores and r&r, and calling women "bitches" and "cunts". And there's nothing wrong with it, I just find the contradiction fascinating... flipping out about a generalization, but missing the old days when the band were writing lyrics thay degraded women.


    Fuck logic! Oh wait, women don't need logic in their arguments lol (this was a joke, hint, hint. Don't take it seriously).

    I just don't get all the negativity towards a new member before she has had the chance to prove herself.

    Yes, there is some truth to it but just like men, women are not a "bunch", amorphed mass that you can put in a bag and say "you all are like this. period." I'm not like that and its true. You are talking to me, an individual, I'm not the mass so what else can I say? I'm not like that and you don't know me. I can't prove myself to you, though. We will probably never meet.

    Even with loads of money and luxuries, I think Axl is still a crazy wacko dangerous guy. Go ahead and try to upset him, you'll see what I'm talking about. I don't think the band is over the albums that put them in the top of the mountain. If that was the case, then why is the setlist filled with those songs?? Those songs will remain edgy and dangerous FOREVER. That's what is great about them. No matter how much you want to deny their history, Rocket Queen will always change the environment of the show and make you feel like you're inside an 80's rock bar.

    The rest of the crap you said about bitches and cunts is more and more bullshit that you are adding to this useless conversation. I never mentioned ANY of that in my previous posts, so save it and shove it.

    Melissa Reese will be subject of discussions and debate just like any other member of the band. So she better thickens her skin because GNR fans are the devil.

  13. I've been watching that video of hers where she talks about her career, how she started and such.... I can tell she has a good voice but it isn't special, as in she sounds just like any other pop artist with no much personality. She can play piano, tinker with keyboards, computers, all sort of techie things.... but so do a bunch of other people can do that as well.... And her image doesn't stand out either... She dresses like those Cosplay or animé girls. She's no different than any young girl you could cross path with while in Tokyo.

    Of course, in Guns N' Roses she will stand out with all of that because nothing about her is edgy or dangerous or hard rock. She sings like an angel, so probably backing vocals will sound a lot better. But other than that I really don't see how could she improve or add anything to the classic songs. Nothing about her is AFD or LIES or UYI..... Chinese Democracy? Maybe... but how many CD songs will they play and even with CD songs, what will she do? Emoji faces?

    I think her contributions could be more appreciated in CD2 if it's ever released, but at this point, I swear I don't get why this type of musician was added to the touring lineup.

  14. 4 minutes ago, xBrownstonex said:

    I was referring to the fact that to some people its more of a downer to her being in the band than being happy about duff n slashs comeback

    I am ultra happy for their comeback but this is the Melissa thread, so I won't be repeating myself over and over about how cool it is the return of GNR in every single thread that is not specifically about that.

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, xBrownstonex said:

    How it can be more important that someone is standing on the side playing some keyboard than duff and slash being back is beyond me. You behave like spoiled brats.

    This is a thread called 'Welcome Melissa Reese to GN'R', right? So I guess we are supposed to talk about this Melissa girl joining the band.

    There's a 200+ pages thread about the Troubadour show with plenty of discussion on Axl+Slash+Duff interactions.

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