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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 7 hours ago, tremolo said:

    The things I said were generalizations about women, not specific things about you. I can understand the language barrier and how it led you to misunderstand my post and think that those things I said were about you. I didn't know you were, in fact, a woman, I don't usually pay attention to that when I reply, it's irrelevant.


    The rest, I understand. But I also keep in mind that "having an opinion" is not a valid reason to allow ourselves to be nasty to others just because of it (someone mentioned she was hot and you couldn't help yourself commenting on it, which was completely unnecessary, and that alone says a lot). It comes down to a matter of perspective: is the glass half empty or half full?

    Ok, next time don't include me in your silly generalizations about women because I don't belong there. You don't know me personally but I tell you, I'm really far from behaving like the "typical" woman you described in your generalization.

    I don't think I was being nasty when I commented on Melissa's look. Just because I don't think she's hot it doesn't mean I am nasty to her. Do you like or are attracted to ALL the women in this world? I don't think so. And that's about it. It doesn't mean anything out of the ordinary.

    Save your moral lessons to yourself. You need them 'cause it looks you forgot about them when you were making your generalizations about female behavior.

  2. This Slash behavior you are describing I've noticed a loooong time ago.

    I was not an Slash follower of his solo career but I've seen some stuff here and there and yes, I have noticed that he's become more introverted than ever. 

    Maybe I get this perception because I stopped following him when he left GNR so my latest memories of him performing with GNR are of a young crazy drug addict and alcoholic who always acted careless on stage. He had that "too cool for you" attitude but not in a bad, arrogant way.

    I remember Slash as a guy who spoke little but laughed a lot, his speech was like a mumble, hiding behind his hair.. Despite this, he offered a good show of runs, jumps, guitar games and being the counterpart of Axl.

    Lately, he's not like that anymore. I didn't see him interacting with Myles that much either. So, IMO, he's changed a lot. It could be due to being clean now, older, more responsible, much more professional and one important thing: he may feel he doesn't belong to GNR anymore.

    This is like returning to your parents home after decades of living alone. You have all the good and bad memories of it, but it doesn't feel the same. Now you have your own home, your own system, your own rules.

    Axl's been running GNR for decades. I'm sure a lot of what Slash used to do for the band is a Team Brazil task now, so he basically must feel like a guest, for the time being.

    I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet, specially based on the first and only show by now. Let's see how Vegas and Coachella go, with a bigger stage, a different setup and longer playtime.

    If none of that fixes it, then let's hand him a couple Clonazepam pills :lol:


    • Like 3
  3. 10 minutes ago, tremolo said:

    Broad is an informal way to say you are a WOMAN. Am I right or am I right?

    It's funny how you just disregard everything I said about Melissa being in the band and only focused on being offended because you thought "broad" was some kind of insult.

    My point is Melissa is in GNR, there's no need to give her that nasty welcome and making negative comments about her appearance, especially since you have no clue why she is there and what she could bring to the table. The least we can do is give her the benefit of the doubt, and make our minds about here AFTER we see/hear her work with GNR either as a performer or as a songwriter/composer.

    With Duff and Slash in the band, I doubt she is there just because Axl felt like it, but who knows, maybe she doesn't add anything to the band, or even worse, she might fuck up... either way, it's too early to start trashing her.

    Pitman added a lot to CD, and this is beyond whether we like it or not. There are lots of textures and some great synth work there. I think a lot of fans ended up hating the guy because he behaved like the biggest arrogant douchebag that has been in the band (and that's a lot!). And it doesn't matter if you or anyone thinks that position is unnecessary, it's pretty clear the band doesn't agree with that, and that's why she is there.

    But I guess women can't help bitching about other women, it's in their nature. And feel free to be mean and nasty if you feel you need to, I couldn't care less.

    English is not my native tongue so I really didn't know what a "broad" is. And you saying you could bet your both hands that I was a broad confused me badly.

    Now that you explain what it means, it's even more confusing since my profile shows my gender, so I have no idea why you were betting your extremities in first place. Maybe just a sign of your clueless and baseless assumptions about me.

    I didn't disregard what you said about Melissa but you started your argument with an ad-hominem attack. That kind of thing, in my book, totally invalidates any following reasoning, whether logical or ilogical, about whatever thing was in discussion. After reading that bunch of crap about I don't know what girlfriend being prettier or richer than me (lol), I knew I was about to deal with a square head.

    But if you want me to address your POV, ok, I will have to repeat all over again why I'm against the inclusion of Melissa in the band.

    Like I said before, I think Pitman's role should have been wiped out. Not needed at all. I don't care if it's a man or a woman in that role. To me it's useless. Pitman was useless and Melissa is useless. The problem is the position, not the person. But, if on top of the position being useless (IMO) you bring on a person who is totally annoying (like Pitman) or a freak show (like Buckethead), then you give it an entity it doesn't need and it begins to get more exposure than it should. From the looks of Melissa, nothing about her says "rocker", which would be the "desired" attitude for the member of a rock band.

    Now if you wanna talk about music... Wait, did you say she's "clearly talented"????:rofl-lol:

    O-M-G Im sorry but I still haven't appreciated her clear talent in the Guns N' Roses band. And even if she was Beethoven, GNR music will always be the result of Axl's, Slash, Duff's, Izzy's and Steven's crafting (for the classic stuff they are known for) rather than the little inputs this girl could or could not add to the live shows or future recordings.

    I know my opinion doesn't matter to any of the members of the band. Yours neither, don't worry ;)... um... lol, it's clear they known "better" who suits the band and who doesn't or else, how one would explain the revolving door GNR is, eh? :lol:

    But... we are in a discussion board here, so opinions are gonna be like the official currency of this place. They are inevitable, you know? Maybe, if you don't like other people's opinions you should try something different.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Babooshka said:

    I think the real bit of sexism in this thread, was directed towards forum member @killuridols, but that's being completely ignored, while people expressing displeasure with Melissa's involvement are tarred and feathered with this label. 

    The thing that has yet to be explained is what is wrong with Dizzy? Can he not pick up this slack.

    Thank you. As a female, I'm used to sexism, so I really don't expect much from other people since I have learned to defend myself and stand up for myself.

    If Melissa is receiving sexist remarks, why me, an unknown forum member fan would have any privilege in the eyes of the cavemen here? 

    I really don't give a damn. I know who I am and what I stand for. None of this idiots will break me EVER. So keep 'em coming, they don't know what is like to mess with the bad side of me ;)

  5. 39 minutes ago, Cughall'a said:

    Hilarious. :lol:

    Yeah, I did read some ungreatful guys bitchin about Fede speaking spanish last night.

    I considered Fede kind of annoying (cause he was annoying, no because he spoke spanish), but... that's the reason I didn't follow his periscope.

    That's all bitching people had to do.

    "Free will" I think they call it.

    His annoyance was what got him through all of that and stay firm in his goal of listening to GNR in spite of not having tickets to the show.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Original said:

    Could someone plz link me to the set list and any video page?   Just waking up and tying to go back through this thread and can't find them.   Much thanks!

    Alfie post d a compilation video in the pictures thread that is locked. There aren't long videos yet, only clips of a couple songs.

    we are all waiting to see something better quality, more lenghty. So far nothing came up.

  7. 46 minutes ago, Nice Boy said:

    GnR has had plenty of female musicians on board in the past, why are some people getting so upset? 

    Tracy & Roberta, Cece Worrall, Anne King and Lisa Maxwell all made great contributions to this band in the UYI era. The extended 'Move to the City' in Tokyo is awesome and shows how versatile the band as a whole were.

    Welcome her. Now is a great time to be a GnR fan. Be thankful for what we have, it's awesome, and no yellow raincoats or out of tune Ashba SCOM intros to be seen!!  

    Tracy, Roberta and the girls for 'Move to the City' were a complete different thing!

    They weren't considered BAND MEMBERS, we all knew they were backing singers and additional musicians for specific songs (not the whole show). They were low-profile chicks, not the girlfriend or spouse of anyone (that we know of) and fans didn't think much of them until they were brought onstage.

    But this chick, everybody's talking about her and welcoming her as a band member, filling a position most of us think is unnecessary. But it looks like some people hated more the former member than the position itself and now they are like 'ok, let her stay'. Just because she is, they say 'hot, young, fresh'... WTF. 

    Since when GNR turned into One Direction?

    42 minutes ago, tremolo said:

    I could bet my two hands you are a broad.

    Broads hate other broads, for no good reason, there's just always that jealousy between them, secretly hating their "BFF" because they are prettier, have a cuter boyfriend, has more money, etc. If it was a man instead of a guy I'm sure it wouldn't bother you at all.


    I don't think anyone is sucking up to her. It's just a positive welcome to a new GNR member. She is clearly talented, what's the problem?

    I say let's wait and see. Maybe she'll add something to the band. Maybe she will just fuck up. Saying she doesn't belong there at this point seems unfair.

    I don't know what is a broad but it'd be cool if you refrained from assuming stuff about my life when you don't know me at all. Do you want me to start assuming shit about you? Don't give me green light 'cause I can become pretty mean and nasty.

    Stick to the debate without having resorting to ad-hominem arguments and chitchat no one needs or wants to read.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 minute ago, bigpoop said:

    I don't see her being young and female as a problem. The problem is there are more people on the stage that weren't  in the real GNR than people that were. 4-3.

    Yeah. I agree with that.

    She doesn't belong in that position. No one does. Pitman's role should have been wiped out for good. Dizzy can take care of it all.

    I thought with the return of Duff and Slash we would get rid of the freak-show but it seems we are back at it, with this Anime looking girl coming out of Buckethead's ass. Lol. WTF.

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