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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 21 minutes ago, soon said:

    Im not sure that I think weed is addictive, actually. Ones use can get away from themselves though, thats for sure. The only sensations Ive noticed since going days without is that my muscles are more toned and swollen. :headbang:

    If you had to reduce the consumption then it wasn't doing any good on you and if does not good on you, it is bad........ ahre :P

    21 minutes ago, soon said:

    Yay!!!! Enjoy it!!! Im so happy for you to be back!!

    To make this GNR related, remember when Duff went back to school? But apparently didnt finish :( 

    Are you reading anything thats accessible to someone who is not specializing in your field, by chance? Because... maybe Duff will read it. :lol: Youre studies are interesting. 

    Thanks :hug:

    No. What? I thought he had gone to Law school or Business school and got a degree, didn't he? :question:

    LOL, nope, I don't read anything unrelated. Always the Germans in my life and the French :lol:
    Maybe Duff is interested on that...... but..... uhh... I don't think so, he's Capitalist to the max :P


    * Current Readings *
    "The painter of modern life" by Charles Baudelaire
    "Transforming Technology" by [Canadian :heart: philosopher] Andrew Feenberg



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  2. 13 minutes ago, soon said:

    I know because you give me a hard time about it. :) Thats why I thought you'd like to know :lol:

    Way easier than giving up processed, industrial sugary sweets Im sure. I do push ups and read more instead.


    I'm a naggy mother! :headbang:

    Not sure if it's way easier than giving up bad food.... they are all addictions... they all go back and forth sometimes :unsure:

    I've been reading a lot too.... back to school days after a huge break ;/

  3. 4 minutes ago, soon said:

    It means Ive drastically reduced how much weed I consume.

    Oh, shit! Will check asap! Sorry!!! :headbang:

    Well, that's awesome.... I dont like drugs, lol  :)

    5 minutes ago, soon said:

    I really hope she only uses tht account when Guns is active. Otherwise Im concerned. I know she's no ones favourite member, but is a human in our midst.

    Aww, I don't think she's doing that bad or else we would have learned about it already. She's probably just slowed down for health reasons and because the tour was on hold.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, soon said:

    Those white powders catch up with most GNR members eventually ;) And her post here really does make it seem like she wasnt just eating lots of sugar on top of an otherwise healthy diet - it sounds like sugar is how she sustained herself. Bonkers! Her #wasabi reminded me that she had lots of various heritage, one being Japanese so Teriyaki chicken comes to mind as a sweet but protein rich meal. Lots of options for a sweet tooth to eat a more balanced diet.

    I can understand if all those ailments kept her of insta for a while, but this is a long time since April. Hope her health didnt get even worse! If she was doing a social media cleanse Im fairly certain she wouldve posted about he #socialmediacleanse first :lol:

    Oh. I didn't check the date.... :facepalm:

    I just dont follow any of these people anymore... lol.... actually, the alternative account which I used to follow them, I don't check it anymore, that is :lol:

    But yeah, I hope she's recovered her health now... too dumb to be sick when you're young, unless it's something you couldn't avoid :shrugs:

    1 hour ago, soon said:

    On a barely related note, I cut way back on cannabis :) 

    What does that mean? :suspicious:

    BTW, you've not checked your e-mails lately :rolleyes:



  5. On 25/8/2019 at 6:24 AM, soon said:

    Anyone know whats up with Melissa? Her instagram stopped in April and in the last post she's in urgent care clinic, talking about needing to eat healthier foods. Although it seems that this account could be mainly for Guns tours?


    Well, I always wondered how could she be healthy with the amount of sugar and processed food she ingested during the tour.... that was fucking nuts :crazy:

    Obviously, behind such an unhealthy diet there's always some mental issue going on.

    • Like 1
  6. Uh.... knowing Axl's history, I don't think Tool releasing an album now would do much for Axl's motivations, but at the same time, I think Axl has been a little more motivated by the return of Duff and Slash to the band. Also, the great reception this semi-reunion had among the fans..... so.... if that doesn't motivate him to go forward with new music, I really don't know what would... :shrugs:

  7. 7 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    Well apparently Izzy livs in Rockstar mouse house (teeny weeny smol) because it is „only“ 120 square meters. I can’t believe that, though. That would be VERY humble. Unless he’s got a nice garden shed. The pics I’ve seen from that house were from the person Izzy bought the house from.

    And the the guitars and art at the wall were at her place, I think. Not Izzy’s.

    Oh :mellow:

    What about the videos he posted on Twitter? Was that at his house? it didnt look so tiny to me :shrugs:


  8. 18 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    We have pics from the internet somewhere showing us izzy’s house with the furniture of the person who lived there before. That place is so TINY though that I can’t believe it’s real. What we looked at was his supposedly girlfriend's former home and that was a fucking mansion. All decorated with the best taste ever.

    Umm.... you got me confused there..... whose place is TINY? :blink:
    Yes, I guess you are right about those pics being from his gf place but Im not sure now... I remember a guitar and some paint on the wall..... It was beautifully decorated, yeah :shrugs:

    21 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    Yes, Stephanie looks a m a z i n g! She is very beautiful. Not for a 51 year old but full stop. She’s a beautiful woman and always will be. I don’t think she’s got a lot of taste though and I don’t like the picture and I think the caption is bullshit. Just in case anyone wanted to know. ;)

    I think women like her and Erin can look amazing at 50 something because they live for that, lol, for being beautiful and well, a little help from photography also does it... but Axl has got help from photoshop and stuff and he still looks bad, loool-- I mean, not that someone would say he looks 10 or 20 years younger.

    I dont have issue with the photo and the caption. I understand what it means :shrugs: and Im glad she's back because she's always been a great professional in her area, much better than some of the boring dull younger girls.

    24 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    What else. Oh Trump. Well, when will the American people get their act together, throw him out of office and into court to face all the shit he did? I’m waiting. The world’s waiting.


    17 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Don’t they mean the person running Argentina?

    His name is Macri something or other and from what I can tell - he’s a proper wanker :lol:


    LOL yes, we are talking about our President, Mauricio Macri, not Trump but since Macri is a lapdog of Donnie, it is not hard to get them mixed up like Tori did, loooool

    You're right, total wanker, the worst president in decades.... 2 months left to vote and we're kicking him out of office, yaaaaaaaay!! :headbang:



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  9. 23 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    I’m glad you overcame your life of hoarding things. I’ve never done that which is why I don’t go and just buy a lot of cheap new clothes. Anyway,  I guess hoarding is about deciding to let go and to say „goodbye“? That’s what my armchair psychology makes out of it. Fear of regret, of feeling alone, making the wrong choices. I totally get that and I think it’s very relatable. Of course, it is not the things and stuff that we need, right? I’m sure it takes some realization to be able to let go of things.

    I’ve never been a hoarder. The only thing that I don’t need but cannot say goodbye to is my kids baby clothes. There’s only a bag for each of them, I started off with 3 bags each. lol. But I was able to give it away year after year. I’ll keep those few selected items and maybe maybe will see them on their babies one day. (Which makes me dizzy to even think of but I guess this is why I keep it. Also because I’m nostalgic and sentimental. :D )

    Im not like those hoarders from reality tv shows, though! :lol:

    Let's say I never got to a state of mind where I couldn't get in or get out of my house, but I became aware that there was a problem with shopping too much or shopping unnecessary bollocks and how that is related with anxiety & stress.

    Yeah, it's like you transfer your anxiety and your inner feelings to the objects, you need them around you or just to look at them and when you realize they are not worth it, you have a hard time letting them go. Other things have deep meanings for you, like you have your kids baby clothes. You know your kids don't need those clothes anymore, but you have transfered your mommy emotions and your memories into those clothes, and thats why you are not ready to let them go.
    I've watched so many hoarders tv shows and I cry everytime I see the people going nuts when they have to let go of the stuff. It gets violent and too real.... people have unimaginable attachments to things... it is crazy :unsure:

    23 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    So yeah, how did we start this? Izzy! I can imagine him very well to be more on the minimalistic side. I’m sure he owns a lot of more clothes than I do. But for a rockstar I think he lives somewhat profane. lol

    Yes. Im not sure who showed me pics of Izzy's home?

    I have bare memories of it but I don't think it was decorated in minimalism style..... Anyhow, I think the man lives a simple life and thats what is important :)

    22 hours ago, Padme said:

    It's been a while... Wow!!! 51 years young :o

    Holy shit, Steph looks soooooooooo amazing, whoooah :wow:

    Maybe there's a bit of photoshop to it but overall, I think she's fucking stunning, while Axl...... geez :facepalm:

    13 hours ago, solstar said:

    Right. And thanks to the moron running our country at the moment, I think everyone's kinda becoming a minimalist here :P


    True that!!

    I guess that will be his only legacy when he leaves, right? (because he's leaving soon, right? :devilshades:)

    * Must be some sort of sign that I became a minimalist during his administration, looooooooool


  10. 13 hours ago, Zoot said:


    I've missed you ladies! I hope you all are doing well! :hug:


    YOU ARE ALIVE!!! looooooooooooool :lol:
    Good to see you back, Zoot, you are the real deal! :hug:

    8 hours ago, soon said:

    Im very thankful that you turned me onto this minimalism stuff. Simple living and border line asceticism has appealed to me over the years. The minimalist stuff on yt is really practical advice, so its easy to act on. Im lucky to live near a zero waste grocer! Now I only own tank tops for shirts... like 20 tank tops but its a start, lol Hand washing some of my clothes is a very meditative activity too. I love that.

    Awww, Im so glad I did something good for you !:dance:

    Most people who turn to minimalism have a sad and ugly past of extreme consumerism :unsure:, in my case, it borders hoarding :cry: and it all derives from a mental state of anxiety and stress. I wasn't one to buy loads of clothes or shoes, it was about (and it still is sometimes) getting obsessed with activities or things, like... make-up, tupperware, books, music, movies, shampoos, silverware, anything. I have periods of being obsessed with a certain topic and then I have to go and get all about it :facepalm:. At the same time, all these posesions gave me even more stress and anxiety. So it is a neverending cycle of buying stuff, new things, getting sad, throw them away and the cycle begins once again....... until I discovered minimalism and mindfulness.... and that was the beginning of my path to healing :heart:

    6 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    Thanks killuridols! :D I love the minimalist idea and I am loosely living with it a few years now. Also because I don’t like stuff standing around and I like to see walls and space. So I don’t have too much furniture or stuff sitting around.

    I don’t have a huge wardrobe, but to be honest, I so wouldn’t mind! I love fashion and I love expressing things with it. Either the jeans and a tee expression as well other things. You know? So if I could I wouldn’t have capsule wardrobe but I do at the moment.  I got rid of a lot of things because I kept changing my weight due to my pregnancies. lol. Now I would fit into my old things again but it is 10 years later anyway. So what I’m saying is, I don’t have much to wear at the moment because either it’s old and too big or - I don’t have it yet. lol  So I guess I’m capsule wardrobing out of not being able to buy things at once. :)

    It takes a long time to realize what's going on inside us when we are hoarders or people who spend a lot in useless shit..... Changing bad habits it is a long process of realization, adaptation, frustration, failure and resilience.

    What you say about expressing yourself through fashion, I totally get it! That's why I own loads of clothes that make no sense, or they don't combine. With minimalism, I learned that you can express yourself as well, but you also have to be honest with yourself.... do you REALLY like everything you have? Do you REALLY wear all of the items you collect? Or do you buy clothes just to collect them?

    For example, why have I collected GN'R tshirts? :lol: They are horrible and I wear them only for GN'R shows (which happens once in 20 years! :rofl-lol:)..... I need to reduce all of that and leave just one or two shirts. I don't need more than that and Im even thinking if I need a GN'R shirt at all! :shrugs:

    So, the point is.... minimalism tells you that you should LOVE/ADORE every item you own, if you don't then you don't need it and it won't make you happy.

    I did this exercise of checking up on all the items at home.... Do I love this mug? Why do I have 10 different mugs when I use only one for my daily coffe or tea? :shrugs:
    I came to the conclusion that I love/adore only 3 mugs out of the 10 that I have: one that was given to me by my dear friend, another one that I bought myself because I fell in love with it when I saw it and I still love it, and the other one made by a fabulous artist from my country, I love the drawing. All the rest are MEH to me and I dont use them. So.... they have to go.

    As for your clothes, that's great if you are now buying one item at a time, because that's the thing, that's the minimalism philosophy. Buying in bulk wastes your money, you have to make conscious choices. Your new wardrobe might take 2 or 3 years to complete, but by the end of the journey you will adore all of your clothes, you won't have second thoughts on them and they will last for a long time.

    4 hours ago, soon said:

    I learned about it in one of the minimalism videos that @killuridols showed me. I like it primarily for ecological reasons, using no electricity, less water and way less detergent. I can get a small jar of concentrated wash liquid for $1 at the zero waste store and with the small drop needed to do a load it will last me months - huge savings! It saves me money that Id otherwise spend at the laundromat, too. And I like that it saves me the trip to the laundromat. Its gentler on the clothes too.

    I have not been able to find this bag in my country yet :no: but it is one thing that I'D love to have...... In order to not waste water, electricity and soap, I have to wait for a week to collect all the dirty clothes and wash them all at once, but for that, I need MORE CLOTHES!! :wacko: See? That's the trap, so I either own a few items or I have to do more than one laundry during the week, which derives into a bigger bill of water & energy.

    Anyway, since I became a minimalist, I dont waste money in plastic bags or plastic in general. I replaced household items for either wood or glass materials. Reduced my make-up items, shampoo bottles, I use bamboo toothbrush, and in general everytime I face a new purchase I take the time to analyze if I really need it and if I do, what's the best quality I can get for that item so it makes it durable and noble for a long time.


    For anyone who wants to join the Minimalism philosofy of life, I can recommend you the book by Dominique Loreau: "L'art de la simplicité" (How to live more with less). Even though it is oriented to women, I think anyone can read it because the essence of it applies to any human being. It is a book that helps you open your eyes about why you're struggling with your posessions, your anxiety, and explores the soul to the deepest levels.

    I love it. It is written in a simple way, always to the point, you can finish it in 2 or 3 nights.


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  11. 3 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    What’s a capsule wardrobe for you? Do you have more than 13 items? Somewhere I read that’s about what you can have. I wached You tube tutorials on that and decided I cannot even decide on so few colours. It’s overwhelming in the choice-situation for me.

    I didn't count them but I got rid of all the things I have not wore in a year or so. And you can choose a palette if you want  (because that makes it easier to combine items afterwards) but you could have different colors as well. It is not mandatory to pick just a few colors.

    A capsule wardrobe consists of one or two pieces of each item: 2 pants, 2 shirts, 2 or 3 jackets, 2 or 3 sweaters, 2 or 3 pairs of shoes, etc. Usually, when you own 10 pants, you wear only 2 or 3 of them, no one wears their entire wardrobe, that's why it is better to declutter. You don't waste time picking your outfits.

    1 hour ago, solstar said:

    Oh my! I could never be a minimalist :lol:

    But you are right! Izzy might, although I don't quite see him thinking in terms of wardrobe capsules tbh.  :lol:

    Believe me you can when you start learning about this movement and get to understand what it really is about, you realize how much frenetic consumerism affects your life, how many useless things you own and how you can improve your finances by making conscious choices about your consumerism.

    It looks to me that Izzy doesn't own a lot of clothes and in general he seems to be a simple guy leading a simple life. That's the essence of minimalism. It's not only about clothes, it covers nutrition, finances, household, feelings, thoughts, it's a philosophy of life.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, soon said:

    Aww, dont stress, bae, must be something lost in translation. The laughing emoji was meant to indicate a joke. Gif is from a popular comedy that has a current reboot. 

    why are you mansplaining me??  I understood!



    9 minutes ago, soon said:

    (ps: just for the record I dont look like Del "The Smell" James. :lol: Actually I wear Izzys outfit in winter and that same hat today!)

    I didnt mean to say you looked like that... but I couldn't find any other funny skateboarding gif, my baaaaaaaaaad :facepalm:


    • Haha 1
  13. 12 hours ago, solstar said:

    I was kidding about the shirt though. I actually like it! :wub: It just caught my attention that he is wearing the exact same shirt (and hat! :D) in the only two pics we've had of him in the last two years, and in totally different situations! I wonder if he thinks those clothes go with everything.  :P :lol:

    I wouldn't be surprised to find out Izzy is a minimalist and that's why his wardrobe is minimal........ I myself decided to go minimalistic this year, so I have reduced my wardrobe to a capsule one.

    7 hours ago, soon said:





  14. 3 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    I'm sorry but nothing can beat this use of the app. :devilshades:

    You just don't want to shame your Axlbaaaaaaaaallllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :rofl-lol:

    How old are the RS there? They sum up like 2000 years! :lol:

    7 minutes ago, soon said:

    Now thats more my lane. But does it make me cool like Izzy? You skateboard?


    • Haha 1
  15. 21 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Where did you all see the faceapp thing? I've only seen the pic of the AFD 5 looking like old men.

    Some facebook groups.... I think you can download the faceapp and make them yourself! :lol:

    18 minutes ago, soon said:

    Stop body shaming me!! (j/k) :lol:. Yeah, Ill put off the belly a few years. A few.

    Are you eating your veggies? (and I dont mean to SMOKE THEM!) :max:


  16. 13 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Is there a pic? I want to see.

    Yeah but I dont have it.................... maybe @Andy14 got something? :smiley-confused2:

    14 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

    It's kind of strange though that they posted that photo of Izzy in April and it's only now, almost 4 months later that we hear about it.

    It doesn't have an Izzy hashtag and well, I guess not too many people search for Izzy on Instagram :(

    14 minutes ago, soon said:

    So... is it cool for me to rock that belly, or just Izzy? lol 

    It is not cool to have a belly! :P

    Try to avoid it for as long as you can :ph34r:

  17. 4 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    I know. Nobody is here. I guess. But I am. Haha. :lol:

    I come once in a while but since no one posts, I dont... lol... it must happen to many other people.

    5 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    Too bad there isn’t anything band related we could talk about.

    There are some things going on, but it is always the same ol' crap.... like.... a 2 seconds leak :facepalm: from 1876 :lol: and the eternal debate on whether it is in the vault or will it be released in CD II, III or IV? :facepalm:

    Maybe what we need is a NEW FACE :smiley-confused2:



    Talking about face.... aaaaaaaaahh..... yesterday I saw a Faceapp swipe of GN'R into females and guess what.... Izzy's female version was really hot! :wow:

    Have you seen GN'R Faceapp stuff? :lol:


    • Haha 1
  18. 17 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    Yes, he’s alive and for some reason it makes me happy to see him from a couple of month ago. Him being happy but not overly excited  - but when did he ever smile for a camera :D

    Im not the whoaah fan of Izzy but since we hardly see him or have news about him, it is refreshing to get news about him once in a while :)

    • Like 1
  19. 12 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    This thread is dead because nobody’s here. And when we do, soon the wrong people appear and kill it all. It’s not a nice thing to say, I know, but hey, it’s the truth. Not many WT posters are left so it can’t live. :shrugs:

    Preach it, sistah :headbang:

    But you know, in times when anyone can pretend to be a woman and know better than real women..... :ph34r:....... how could we have a pure Women's thread here as well??! WHY ARE YOU EXPECTING SO MUCH!? :lol:

    12 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    But since I’m here and still being the Izzy girl that I am: yesterday was a happy day because we got this pic from Izzy from April 6 this year. 


    :o He's alive!!

    Thanks for sharing, otherwise I wouldn't have known......... so cool to see him around and with a skate, haha... old habits die hard :devilshades:

    1 hour ago, solstar said:

    It was at a skate shop in San Diego. Here's the original post. Someone even commented they saw him and talked to him there that day  :heart:

    Hey Solstar!! Good to see you back! :wow:

    Thanx for the info on the picture, Izzy goes around like any regular person, that must be so cool.


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