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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 3 minutes ago, Kittiara said:

    I didn't like the merch they offered during the last change. So there was no way I was going to pay for shipping/import duty etc for that. Besides, we shouldn't have to upgrade only partway into our membership, to have the same kind of access we signed up for.

    And ugh, yeah, the forum. They say over there that MyGNR is bad, but I feel a lot more comfortable posting over here than I do over there.

    I like it. I really don't have good quality GN'R clothing. I started buying last year and I think it's good but that's fine if you dont like it.

    Don't know how they are going to fix it. Maybe we are being way too suspicious and ill-intentioned. Maybe they let us stay and participate of everything until our membership expires.

    Let's don't talk about the forum because it makes me sad, angry and I think we're gonna get in trouble. Sorry for bringing it up. It frustrates me and I feel alone :cry:


    3 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    Still think it'd be awesome if they did something like the Third Man Records Vault. I pay $60 a quarter for that and I absolutely love it. 

    What is that?

    I only stay there because of pre-sales, perks and the potential it has for some exclusive with the band members, like a chat or something. Overall it's been a depressing experience for me since I joined.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Kittiara said:

    No digital membership anymore, I see. I didn't have one, but I thought it was a nice option. Especially for fans not in the USA, because of taxes/import fees etc.

    Still quite shocked that when I bought my membership in September, I paid about $15 for it. Then they had the digital membership for $10, which was nice. In January, the digital membership was changed to $25. Now the cheapest membership is $45. Fair enough, you get stuff with it, but again, for someone abroad (like me), that could run to $80-$90 all included.

    I am not against paying for membership somewhere if content is good. Just paid $100 for a year's membership elsewhere. But they offer a lot. And prices have been consistent for years.

    That's true. I'm also outside the USA so it gets more expensive every time. Not that I don't want the merch. They look cool and I dont have a lot of that stuff but I think all of this is unfair.

    Aside from the presales and perks once in a while, the rest makes you want to die. Specially the forum and its shanenigans :facepalm:

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Black Sabbath said:

    Do you guys actually think you're going to be ripped off? Lol

    Well, there it says there are only two types of membership now: standard and premium.

    Standard pretty much looks like what used to be DELUXE, only that it costs $45 now (before it was $50) and PREMIUM ($85) it is the same shit plus a hoodie (?).

    Digital memberships seem to be gone now. I had that one and I got it for the cheapest price of all because I got there before the "reunion" announcement. So Im kinda figuring out I will have to upgrade my membership to fit one of the two new models.

    Or maybe they forgive my poorness and let me stay for a while, but I will probably be punished not being able to access the contests and other stuff, so I will be "forced" to upgrade if I want it to make any sense belonging to that ugly forum. That's the rip off, IMO :max:

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Stress Fracture said:

    Can't wait to see how this plays out.

    Axl won't get away with going on stage when he feels like it before threatening to walk off if anyone in the crowd offends him at an AC/DC show. And all signs point to plenty of AC/DC fans being ready to do just that. And then there's the voice of course which will be scrutinised more than ever. This is going to be Axl told to "shut up and sing".

    But if he behaves and sings impeccably for AC/DC and still gets up to his usual rock diva antics with GNR, then that's going to have ramifications with this fan base too.

    So... this is probably a good thing for GNR and maybe Axl will leave his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DVDs at home this time!


    When Axl had to committ with other artists, he pulled it off well... He wasn't late for the Freddy Mercury Tribute or to sing with Bruce Springsteen in 2004.

    Maybe his own band made him feel nervous and crappy. Dont know.

  5. 44 minutes ago, liers said:

    Axl is usually the hidden one though. Its extremely odd to see 3 pics of him within a month when hes not on tour... There's not even a single pic of him in 2015.

    That's why I think the AC/DC thing is for real and how would paparazzi know he was there?? Sometimes photographers are called by the artists to have the news appearing in the media.

    You are right, no picture of Axl after Vegas 2014 and not a single one during 2015. Now he's out everywhere.... Its part of the promotion of all of it. When Axl wants to be seen, we get pictures of him.

  6. 10 hours ago, RussTCB said:

    I'm just hoping the new memberships don't call for more money. I re-upped last October and I've been a paying member for 4 years. Spent a LOT of money of pretty much nothing (which I know is my own fault), but it'd still be disappointing if existing members have to re-pay or pay more just to stay in because of new offers.

    If they keep upgrading the prices of memberships, it's gonna get wild. Totally unfair if that happens and the truth is, except for a couple contests, there's not a lot to get from the fanclub. They don't break a lot of news and people dont post rumors for fear of having their threads locked.

    Environment over there is not as exciting as it is here...

    • Like 1
  7. Can relate ALOT with the OP story. I'm in utter happiness for this band, for Axl, for all of us.

    I don't get it.. I can't understand how some are still complaining about things they don't even know or can't enjoy what's going on right now. I don't have tickets for any show yet but I'm living it like I will be there.

    It is all so good and I hope they can put on a show that lives up to the expectations of the fans, although probably a lot will still complain about something.

    • Like 2
  8. I fail to see how being a keyboard thug to Axl will make him change his ways or the way he handles his business.

    I agree with @flyaway all this negativity is useless. I don't know one single person who reacts in a positive way to insults or starts doing things different after being mobbed. All the contrary, the outcome of that it is always distancing, withdrawal and disdain.

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