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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. When Axl came here he endured pretty harsh attacks from people, who first doubted it was the real him and after confirming identify, went berserk on his family, collaborators, band break up, etc. 

    He could have left right there but he stayed, replied to all of the mean comments and was pretty informative on a variety of subjects. You should read those chats.

    It is apparently Duff the one who will face the interviews after Vegas so it'd be nice to have him here because the guy is incredibly cool. I don't know. I think they may want to stop by their official fan club first...

    • Like 3
  2. 6 hours ago, Asia said:

    No, you get it wrong. There's nothing wrong in him dedicating a month of his life to guest singing for AC/DC. Just not necessairly now, making a huge sensation and promotion for AC/DC in the wake of the first real GN'R tour in decades. For example, Slash and Duff have other projects too but they're not engaged in them now. Now is the time for GNR. For the tour, for some new music, FINALLY. It's the timing that bothers me not the fact that he does smth outside of GNR in general.

    Call me selfish as much as you like but I'd rather have him prepare for the GNR tour now and invest in this than be focusing on touring with ACDC.

    Of course, it may be a one-off or something for the future, then ok. But if the GNR thing gets postponed because Axl is doing a leg with AC/DC then, sorry, I ain't gonna be happpy about it and probably many people won't be. I just hope these many don't include the band members...

    You seem to be one of those people who get extra worried about things that didn't even happen. It sucks living that way because you don't enjoy anything.

    Neither you or I know when these shows are taking place. You don't know GNR plans. None of us do. Yet you act like Axl's mother... I mean, the guy is a professional singer, rock legend, one of the biggest rock icons still alive and you think you know better than him?

    Dont get offended but it doesn't work like that. Axl will do as he pleases. It's been proven he does and he's in no hurry. He will take a century to release a new album and there will be no Asia who could convince him otherwise.

    "GNR postponed" sounds almost like a joke. What's the hurry now? They didn't reunite 10 or 20 years ago when they were all much younger, one more day, one more month now it's meaningless.

    This is a slow band, this is a weird band, Axl may decide he wants to become an actor in the middle of all.

    "He can and he will" (Ross Malcolm Young, March 2016)

  3. 55 minutes ago, Towelie said:

    You do know that not every GNR fans likes AC/DC don't you?

    So what?

    Nowhere it says he's quitting Guns N' Roses to join ACDC on a permanent basis. He would be filling up some dates, maybe just a handful of them. How long is that? A month?

    You all making a scandal because he dedicates one single month of his life to do something for a band he loves?

    Fuck me Jesus the selfishness!!


    • Like 2
  4. 8 minutes ago, Black Sabbath said:

    Bach will be in Vegas on at least the first night. Surprised he's not going to the show honestly...



    At what time do the Vegas shows start?

    i know it is a "LOL" questions but I'm asking what the tickets say because maybe Baz knows it's gonna start late so he will have time to do his thing then head to the GNR thing.

    It is odd that he scheduled a gig in Vegas on April 8, really...

  5. 3 hours ago, alfierose said:

    They look a fair bit like Obsidian Crystal healing balls, you can see the stand part below them. Bring on that good karma!

    they will probably turn out to be something really dull and pedestrian


    Damn yes! What's what I meant! Some sort of fend shui thing and I was checking the stand part too!! :P

    Well, musicians in the forum should help us with this because if it is not a music device or part of equipment then my biggest bet would be this one and I stand by it :D

  6. 2 minutes ago, Spirit said:

    I think the Whisky probably knew something was up once Hollywood Roses had the fastest sell-out show in the past 20 years at the venue.

    They're covering their ass now. They don't want to risk a riot on April 1.


    It would be funny though, if this whole ordeal forces Whisky A Go-Go to shell out big bucks to get GN'R to play there to make people happy. Even if GN'R never was supposed to play there in the first place.

    I don't think that show will happen but with GNR everything's possible.

    At this point, this whole thing has become boring for me. No matter how much stories everyone makes up, we will know when it's actually happening, if ever.

  7. 44 minutes ago, Chfutzin said:


    I'm Tom, or Ting Feng, and I'm hitchhiking all the way from Israel to California to see the GN'R reunion show at Coachella.

    Why? Because it would make for a great, insane story.

    Why else? because I'm hoping that if word of this story reaches the ears of any band members, I might make a dream come true and get to meet them in person. So please help and share as much as possible, fellow awesome fans!



    The idea is really cool! Hope you make it on time!!!!!

    I'll check the video :)

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