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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 1 hour ago, vloors said:

    I thought axl was in Atlanta to see Erin Everly.

    Wasn't that the original rumour 

    Axl doesn't waste his time. He went to Atlanta to seal the deal with AC/DC, then had lunch with James Gunn and sealed the soundtrack deal and in the afternoon, payed a visit to Erin, had dinner together, watched a movie and then :heart:

    Very productive trip!

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, liers said:

    Axl could potentially be the biggest rock star ever of this happens... He'd be the lead singer of two of the biggest rock bands around... 

    "W. Axl Rose is an American musician best known as the lead singer of hard rock band 'Guns N Roses' and as the current lead singer of ACDC."

    Haha, that's awesome but he would not become the lead singer of AC/DC.. it is temporary :(

  3. 8 minutes ago, thirdeyeuss400 said:

    ohmyfuckingjesus!! Those people are cruel!


    If Axl joined the band, they'd have to rename themselves ASSHOLE/DC.



    Just go to youtube and check out how many times this bellend pissed off his own fans by showing up late or walking off stage because he had some minor technical problem.
    He's the main reason GnR split the 1st time round and will be the main reason when the split up again later this year.




    The more i think about it, the more i laugh. I might even like it to happen just so it's complete train wreck and Angus finally understands he's not Mr AC/DC



  4. 1 hour ago, James Bond said:

    That's the main reason I want it to happen. Their boards will implode. :lol:

    There's a thread going on over there where they're convinced that Axl is a major drug user and GNR had "one good album" and so on. It's hilarious. Think the atmosphere at this forum is crazy? The hardcore AC/DC fans bitch three times as much.

    Oh please provide a link! (do we have to register to read that?)

    I'm drooling over reading stuff like that, ahaahhaaa :drool:

  5. 15 hours ago, rft2003 said:

    So I'm new here and have been following this for a while. I live in Vegas and bought tickets for Adler 2 months ago. I thought it would be a warm up show then and did up until I received this email. I think it is really screwed up how the Whisky played this whole thing and got people excited and buying tickets for what is just a cover band. I also emailed the GM and Michael Maglieri and told them I'm from Vegas booked hotel and they said it's just the tribute band. Here's the email I received from the Whisky about an hour or so after I bought the Hollywood Roses tickets. Pretty cut and dry. 


    This email looks like TB called them and told them to stop hinting it is GN'R.

    That guy from Atlanta was also reached out and told to hold it until they decide time is right.

    It could be the real GN'R playing and TB telling The Whiskey to not make a lot of buzz, or it could be TB telling The Whiskey they should not promote the Cover Band making it pass for real GN'R.


    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, emybdc said:

    No, not at all. I was interviewed by a journalist last week about going to Vegas to see GnR. Here: http://musica.uol.com.br/noticias/redacao/2016/03/18/nao-e-famoso-e-quer-ver-o-guns-n-roses-em-vegas-veja-quanto-vale-a-viagem.htm

    This guy, who actually is a journalist, saw this and asked me to do a piece for them about my experience in Vegas but it'd be just a story from a fan's perspective. We haven't even discussed details, but that's why I met this guy. I knew his website before but I didn't know him.
    I should add he has his own website (@Subtle Signs's beloved playa del nacho) and he also writes for one of the biggest music websites in Brazil: whiplash.com.br

    Ahhhh that was a cool read! Interesting fanstories :)

  7. Just now, emybdc said:

    Here's the deal: this guy approached me after he's seen an interview I did last week that came out on friday about going to Vegas to see GnR, I even posted the link here. He asked me if I would do a piece for them AFTER the show on April 8th, telling about my experience at the concert and in LA/Vegas.
    I said I'd totally do it because how could I turn down an opportunity to talk about GnR? :P besides, I've been following his website for a long time and it's one of my favorites, despite not being so big here. He always has good info.
    After that we started talking about GnR until we got to the Adler subject. I asked him if he knew anything and he's told me what he knew AND his source. I asked if I could share it here and he said yes, but not all of it and not his source. That's what I did.
    I don't think he would bs me when he was asking me for a favor for his website - I won't get anything out of it. If this isnt gonna happen, his source was bsing him.
    Just so you guys can understand how I came across this kind of information and why I am stading by it since I'm a nobody lol

    Oh, are you a journalist?

  8. Just now, gunsfanoldie said:

    They play Izzy's fucking voice message to Andy!!! That right there is probably the most interesting thing we've gotten from this whole reunion. We can actually hear his voice, his words, his inflections, etc, which I think is awesome. A major plus to this podcast.

    I'm listening to it now and everything else is sort of unimportant. Its detailing the whole thing for those not aware, and just more speculating on their own, but I will say its pretty interesting to hear actual major journalists talking about this just like we would. Cause they know their stuff, so its better than nothing at this point.

    If you're bored and have nothing to do, IMO its a pretty interesting listen. But if you wanna hear anything, you should hear Izzy's voicemail at 23 minutes in (maybe 30 seconds before, but its like right around that time).

    The mentioning of MYGNR and the 50 page thread about Izzy's Twitter was also worth it for me lol. That really made me laugh out loud, thinking back to that fond time two weeks ago!

    The animation they did of Izzy's voicemail is total ace in my opinion. I love how they imagined Izzy behind the phone :lol:

  9. Just now, emybdc said:

    Oh I'm not comfortable AT ALL with any dates from any band GnR members might be in before a confirmation of a WHOLE tour - not just six dates. I'm lucky enough to be going to one of those, but for the amount of GnR fans out there, six dates are nothing.
    It doesn't make sense for them to be scheduling other dates with other bands if there is going to be a whole GnR tour. If they wanna do stuff in between fine, up to them, as long as we have GnR dates.

    Confirmation on it will come when time is right for them to announce it.

    Axl said to the Atlanta fan they will do a whole tour. I believe him :(

  10. Just now, emybdc said:

    It's not like that. My jealousy in this case is caused by the reunion and the lack of information. This is a huge deal for GnR fans, and nobody is thinking about GnR member's side projects. If we knew about GnR tour dates and how this whole thing is gonna work out it'd be a whole other story. We haven't even seen them together yet, so to talk about other bands seems kinda out of focus.

    I know it is a huge deal but there are six shows already scheduled and sold out. IT IS HAPPENING.

    First of all, the AC/DC thing is just a rumour for now but if it wasn't, how does it affect GN'R touring? They are not idiots, they've been in the business for decades, for sure they know how to not overlap dates and plan a tour.

    Slash and Duff both have their solo projects, jump from King of Chaos, to Hollywood Vampires, to a ton of other benefit concerts, shows and now with Guns N' Roses. They never fail showing up at the venues, they are never late.

    I don't get it why Axl is not allowed to do the same thing... If he was more proactive like that, he for sure would have improved his vocals a lot.

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, axlslash said:

    IN ONE NIGHT. They did that on a whim. That's not disrupting the longest-awaited reunion in rock n' roll in order to tour with a different band.

    How are the AC/DC shows disrupting the holy reunion? :question:

    Vegas and all six shows are sold out, confirmed, out of discussion at this point.

    There are 365 days in the year and many years ahead for the holy reunion tour thing to go forward spotless, lol.

  12. 13 minutes ago, axlslash said:

    I have a really hard time believing that Axl Rose - who hasn't done anything other than GNR more or less ever - is going to suddenly front a different band in the midst of the regrouping tour. Unless Slash wants the time to record a Conspirators album and the band will be dormant anyway, I would expect GNR to be Axl's one and only musical priority.

    That said, anything can happen with this fucked up dumpster fire of a band :lol:

    It indeed sounds unbelievable but no one believed either when in 2007 he decided to collaborate with Sebastian Bach's album and go lay vocals in 3 songs! for him.

    All done in one long night AND before Chinese Democracy was released. No one expected that one.

  13. Just now, tsinindy said:

    You asked what the problems could be...I cited one specific issue.  Use your brain.

    obviously he can do what he wants its his life, that isn't the point though.

    The one not using your brain is you and your flawed logic.

    So his voice is the problem, huh? Ok, then following your flawed logic he shouldn't even be thinking of playing the 6 already sold-out shows he's gonna do in April.


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