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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. Just now, tsinindy said:

    Strain on his already questionable voice to begin with....plus a myriad of other issues.  

    Lol you all sound like jealous girlfriends! :lol:

    Let the guy sing for whomever the hell he wants. If he knew he can't pull it off he wouldn't do it.

    If Axl is motivated to do this, that is a good sign! I haven't seen that guy motivated in decades.
    This thing may pump him up to release new music, write new stuff, he needs new experiences to get inspiration from instead of staying in Malibu taking care of cats.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Spirit said:

    Regarding Axl's business in Atlanta:


    From the Rock 100.5 radio show (Atlanta) this morning:

    Jason Bailey (radio guy) heard from a very reliable source with contacts within the band that Axl will front AC/DC for the remaining 10 shows.

    The GN'R camp got in contact with him (Jason) to have a meeting of sorts, as he couldn't reveal all of the information he is sitting on.

    He also got information on the tour start for GN'R (dates). That was the main concern of the GN'R PR person in contact with Jason, he couldn't share that.

    Today's podcast, fast forward to about 53-54 minutes.



  3. 11 hours ago, cooker said:

    Why do you care so much? 

    How is amount of care measured from that? :shrugs:

    8 hours ago, SlashElvisTCB said:

    If only people were offended by how the majority of women treat men like disposable trash we'd have less male suicides and divorces and less women would be getting killed by weak men who've been gipped by them more than a few times, they also wouldn't be used if they had any respect for themselves or others, lets not forget that Eve ate the apple.

    Women by and large are not the perfect angels they're made out to be, with that said, there are still some respectable sweethearts left in the world worth a mans time, but I have no problem with Axl's shirt, as a strip club manager I just pretend that is one of the entitled girls I work with on his shirt.

    "Eve ate the apple" :rofl-lol:





  4. I love Chinese Democracy! It is the GN'R album I listen to the most, along with UYI 2.

    There's a lot of prejudice against it, like some people wont listen to it and disregard it as a GN'R album, just because there is no Slash or Duff or Izzy on it. Of course, its totally different from the other GNR albums and that is because the whole thing revolves around Axl's experiences. People think of Guns N' Roses as a band of actual guys and not as a concept, that's why they cant see it as a Guns album, it doesn't have Slash touch. Slash created a lot of "eerie" sounds for GNR music. Songs like Rocket Queen are a perfect example of that, Jungle too.. Those kinda things are missing from this album... the personal touch of the people who defined GN'R sound in the beginning.

    That said, CD is a great album but sometimes I feel it lacks cohesion. There are songs that are too different one from the other. I still love them, though. It failed as a GNR album but it would have made a great Axl solo debut album. Had he gone that route, CD today would enjoy a different status.

    So in my opinion, the biggest con of CD are Guns N' Roses fans. They are the ones who prevented the album from being as successful as the other ones. People rejected it without giving it a chance. I think GNR fans are more like fans of the actual musicians and not much of the music itself. And Axl was crucified because of it. People see CD as the monster that ate real GN'R. And they say "Axl destroyed the band to carry on with his colossal vision. We will turn our backs on him and that silly album until he comes to his senses and gets the original guys back".

    I wonder what will happen if Axl releases CD2 with the help of Slash and Duff... Will CD2 sell millions of records? Maybe Chinese Democracy needs CD2 to have its reputation redeemed. Only time will tell.

  5. 16 hours ago, vloors said:

    It's nothing special just him saying some shit like fuck you etc on a voice recording. Then Everly supposedly cries after more words are said at 4 min 25 in. 

    I am on the fence whether  it is really them on the voice recording but that is the rumour.

    See clip below. Start of song then separate message at 4 min 25 sec

    Mentioned here on rollingstone http://www.rollingstone.com/music/lists/50-wildest-guns-n-roses-moments-20151124/april-28th-1990-axl-rose-and-erin-everly-have-las-vegas-wedding-20151119


    Thank you!

    Nah, that's not them. Not Axl's voice at all. Much less Erin.

  6. 18 minutes ago, wasted said:

    But this is an ironic t shirt? Possibly by a famous artist? 

    Maybe not, it's provocative but only means what you think it means? 

    Or you think this is a direct agenda of hate women? 

    At first glance it seems more like an ironic hipster t shirt. 

    I don't want to continue debating this topic because most people here can only resort to insults to validate their flawed logics. But ok. You seem respectful..

    Aesthetically speaking, and of course all opinions are subjective, the whole design looks cheap to me. Not sure if it's by a "famous artist". As terribly mysoginist and controversial as it is, I find Robert Williams 'Appetite For Destruction' painting to be superior than this sorry attempt at being "provocative".

    There aren't too many elements around it in order to think of alternative meanings to the one that seems obvious to me. It's a trash bin and two legs of what seems to be a woman. There isn't text either.

    I don't know if it's a direct agenda of women hatred. I really can't derive those judgements from it. I can only talk about what I see and what I think that solely image transmit as a message. It surely was made to cause this type of debate but it is sad that such a thing is released without a context. Maybe it is to raise some kind of awareness? I don't know but if it was, I'd still find it poor taste...

    Not sure what an ironic hipster shirt is. Never seen one. It really doesn't matter to me who wears this kind of thing. I think it's wrong. 

    Axl wearing that stuff in 2016 really surprises me though. Had it been the 90's, I would have expected it. He had a thing for controversial shirts. And I love controversial shirts too, I have a couple of them. I just would never endorse any kind of violence by wearing that type of message in my clothes. But that's ok, I'm my own person. I understand others may have a different opinion.

    • Like 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, Billsfan said:

    Yeah it is. Get a life. Some Brazilian chick randomly posting here isn't going to be meeting up with you at a random show because you're trying to defend her. You lose

    YOU get a life and NO, it's not fine. Get off my back. The topic is over, theater is closed.

    and I don't know what the hell is all that "meeting up with a Brazilian girl in a show" scandal. I'm not meeting anyone and if I was its none of your business.

    Get a life.

  8. 1 minute ago, emybdc said:

    That makes absolutely no sense. OF COURSE people have a right not to be offended. That's the whole point of respect, bud.

    yeah cause clearly I'm the only woman in the world

    Ahh, don't bother... Let's get out of here.

    This people are so brainwashed by popular culture and so scared at any sign of enlightenment that they become even more aggressive the more you expose the flawed logic in their reasoning.

    Not worth it.

    See you in another thread! :)

  9. Just now, MrSoftie said:

    I couldn't give a fuck. You want to know why? It's a t shirt. It's meaningless. Instead of focusing on shit like this people should be focusing on things actually related to sexism and gender equality.

    I'm sorry you seem so very ignorant in subject matters such as culture and sociology. A tshirt is clothing, clothing is part of fashion. Fashion is an expression of culture. What is culture? Google it.

    People and specially artists, use fashion to spread messages. It is just a tshirt? Hell, no. If tshirts and clothing in general are meaningless explain why artists and many regular people wear certain type of clothes. Why do rappers dress like they do? Why do rockers, punks, hipsters, darks, gothics, nerds, etc identify with their own special outfit?

    Sexism and gender inequality are perpetuated by the symbolism spreaded by the KultureIndustrie. Read Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer Dialectic of Enlightenment, for more reference.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Apollo said:

    You equate song lyrics as being the same thing as a picture on a shirt? What message or story is Axl telling by where for a shirt with a woman stuffed in a garbage can?

    Bach wore a shirt back in the day that read "AIDS kills f*gs dead"....you cool with that?

    Do you think Axl has matured lyrically since 1986? Was CD filled with those same types of lyrics from Appetite and Lies? Were there lyrics on CD like the ones you listed? Were their songs on CD spouting off about n*ggers and f*ggots and the awful immigrants coming and ruining our country? 

    Its ok bro. You don't have to agree with me. You guys are free to think a shirt like that is cool and badass. I don't. Some people also love the lyrics to Silkworms. The "pussy full of maggets" part is brilliant. I think some of the old songs have cringeworthy lyrics. You like them. It's OK if we don't like the same thing or agree on what is cool. ?

    This is exactly the point.

    Everybody was young once and made mistakes or didn't go for the best choices. We all are given the chance to mature and grow up and change to become a better person. Changing is good if it evolves who you were.

    Perpetrating bad models from the past, things that don't apply or work in a society anymore is not a cool thing to do. I had hopes Axl moved on from all that hate towards women that made him suffer so much. I'm sure he wouldn't be happy to find Beta or Vanessa disposed in a garbage can, at the hands of some cruel bad man.

    He used to wear amazing shirts on stage in the 90's, with really deep messages or controversial ones. I wish he went back to that instead of these cheap, uncool crap he's wearing now. Or just go back to wearing band shirts. It's quite healthier, dude.

    • Like 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, Original said:

    Politically Correct.  IE- everyone is so sensitive and "offended" by everything.   My suggestion- if that shirt offends you then you shouldn't listen to GnR.   Just go read some of the lyrics, you'll really be upset.  

    Politically correct my ass. This is a shirt with a terrible message on it: women are disposable, trash them. And the worst is a lot of women are killed daily due to gender violence and their killers DO throw their dead bodies in garbage cans. 

    Dont tell me what to listen to. If I were a casual fan I wouldn't be in this forum. But liking GNR music doesn't make me a blind ignorant follower of everything they do. I don't like One in a Million either and I would never wear a Charles Manson shirt, like I've seen many fans wearing it just to emulate Axl.

    i have developed my own personality and beliefs, some of them are totally opposite to that of Axl's or GNR and that won't prevent me from liking most of their music.

    • Like 4
  12. 2 minutes ago, wasted said:

    It will probably feel bad if they come back and get paid millions and they can't do a record. For them. It's embarrassing really. It would shed a lot of doubt on these shows.

    Unless of course it's just farewell shows. That would suck. 

    Holy shit... Imagine if after these six shows they go on press conference and announce this is the end of it al. No more albums, no more shows. Axl goes solo or retires... *gulp* :cry:

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