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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 14 hours ago, GNRmello77 said:

    all this pretty much points out how much this reunion wheights on those 3 as well, they are very careful with it as it seems. I'd like to believe it really means a lot to axl slash and duff personally who knows they are just i don't know getting things straight about it and enjoy the fact they are a band again? valueing being on good terms personally? Also the fact Duff told Eddie about talking to him first says a lot about how much they trust him and no other media... I like the way they do this because i think this is the best way for them 3 personal as it is a BIG thing for them each! Let them do it their way it's not an easy thing that happens everyday. lets not forget how unlikely this whole thing was for the past 20 years ;) 


    It'd be amazing if the 2006 interview with Eddie, Baz, CHris Jericko, etc. could be recreated, this time with Axl, Duff, Slash and Baz too!! That guy adds so much fun to any interview he is in! :lol:

  2. 1 hour ago, Apollo said:

    Again - the "it's not about the money because they could have did it ten years ago" stance literally holds no water. 

    Axl was already playing CD songs ten years ago. Seven years ago Velvet Revolver was selling millions and winning a rock Grammy. Axl's 14-million dollar baby had just been born. NONE of the big three needed money!!!!!!!!

    But fast forward to today. Loaded can't sell out an Elk's lodge. VR is dead. Slash/Myles aren't going platinum. And Axl has had three band members recently quit and there is no sign of CD2 coming out.  

    Saying they didn't regroup ten years ago actually PROVES the point that this current situation is 99% about the money. 

    The situation you described fits more the "99% about the failure". I kinda agree with you that all of them going solo has not been what they may have expected to happen when going solo.

    Now they've tasted what it is like to release material and play shows without the rest of the band, they are giving it one more chance to the project. And I think that's great.

    For the money or for the sake of reviving the "first love", they have to do it. It may work or it could get even worse. This is Guns N' Roses: Welcome to the Jungle!

  3. 8 hours ago, Apollo said:

    Same as Axl was back in the day.  Gnr fans have painted Axl with that same brush in a way to raise his "last true rock star and mr anti-establishment"  persona. Meanwhile, he is spending millions of dollars on videos, was all over MTV and rock magazines, released18 singles from The Illusions, does private shows for Hollywood actors, and does commercials or takes sponsorship from beer to energy drinks to crappy fast food restaurants. . 

    I fail to see Axl as Mr Anti-establishment.. Can you explain why you see him like that?

    in my opinion, he always acted more like anti-authority and definitely is an anti-media person, almost falling into censorship taliban type!

    7 hours ago, tremolo said:

    Axl was at that point the poster bad boy of R&R, the frontman of THE MOST DANGEROUS BAND IN THE WORLD... and here comes this scrawny little smartass and leaves him looking like a complete idiot. Cobain just had a dislike for everything Axl stood for.

    The whole thing started because of Courtney Love though, she started it, Kurt just followed and it was priceless.

    My impression is that Cobain misjudged Axl and didn't give himself a chance to know AXL better. He would have realized they had a lot in common. The difference was in the way they expressed their art.

    Both bands were followed by teenagers, the Generation X, and while GNR called the youth to rebel against parents, teachers and police, Nirvana was like "life sucks, there's nothing we can do to fix it, so let's just be depressed and forget about the world". Guns lyrics were like a call to action, Nirvana lyrics were a call to apathy and isolation, the individual before the community.

  4. 3 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    But this is merely your assessment of Slash and Duff's (apparent) acceptance of Fortus. I'm perfectly in my rights to prefer Gilby, desiring something more genuine from a 'reunion' than a weird hybrid mish-mash fusion of old band greats and ad hoc Axlite hirelings.

    I really don't know if this is my assessment of things. Maybe music groups do not operate like regular companies and they do not sign contracts, even if there are millions of dollars in the middle. Who knows? Maybe that world is like that, free of contracts, accountants, lawyers, you know... Never been the member of a millionaire rock band. What the hell I know? :shrugs:

  5. Stand by your opinion, that's all I can advice you with :)

    This is your opinion and for sure, a lot will disagree and a lot more will agree. It's not a sin to like one band more than the other. It happens to most people.

    The only Nirvana albums I have are Nevermind and MTV Unplugged. I hardly play any of them anymore. I like Nevermind but I will never like it like the GNR ones. It doesn't mean it is better or worse. I'm more emotionally attached to GN'R, I guess.

    From an "objective" point of view, if something like objectivity exists, I think their music is like Apple and Oranges, you know? I got never hooked up on Nirvana's music and lyrics, even though my depression fitted Nevermind better than with anything else :lol:

    And to answer your last question: no, different music or even same genre didn't added to or diminished my GNR fandom. I enjoy every artist that I like, for different reasons. GNR will always be the band that I like the most, even if they release shitty music. Its like when you have kids, you love them even if they are horrible things ;)

  6. 4 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

    Imagine if this lineup goes on to write and release an album that becomes the top hard rock album of all time...then the drum head will have its value!

    I used to have a lot of GNR things (nothing signed like this, of course) that when I was a kid thought they didn't matter. I got rid of them and now I regret it!

    Never thought the time would give value to things I thought were just junk when I bought them :-/

  7. 5 minutes ago, Nosaj Thing said:

    It's very well documented why he got fired and it didn't happen because of his skills.  Actually, there's an interview in 1990-1991 where Axl praised Sorum's skills and his performance on the UYI albums.  It is also a common opinion within Gn'R fans that his playing on TSI? is stellar.

    Weird that you don't remember this when you claim that you started following this band when Sorum was in.  Very weird, son.

    I DO know why Sorum was fired. My question was sarcastic. I'm sorry you didn't get it, papa.

  8. 1 hour ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Then why not just replace all of Guns with technically better players. Axl's voice is shot - replace him. Slash is a feeling player - replace him with a speed merchant. I'm sure there are technically better players than Duff. How about Neil Peart for drums.

    Bands are not just theoretical exercises, with which you chop and change members based on taste.

    Unless they are supergroups of course.

    Partnering Fortus with Slash is illogical. It holds no legitimacy and does not reunite, recreate, a prior line-up which is identifiable. It is untested, and for those who despise nugnr (me and others) a bit jarring. Same applies to having Frank there.

    Slash wanted Fortus for his solo band so I guess Slash knows his shit better than you or me, doesn't he?

    Do you think Slash would have accepted all of this if he didn't know, or at least sense, that he can play with a guitarist like Fortus? I think you are understimating the autonomy and intelligence of Slash and Duff.

    When Slash didn't like a guitarist, say Paul Huge, he was pretty vocal about it and he even quit the millionaire gig because he wasn't ok with it. Decades later, Slash doesn't need any of this shit, so if he wouldn't feel ok with this deal then he wouldn't have accepted it. What is he, a 4 year-old? That's how you treat him. As if the guy didn't know shit about his own playing... Besides, Duff was there for several shows in 2014. He tested waters, he played full shows with Fortus and Ferrer, Duff KNOWS what is like to play with them and I have no doubts Duff has talked about it with Slash, told him how the guys are and all the gossip.

    Slash and Duff are professional, long time musicians. They are rehearsing with the lineup that will play Vegas. If they weren't down to it they wouldn't do it. They are not amateur musicians.

  9. 3 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    What amazing albums did Fortus work on?

    Hypocrisy. If Gilby plays rhythm guitar on GN'R's biggest ever world tour, playing to millions worldwide, he is ''lucky'' and enjoying ''the perks''. If Fortus plays Appetite to a bunch of Vegas tourists and Brazilians he is this 'supremely talented guitarist'' you guys seem to think he is.

    Where is the hypocrisy? The problem you have is that you are twisting and mixing different topics and assuming things about others, just to make a point you're failing to make because you're following a flawed logic.

    Let's try it again and this is the last time I talk about this:

    DISCLAIMER - This is my OPINION. I'm perfectly fine with other people not agreeing with me and never understanding why I feel this way.


    1) Gilby Clarke toured with Guns N' Roses during the UYI tour, participated of music videos, played guitar in the covers album "The Spaghetti Incident", did a solo album that featured Axl Rose as the backing vocals of a Rolling Stones cover song.

    2) Richard Fortus joined Guns N' Roses in 2001, played guitar in some tracks of the album "Chinese Democracy". Since then, he's been involved with Guns N' Roses, mostly joining the different tours to promote Chinese Democracy, before and after its release. The band that promoted CD around the world have played in Europe, Asia, Southamerica and Northamerica in several occassions.

    3) Do we all understand that none of these guys WROTE a single significant note, lyric for ANY GN'R album? OK, we do.

    4) Gilby Clarke and Richard Fortus are both replacements for rythm guitar position, although Fortus have also played lead guitar parts.

    5) Gilby Clarke and Richard Fortus have clearly enjoyed the perks of being hired by a multimillionaire rock n' roll band. Clarke was lucky to join GN'R when they were at the peak of their fame and success. A success that was mainly achieved by the sales of albums "Appetite For Destruction", "Lies" and "Use Your Illusion I & II". Fortus has also enjoyed the success of those albums, playing songs that are now considered classics and he's been on a payroll since 2002, which is the dream of any musician who actually wants to make a living off music. Very few people really make it that big. Props to both Richard and Gilby.


    1) IN MY OPINION, Richard Fortus is a way better guitarist than Gilby Clarke. A better replacement if you want to be mean. Even Axl Rose (whose opinion shouldn't matter because who the fuck is he, anyway?) has a similar opinion regarding Fortus' playing:


    He's an amazing lead player and very technically skilled. He really likes the pocket that Brain sets and the two of them click with Tommy so we finally have the real deal rhythm section, as Richard is a proven professional. Basically, Richard's the guy that we always were looking for.

    2) Since Richard Fortus has not been fired and has been steadily working with Axl's latest incarnation of Guns N' Roses, and the owner of Guns N' Roses seems to be pretty comfortable with his work, why should a mediocre replacement guitarist (opinion) like Clarke, who was laid off in the 90s, be re-hired to be part of the 2016 regrouping of Guns N' Roses?

    This would be like replacing my iPhone 6 with a Motorola one. Makes no fuckin' sense to me :shrugs:

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Nosaj Thing said:

    Here's where I realized this post was made by someone who has no fucking clue what they're talking about.  Did those things affect Sorum performance in studio or on tour?  Nope.  So, what does it matter if his hair was awful?  Sigh.

    Get a grip, son.

    No, those things didn't affect his performance in studio or on tour but turns out the guy got fired, so how do you explain a guy gets fired if he's such a perfect musician? Looks like you've got all the clues in the world.

    I'm not your son, btw.


    12 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    He toured with Guns when they were at their commercial peak for crying out loud, gigantic stadium shows, the Paris PPV a world event; it is Gilby you see in all of those blockbuster music videos, November Rain, etc!! You cannot compare this to a nugnr replacement sporadically playing Appetite in Vegas.

    Yeah, I suppose I must give credit to a guy who didn't move a finger to create those amazing albums, yet he got to enjoy all of the perks that came with that tour. Impressive! Some people are very lucky and others are just not touched by the magic of easy money.

  11. 9 hours ago, Kasanova King said:

    He actually does mention them....

    "I don’t have an excitement to work with people that joined in the "Illusion" time. There’s behind the scenes that was really, really difficult there with different ones"

    He basically said he doesn't want to work with Sorum or Clarke in that sentence.

    What I meant is that he didn't mention them by name, while he did mention all the other guys by name. He called them "the Illusion guys", lol. Yes, it is obvious he doesn't like them. Maybe he changed now. I don't know.

  12. 10 hours ago, Bono said:

    All of this is hilarious. You think Sorum and Gilby are strangers and everyone knows who Richard is. Go survey the average people on the street.  guaran-fucking-tee you way more people will connect Gilby Clark and Matt Sorum with Guns N Roses than Richard Fortus. In fact the overwhelming vast majority of people will look like deer caught in the headlights whe  you ask them who Richard Fortus is. Being part of GUns N Roses at the peak of their fame and playing on the Illusion albums(sorum) is so much fucking more of a contribution to the legacy of GnR than Richard Fortus has ever done.

    I didn't say that, or at least, I didn't mean that. I know most people who are casual GNR fans and not die-hards like me don't have a clue who Fortus is and the rest of guys who joined Axl in the 2000's are. I have friends who like Guns N' Roses and all they know about it is Axl and Slash. Yes, it'd be great to survey people on the street, if I had the means to do it I would, or we could have Jimmy Kimmel doing it..... I can safely bet very few people would connect Clarke and Sorum to Guns N' Roses. And it'd be the same with Fortus, Pitman, Bumble, etc.

    I would agree with you that Sorum has a more solid contribution than the rest for playing in the UYI albums, but that's all there is to it. Gilby Clarke touring for 2 years with them is not that much of an accomplishment than what other replacements did. He wasn't an outstanding guitarist in that era. The weight of the guitar show was all on Slash.


    Pretty much all I'm getting from you is you accepted Richard because the almighty Axl Rose did and you don't accept Gilby or Matt bcause Axl fired them. That pretty much sums it up. 

    Hmmm, I think I said something along those lines, minus the mean tone you're adding to it. So for clarification, I will repeat that when I decided to continue being a GN'R fan after 1999, I started "accepting" all the musicians that came and go because I wanted to hear Chinese Democracy. And that doesn't mean I LOVED or liked all of them. I never liked Buckethead, for example, and I didn't like Bumblefoot either. I tolerated them just like in 1992 I had to tolerate Sorum and Gilby Clarke. Most of those people have been gone for a while and I don't miss them and I don't want them back: be it Sorum, Buckethead, Clarke or Paul Huge.

  13. 37 minutes ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    Back in 2012 though, Axl made it absolutely clear that any reunion would only consist of Slash and Duff:



    All these managers, they know one thing. They know that they can at least ... sell a reunion tour and get their commission. It’s just a phone call. It’s a half a day’s ... work, or however long they want to keep the bidding war going. They get their commission and they don’t care if it falls on its face.

    Because, really, you can get guys from the "Illusion" thing, but the only thing that would make it would be Duff and Slash, really. It’s nothing against Izzy and it’s nothing against Steven, or anything like that. Steven may want it, but these guys I’m working with right now, they work really hard and it’s hard work. I’ve toured with the other guys and I’ve also seen what they’ve done since, and I just know the difficulties.

    I don’t have an excitement to work with people that joined in the "Illusion" time. There’s behind the scenes that was really, really difficult there with different ones. So it’s not really even a full reunion. And these guys have been here a long time, whether the public knows it or not because we haven’t done the media like that. Tommy’s been on 14 years, Richard’s going on 11. That’s as long as Duff was in the band. Chris has been in going on 11, Dizzy’s on since "Illusion," Frank’s going on six, and so’s Bumble. These guys have been here. And DJ’s going on three.

    Plus, we can have our differences, and everybody in the band can be like, ‘I don’t understand that guy’ and point at one of us, you know? But at the same time, we get along. I don’t have to tell these guys what to do onstage. I can suggest something at times, but that’s very little. 



    That quote is EXCELLENT. That quote says it all!!

    How come people don't get it? People are so dumb sometimes, and most of times, selfish. They can't accept the fact that Axl feels good with these guys and he didn't like Sorum and Clarke. Why should Axl privilege some sort of stupid convention to bring those people back if he doesn't like them?

    It is his fucking band, he's the boss, he earned it, he wrote the lyrics to those songs, he wrote those songs, he put his voice on them. There is a point in life, when you get older, when you no longer hang out with people by obligation. You choose your friends and oftenly shorten your circle. There is a point in life when you don't owe anything to anyone. Axl is at that point where he can choose who to play with, do not have to beg for money or fame anymore.

    Its funny he mentioned Izzy and Adler and totally forgot about Sorum and Clarke. Says a lot. I will never understand why people want to shove those two down Axl's throat. As if they were important.

    • Like 2
  14. 12 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    I couldn't care what other people think. All I know is I love Pawnshop Guitars. The Hangover is a good album also, as is, to a lesser degree, Rubber and Swag - I can talk about these albums if you want but expect you do not really want me to? I thought he was a good replacement for my favourite Guns member, Izzy. I liked his work on Snakepit also. I accepted Gilby as a member of GN'R when I was ten years old. I have still never accepted any of these nugnr jokers as Guns. I do not really understand why this guy has become unpopular with the fanbase, and Fortus is hailed as this messiah genius figure. The terms versatile and professional are thrown about like cricket balls, yet he has played with the Backside Boys or Nsync!! You are making him sound like, well, Buckethead.

    Fortus has merely leeched off of the old band whereas Gilby was a member of the old band, albeit a replacement.

    And you can criticise the chap all you want but Gilby puts out original material. He writes. He produces. He has a handful of solo albums under his belt. The first solo album sold well. He had a signed band before gnr. Fortus has done nothing but sideman for pop artists like Britney and Backside Boys and loach of Gn'r. Alright alright, I will give you the Dead Daisies which is an alright album, but there is not much else there, is there?

    I just do not see what is so great about this guy! You people exult him way beyond his worth. Just what is so great about? I saw nugnr twice and I can barely remember him playing a lead lick. All I recall was he bashed his strings a lot a la Townsend.

    We will have to agree to disagree because I feel all the contrary that you feel. I have Pawnshop Guitars and back in the day I used to play it a lot because you were stuck with a whole CD because of a single song. But now I don't remember any song from it, except maybe Cure Me Or Kill Me and, of course, Dead Flowers. Today my perception of it is "average album" from the 90's.

    I didn't buy any more albums from Gilby Clarke and actually any other album from the former members of GNR, whether they were original or replacement. All of them sing like crap and the music is shit. But of course, this is my opinion and it doesn't mean anything to anyone other than me, I guess.

    I have not accepted Gilby as a member of GNR. When I started liking this band, Izzy was still around and Sorum had recently joined but I never liked him either. His voice and general attitude, and his awful hair, turned me off. Truth is I never cared about Gilby, Sorum and not even Dizzy Reed. Some people say Clarke participated in the band's biggest shows and solely because of that he deserves to be back. I say bullshit. When I think of the Tokyo '92 show or Chicago '92 or Freddy Mercury tribute, the only faces I remember are Axl's, Slash and Duff. Mainly, Axl and Slash. The rest is just decoration.

    As for the "nuGuns", I don't consider them band members either but for the time that new lineup was put together, I had already understood that Slash, Duff and everybody else were gone, never to return. I accepted this at some point before Chinese Democracy was released because I stayed around to support Axl. He was the main and only reason I had to keep following "the band" and once it was clear the old members weren't coming back I moved on along with him. Since then, it doesn't really matter to me who's plays with Axl because I've been shown that expecting a stable lineup for GNR is ridiculous at this point. Axl will hire and fire whoever he wants and if you wanna be a fan of GNR you have to accept this or fuck off.

    That said, if you ask me do I want to see people like Buckethead or Robin Finck back? I'd say NO. I rather see new people than the replacement of the replacement of the replacement. In the case of Fortus, he's the one with the most stability in the band, aside from Dizzy, and I'm used to see him around when I attended the shows or watch You Tube videos. Just because you don't seem to have followed that GNR lineup, it doesn't mean Fortus is invisible. He had quite a presence in all of the shows.

    Clarke and Sorum are not Slash and Duff. No one misses them. People outside these forums don't even know who Izzy or Adler are, much less those two replacements from two decades ago.

    I don't know what's so special about Fortus, except that he's one of the guitarists from the CD era lineup that people accept the most and don't mock him like with DJ Ashba, and if you've been following the band through the dark times, you know the guy has been around, unlike Sorum and Clarke who have become total strangers to us.

  15. 12 minutes ago, gunsfanoldie said:

    According to Wikipedia they are both 49. Turning 50 this year.

    Essentially, they are old enough to have been in a successful band of their own, did not have luck with that, and are now the same age as old Guns members and playing their music on a "reunion" tour.

    Ok. Thank you. 

    I don't get why you added extra information, actually opinion, in the answer to my question. Lol.

  16. 12 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    I am sure Richard is prepared for that. He is a a consumate professional. That being said, with two guitar players of such caliber as Richard and Slash, and such compatible styles where they fullfill eachother, I hope they use this unique opportunity to change things up a bit. Sure, Slash should play those iconic solos he is known for (SCOM, NR, Estranged, etc), but Richard could come forward and play some lead, too, or add memorable second guitar to songs. Take GN'R forward, not just replicate whatever Izzy did. This is an outstanding opportunity to mix things up a bit, be creative, create next.generation versions of GN'R songs. It is a unique opportunity, I hope they don't just squander it by insisting that Richard should stay in the background. Then they might as well bring in someone more boring than Richard.

    I totally agree with this! Really hoping the show has changed from all we've seen during the last decade. I can't understand people attached to Gilby Clarke??? How many of you HAVE REALLY seen Clarke in a big band after Guns? How can you miss something that was never a big deal? Remember when Clarke broke his arm and Izzy replaced him? People were thrilled for having Izzy back. Clarke isn't special.

    I don't miss Sorum, I don't miss Gilby, those guys don't have outstanding careers that make you drool over the thought of having them back! It is Axl and Slash the ones we really missed, and in second place comes Duff and Izzy. Steven Adler?? Come on, no one missed him during the UYI tour!

    This current combination sounds and looks good. I don't want nostalgia shows, sick of them, even though I know they will mostly play the hits and old material, I hope there is at least a change in the set list with different covers, solos and NEW material, if that was possible.


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