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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. On 13/3/2016 at 3:57 PM, Towelie said:

    Screw that, I'm downright bitter about it. I know GNR are a US act and all, but I guess us Brits are used to getting a lot of good shit and I'm sat here reading about your roadtrips to Vegas to see Axl and Slash and I can't help but wish it was London instead. Hate you guys so much right now.

    Not feeling left out yet because I still have hopes they will do a world tour and include many other countries. I understand they want to play the USA first because it is their homeland and there's nothing you can do against it. Besides, GN'R has been a bit stranged from their own homeland in the last years, like they were denied glory only because Axl wouldn't reunite the old lineup so I guess this is their time for revenge.

    What I'm really pissed off at is my financial situation that doesn't allow me buy a ticket to Vegas, and more specifically, the expenses of plane tickets, hotel accomodations and all of that horrible shit. I was very jealous of the people who could afford it, until february. Now I have convinced myself that I'm not going and I will have to watch it via YouTube.

    So that's what hurts the most. Not having money. :cry:

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Slash787 said:

    Erin is been in touch with Slash since he and Meegan came back together, so I guess its been more than a year. Erin even posted pics of her daughters with Slash a few months back.

    Erin even went to Slash's gigs and she even went to the NuGNR gig back in 2014, I guess only a few fans knew who she was, If Del would have seen her then most prob. she would not be allowed for obvious reasons. 


    I think she's been in contact with Axl in more ways than you think...

    The GN'R concert she attended was in 2010 or 2011, if memory doesnt fail..

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Babooshka said:

    Who is saying they should go back to that stage in their life?

    OP is...


    This is such a historic musical moment and once again GN'R is missing a golden opportunity to blow it out and give the fans what they deserve - to feel proud of GN'R again.  What camp GN'R doesn't understand is the fans LOVE and WANT to see this concert hyped and promoted.  Seeing Axl/Slash/Duff together, having a good time, laughing, talking...man that would mean more than the concert itself.  The chemistry has to be there OFF the stage for it to occur ON the stage.  Here's hoping this is wrong. 


  4. They have reconciled for business purposes. And that's it.

    Axl's BFF's are Sebastian Bach, Del James, Beta Lebeis... that kind of people. Slash is long gone from the picture. Duff is loyal and probably Axl considers him his friend but not that close either.

    I don't think we will see the GN'R from the 80's, all living in warehouse, sharing women and drugs. I don't get why people insist with having them go back to that stage of their life. It isn't happening, dude!

  5. 12 hours ago, Tom2112 said:

    I don't know, there are victims of sexual assault who don't speak about the incident for years and years; so the time frame isn't really a red flag for me. 

    If the claim is false, she is liable, so I'm assuming her publishers fact checked that the incident did in fact take place... Axl and his team have a tendency to sue. So, either the story is true and Axls team couldn't prevent its release, or the publishing company and Sheila skipped the fact checking stage at the risk of future lawsuits.

    It is not only the time frame that makes me suspicious but the way she's telling about it: in a book where she talks about her years as a "playmate" or whatever they call the girls who worked for that Penthouse magazine. This is not the book of a rape victim, some sort of self-help, advice for other women kind of book, it is a book full of anecdotes of the "wild" years of a hot young girl. It's pretty similar to a rocker's book telling memories of the life on the road, the excesses, the drugs, the wild life, blah blah.

    I dont know how could anyone fact check the incident if, according to her tales, it was only Axl and her in the room having sex? It is her word against his and viceversa.

    In my opinion, she wasn't very good adviced about this thing. Is she saying he abused her? Or is she saying she had sadomasochist sexual intercourse with Axl but didn't know he was into that? It is not clear what is the purpose of telling a story like that, knowing that in today's age, saying something like that could inmediately take the guy to court.

    Is she trying to SELL books or is she genuinely accusing Axl of sexual abuse and wants to sue him? You can't have both, in my opinion. If you really feel like a victim of sexual abuse you should take action, sue him if you think he deserves to be behind bars but do not play with what actually happened, just to get famous or sell your shit book.

    This woman does no good to the victims of sexual abuse, because rape is a serious thing, not some "cute" anecdote of a wild night with alcohol and drugs.


    Today Sheila Kennedy, 53, carries no scars from the incident and is positive about this and much of the life that she lived as a Penthouse Pet.


    That's what I call a fucked up asshole. No more words.

  6. On 9/3/2016 at 0:18 PM, Tom2112 said:

    If It is indeed true? then I don't know what to think. Even if he was going through a meltdown, or whatever it's totally inexcusable. What I can't understand is why someone would wait all these years later to release a book with this info; the proper way to deal with a sexual assault, is to report it to the police. 

    This story could easily go either way, could be 100% true and it could also be a case of Axl having some dirty S and M sex with this lady (consensual) and later for publicity or whatever the story has changed.

    Looking at the Erin case, it's not that far a stretch to imagine this happened... but with that very public case, it's also very easy for others to come along and say similar things also happened to them.

    Obviously as a fan you hope these things aren't true, but if they are!? it really throws into question the person you're idolising.

    I pretty much doubt that girl for the reasons you stated above.

    Not idolising Axl to the point of blind following or denial. There are high chances he did it but the way she tells the story, it is not all like "he attacked me and i had no other option". When she went into the bathroom, saw the drugs and thought to herself the guy could be dangerous, why didn't she leave? She stayed and she had sex with him, even under the suspicion that he could hurt her.

    30 years later she comes up with a book where she tells her "adventures"? No one who was truly abused by a man would write a book of that kind. She seems proud of having a life where she exchanged her body and sexual favors with powerful men.

    There's nothing ethical about that either.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, spliff said:

    the hip hop community fucks with axl more than you'd think


    this is a hip hop forum i lurk on which doesn't really like white people (hence why i lurk)  so when i saw this thread recently i was kinda surprised


    well until they started talking about one in a million

    I have an ignorant question to ask... don't kill me :(

    Does Guns N' Roses have black fans?

    I figured that because of 'One In A Million' no black person would want to say they like the band or Axl but after so many years, I wonder if GN'R actually has a black fanbase.

    Haven't been to shows in countries with black population so I can't tell from that.

    Just wondering, please do no take offense from my question!

  8. 47 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    Jesus H.................clickbait article is going to make me defend DJ(tm)

    This is from the same interview where DJ(tm) said that Axl treated him like gold. Yahoo just decided to make clickbait out of it by making the headline the part DJ(tm) said in the the middle of paying compliments to Axl.

    And to be even more fair, DJ Ashba never brought Kaney West into the conversation!

    It was Jenny Garth who asked him to "rate" Axl's temperament in a scale of 1-to-Kaney and that's how poor Ashba ended up mentioning that stupid guy.


    • Like 1
  9. This is so ridiculous....

    Like, these kids writing shit that puts Kaney before Axl Rose. Where the hell have they've been or where they born in 2005?
    Axl Rose came first, therefore, the one who's trying to be an Axl is Kaney West, not the other way around.

    I agree with what the poster above said, Kaney just has an inflated ego and he forces himself into the public opinion as some tough guy but it is all made up, he´s fake, he puts on a performance with the way he acts.

    One of the differences between Axl and Kaney is that Axl never promoted himself or called himself the best of something. It is others who put him in places, label him, etc. It is the media and fans.

    Kaney is his own media and a big fan of himself. Probably that's what has put him on th elimelight though, but once he gets tired of it, everybody will forget.

    I can't name one single song from that guy that I can say "wow this is gonna be a classic in 40 years".


  10. 26 minutes ago, Ulnar said:

    That's true. It does seem incredibly unusual - and it's why so many people doubted it was him until proved otherwise. You're right - it does seem out of character given what we know of him.

    The theories of him using it as some form of 'leverage' seem a little too far fetched too - again, seems out of character, so - yeah - it's a bit of a mystery as to why he's done so.

    EDIT: Unless, of course, we take it purely at face value - he did say he wanted to clear up misinformation. Could it be as simple as that? He was getting frustrated that rumours of his involvement were being circulated almost as fact, and he didn't want anyone to bank on him being there?

    You know - he must be aware that people are spending big bucks on these tickets & he didn't want people mislead when he could set the record straight himself, so took the chance to do so.

    Seriously, the rumors about him being involved were not that huge!

    I'm sorry but I dont remember the major media sites headlining articles with "Izzy Stradlin is reuniting with old bandmates". It was mostly forums and little music websits like Alternative Nation, that kind of thing, speculating over nothing, really. The shows were never promoted on anyone else but Axl-Slash-Duff.

    Then yes, there was Alan NIven saying Izzy was recording with GN'R. But nothing out of the usual BS that you read everyday on the Internet.

    I feel this was just an excuse for him to show how upset he is about something we don't know what the hell it is. It must be some big crap Axl or Duff or Slash did to have Izzy coming out from under the rock he lives and make a Twitter account. LOL, Twitter!

  11. 1 minute ago, Ulnar said:

    My point exactly. There seems to be a hell of a lot of behind the scenes stuff that none of us know about. It doesn't seem to be as simple as grabbing a guitar, doing a couple of rehearsals and just jumping on a stage. One of the things we do know from what's come before is that he's not a fan of complicated situations.

    And my point is, if the guy already knows how the GN'R Monster Machine works, that it hasn't changed much from the 90s, that reunion shows and tour will bring the same madness from before and he will be under the magnifier of all media and fans....................... why oh why does he go PUBLIC with a Twitter account to say he's not part of it when we all know he's not been part of it for a long time now?

    That's what doesn't make sense to me.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:

    Maybe.  I don't think it's as complicated as you presume.  Izzy (from what I know) is a pretty simple and straightforward guy....he has a sort of dry sense of humor....but he's a simple dude.  He quit drugs and realized he really didn't like being on stage every night, with a bunch of wasted fans in front of him.

    As for the popularity part....I don't think he minded that....he could dig being popular....for the "right" reasons.  I don't think he would have minded if his solo projects would have gone multi platinum....he probably would have loved it. lol

    He may not be a complicated guy but the whole GN'R machine IS extremely complicated. It doesn't seem like it changed much from the UYI tour madness, except maybe for the drugs and alcohol...

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Hollywood Gunner said:

    i agree lol and dont get me wrong... im with you guys when you say that rioting is immature bullshit and we're too old for that but tell that to a crowd of 50k alcohol fueled pissed off folk


    part of me is even wondering if axl wont just do it to see if hes still got it... or just because he can

    well, he did it to the Ireland crowd in 2010, didn't he? Those people were sooo upset, omg!

    In Southamerica, crowd will not get mad at him for coming out late because people are used to going out late and spending a whole night out partying.

    BUT if he throws a tantrum and ends show just because he can, then yes, a huge riot would ensue in Brazil or Argentina stadiums.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:

    Most of that stuff was just a bunch of rumors.


    From my understanding, Izzy quit doing drugs.  Once sober, touring didn't appeal to him anymore.  He literally had a "Is this all there is?" moment....and pretty much quit...shortly there after.

    Yeah but he knew the huge UYI tour would put him in touch with drugs all the time, so in part he quitting the GN'R monster is also related to his drugaddiction.

    He didn't want to be part of Don't Cry either... He didn't like anything about the huge fame or else, once he quitted drugs, he could have returned with another big band but he has remained low profile for over 2 decades.

    • Like 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, Hollywood Gunner said:

    idk bout colleges were you live but 3 years ago college kids in montreal had these real life issues... and we all know montreal loves a good riot lol


    i guess the same could be said about some south american cities too

    If a GN'R sold out show is cancelled during the show in a Southamerican city, Axl better have a helicopter waiting for him next to stage or he won't make it alive!

    • Like 1
  16. I only have the lyrics to "Closure" and they were proofread by Kevin Lawrence specially for me :cry:


    You look so cool it seems
    Never gonna get the boys know how you feel
    Let them know how you feel

    Your image to keep up
    Never gonna let it slide
    Never gonna give it up
    Come on, baby, give it up

    And I start to think as I am passing you by
    I don't like the way that I'm having to try
    You think you're just to good for anyone else
    I think you better take another look at yourself

    And I start to think as I'm passing you by
    I don't like the way that I'm having to try
    You think you're just to good for anyone else
    I think you better take another look at yourself

    I think you better take another look at yourself

    I think you better take another look at yourself

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