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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. Didn't Izzy pull out of Guns N' Roses in 1991 because he didn't want to deal with the monster the band had become?

    Why does he care so much now? Did he really want to be part of a monster reunion?

    Obviously, there are so many things we don't know about these guys. They contradict themselves all the time or maybe it is just their human nature kicking in but seriously, Izzy acting this weird way caught me by surprise. He was never like this. He never gave a damn about GN'R. He even joined Axl and nuGN'R on stage!!

    Now he seems butthurt about something but the weirdest part of it is that he's making it public! That isn't his style.. which makes me think the guy's pretty pissed off and that ain't good.

  2. Yeah, I agree with you all!

    Maybe this thread should be locked now? Until we find out what's up with the Izzy on Twitter?

    There's really nothing else to comment on this. There are people who believe in IzzyStradlin999 and others who do not, and that will not change anytime soon, UNLESS, unbreakable proof shows up and we all accept the shocking truth, lol

    Now people are fighting because that's what happens when you get bored and a topic has been discussed to death :shrugs:

  3. 23 minutes ago, slash97 said:

    Downliner said it was when Izzy opened the conversation that he instantly recognised his voice. And he reportedly sent Izzy his phone number with an E-Mail. IIRC that was the first time Downliner has ever talked to Izzy, but they have been in regular E-Mail contact over the past few years.

    Ok, I found the Downliner quote he posted at another forum. It goes like this:


    Izzy phoned me earlier tonight. It is 100% Izzy on Twitter. He tried to verify twice by email but everyone saying "he's been hacked" got me paranoid (especially when seeing my forum posts shared in the wider media). Asked the account to email me a photo with todays date or phone me..... he called and I knew instantly it was him.

    The last sentence keeps me wondering though. He didnt mention a voice, not even a chat upon the phone. Just the phone call. I still don't get it. Like, there's something missing. Why there's no mention of the chat that "I assume" should have happened, even if it was 2 minutes?

  4. 8 hours ago, Asia said:

    I don't know, I don't care. I'm not really getting into this. If Downliner or (who is an unqestionable authority in today's world? Can't think of any, sadly, but put in whoever suits this description for you) told me Axl had grown himself donkey's ears and a tail, I would not believe them because it just doesn't make sense.

    I don't know Downliner. All I know about him is that so far he's been very spot on in getting information about Izzy. But that doesn't mean to me that whatever he says for the rest of his lifetime must be true regardless whether it makes any sense or not. Maybe he got hacked, maybe it is not him, maybe he is in the Amazon jungle on a trip of his life and his younger brother is having fun with his email and social media, maybe there's another explanation, I don't care. Not accusing him of anything, not undermining his credibility, I just don't get into that. 

    What's interesting though is that it is so easy for everyone to believe that Izzy's housemaid or gardener is using his twitter, that Izzy's gone mad, that he is a dork, that he's an idiot, that he's fucking with everyone bla, bla but in case of Downliner it is all out of the question, it absolutely must be Downliner himself and what he says must be true - all the other theories are stupid. 

    And your argument here is "because you don't know Izzy personally" Well, great. And do I know Downliner personally? Or do you?

    There's something I understood differently from this Downloader guy and I dont know if its just me or what but I think somewhere he said something along these lines (I'm not quoting).. "when the phone rang I knew it was Izzy" and from that I understood that Downliner never actually TALKED to Izzy but just asked him to ring his phone as proof of what Izzy was saying.

    Has Downliner ever met Izzy? Talked on the phone before? Does he have his phone number in his phone book? I'm just asking questions, not attacking anyone. Somehow I feel there's a link missing in the whole phone call thing. Some things do not make sense to me.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Kill_YourIdols said:

    We're just arguing semantics here I know Twitter doesn't just give verified status to anyone all I'm saying is they've been fooled before.
    As for the verified fake Izzy I don't remember if it was someone faking a badge and I honestly can't be bothered to look up the whole thing but lurk around a bit I'm sure you can find out more about this by using the search function, I found these comments from 2012 mentioning the verified Izzy account and Bumblefoot wishing him a happy birthday relatively quickly:


    Ok, I know they've been fooled before but when it happened it was all over the news and fake accounts were debunked pretty quickly. I did a search on Google and all I found were posts from this board and others saying he had a verified account but none of those posts and results show screenshots of the supposed badge and tweets from the account. There aren't media reports on it either, like when it happened to other celebrities, so I really don't know what's up with that but it is getting odd that Izzy is having so much trouble with his verification on Twitter.

    At this point and after reading him beg to other people show proof of his identity, I'm becoming worried about what is going on with all this. It feels like he has terminated his relationship with everyone in Guns N' Roses and he's desperate to get some credibility but he can't use his ties to GNR or any of its members because they are all probably pretty upset he's "violated" the grave silence behind the reunion shows. 

    I smell something really bad is happening here, otherwise it is totally ridiculous this man can't prove who he is on social media for days now and even the Rolling Stone journalist can't get a hold of him after he provided emails and phone numbers.

    This is not a matter being a social media inept who can't open a Twitter account in the right way. This must be some legal trouble he got in for saying things he's not supposed to do or taking his rage to social networks. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, Kill_YourIdols said:

    You got me all wrong, I wasn't implying that all celebrities on Twitter are fakes or that it's the norm to verify fake accounts , I'm just saying it's happened before (and with someone claiming to be Izzy no less) and thus a verified account is not definitive proof. For the record, I'm on the fence on what to believe in this particular instance but I'm leaning more towards believing in downliner.

    I've been on Twitter for AGES since I'm an early adopter with most new technologies, following all GNR members (old and new) without any problems and I never heard of his verified Twitter account turning out not to be him. Are you sure that really happened or was it someone even faking the badge? Some people have used a fake image of the badge to make others believe they were verified and in that case, Twitter had nothing to do with it.

    if you had read the link I shared before you'd know Twitter doesn't give away their badge that easily and that getting a verified account also gives you options other users don't have. They will not be giving this for free to people who can't prove they are who they say they are so I'm really doubting the so-called case of a fake Izzy Stradlin with a verified account unless someone show me proof this really happened. 

    As for downliner, I don't know who he is just like most people in this forum and the whole Internet, just like most people here don't know who I am, so my position in this case is that I trust the vast experience I have in social media and even though I'm not totally discarding this could be the real Izzy, right now I just can't believe it. 

    As I said before, there are established ways to prove who you are on the Internet and if he wants to participate in this crazy world of social media he will have to abide by the rules. If he doesn't, he will really have a bad time trying to convince people who will never believe him unless he goes total exposure, which I think it is all the contrary to the way Izzy has behaved for decades since he became famous.

  7. 7 hours ago, GNRmello77 said:

    I think you hit the nail on the head with this! but then again, i think Axl has a really big appreciation and admiring factor for Richard Fortus somehow and in a way Frank too, they both seem to be on the friends side of Axl and actually mean something to him ofcourse Slash and Duff come on a different level but out of those them and Izzy and Dizzy i think of all musicians who worked with Axl in GN'R those 2 have the most credits

    I too think Axl appreciates Fortus and Frank and Dizzy because of their loyalty, mostly. He felt the same way about Tommy Stinson. And none of them so far have bad mouthed him or questioned his actions with GN'R, like Sorum did.

    However, that appreciation will never come close to the feelings he has for Slash, Duff, Izzy and even Steven Adler. Those guys met Axl when he was literally starving and so they were! They went through a lot of shit together before money and fame got to their lives. They lived in awful places all together, had to steal to survive, did drugs and knew each other's dirtiest deeds. They were brothers of life. These are guys who must know what exactly each one of them look like naked, taking a crap and having sex. It was that intimate with the original GNR and that is why they still missed each other, after 20 years of hate, fights and legal battles.

    If Sorum and Pitman can't understand this and keep talking shit in the media or their social media accounts, then it means they have never experienced friendship and brotherhood, which would be a little sad.

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  8. 6 hours ago, Kill_YourIdols said:

    That's basically worthless considering verified status has been given to fake accounts in the past. Nice name btw.

    Worthless? Twitter is a worthless non-serious company and all the celebrities using their verified accounts are fake profiles, just because Izzy Stradlin couldn't get his so far? 


    Can you name a handful of fake accounts that were given verified status? If you read the link I posted, Twitter says they have removed the badge from accounts that were violating their TOS. 

    They know there can be fake people trying to get a badge, but it is not the norm to verify fake profiles.

  9. 41 minutes ago, Billsfan said:

    Izzy used to be asked about joining GNR on stage in 2006 and he called it "axls band". I don't see how it's all that different from what Matt said. And to be honest he's not saying anything too out of line. I just don't think there's room for more than 2 drummers right now

    I think this is a case of when you fight with your brother or sister and call them all kind of names, criticize them and what not but then when someone outside your family does the same, you get enraged and go like "dude, i can fight with my siblings and be an ass to them but you can't".

    Izzy can do that, Matt Sorum cannot.

    I mean, Matt Sorum can say whatever he wants. I'm not really questioning what he says but under what circumstances he says what he says. For Axl, Sorum is just a replacement in a band he formed with other guys. If Sorum wants to be in GN'R he has to understand he's not in the same level as Slash, Duff or Izzy in Axl's mind. Same happens with Pitman. All these people think that just because they've played for X amount of years with Axl, that inmediately earns them his trust or his love or whatever and it seems that is not the case, with any of them.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 minute ago, emybdc said:

    I liked him before seing interviews.
    I mean, he bad mouths Scott Weiland just like he's done with Axl in the past. But then he misses packed stadiums and having his private limo, so then Axl's not that bad. 


    All of a sudden Axl is cool and a great artist and blabla but years ago he was a dictator, an asshole and was wrong in keep using the name of the band?

    Come on, I'm not getting fooled by him one bit. He should stick to his opinion of Axl and carry on with it, if that's the path he took in the past and never cared about it.

  11. Just now, Sprite said:

    No disrespect to Del, but Del James is not Izzy Stradlin. Del James wrote a short story that may have inspired some music videos to a degree. Not sure that qualifies him as a celebrity, outside of this forum. So I don't see him getting a "verified" account. I met him in Vegas in 2012. VERY nice and respectful. He even told me if I wait around a little longer, Axl would be out and he waited until Axl came out and helped organize picture taking.


    I think Izzy would get verified if it's him because he's a famous, respected musician. 

    Maybe I didn't word out that very well but I didn't mean to compare Izzy and Del in artistic terms or even in celebrity status. I know Izzy is bigger than Del but Izzy is not bigger than Axl and Slash if you ask in the entertainment world, most people and I'm talking masses here, only know Axl and Slash as Guns N' Roses members. And none of that means anything in terms of their talent, importance to the band, etc. Its just called 'popularity'.

    So that point made, what I was trying to say is that Del James it is a person within the Guns N' Roses circle that when he joined Twitter didn't have these problems. He had even @ Slash (when the reunion news was still a rumor) and never had a problem showing his identity in any way. He shared pictures, replied to mentions and followed GN'R members, without any trouble.

    And Del James is not a kid, he's probably same age then the rest of the original gunners, jsut in case someone mentions age as an obstacle to be well-versed on social media.

    • Like 2
  12. 4 minutes ago, tsinindy said:

    So if/when the account never gets verified you'll agree it's not Izzy then right?

    I will not believe it is Izzy until he gives serious proof of being the real Izzy.

    Not only the verified account will prove him real. Del James account is not verified either but he doesn't act like a fake guy and he's acknowledged by the rest of the Guns N' Roses members, social media accounts, etc.

    This Izzy guy is not following anyone in GN'R and no one in GN'R follows him back or is happy to promote his account or welcome him on Twitter. Not even Duff who is the coolest member in the band.

  13. 1 minute ago, Slash787 said:

    He did tweet that he is getting his account "Verified" and supposedly it will take some time. Getting Verified is pretty good in the long term especially when you have many fans out there.

    But for the moment as many people are doubting him, it will be better for him to make a small video or something. 

    I don't think he will do that, even if he was the real Izzy, he just won't do it. Too much exposure.

    All of this is going out of his hands. Maybe he thought it'd be simple and quick and everybody would take his word but maybe because he's so out of touch with social media and the way Internet works, he never thought so many people would doubt him at this lenght. Too bad he didn't get professional advice before venturing himself on Twitter.

  14. 5 minutes ago, starlight said:

    Yeah Matt is a troublemaker.... or you meant Axl? 

    Axl is the king of troublemakers but ultimately, this is his band and he's got rights to it so he will do whatever it pleases him to do with it.

    If you want to work with Axl Rose, you know what comes with it so take it or leave it. Complaining and badmouthing him in the press will not help you in your way up the ladder.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    But he wanted to convey the message that there are 50+ fake profiles out there and he is the real one and on top of that he posted that Stradlin Identity photo which was posted here saying that its his real twitter page.

    So when he supposedly knows that people are doubting him, then why not make a small video saying that its his twitter? 

    Why make a video when he can have Twitter verifying his account and doing it the same way a million other celebrities do it?
    Just because he wants to pose as a weird, different guy who does things his way?

    I'm sorry but I think that's childish. If you care about fake twitter accounts then get your verified and that's it. Nowadays this is the way things are and trying to go against it makes him look more fake than any of the other fake profiles.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, tsinindy said:

    That's BS....he called Axl brilliant in an interview as recently as last year. 

    Are you sure?

    These are the kind of things that keep Matt Sorum out of Guns N' Roses and I'm glad about it because he's nothing but a troublemaker:





    Former GUNS N' ROSES drummer Matt Sorum, who joined the group in 1990, told The Pulse of Radio last week that he doesn't think it's cool for Axl Rose to take his current band on the road under the GUNS N' ROSES name. "I'm not saying I'm an original member, okay, but I understand the core of the band, which is Slash and Duff and probably Izzy," he said. "It's a shame, and you know what, this goes back to a Paul McCartney thing. Does he call himself THE BEATLES? Not saying we were as big as THE BEATLES, but — does Sting call himself THE POLICE? No. Does Jimmy Page and Robert Plant go out there calling themselves LED ZEPPELIN? Nope."




    • Like 1
  17. Matt Sorum never had anything good to say about Axl... He even spoke with pride of those times he fought with Axl and was fired.

    I dont know if they settled their differences in 2006 because recently Sorum talked bad about "nuGN'R" and that must have reached to Axl.

  18. 1 minute ago, tsinindy said:

    I believe if he gets Twitter verified they will give him the option to use the handle as it is...or just have his real name as his handle.

    The 999 at the end itself is actually an interesting fact in this case if you know what Izzys email actually is.  However, the 999 being at the end really is meaningless otherwise.

    I hope he gets his artistic name as his handle because the person who's using it does not deserve to keep it.

    Oh I knnow nothing about his email address but I think any number in a twitter handle or username in general (be it famous or not) make any account a little less credible. Don't know why really, but when I see numbers in handles or e-mails, they make me think less of that person.

  19. He seems to be changing his profile according to what he reads here, lol

    At this point, the only way for him to prove his identity is by having his account verified by Twitter. If he cared so much about it in the past, to go lenghts of telling fans such and such were fake profiles, then he should once and for all, ask Twitter for his verification. It is the only way to be real on Tw, whether he likes it or not.

    Even Steven Adler has his account verified and hasn't posted in a long, long time.

    I will not believe it is him until I don't see the check by his name and also, why does he have to use 999 at the end? He should get his full name without add-ons.

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  20. Why is it there's this strong kind of message or I don't know how to call it, about Axl not being into drugs, not being a drugaddict and everybody trying to cover him or whatever, but then some people pop up and paint a whole different picture of him?

    Why is it so bad that he's associated with drugs, when all of them original band members have admitted their addictions?

    I don't get that.

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