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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 1 hour ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Yeah the stadiums are kind of annoying unless you're right up front. Idk what GnR is going to do this run of shows but I'm not expecting anything different. Would've preferred more SMKC shows tbh.

    well, I dont care because I don't think Im going to see them again :shrugs:

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, MaskingApathy said:

    I'm glad Meegan is back on tour with Slash so we can watch her IG live streams. Always enjoy those.

    It's been so long since I last watched those things :sleeper:

    I do regret though not having gone to see Slash in my country <_<

  3. 29 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Where, on her FB?

    On her Instagram account but I can't link it here because mods will remove it ;/

    4 minutes ago, Latx said:

    Point 8.about Izzy .  I never heard. Explain. Source if possible?  I am not naive . I am shock proof. These 5 guys and all the others, females and male around them, well, this was not a Girls and Boys Scount meeting.

    Interview: Guns N' Roses Raise Hell In The City Of Angels

  4. 6 minutes ago, Azifwekare said:

    I know that Raz doesn't give a damn about Michelle or any other rape/abuse victim - he takes this stance against Duff (not the rapist, but the guy who dissed Trump) because of one particular allegation against his bandmate, instead of Axl himself (the actual rapist).

    Axl has literally dozens of Twitter posts dissing Trump.... I'd say Axl is much more vehement in his rage against Trump than Duff is :shrugs:

  5. 1 hour ago, Blackstar said:

    I mean one of their common friends or "friends" should have seen him and told her. She says her mother's boyfriend was working in one of the studios there.

    Who knows which was the dynamic of those "friendships" or the relationship she had with her mom's boyfriend... :shrugs:

    People around the band would have not betrayed Axl. The men probably didn't give a fuck about the "psycho" girl and the women were probably competing against each other to be with him. It's hard for me to picture any kind of solidarity in that circle.

    If one thing is clear to me, and this is not meant to doubt Michelle's story in its wholeness, is that she had a perception of those guys that was different from the one they had of her. By this I mean that she had feelings for Axl and expected things from him that he wasn't willing to give to her. When you read Axl's version of this story (and many other stories involving girls) it is always told from the mockery and the disdain. Not one ounce of love there, for any of them.


    1 hour ago, DTJ80 said:

    I get that and life is full of bad parenting. But to knowingly allow your 15 year old to date someone of around 20 (based on comments throughout the thread) is absolutely terrible IMO.

    I know... but I've seen picture of Michelle's mom and her and it looks to me that her mom wasn't much older than her :unsure:

    29 minutes ago, DTJ80 said:

    Exactly. You would have thought he would have went mental - most folk in that situation would. Weird.

    I dont think its weird. Actually, I think it is more common NOT to get involved than getting involved. Especially when it is not your child.


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  6. 11 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    I guess it could be a possibility. But it's not that they had disappeared as a band, they played shows. If it happened in early December, as it seems logical going by the December version, the band had played a show in late November. If it happened in January, the band had also played a show a few days earlier, plus Axl bragged about them - including him - partying in the in-between time at the rehearsal space (it's very likely that the incident, whatever it was, happened during that heavy partying) which many people frequented, so someone should have seen him.

    Yeah, but I'm not sure what's your point, about someone should have seen him?

  7. 3 hours ago, Blackstar said:

    So, the claim that Axl was in Indiana for weeks is disproved by the show dates, and, additionally, it doesn’t seem plausible at all that Axl would want to visit Indiana at that point, when the band had started to get interest from record labels.

    Do you think there is a chance that Axl lied to Michelle about him going to Indiana? Maybe just for the sake of missing her out of sight?

  8. 31 minutes ago, Lio said:

    Yeah, but I'm talking about this particular case. Why attack Duff when he isn't the perpetrator and wasn't even there? Even if he is a hypocrite (which I'm not saying he is), is that worse than being the perpetrator? Especially from Michelle's POV?

    Duff was not the perpetrator but Michelle says that he was the one who went begging her mom to drop the charges :shrugs:

    That makes him guilty by association, he tried to cover up Axl & Slash asses, so that's another crime in its own .

    35 minutes ago, Lio said:

    Same goes for the others who joined in the rape. Wouldn't you try to find out who they were after it happened? Or would you still live around that scene suspicious that anyone around there might be one of the people abusing you? Why don't they get any backlash? They were just as guilty as Axl was, if the story is true. But no, let's all attack the guy who wasn't there at all, but makes a song about how it is not okay to abuse women more than 30 years later, because he is clearly the enemy. It makes zero sense.

    It seems that Axl was the instigator of the gang rape, the one who threw her out naked, the one who impregnated her and was the most cruel to her. Surely the other people that participated have their share of responsability, but Michelle identifies Axl as the main person who hurt her.

    We don't know what she did regarding those other men... At least, I'm not informed, so I won't pass judgement on that and assume stuff about her.

    And I don't think it makes zero sense attacking Duff now. Because she is in this fan forum to tell her story where she directly accuses Axl of rape... so how is she not addressing the main guy in question? :question:

    On the other hand Duff goes around acting like his band never abused a person, like they never wrote mysoginist lyrics and has the nerve to talk about Trump, as if he didn't had the same kind of dude in his own band.... Duff should shut the fuck up, for all I care.

  9. 5 hours ago, EricA said:

    It's not about the money back then, it's about the money NOW. The first subtle instagram posts to tell "the truth" are from 2016, what a coincidence !? 

    i don't know from what time the first FB posts "about it" are, cause i'm not a FB user.

    and that's all I have to say here, this thread makes angry in so many ways.

    The return of GN'R to the big scene made a lot of people from the past to come out and talk about them.

    I don't know if you were around in 2015-2016 but I remember Marc Canter and the stripper girls talking for a documentary by UPROXX, Alan Niven in radio interviews, Doug Goldstein too, Vicky Hamilton with her book, Michelle Young attending shows, Erin Everly with her Instagram posts, Meegan Hodges back again with Slash.... I mean, it certainly was a moment of memories for all of them, not just the band.

    Like Michelle said before, it angered her to see her story in those books painting her as a crazy partying girl. And the cherry of the pie was hearing Duff trying to rewrite history about who they were and how they treated women.

    I don't know if today it would be so easy for her to get money from a lawsuit. The time that has passed is against her case and the witnesses she had will never testify against Axl.

    All that she got now is to make her story known and its up to us, individually, to either believe her or not.

    5 hours ago, DTJ80 said:

    As a parent, I just can’t get my head around that a 15 year old would be allowed to hang about in this environment in the first place......full of junkies etc?

    Have you ever heard about bad parenting?

    I don't want to disrespect Michelle's mother but maybe she didn't know better at the time and it wouldn't be the first time a young girl is given too much freedom.

    If you take a look at the personal history of most of the girls who hung with GN'R, they are pretty similar to the band members themselves. Girls coming from either broken homes or repressive environments, having unprotected sex resulting in unwanted pregnancies and subsequent abortions or miscarriages.... I mean, I wouldn't expect any of them to be from a much different background than the musicians.

    2 hours ago, Lio said:

    This times a hundred. Duff wasn't even there according to all accounts we have. But somehow he gets attacked on social media by Michelle and her supporters, and on here, because he made a metoo song :wow: What about Axl and Slash?

    Duff gets attacked for being a hypocritical fuck... How is that so hard to understand? Neither Slash nor Axl have spoke with such hypocrisy about the #metoo movement like Duff did, but I'm sure if they were going to pose about that, they'd get a backlash as well.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Minche said:

    What a good heart she has. Sacrificing her own well-being for a band with such an uncertain future. I'm in awe. And boy, do I need to reassess my whole life now. 😏

    I didn't say the band had an uncertain future. I said it was impossible for her to guess the impact of the band in the following years after the release of AFD, so your theory of her pursuing the "millions" does not apply.

    Also, she said she was sought after by other members of the band to find out what happened, going desperate when she told them. She particularly mentioned Duff going to her house to ask her mom to drop the charges.

    As the vulnerable teenager that she was, wouldn't you feel coerced and scared of moving further with the whole thing? She considered the band her "family", which doesn't mean they had the same feelings for her, but as any other teenager infatuated with older guys and their hedonistic lifestyle, it's not hard to figure out why she'd "sacrifice" herself for them.

    Add to it that she was probably a girl with low self-esteem, seeking for attention of older men, validation from people she looked up to. A combo of this with the typical adolescent insecurities, plus the shock of being abused by someone she was in love with, can lead anyone and especially a young girl, to want it over ASAP.



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  11. 42 minutes ago, Latx said:

    They were no bodies. They had the IT factor. About to get signed...not yet.

    About to have a lot of money take a risk on something not nationally proven...who knew for sure. It is always a gamble. Add the recklessness of the band, a gamble fo the business people.

    After signing with Geffen it took them 2 years to release AFD and AFD took a year to become a commercial success.

    If Michelle's incident happened before them signing a record deal, then it is safe to say that she couldn't possibly know the dimension of the band's success in the near future, unless she was a fortune teller :facepalm:

    Not only that.... if she was after the money (as some people here assume), then why didn't she join Erin & Stephanie lawsuits? There were many more chances of her getting money back then than there would be now :shrugs:

    • Like 2
  12. 32 minutes ago, Minche said:

    If they were nobodies, like you say, is it safe to assume that could be why she wouldnt testify against him back then? Cause they were broke and nobodies, what could she gain.. not money. So who cares about "justice" right ?

    You can assume whatever you want but Michelle already stated why she didn't want to testify against him. 

  13. 27 minutes ago, GnR Chris said:

    They weren't though. They were on the rise and by her own admission were about to get signed to a record deal. You don't think there were hangers on surrounding the band back then? They played killer shows, had all the drugs and parties, and were making a name for themselves getting record label attention.

    There were hangers but the band were not rich neither millionaires prior to getting a record deal and not even right after they got it. AFD took a long time to take off.

    30 minutes ago, GnR Chris said:

    Edit: And, AGAIN, this quote is taken from Watch You Bleed, from my understanding, which is loaded with factual errors. But even if it's an accurate quote, your premise that it's some sort of admission of guilt for sexual assault is ludicrous.

    I dont think he ever felt guilty for assaulting women. Not then. Dont know later or now.

    Those words are being said by someone who realised his sexual practices could lead to rape accusations, so he was cautious about it for a while. Only for a while, because later he kept doing it to other women and his own wife.

    • Like 2
  14. 19 minutes ago, GnR Chris said:

    Look how many athletes or celebrities have been falsely accused. When there's money to be made or notoriety to be gained, a celebrity is more vulnerable to false claims.

    One detail though: most of these stories happened when Axl & co. were nobodies, so your theory does not apply here.

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, GnR Chris said:

    Axl's statement simply meant he was going to control his sexual urges simply to not put himself in situations where he can be accused of rape.

    How is it normal or even a regular practice that people go accusing their partners of rape after sexual encounters? :lol:

    it's obvious to me Axl was into violent sex and that's why he had to "calm his hormones".

    I won't say he had rape tendencies but every story out there involving him and girls has a violent component that is undeniable.

    4 hours ago, GnR Chris said:

    Celebrity was on the rise and he didn't wan to put himself in situations that left him vulnerable to accusations. 

    Yet he didn't care for getting into trouble with the police, with random people and with fans? 

    Every time he left the stage and riot ensued he was not thinking about the consequences for his career? :lol:

    Yeah, right. He never gave a fuck. All the time Axl behaved with total impunity because he knew he was going to get away with it.

    • Like 2
  16. 35 minutes ago, Powderfinger said:

    They were willing to blow everyone in the room, which seemed reasonable to me, but they didn't want to fuck us. For whatever reason, that really pissed Axl off. The girls had a very intelligent rationale for their point of view, but Axl begged to differ. This debate continued for a moment, and it was pretty relaxed, but suddenly Axl exploded. He threw them out with such rage it was shocking. The way it went down was completely unnecessary. The coup de grace was that one of the girls' dads was a prominent officer with the Chicago police, or so I was told.

    So here's Slash telling a similar story involving girls, Axl going nuts and hurting them, kicking them out.... it seems he loved doing that to women... 

    The only difference, this story takes place in Chicago 🤔, so it's not like we are mixing up stories, this is definitely another event with same characteristics.

  17. 35 minutes ago, Minche said:

    Mentioning their own wrong-doings or any other parts of their profiles is a no, no. Gotcha

    Marrying a man is a wrong-doing for you? :question: Being a model is a wrong-doing? What are you talking about? What did Erin do wrong while being with Axl?

    What did they both do that was so bad to deserve to be abused and beaten up?

    You keep making no sense.

    38 minutes ago, Minche said:

    Your question was why would HE settle, so I listed number of reasons as to why HE would settle, imo. Now, had you asked me why Seymour/Everly would settle,  I'd respond accordingly. But you didn't. 

    Didn't you say they settled because they were after the money?

    You don't even remember the things you post yourself. 

    40 minutes ago, Minche said:

    Poor Erin. Axl was being a meanie to her, and in court, so she had to settle! 😭 

    Yes, poor Axl! So many psycho women after his money have made up all those lies about him being a rapist and wifebeater, when we all know he's the kindest man on Earth. He never hurt his fans and oh, he loves animals, so that's a proof of his innocence! :rofl-lol:

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  18. 2 hours ago, Minche said:

    Seymour's husband's mentioned to give an insight into what kind of a woman she is: a goldigger. Don't try convincing me she was sold on his beauty, muscle and intellect, please. 🙄

    Give an insight on Stephanie?  Who are you, her mother?? :lol:

    Geez, your Ad Hominem attacks get weirder the more you post. 

    I'm not trying to convince you of any thing, but the gold digger is still married to Quasimodo and has 3 children with him :rofl-lol:

    2 hours ago, Minche said:

    Where on earth have I implied any woman or a man deserves violent treatment? Just where? You either have reading comprehension issues or you simply enjoy twisting people's words.

    Your whole chain of spiteful comments against Axl's exes and the girls that described him as a violent abusive man.

    You discredit them and denigrate them, bringing up irrelevant (to the subject) events of their personal lives in a desperate attempt to justify Axl's mistreatment of those women.

    2 hours ago, Minche said:

    So, Erin pulling a knife over the said issue is perfectly normal by your standards? Ooohkay, miss.Womencantdonowrong. Smh. 

    I never said women can't do no wrong but there you go once again fallacy after fallacy, getting more desperate each time.

    Erin pulling a knife to defend herself and her child is not out of the ordinary for the things a mother would do. I know one woman who lifted a car with her own arms to stop thieves from running away with her baby inside.

    2 hours ago, Minche said:

    Why settle? Between court dates, which can go on for years, a decade, give or take, ridicilous amounts of money spent on lawyers and other corresponding fees, public/media lynch mentality, mental or other health issues followed by all the stress one endures during a trial... If it was me, and I had the money- pretty damn sure I'd settle too, no matter how other perceived that. 

    Yeah, same goes for the victim and even worse having to see the face of their abuser each time. 

    I've been told Axl was particularly ridiculous and disgusting during Erin's hearings, so no wonder she ended up settling.

    • Like 1
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  19. On 5 de julio de 2019 at 5:47 PM, Minche said:

    If it's not about the money, then why settle? If someone did something as horrific as they claimed Axl did to them, no money on earth could make me settle and let the fker walk free, and I mean it. Lets not even mention who Seymour is married to, today...🙄  Also, I remember reading about those girls being quite crazy themselves and in no way, shape or form as innocent as they tried to portray themselves. I mean, Erin was arrested on assault charges, no? Attacking her ex with a knife, or some such trivial thing. lols 

    As for Kennedy, no, it doesn't seem odd, it seems very odd, to me anyway. She basically described rape scene with little to no emotion. Not strange at all. 

    This happened in the 80's and early 90's.... Do you really think that going further with their cases would have put Axl in jail? A white powerful celebrity in jail? Yeah, right. Not even a black man like O.J. Simpson was found guilty. And to be honest, I don't think Axl would be put in jail now, in spite of all the feminism and #metoo movement, he's still too much of a cash cow for a lot of people, just like he was back then.

    Also, how come you're not asking the same question for Axl's side? Why settle if he was innocent? Why give money to those "liars", huh? 🙄

    What does Seymour husband have to do with anything? :shrugs:

    Who do you mean by not so innocent girls? :question:  I don't remember any person trying to portrait themselves as "innocent" (whatever the heck that means) but what it is depicable is that you imply that women who don't behave like nuns deserve to be abused, raped, beaten up, etc... Following that logic, Axl and co. also deserve to be raped, abused and beaten up, because they didn't behave like saints either.

    Erin defended herself when her ex tried to take away the baby she was breastfeeding, that is her youngest daughter. Not a trivial thing IMO, maybe for you it is trivial that a mother defends her child. 

    As for Sheila, she didn't describe it as a rape scene. She described it as consensual violent sex. She didn't know him, she was attracted to him, wanted to have sex with him and in spite of being suspicious of his behavior, she decided to go on with that sexual encounter. It's not rocket science.

  20. 19 minutes ago, Minche said:

    No, it doesn't mean it didn't happen, but your initial point was they're scared to talk. They're not, it's simply the nature of those settlements- once you take the money and settle, you put everything else behind. 🤷‍♀️ 

    Hmmm... maybe I worded it out wrong but my point was to agree with @Euchre, where he says Michelle's story is consistent with the stories of Erin & Stephanie (which are the most public, widely known ones), so I added the other names I knew, that somewhat addressed the topic or talked about Axl being a violent angry person in his daily life.

    When I say "they are scared to talk" I mean the women who have not revealed their stories yet. Erin & Stephanie have openly talked about it. Stephanie literally hates Axl's guts. She even removed him from any biography of her out there, so..... Nope, it's not about the money. You don't put those kind of things behind. I mean, for survival purposes maybe you do put it on the side, but deep inside

    it's always there.

    29 minutes ago, Minche said:

    Now, the Kennedy girl.. I've read the whole article and tbh, it's a tad confusing. She doesn't appear to be broken or upset, it's almost as if she's saying 'hey, look what a crazy life I had' and is simply trying to sell a book. Maybe there's more info in the book itself, idk and I certainly have no interest in buying it.

    Yeah, usually when you write a book, the next logical step is to sell it... :blink:

    The story is not confusing.

    It might seem odd that she's not after Axl in some sort of vindictive way, but the essence of the story is what he did to her, which is pretty similar to what Erin Everly once described too.



  21. 19 minutes ago, Minche said:

    Both Seymour and Everly settled out of court, as far as I'm aware. 🤷‍♀️

    So what? :question:

    That doesn't mean all the violence and abuse they were put through didn't happen.

    20 minutes ago, Minche said:

    What about Gina though? I've found one interview where she talked about Axl, and even though she mentioned his mood swings, she never implied he was physically abusive towards her.

    When you describe your partner like this:

    "That image of him sitting in the electric chair in the video ‘Welcome to the Jungle’, looking crazed, says it all. That’s what he looks like when he’s pissed off. And when you see that coming at you from across a room, coming near you, it’s frightening as hell. And I’m not very big, and that made it even worse. I won’t go much into that.”

    It's not hard to figure out they were into an abusive relationship, no matter how much the victim tries to deny it.

    But that's my opinion, of course.

    32 minutes ago, Minche said:

    Same goes for Michelle Young.

    She says he was not violent towards her but she does not question or doubt the events with Erin and Stephanie.

    36 minutes ago, Minche said:

    As for the Kennedy person, I've no idea who that is.

    Meet her.


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