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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 5 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    It's just the way he is.

    All of us in the US think everyone else has the accents and we are the "normal" speakers lol. Even within to US, people from my area (Michigan) think everyone else has the accent. People from California think that, as do people from Boston and so on and so on. 

    What's funny about Axl is that anyone who is from the USA could immediatetly tell what two parts of the country he is from. His speech pattern is a mid west accent mixed with a southern California accent, which is the two places he's spent the most time in his life. 

    Thanks!! I thought he sounded Midwestern at times, but that's because I've watched too many movies! :P I wish I could distinguish particular accents in American English.

    In Argentina we have regions with different accents and intonation, but a non-native speaker wouldn't realize about it.

    Nice to know this can happen in other languages as well :)

    Axl sounds funny when he impersonates others :lol:

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, dgnr said:

    Anyway there's a HUGE rumour that AC/DC are playing the wedding, which - surprise - doesn't allow cellphones. What AC/DC? Axl/DC? Duff-bass-player/DC? Regular AC/DC? An AC/DC cover band? A recording of an AC/DC best off? I'm confused :confused:

    Axl has experience playing weddings :ph34r: but now that his worth has risen up and he doesn't need to do those things for money anymore... :shrugs:

    Anything is possible, though!! Either way we will find out sooner or later. 

  3. 27 minutes ago, Lillie said:

    When capital controls went on here in 2015 all people was Like OMG we gonna be like Argentina or Bring Drachma (local currency) back...Or no anything but Grexit,we're deader than dead.Greeks have a historical characteristic..Civil war...They are more after neighbour's goat and neighbour is to blame,than anything else....A Greek in the depth of his heart hates fiercely his brother than the external "enemy"...Greeks can not find common ground cause there are 2 basic parties that rules for ages..One fucks us up then we go to the other then back to the first and so on...We have no hope,cause our politicians are puppets and we are their hopeless puppets...Greeks are hot headed open hearted people with a remarkable past history but now we are lost zombies...

    Aww, come on! :hug:

    I have such a respect for Greece and its history... don't throw it all away just because of these differences.... I know how hard the situation is, we are going through the same now, a punishment for voting a neoliberal government that now has all of us begging on our knees again.... but I have faith we will rise up one more time, we always do, even though it feels like we never learn from our mistakes.

    Please do not let the hatred fill your heart and cloud your mind. If you want to make a change start by yourself and actively participate more in politics, use your vote in an intelligent way, do not let your politicians ruin your life, go out there and protest, kick them out of the buildings if necessary! (omg, I hope this is not seen as me encouraging violence :ph34r::P) but yeah, basically, raise your voices and change what is wrong.

    28 minutes ago, Lillie said:

    I don't think I'm not a critical thinker, I am just not that quick to jump on them when I hear sth against women..Cause I've suffered from many friends of mine,and I know that no man can reach the complexity of the female mind!In good and bad meaning...To close with sth historical,The famous war of Troy was about the Pretty Helen and two Clansmans fighting more for her heart than land"s profit... 

    This forum is about Guns N' Roses and that's why we talk about them, there's not like an agenda to specifically target them, there are lots of musicians who have done even worse than them.... so... Im not "quick to jump on them" or anything. It is what it is.

    As for the female mind, I don't agree with that notion... or I don't believe that there's a difference between man and women when it comes to the intellect, the mind.... In my opinion, it is the culture what have molded both minds and it is the education received in the patriarchal system what has conditioned men and women to behave and even think in stereotyped ways.

    34 minutes ago, Lillie said:

    All in all ,I find interesting talking with you,given the chance,we just have some different approaches in some issues...Pretty human ☺

    Aye :)

    Have a good night! I'm off to have dinner :drool:


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  4. 1 hour ago, Lillie said:

    Well one by one 1)I start from the end... None belongs to none...You don't like me anymore? Tell me in my face it's over all good, It doesn't happen that way... Betrayal n non loyalty from a partner is expectable cause people get bored one day... Involving of a female friend, not a random girl that he met in a bar hurts more... I won't say more , these are personal things, i don't think other readers give a shit to read...

    For me not all women are saints not all men demons, it depends to the person n character...

    I never said all women are saints and all men are demons, and you don't have to get personal when talking about this. It is not necessary.

    I think there are all kinds of people in the world and two kinds of relationships: healthy and unhealthy ones. After a good chunk of time, I am ready to pursue the healthy ones, I don't have a negative view of the future, neither I am disappointed to the level of thinking everybody is a cheater.

    1 hour ago, Lillie said:

    2) I don't either get your pointing out patriarchy leftovers in 2019 when both sexes cheat more easy than they take a pee...

    I brought it up because of the way you expressed yourself about another woman. If this was a personal case that you were presenting, I didn't know and I'm not up for knowing the details, it is none of my business.

    Either way, I don't think gender plays a part when it comes to being a bad person.

    1 hour ago, Lillie said:

    not to say that most people avoid creating bonds and prefer quick easy just sex, here it comes the ISE  meaning for me..No emotion, no commitment nothing...

    I think Duff was refering more to the kind of practice, not to the type of bond. When he says "primal sex" he is definitely talking about the most basic instincts and these are emotions too.

    1 hour ago, Lillie said:

    Greeks know immigrations better than their morning prayer,not the last decade due to crisis, but ages before... We used to be a country with hospitality"philoxenia"is our term,tolerance open borders and acceptance and help of immigrants....Now Greek people with degrees immigrate all over the world cause you can pretty much put your degree in your butt here, to put it mildly...

    The economic situation in Greece was pretty much similar to the Argentina of year 2001. I remember that when we were able to get out of the hole by the mid 2000's, your country took us as a "role model" to fix your own economy.
    Now we are back into the whole again so I hope you don't follow our steps :lol: but I can relate to what you're saying here, we kinda have the same problems regarding economy and the social situation.

    I still do not think this should be blamed on immigration.... at least in my country, the local criminals surpass the foreigner ones. In most cases, poverty is to blame, inequality, some people are extremely rich and others are extremely poor. Middle class is disappearing.

    1 hour ago, Lillie said:

    A Greek mother gone begging for a plate to feed her kids and she received a NO cause they were food for refugees...Who is responsible to handle all of this worldwide? Average Joes. Rocks stars or politicians? Please...

    Where do politicians come from? Are they born in a different planet? Who gives them power: citizens or an external force?

    If you are lucky to live in a democracy and you get to vote, then politicians are people like you and me, they were born in your societies and educated in your schools. It is time to vote responsibly next time you have to. Getting involved in the politics of your country is a MUST for anyone.

    I see lots of people not giving a fuck about who they are governed by. Uncommitted citizens who vote for the one who "looks better". They don't bother investigating their politicians, getting to know them, how they think, what's their past, how they performed if they had a public charge before...

    "Complains, complains, complains...." :lol:

    52 minutes ago, Lillie said:

    Is Bitch a curse word in America? I thought it a was sth like, hey come on you badass or cunning wit or sth

    In general, I don't think it is a nice word to say. There are some exceptions but I wouldn't use it out of the blue.

    25 minutes ago, Lillie said:

    Should we crucify GNR and the whole rock stardom just because their naughty lives? This is Rock... I don't pretend the square guy...And i hail the honesty...

    Analyzing the lyrics of some songs is far from "crucifying" the band and many people in the rock stardom have admitted to their wrongdoings, so I don't see the point of defending them just because they are "rock stars". Applying a different standard to judge them is not good.

    Honesty is not the word I'd use to describe them.... that's not honesty... that was bragging... they did it because they could do it and they didn't really care about any consequences, they were reckless.
    They took advantage of the status quo, which nowadays has changed, and that's mainly the reason why Duff gets utterly uncomfortable with those questions.


  5. 2 hours ago, Lillie said:

    Well,you first mentioned one in a million,a song written so many years before,under certain personal circumstances and experiences.Axl  had made his statement towards it in an interview,there is a video on ytube..I think he makes his views clear..He sounds overgeneralising,but he clarifies that the lyrics were targeted to certain people he had troubles with..

    I have read and seen every explanation that Axl has given regarding the song and my conclusion is that he was an ignorant, arrogant fuck and that OIAM is a horrible song, lyrics wise, that I will never play or listen to again.

    Clarifying that he was aiming the message to specific people makes it even worse of an excuse, because then it means he didn't give a fuck about the black people who were not like that, the gay people who were not like that, neither that in the future a family of immigrants would be the only family that he would have.

    So.... that's it for me. Obviously, it is my opinion and my stance. I do not expect other people to share my views, but I will defend them if given the chance.

    2 hours ago, Lillie said:

    I can clearly see the avoidance in Duff"s face,but nor Duff neither Axl are not ruling the world..They are just people who became famous from the gutter through their talent and under the whole sleezy rnr image...GNR are not responsible about the shit was going on around the world nor they can change a bit,whatever lyrics they may write.. I don't believe that art can change the world,it may help you think and act accordingly,critical thought,filters or monkey chewing is listener's problem,not writter's...

    Well, who rules the world anyway?... is there one person who does this? :question: I don't think so....

    We are all responsible for our own behaviors, for the way we treat others, and those who are parents are responsible for the way they educate their children.

    All of us make this world together, even if we live in societies, if we are lucky enough to live in democracies, just because we have governments and delegate certain tasks on specific people, this doesn't relevate us from the responsability we have as citizens and human beings, so I don't know what you mean by that........ when you make music and you're famous, your voice sounds louder than other voices. I think some sort of responsability comes with that, and while I dont think musicians are responsible for the education of people, I do think the weight of their message DOES affect some people.

    Duff himself says in that interview you posted that many people tell him that his music changed their lives, so there you have it, the influence is evident.

    2 hours ago, Lillie said:

    Sometimes exposing the tough nasty truth,may works as an example to avoid,not to copy!

    It depends on how you say it, though!

    If you say "immigrants & f------, they make no sense to me", most people will interpret those lines in a literal way. Obviously, it will depend on your own education how those lines impact on you, but I wouldn't be surprised that someone who is searching for a job sees a bunch of immigrants waiting in the same line as them, then learns one of those people got the job, this person returns home all frustrated and listens to OIAM..... that's how the resentment is born.

    Same happens with media... in my country, the media is constantly sending a negative message about immigrants. They are always showing news about how immigrants are involved in all sorts of crimes. Then you have the population fearing immigrants even if they never interacted with one. Then you have people asking the government to get more strict with immigration laws.

    People are highly influenced by these type of messages.

    2 hours ago, Lillie said:

    For me,It's all a matter of education,not necessarily academic..Some things you never learn in school or university.....

    That's when you are lucky to get a good education from your family. This is not the case for a lot of people. More people than you think.

    2 hours ago, Lillie said:

    As for the ISE well I love it! I take no offense as a woman,cause it says Me this:Sex is so easy ,if sex is your only motivation n u can do nothing useful and constructive but this,then so be it! I never saw it as a confrontation towards females,like they are for F@@ only.

    Well, he DOES say "bitch, I've got a use for you" and that use is sex, so if you are not able to read that as what it is, I dont know what to tell you.... :shrugs:

    Reducing human beings to mere sexual objects is.... depicable in my view, so I do not agree with that. I do not take "personal offense" but I know I wouldn't like to have any kind of relationship with someone who treats me that way.

    I know raw sex, or "primal sex" like Duff described it, does exist and some people like engaging on it.... It is not my cup of tea, though.... I guess that, as long as this is a consexual act between adults and they agree to the terms of it, then it is fine...... but this is hard to figure out from the lines of that song, since the only one "talking" is the man in the relationship.

    2 hours ago, Lillie said:

    And y know what,I may sing it for a poser fuckboy 😉 Or a hoe who got in between me and my man...Every gender,race,culture has black sheeps and what I find hypocritical and overdramatic is to trynna turn a blind eye on ours or other's shit,with the excuse of weakness...

    Hmm... I'm sorry but when you say "hoe" to refer to a third person in your relationship, that shows how your brain has been molded to think in patriarchal terms.

    Not trying to defend someone who willingly accepts to interfer someone else's relationship, but shouldn't you be mad at "your man" more than at her?

    Your man is responsible for respecting you, other women too, but if you are exclusive with someone, the commitment is between you and him.


  6. 11 hours ago, Lillie said:

    But rock is surely not about angels happy flying in the meadows spreading flowers to everybody all day long :lol:... So, i prefer honesty with no sugar coated excuses,like it or not, truth is always better than a good  lie... Haven't read the latest Duff's statements due to lack of time but i created an idea from your comments... But once, i've heard very carefully this so i just leave it here... I'm not taking anyone's place, i just prefer to listen the pure, rough truth as hard as it is, then i decide if i agree or not..

    I agree rock was never about happy angels flying in the sky but how come you get a sweet beautiful song like SCOM coming from the same mouth that spat "police & n-----" or "immigrants & f------"?

    Honesty has nothing to do with insults and discrimination. I firmly believe that rock n' roll has to EVOLVE with the times, and this is not to say they should be writing lyrics about flowers, butterflies and happiness, but what would be the point to perpetuate hatred on women or minority groups in 2019? :shrugs:

    There is so much rock could protest against, the world is fucked up in serious ways, targeting innocent people is bullshit and I would not support new music made in this century which lyrics aimed to hurt people because of their gender, sexual, racial or religious orientation. Don't we have enough destruction in the real world to top it with music that supports such horrifying acts?

    The Duff in the interview that you posted is the same Duff from the newest interviews. He is uncomfortable with the questions about ISE and he starts saying that this song is "very much tongue-in-cheek, not mysoginist in any way", then the interviewer asks him how does he explain these lyrics to his daughters but she doesn't let him finish the answer he was giving, so all he got to say about that was that he thinks there's a "spirit of rock n roll" that is "above mysoginy and homophobia" and that is related to "primal sex".

    I don't know what to make from that.... While I understand what he means, I'm having a hard time to relate the lines in ISE with a healthy consented sexual relationship... Not saying it cannot happen but if I was "the bitch" in those lines, I would have turned around and bite his dick off :lol:


  7. 32 minutes ago, Entman said:

    Don't get me wrong, I obviously know that I just don't understand all the particulars and this is a devastating loss for music history, but if someone could clear it up for me it would be much appreciated.

    I'm not expert but to my understanding, a master tape it is the first recording of something (be it a song, sounds, film, etc), the original material from where all the other copies will be produced.

    I assume its value resides on it being the original, the first one and all that has to do with quality of sound? Also being the original I assume it is not edited, mixed or touched in any way, so that would make it more valuable than copies.

  8. A conscious being? :question: Aren't we all conscious beings while we are alive? :lol:

    Nah, I don't think Axl is anything special, neither misunderstood and much less "woke".

    He has a huge ego, something that probably stems from his upbringing and the way his family functioned.

    Coming out with the story of his life in magazines like Rolling Stone was probably more to do with a personal catharsis, in some ways to justify his bad behavior "look at me, cut me some slack, this is what you get when you abuse children." 

    Too bad he sought support in dubious people, mediums and charlatans who took advantage of his fragile emotional state to suck up thousands of dollars from his pockets.


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  9. 17 minutes ago, Modano09 said:

    Trump's talking about grabbing women by the pussy because he's a star, and he can, and takes the whole thing so seriously he alternates between defended it and pretending it wasn't him that said it.

    The bolded: Isn't that what Duff was doing in this interview? :shrugs:

    18 minutes ago, Modano09 said:

    There's no shortage of ways Trump has proven himself to be a vile piece of shit and you just have to accept that some people - even your favorite band - don't support it and are allowed to voice their opinions without you trying to invalidate it. 

    Well, I don't need the 'woke' dinosaurs from GN'R to illuminate me on who Trump is..... unless you're a blinded follower of authoritarian people like him, it is not really hard to realize about it.

    Not sure how I was trying to invalidate their opinion, though....... All I said (or attempted to say) is that, IN MY OPINION, Duff and GN'R do not fall that far from Trump regarding misoginy, even if this is presumably, some type of behavior from their past. Duff was all about denying the meaning of the lyrics and that's what's dishonest about him.


    5 minutes ago, lame ass security said:

    They sing "turn around bitch I've got a use for you" because that's the way they wrote it.  By your logic Axl should change the line in Don't Cry to "old at heart but I'm almost 58". 

    :lol: well, he should!!

    Anyway, I never said they should change the lyrics. I was just merely describing what they do.


    • Haha 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Rayno said:

    Well, if that's your attitude, I guess you can "can F?!* off and buy something from the New Age section".

    Don't worry, I own thousands of songs, not necessarily from the New Age section (jeez, what a dinosaur suggestion! :lol:)
    Fortunately, I have a wider musical taste than just Guns N' Roses ;)

    4 minutes ago, Rayno said:

    Seriously, I love the way how you PC people exaggerate by using words like "oppress minorities".  

    What you mean by "you PC people"? You're not posting from a PERSONAL COMPUTER? :wow:

    5 minutes ago, Rayno said:

    By the wy rock'n'roll was NEVER a sacred cow, it was always supposed to be an outlaw thing. And speaking about "the system" and "the establishment" - I am pretty sure right now your opinions represent these two buddies a way more than mine.

    At some point rock n' roll became mainstream and it was the music that abounded radio & television programs aproximately since the 60's til the late 90's, more or less.
    Nowadays it is a different story.

    My opinions do not represent any "system" or any "establishment". Religious, racial and sexual minorities are still there, intact, unfortunately.

    The system and the establishment have always been the same throughout the centuries, with some slight differences, depending on the era.


  11. 39 minutes ago, Modano09 said:

    I'd just like to point out that we're comparing sexist, misogynistic lyrics written by hard parting kids living in a storage unit nearly 35 years ago to the current President's behavior. I mean, at the very least, shouldn't the President of the United States be held to a higher standard than Appetite For Destruction?

    But those kids have grown up into grandpas now, they are kind of same age as Trump now and they are still singing "turn around bitch I've got a use for you" in the 21st century, so what's the difference? :shrugs:

    Obviously, Trump (and any other president) should be held to higher standards but that doesn't give a free way for the rest of people to be sexist, mysoginist and patriarchal just because they do not hold such a huge power position.

    24 minutes ago, Rayno said:

    Because it's piece of art, that's why. It doesn't necessarily means he shares this view, the same way a character in a novel doesn't necessarily represents views of its author. The fact some lyric is far from being PC is a good thing. R'n'R wouldn't exist if it would respected political correctness of ANY era. Artistic freedom is a waaaay bigger value than anyone's hurt feelings.

    Total bollocks.

    Guns N' Roses lyrics came mostly from their real life experiences, not from some fictional character they created as if they were Hemingway. That is the kind of excuse they use to justify the sexism, racism, homophobia, etc... as it is shown from their behavior, they seem to have problems owning their shit, admitting to their past....

    Artistic freedom is bullshit if your art spreads hatred towards innocent people. Rock n' roll isn't a sacred cow anymore and actually, rock n' roll was a means to rebel against the system, against the establishment, not to OPPRESS minorities.

  12. 30 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I’m just joking really about his charity bragging and all - but his re-writing the past and saying GnR don’t objectify women in interviews has made me wanna throw plenty of shade the giraffes way :lol:


    I feel ya, sistah!

    Been thinking a lot about it.... I need to understand why he did that, though..... Because Duff was never THAT BAD in my book, aside from being an alcoholic and kind of dumb when he was young, Im not sure he was a shit guy to women, like other band members...... maybe Im wrong, I don't know much about Duff in that regard :shrugs:.... he's also like the only band member with a steady, sort of "normal" family now..... but I wonder if it is his insecurity towards Axl or Slash what makes him have this hypocrite speech now..... or is it his loyalty to those guys?

    Also, what he said was in the context of trying to differentiate himself (or themselves) from people like Trump.... which is weird too..... Axl and Duff, they seem to have an obsession with Trump and with distancing themselves from him..... why is that? :question:


    Edit: I have not listened to his album neither his feminist song.... is it worth analyzing lyrics? :lol:
    Im really not motivated to listen to anything from this band, lol.... and last time I listened to Duff stuff I thought it sucked and he had a horrible voice :facepalm:

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  13. 9 minutes ago, Drexl said:

    Johnson killed Kennedy, Nixon ended the Vietnam war... It's really pro-Republican.

    But seriously, by political I mean when you take one side. 'Civil War' is above all that bullshit.

    It's still political because some verses take the side of all humans involved in a war, especially those who are damaged by it.

    That's a political stance, even if during that Indiana show, Axl backpedals on the lyrics to support the government :facepalm:

  14. Just now, Drexl said:

    I'm sorry, but I don't see anything political in 'Civil War'. That's just an anti-war song, they don't call anyone up. That's why it's so powerful, because it's sincere and without any agenda.

    How can you not see anything political in 'Civil War'? :question:

    It is heavily politically charged with the mention of Kennedy's assassination, Vietnam War, "your power hungry selling soldiers...", "carry the cross of homicide"....

    But just like with other songs, the band oftenly backpedal on the motivation of their lyrics.... Not sure why this happens though.

    Axl: "We dedicate that to all the military people that are here tonight. I think anybody in their right mind, anybody that has a brain at all, wasn't too excited with the concept of going to war but once we are in it, I think you're a fucking asshole not to fucking root for our side!".... "I mean I met all this people 'we shouldn't be having a fucking war'.... well, it's too late asshole!"

    By 1991, there was the Gulf War going on, led by the USA with a coalition of nations against Irak.


  15. Just now, alfierose said:

    I remember when that photo leaked of Axl visiting a teenage cancer ward. It wasn't until a few years later we heard about it. He probably does all kinds of stuff, I just don't think he's the type to talk about it.

    Well... Axl hardly talks about anything, really :lol:

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    • Haha 2
  16. 2 hours ago, brig said:

     Wasn't Axl asked at China exchange about charity work?  Their popularity could be the foundation of innumerable good deeds and they mustn't keep mum.

    Yeah, but his answer was kind of poor in my weak recollection of that event.

    Im sure they all participate of charity work in one way or another and I don't like criticizing them for that.

    Actually, I have this perception that most middle-upper class USA citizens have the charity work incorporated in their lives as something they regularly do.

  17. Even though it seems contradictory to say he does charity in a silent way and then his wife posts photos or videos of them doing charity, I would give them the benefit of doubt by thinking those kind of posts (with the reach they have to thousands of people) could inspire others to do the same.

    It's not entirely bad to "promote" your charity act if at the same time you are exposing a situation that it is not widely known to the general public or if you are helping a NGO to get more visibility. In that sense, their popularity is useful for a lot of people.

    • Like 3
  18. 2 minutes ago, Lio said:

    No need for feminist songs. CD wasn't in the same vein as the older work, Duff has released other songs too. I suppose Slash won't write lyrics. So it won't be like AFD.

    Yeah, I hope so.
    Looks like Duff is jumping on the bandwagon, though.... but I havent heard to his songs at all and I have no interest in doing so :lol:


    CD still had some leftover contempt for Steph :ph34r:.
    Please baby jebus it's been 40 years, Steph is a grandma now, do not let the redhead dwell on that crap any longer!


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