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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 16 minutes ago, Padme said:

    They don't have enough albums. CD didn't make any big impact 

    They need a new album with new songs to go more with the current times...

    Although I don't want to listen to any "feminism" bollocks coming from these guys because I know it will be plain bullshit-

    • Haha 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Padme said:

    He could defend it by saying at that particular time, hard rock songs were not polite about anything or anyone. It's about being rebels against everything. I don't see why it is so dificult to come up with that kind of answer.

    It is difficult for someone who's trying to clean up their image and this person struggles with admitting all the wrongs in their lives.

    Not only that, also that in 2019, they still have to sing those lyrics and play those songs for a major audience.
    As an aging band, they need to refresh their fans, and Im not sure the youth of today are willing to listen to that kind of lyrics.

  3. 1 hour ago, Gnrcane said:

    If you were a "small town white boy" in the rural Midwest, growing up in the  1970's, there's a pretty good chance you never even saw a black person or an openly gay person.  Then you get off a bus in LA and it's going to be complete culture shock.  I'm sure that's exactly what was going through Axl's mind.  It doesn't mean that after a few weeks or months in LA that he didn't realize that black people are fine people. 

    Not having ever seen a black person in your life also gives you the right to call them the N word and humilliate them in a song?
    A song released many years after the small town white boy settled in the big city?

    Sure :facepalm:


    As for the homophobic part, if the attempted rape story is true, I can cut Axl some slack.  There's probably a lot of women who were raped that develop some level of hatred for men.

    While it could be logical that raped women might develope some level of hatred or fear of men, this is mostly a personal trauma that needs to be treated with proper therapy.

    It wouldn't be fair that a raped woman, as bad that the crime is, would go around hating on every man that crosses her path or writting lyrics about how ALL MEN are rapists.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, Padme said:

     I guess he was facing questions about GN'R  past because now he wrote a song about the metoo movement. And he was caught off guard. So he fought back with bullshit answers. I hope in a future interview he can come up with a better answers

    I don't know. It looks to me like he doesn't get it...... the question about ISE lyrics was asked to him many years ago and he had no clue how to defend it... because he keeps insisting on defending that shit, instead of admitting the truth of it :shrugs:

    Oh well, whatever, I dont care :lol:

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, Padme said:

    Instead he is making a fool of himself claming that no GN'R member ever said grab them by the pussy. Well, there are many ways to say the same thing. And he shouldn't say people misunderstood lyrics

    That's what bothers me the most...... why does he want to cover the ass of the people who did terrible things?
    If he REALLY cares for women now and particularly for his daughters, then he should pray they don't ever fall in love with an Axl type, or Steven type or whatever....

    He says they were good guys after all..... I don't know about that.... I don't think they were..... and you don't have to be the worst killer or the worst abuser in order to be a bad dude.


    • Like 2
  6. OMG, Lucy Bleu (Meegan's daughter) has recently started an YouTube channel and today she posted a video featuring Grace McKagan, where they both tell the story of how they met.

    To my surprise they said they met in 2016, during Coachella :question:

    But the funny part is when they try to avoid revealing the name of their parents and other backstage situations :lol:

    Poor girls!!! I'm sharing the video because it made me crack :rofl-lol:


    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I really hate how fake he is being. 

    It sucks but... doesn't Duff lately (or at least since GN'R reunion) always end up looking or coming up as a hypocrite? :question:

    I mean, it's not the first time we discuss this new Duff saying weird shit that screams FAKE from miles away...... like with the 'Punk' t-shirts or the way he conducts himself within the band.

    Not sure why Duff has this urgent need to appear as a 'great dude' all the time, like, he's trying so hard to not disappoint his daugthers.... or.... I don't know, I can't explain wtf's going on with him :shrugs:

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Axl's Agony Aunt said:

    Moby is bigger in my mind and life.

    Never noticed Natalie Portman much. Did watch Black Swan and liked it, but didn't remember she was in it!

    If you can't remember Natalie Portman leading role in Black Swan, even if you watched it, this tells more about your own problems with memory (or perhaps selective memory) than about who Natalie Portman is.

    She's a great actress, worldwide known & popular and that's beside you or anyone else.

    Natalie's been in tons of movies, like the Star Wars series, V for Vendetta, Closer, Cold Mountain and many more.
    Particularly, my fav film featuring Natalie it is a small budget movie called "Garden State".

    1 hour ago, Axl's Agony Aunt said:

    Maybe her husband was angry about it - 'You never told me you dated Moby!'

    Maybe she's just an adult independent woman who makes her own decisions and was bothered that Moby did not reach out to her before using her public name in a book.

  9. 3 hours ago, action said:


    to start, the terminator franchise didn't really need a sequel after the second movie. It was a perfect ending to the series. Subsequent movies have all failed for various reasons. So for yet another sequel to do better, it better be something really awesome.

    what was awesome about the first two movies? Arnold and his iconic character first and foremost. Then you have strong support characters like kyle reese, sarah connor and the kid who played john connor. All of which have become iconic characters in their own right.

    the new movie had some things going for it. The return of linda hamilton is certainly a good thing. But it quickly went downhill from there. The promotion team thought it fitting to show three females in the first promotional poster, put linda hamilton to the side and making some justin bieber lookalike the central character, with arnold nowhere to be seen. Somehow, they claim that the series has "refound" its heart not to focus on men this time around, while the focus of the first movies has pretty much being... here comes the shocker: the terminator. So it seems to me, there are certain people out there who made some crucial decisions about this film, that dont seem to have a clue what the classic terminator movies were all about.

    the first movie had sarah connor and kyle reese supporting each other, making each other stronger in their fight against the terminator. The second one had arnie and sarah connor teaming up against the T1000. Both movies featured the strong character of sarah connor, yes, but she was always supported by men, and she offered support to men herself. It was all pretty harmonic and anti-sexist.

    But this new movie sees an all - female gang teaming up against the terminator, and there is not much room for nuance this time around. In this regard, the new terminator paints a warped view on sexism, helped with the inclusion of a woman who looks like a man. This hits all sorts of sexist boxes. I don't really see the merits of going this route for the story, and to me it's really nothing more than what is quite obvious forced feminist politics.

    Wow, looks like you're the priviledged one in the forum who's already watched the whole movie and know all about it! :facepalm:

    I am female, CIS if you want :lol:, zero fucks given about stereotypes and other bollocks... I have always LOVED the Terminator I & II movies, I have watched them hundreds of times and never got tired of them. I was actually a kid when I saw them, so that's probably why they caused such an impact on me..... and I have never analyzed them in those terms of feminism, sexism, etc.... To me, the most important thing about Terminator is the deep meaning of its message, more exactly what Sarah says with her calming voice by the end of T2.

    Blows my mind how can anyone overlook the deep message and only be worried if the movie suits more to a female or male audience..... :question:

    Probably because of stupid stereotypes, most men think it is an action movie aimed to males and because of that many women have not watched it, thinking it is a boring story of trucks and robots crashing against each other. Anyone who has such prejudice about these movies are just simpletons in my book.

    Terminator (at least the first two movies) is about the FUTURE OF HUMAN RACE and as far as I know, the human race includes both male and females. Watching the movies and being annoyed by the presence of women talks more about the sexism inside ourselves, not the movies. Even in the cruelest current wars (yeah, not movies) there are female soldiers and military females, so... how could they not be included in a movie?
    Stupid reasoning.

    Now if all you want to watch is the stereotype of women that media feeds you, then Terminator is not your movie, or you must hate Sarah Connor.


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Derick said:

    Seriously? Is that hard to you understand why in a GN’R diehard forum that kinda of things happens? I hope that you actually was trying to say that fans defending Mr. Rose or just the fact that some diehards don’t buy that easy every shitty that pops up against him annoys you AF. But hey..don’t worry we already know that .:lol:


    More like it bores me to death and makes me feel sorry for their immature reaction. The majority of GN'R fans are people 35+.

    There's nothing to defend Axl about. No one fucking cares whether fans believe or not believe what other artists or co-workers say about him, because fans will never be there to have a work relationship with Axl.

    Moby just responded why he thinks Axl doesn't talk to him anymore. There's nothing to be validated or invalidated about that by anyone else but Moby (and Axl, obviously).

    That was his personal experience with Rose and also his opinion or his version of how things happened. Maybe Axl has a different version of the story, but we won't know until he speaks. In the meantime, digging in Moby's life to highlight his sexual past or make fun of his 'micro-penis' is pretty silly and immature. More suitable to a junior high classroom than a forum for adult fans of a band.

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  11. 3 hours ago, soon said:

    If a teenager felt creepy vibes off of a 30 year old, that makes perfect sense to me. Not all youth are equipped to navigate those relationships - they're in over their heads from the jump. Seems entirely plausible that she felt creeped out. Especially in that pic - Moby's got full on Terry Richards vibes there! If Moby did have designs that she wasn't into, Im glad that they were both able to walk away.

    Maybe Im a bad person because as Im reading about her unfortunate account all I can think of while seeing her in that "milk fed" shirt is "yeah you are." :wub: And also I'd want her to be holding her Star Wars blaster :lol:

    That picture is disgusting, ugh :vomit:

    It is very plausible that Moby was a creep to women but that doesn't take away his weird working experience with Axl, who is also a women abuser and asshole in general, so...? :shrugs:

    Will never understand why every time some artist is not licking the ass of Rose, fans will try to put that person down for whatever reasons, trying to invalidate what they say or their own personal experiences with another artist.


    • Like 2
  12. 5 hours ago, EvanG said:

    This is exactly like the early and mid 2000s. All the naysayers were convinced that there would never be a new GnR album and then CD came out. I have no doubt that a record with new music will come out one of these days, with or without Slash/Duff. Mark my words.

    These guys cannot afford another 10 years of tinkering and bollocking around.

    All this music will be released post-mortem.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Lio said:

    Yes, but could he give a transcript of the English? (Or was that posted already and I missed it?) LOL, we're all nuts.

    We are nuts indeed! :facepalm::lol:

    I don't think he will be willing to give a transcript of the interview, who am I to ask for it anyways? :P

    Though I've asked, he's not responded to that.

    4 minutes ago, Lio said:

    It's not as if we'll have certainty about getting new music or not either way. The only way we'll ever know that, is when we're listening to it.

    Yeah, that's the sad truth. Even if they were effectively writing a whole damn song last weekend, we know in the GN'R world that doesn't mean shit because there are (allegedly) hundreds of songs sitting in the vault and only Satan knows when/if they will be released :shrugs:

    • Like 1
  14. 16 hours ago, rocknroll41 said:

    CSI:GNR is in full force!

    Ok, CSI!

    Journalist says he cannot share the audio because legal shit, but he claims Slash DID say what he said and that this answer caught him (the journalist) by surprise.

    Also, he couldn't go deeper into that topic because the interview was granted under the commiment of not asking anything about GN'R :shrugs:


  15. 8 hours ago, Chest Burster said:

    An alternate but semi-related subject that you examined once was in what you entitled, "The True Story Behind Rapidfire! Axl Rose's First Recordings!" 

    I am a fan of Rapidfire. Saw its website years ago, hoped for the recordings to be released for forever, it seemed, and I've followed their Facebook page for years since before Kevin Lawrence died. I chatted with him many times on there, too, and he was totally cool and told me stories, etc, and he also shared his lawyer's long explanatory paper (you said, "essay," and that is more appropriate, I'll admit) about the band and its then legal situation, so I learned a ton, I feel, about Kevin's band and his experiences with Axl. 

    Dear ol' Kevin :cry:, I miss him because I used to talk to him over Facebook for long long hours at night, when he was feeling sad and me too.

    What you say it is correct, he's told me the same things and many other stories.... he was really cool guy, even when I was an asshole sometimes, lol....

    • Like 1
  16. 12 minutes ago, soon said:

    That should do the trick! keep at it! New or old interview, its still some neat info to have if he thought that at one point recently.

    TB put him in hiding for printing that? :lol:

    Haha, no, he's visible but his Twitter is abandoned or something.

    Just contacted a journo friend who works at the same company and she told me the interview was done on April 3rd, so that makes it more or less, a month old :)


    • Like 1
  17. 8 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

    We're still talking about this? The most recent interview is that Loudwire one where he says that ideas are coming in, so that's the one we should be going off of, not this old one. Obviously things have changed and there have been new developments in the last few months.

    But 2 months is not OLD :facepalm::lol:

    The Loudwire interview doesn't look like it was done yesterday either... it's more or less the same kind of thing asked and answered in all these latest interviews :shrugs:

    In this case, Slash refrains from saying something totally negative about the album making, but he begins the sentence with the same words than the Argentina one:
    "I don't think anything has been worked up to the point of ... well, let's put it this way. Ideas are coming in."

    Negative statement, then he pauses and rephrases the tone of it.... ends it with a positive phrase.

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