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Everything posted by Ratam

  1. And in some European and LA countrys is The Virgin Mary Day....😆
  2. Yes, it was the reason. Plus it seem a bit disrespectuful to his current wife and little one too.
  3. I thinķ if Matt not has been edited his book he now would has same problem that Axl has today.
  4. I wonder if these girl tha had sex with Axl these night will testify?
  5. Poor Beta....she two "sons" acussed about sexual assault.
  6. Axl brother was his bodyguard, i don't know it.
  7. Then you should label he, cause if he don't post here he not knew if you need ask anything to him.
  8. I doubt much it about BJ, he have same age like Axl and never heard nothing of the kind.
  9. Bon Jovi is the only one "Saint of the Rock"....
  10. How he can use pills, cocaine, lithium and champagne at same time and not be crazy...?
  11. I sure is in support of Axl, cause he is Axl friend.
  12. It left bit time, tomorrow cese the statute of limitations
  13. I have the impression she don't will take part of the next tour.
  14. If it can help to you, i saw she/he name few days ago in the online list of forum members. Maybe She/him just is lurking in the Forum.
  15. Don't think Rachman testify against Axl, cause he is Axl friend.
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