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Everything posted by Ratam

  1. To me ripped jeans is better to young people.
  2. Exactly, at least Slash has now a couple , then he is out of these problems.
  3. I have fear when see Andre Gilliot next to Axl.....
  4. I remember at time Axl said he will're late to his own funeral
  5. I guess we feel now like an former addict with abstinence syndrome.
  6. Don't think that Richard will be quiet, sure he will get another work.
  7. November Rain is wow! More than Don't Cry.
  8. I refer about the last articles about of the song, like Ultimate Classic Rock, Spin,Loudwire, Rolling Stone. Is weird.
  9. Call my attention i can't see it in anywhere site about The General is about abuse child.
  10. To me Guns is class A band,instead MC is an class B band.
  11. The future is just an mystery, just they knew. It title put me bit sad.
  12. If someone interest it, Loudwire has an contest to win an Perhaps vinyl and poster of the US run.
  13. Yes, the official, they post is October 28: "after much back and forth, we finally content with the quality vinyl of the Perhaps, The General. We are sorry pushy the release to December 8"
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