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Everything posted by Ratam

  1. I wonder how many people understand it Axl joke?
  2. Axl should realease CD leftovers to when he retire. Now is new album time with the currently band.
  3. I don't think the word aproppiate is "racism", is more appropiate word xenophobia.
  4. I recall 90's Axl was invited to Sinatra album "Duets" but it never materialized. Bono was part of it album too.
  5. Perhaps or not Perhaps i wish to you an happy birthday!
  6. Yeah, in the GNR FB has fake Axl, Dizzy, Saul Hudson, Izzy, Gilby, and some people fall in it fiddle.
  7. Look you are happy about the show. I hope you can enjoy Perhaps too....
  8. I think it is a lesson to learn, we understimate it Italian site about it postponed release, cause we think just sites with English language would give it scoop.
  9. Is funny it book to release the same day that apparently should be release Perhaps
  10. Yeah sure, they are blame in many things, but not in it, nor Slash or Duff , it is Axl.
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